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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The storyline is interesting but the execution was lacking. The characters are one dimensional and the dialogue is stilted. The characters are not engaging or sympathetic; I did not relate to them. Although there is a lot of action, it is not suspenseful at all. The plot was driven by action, but the action seems mechanical: this happens, then this happens, which leads to this happening. There are no twist or thrills. The climax is mediocre and the denouement abruptly ends the story with “The end” actually printed.

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I was given a copy of this book by NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

I found this book a challenge to finish. I did not like the characters, their series of bad decisions, or the entire premise of the book. The story was about two friends, one a former NFL football player, who has transitioned to be an on air sports caster and his long-time investment advisor. They both have financial troubles and find an crashed airplane in the mountains while hunting that has kilos of cocaine. THe story details their actions to sell the cocaine while being chased by cartel bad guys and law enforcement.

At no time did I like either of the two main characters or any of the people they associated with. I am sorry but this was not a book that I would recommend.

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This book was fabulous. Really. I loved the finest of details and descriptions, they were so deep and really felt as if I were right there. The author really transported me into the action. Betrayal, love, cocaine, what more do you need in a book? 4 main characters who have a past, that is also explained, find a crashed plane, inside there is cocaine. Who will steal it, and why, are the evolving backstories that will totally suck you in, Really, grab this one and settle down for a great and gripping thrill read. I finished it in one sitting.

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Mike Bond is an American novelist, war and human rights journalist, and environmental activist. His novels are big, brassy, and filled with insight about how the world is being run, a lot of it critical. So, as he entertains with stories about the evils that persist all over the world, he also has a tendency to get somewhat preachy. It’s not an obnoxious leaning. It’s just the way he is and I’m sure he doesn’t give a fig if you like his politics or think him too obvious with the sermons found in his dialogue.

In “Snow,” his latest about a couple of rich lame brains who get involved with a load of cocaine they find in an crashed airplane on a hunting trip, he’s up to his latest tricks and informs his readers about evil drug cartels, sinful Las Vegas, the pomposity of retired NFL stars who perform on pre-game shows, and money handlers who deceive their clients. It’s also about greed, deceit, manhunts, and killings.

I found the book to be entertaining, if not particularly enduring, with a lot of circumstances I’ve read many time before. It was good that Bond pushed his dumb and dumber characters to pull one stupid stunt after another, thus amusing the reader. The cops were persistent, the drug runners were relentless, and the evils of cocaine were evident. Two upstanding personages involved with cocaine slowly witnessed the disintegration of good jobs, good families, and good friendships. There is no glorification here. That’s good on the author.

Bond’s writing is solid and heavy with the atmospheric presence of suffocating snow. As he does in all his books, the environmental condition in the area he is writing about is deftly portrayed. The placement of his stories is always accurately depicted. Hordes of readers enjoy Mike Bond’s stories and I’m sure that if you enjoy adventure, you’ll find this book to your liking.

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Not your typical book about survival in the wilderness.. Enjoyed the plot and characters.. Main characters always at a crossroad. about believing the other.

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From the initial description, I was looking forward to settling in my recliner and devouring this book. While it was interesting at the start as I got to know the characters and the basic plot developed, I started losing interest about a third of the way through the book. By the time I reached the halfway point I realized that I had totally lost interest and didn’t really care to finish reading it. The characters were not endearing, and the way the author kept switching locations, characters, and basic plot line from one paragraph to another became annoying. I never really got engrossed enough in the story to care what happened next.

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I hate to give a bad review , but this book was just not for me. Sounded really great, was looking forward to reading it but I found it to be very disappointing. I did read the whole thing despite that. I just did not like the flow of the book or the characters. I am sure there are people out there that will love this book, unfortunately for me, I was not one of those people. I will post my review here but as a courtesy will not post on other websites or my personal social media pages out of respect for the author. Thank you,

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Snow, snow and more snow. Zack and Steve go out west for hunting, their guide Curt, a long time friend, is there to help them. It's cold and snowy but the elk is worth hunting. Until, they hear a plane crash nearby. Checking it out they find kilos of cocaine and the pilot gone.

And the plan begins. A way to steal the coke, sell it and make it home (one to NY the other to LA) and do all this in the SNOW and without getting caught. And so the journey begins. I found it amazing what these men went through all because of greed. But then greed does that to you. And the ending was not what I expected. Good book but all that SNOW!

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I found this book slow to begin with, but it built in momentum as the tale preceded. I especially liked the ending.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing a copy of Snow by Mike Bond in exchange for an unbiased review.

Snow is a thriller that vacillates from heart-stopping action in a cold and grueling environment to lots of human self-doubt and contemplation. It’s hard to like what the some of the characters choose, but it makes for a interesting tale that melds well all the personal conversations in their heads. The characters struggle with their moral choices and ever-persistent self-examination that creeps into the reality of what they’ve done. Once they discover that more than just law enforcement is in pursuit, it’s not just between good and bad.

When the action moves, it flies like you’re racing downhill out of control. It fits perfectly with the “what the hell am i doing and how did I get here” moments in insane situations. Often, there’s no clear good choice to the dilemma. So much doesn’t go as planned but then, as the reader, do you want it to? The subtle way that Bond tests the reader’s moral temperature makes this all the more interesting.

Bond’s writing carries the reader away quickly, and places you into the harsh environment which looms large in this book. Some readers may be disappointed in that no hero rises out of the pages, but perhaps that role played by the existential snow and its significance is the heart of this story.

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I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. And if I had not committed to reviewing this I would not have finished it. I won’t recap the plot as others have done that already, but I will say that none of the characters are compelling or even likable. Everyone is flawed—that can be ok, but almost everyone here is despicable with few redeeming qualities or behaviors. Is it really the case that cocaine can ruin so many lives so quickly? I wouldn’t doubt it. But do I really need to read a book about a couple of greedy, selfish, nasty guys who flush their seemingly wonderful lives down the toilet for an easy score that goes bad? The book also suffers from some rather poor writing that would be helped by some professional editing. The story circles around itself and often feels like it was written in a high school English class. I would give this book a pass.

This review is posted on Goodreads.

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I wasn't sure what to expect, but I got hooked early. I love the idea of those that look like they have it all together discover that they can be heir to the same misfortunes of us little people. The private turmoil that is masked by an affluent and seemingly privileged is at the bottom of this story.
Grown up guys, who have not only been around the block and really ought to know better make a really stupid choice that they spend the rest of the book paying for. Who in their right mind would think a drug cartel would take a huge loss and then write it off? Who would attempt to enter the really high stakes game of big drug deals and the history of honor those deals have and think they have a chance?

As always it is the chase, staying ahead of everyone who is looking for you and may want to hurt you along the way. As our heroes, once friends, and now bound together by a horrible situation, stagger from one place to another hoping against hope that something will happen to not only save them, but get them out of the inevitable trouble they would face if they were saved.
The ending is a bit Shakespearean, but it seems like the only thing that could happen.
Well written, moves quickly and the internal musings of the main characters, good and bad was the most interesting part of the book.

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This is a tale of 2 friends and their guide on an annual hunting trip in the freezing, snow covered mountains of Montana. The 2 friends have each separately become entangled in desperate financial situations with dire consequences. In the frigid mountains, they are presented with an opportunity to do something illegal that just might fix all their problems...or kill them.

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This is not my usual genre choice but I did enjoy it even though it was different for me. A well-written action packed story about two men on an annual hunting trip who find an abandoned plane full of cocaine. They seem like intelligent guys but decide to take the cocaine and try and sell it for money. It seemed like both of them really had no morals which was sad. They think that they can just sell it in NYC or Vegas, but it is not as easy as it appears....while they are also being tracked by the owner of the cocaine who wants it back and also the DEA. There was much excitement, suspense and non-stop action until the very last page which kept me interested! Lots of different places and settings which made it even better. Great adventure story! Will definitely look for other books from this author.

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Two buddies, Zack and Steve are on their annual elk hunt in the Montana wilderness along with their Cheyenne guide, Curt. While out hunting elk, Zack comes across a downed single engine plane. Expecting to see the pilot and co-pilot dead, he is quite surprised to see no one at all except for two coffins inside the plane and tracks of someone making a hasty escape. Heading back to camp, he tells Steve about the crashed plane. The two of them head back to investigate. On further inspection they find that both coffins are full of vials of coccaine. Steve wants to take it and sell it as it is worth millions in street value. Zack on the other hand wants no part in it at first.
Unfortunately, for both Zack and Steve they have come into a bit of a financial hardship. Zack owes two million to Haney the Rat in money he lost at the gaming tables in Vegas. Steve lost both his and Zacks Portfolio in securities and their shares were now only worth pennies on the dollar. At this point, with more encouraging from Steve, Zack agrees to stash away with the coccaine and they can both sell it and split the money evenly. Sometimes the best laid plans never work out.
Zack and Steve are being chased by the drug cartel they robbed, local Montana Police, Colorado State police and the DEA. They are in a heap of trouble and the only way out is to sell the coccaine and act like nothing ever happened.
SNOW by Mike Bond is action packed the entire way through and will totally keep you on the edge of your seat. The first third of the story was fantastic after that it started to falter for me. The plot was on point. I loved the plot. The two main characters on the other hand got on my nerves. I did like Zack better and felt he could have been redeemed. Steve had some good points being a family man, but his greed really got in the way of me being sympathetic towards him. Some of the supporting characters I felt could have been left out. They did nothing and really had no influence in the story at all. The only supporting character I liked was Curt, their guide. The assassin, Diego, the cartel sent was terrible at his job and the DEA agent, Whitney, was pretty useless and served as filler.
Also, there were quite a few inconsistencies throughout the story, which normally would not bother me, but added on to stupid things the main characters did or said that made no sense pretty much blew it for me. I am sure the author's intent was to make the two main characters look like a bunch of bumbling idiots, but it just didn't work for me. Another point that irked me was the history lessons scattered here and there that just felt like plugins.
If the writing style of the first third of the book would have followed throughout the story this would have been an amazing read for me. I would still recommend the book just because of the main plot and the action. Those two reasons make the story worthwhile to read.

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I really enjoyed this book, it was fast-paced, exciting and kept my interest from beginning to end.
Thank you for sharing with me.

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Mike Bond's novel is a very well written novel. I can believe the plot could happen in real life, the novel showed how stupid we humans can be.

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I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This is the only book that I have read by this author . I rather enjoyed it and will definitely read more. Thie story is very entertaining and full of intrigue. Very well done.

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Zack a former NFL player, and his buddy Steve a stockbroker are off on their yearly hunt in the Montana. While trudging through the snow they find a crashed plane full of cocaine. Both are in serious debt and don't see a way out other than this plane and its promise of millions, like the answer to a dream fallen from the sky. The problem is that these two are the worst thieves, leaving a trail of evidence and bread crumbs as they travel back and forth from Denver, Vegas, and New York with the DEA, and a hit man for the Mexican cartel whose drugs were stolen following them.

The book centers around Zack, Steve, hit man Diego, and the Cheyenne guide, Curt, whose truck Zack and Steve steal to move the coke. Their stories weave in and out as they make one stupid decision after the other. Zack is reckless, Steve seems devoted to his family but seems more in love with the almighty dollar. Diego is in love with his boss and hopes that one day she will be his. Curt is losing his farm if he can't come up with the money for his loan.

This book is fast paced and jumps the shark at many a turn but it is entertaining with an underlying theme of "money isn't everything." All the players in this book have a lesson to learn but can they learn them before its too late? This book is pure adrenaline, everyone is one step away from getting caught, cashing out or dying. Easily devoured in one sitting this is a thrill ride from moment one.

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A very interesting story that has a group of men that are out on a hunting trip and while hunting they come across a plane that has crashed. The contents of the plane led two of the men to think that they can sell the product and make the cash that they both need fast in order to help themselves. This story starts strong and has you going until the end. You leave the mountains and travel to New York, Las Vegas, and then back to the mountains. They are being tracked by the man sent to bring the product back and to end them, and also the DEA. A very exciting book from start to finish. A good read.

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