Member Reviews

What a sweet story this was! I really enjoy Stacey Lynn’s writing and this book is a perfect example of why.

I loved everything about it – the writing, the characters, the story. Once I started this, it was hard to put down. Plenty of feels, lots of fun, and a very satisfying amount of sexy time. ;)

I enjoyed the way Teagan and Sterling met, running into each other. Well, actually, SHE ran into HIM. Literally. Watching their story unfold after the accident was very entertaining. These two are adorable characters and I couldn’t help but fall in love with them. Not only was this story fun, it was also charming & sexy.

This is a well-written, quick and flirty read. It’s the perfect blend of passion, fun, and heart. I highly recommend it!

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Fake Wife by Stacey Lynn is the story of Teagan and Corbin who meet after Teagan accidentally rear ends Corbin in a fender bender.

Corbin is well- known, wealthy and handsome and makes an offer to Teagan as he needs to find a wife, per his grandmother’s recent death, and stipulation in her will.

Teagan is having a horrible day, just being laid off from her job of 4 years, finding her live-in boyfriend in bed with someone else and the car accident.

The problem is that this is supposed to be an arrangement between the two, but both are physically attracted to each other and begin to have feelings for one another. Both trying to understand what the other wants. “This isn’t pretend Teagan. Everything I’m feeling for you right now is more real than anything I’ve ever felt.”

This was a sweet romance with not too much drama. Stacey Lynn always keeps you engaged and I love her books. I look forward to her next release.

I received an ARC from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

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Fake engagements and marriages are a total catnip for me. I love how Corbin was so different from the typical billionaire persona, with a passion for building furniture with wood. I do wish that Teagan and Corbin slowly fell in love with each other. There's something about the slow burn that's so satisfying. But this instant love at first sight was still a quick and enjoyable read.

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What a great read. This book was a sweet romance that tugs at your heart ❤️. Teagan is having a bad day. First she gets laid off, then she arrives home to find her boyfriend banging some blond, she then leaves him becoming homeless and to top it all off she just rear ended a rich guys fancy car. What more could happen?

Corbin Lane is having a bad day. His grandmother has passed away and his dad is trying to take his grandmother’s place in the Bluffs from him to tear down and build a shopping mall. When his grandmother’s will is read he gets her place in the Bluffs under one condition he must fall in love and marry within 6 months. So when the beautiful woman rear ends him he gets an idea. Can he convince this angel to marry him?

This is a classic tale of a poor girl falling for the rich knight in shining armor. The story is about following your own dreams and never giving up, for when it is meant to be it will be. Never believe what’s on the surface because deep down the truth shall set you free.

The characters are very lovable. They are sweet and caring. You can’t help but love them. I would love to see a spin-off using Corbin’s best friends Caitlin and Trey.

The story really flows just perfectly. It has some twists and misunderstandings. It keeps things interesting. I highly suggest this book for all you romantics at heart.

*ARC provided by Netgalley

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This book is about a woman that had a very horrible day and the last person she needed to run into was sexy playboy Corbin. Corbin on the other hand just lost the one person he loved his grandmother, but when her will was read he was in for a shock..2 yrs of having a fake wife or was it.

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Where do I start with this outstanding book. I know I started it this morning and couldn't put it down. I read it this Absolutely Beautiful book in one sitting. I was astounded with the Writing and the characters. They had me trapped.

From the moment I met Corbin and Teagan I was take away by them their pasts so heartbreaking that it's that Reason alone you keep reading. Cos no two ppl deserve a HEA than these two.

Yes it's a sweet Cinderella story but it's so beautiful and so sweet and fluffy you will not wanna put this book down. All you will do is try to saviour each word.
This is the Fairytale we love and Naughty just the way we like it.
It's not what you expecting bit definitely way more.
Grab it as soon as it's out cos you will love it😍

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I really really enjoyed this book. It was a sweet romance, of course they got their HEA (sorry – but what do you expect.....).

Let´s see what we got:

Teagan ahd a shitty day – lost her job, caught her boyfriend cheating and lost her home – all within a few hours. And if that´s not enough – she caused an accident and hit ….

….Sterlings car. His day was not better. He lost his grandmother – and had to learn, that he will loose the house, if he is not married within 6 months and stays married for at least two years.

He is desperate – that could be the only reason why he offered Teagan to marry him – for a nice amount of money.

This wasn´t the proposal she hoped for – but since she had a secret crush on him, she accepted his offer.

Sure – there were some stereotypes – he is very rich, she is poor, his parents are not the loving couple they pretend in public. There are two really nice friends (I hope they get their own story!)

To be honest – it was nothing in this book „never heard before“ - but it was nice, easygoing, hero and heroine very likabel. A perfect book for a leisurely weekend or a day at the beach.

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A few spelling errors, but other than that, I loved this book. I LOVE each and every Stacey Lynn book I've ever read, and I've read quite a few. This book goes in that category as well.

Teagan Monroe was having a really bad day. First she got laid off at her job, the public library she's worked at for 4 years. So she goes back to her apartment and is tip-toeing around the place, her boyfriend was sleeping, until she hears noises from the bedroom. She walks into the room not expecting to see what she did, her boyfriend of 7 years cheating on her with someone else in their bed. She goes nuts. She demands that they both get out, tells her NOW ex she's moving out, while this is all happening, he's tells her "honey, it's not what it looks like." Teagan is so upset, driving with a car full of boxes and clothes while crying probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. Next thing she knows, she hits an expensive Mercedes, only the guy is more concerned about her well-being, not his.

Corbin Lane, son of one of the richest families in Portland, famous bachelor, on all the tabloids, Twitter, Facebook, etc. He just buried his grandmother this morning and sat through the reading of her will. She practically raised him at her home to get him away from his messed up parents. As promised, she left him her mansion, which means more to Corbin than money does. But she also left a clause that he has 6 months to get married, needs to stay married for 2 years, or his greedy father can bulldoze the place to build the a mall. He had no idea about the clause, but he refuses to let his father destroy that home.

When Teagan accidentally hits him with her car, he's shocked at how beautiful she is. When she tells him that she will work out a payment plan to pay off his car damages; he realizes that she isn't like anyone else who wants something from him. She would be perfect. He takes her to late lunch and he finds out why her life is in her backseat, and why there are dried tears on her face. Then he goes in with the charm and asks her to be his fake wife for 2 years with compensation. She thinks he was hit too hard on the head.

They agree to spend the weekend together getting to know each other, and go from there. They go out to the house (now his) and she's overwhelmed. She's a normal girl, he's a child of billionaires. He loves that she doesn't want his money, although he has no problem spending any on her.

As weeks turn into a month they agree the faster they get married, the faster it will be over. But now feelings are involved. Teagan is in love with Corbin. But she's not sure if his touches and kisses are part of their charade or not. But when Corbin's greedy father gets Teagan alone, things go from amazing to terrible in the 10 minutes he's in the apartment.

A must read!!!

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This book was crazy but I loved it. Only in fiction you find a girl who crashes into the car of Portland’s most famous playboy and ends up agreeing to marry him a couple of hours later! And the best thing is, the author made it sound believable. And both characters were very likable too. I was attracted by the cover and the title, and I’m so glad I got to read this refreshing story.

So, Corbin’s grandmother died and left him bereft. He hates his father, feels sorry for his mother but she’s a mannequin that his father manages with strict control, so the only loving family he has is his grandmother that he just lost. And on top of that pain, he got the injustice that she left him her house and property, subject to his falling in love and marrying within six months of her death and stay married at least two years. This trope is old and used very often, but I’ve seen wonderful stories woven with this plot. In this case, it was another brilliant rendition.

Teagan is a wonderful character. She’s open, kind, honest, and of course beautiful. Loyal too, because she fell in love with her first boyfriend, Drake, and dropped out of college to follow him around as he went to one college to study medicine and to another city for his internship/residence. Seven years after, the sparkle of their love is faded, but she solders on because she’s committed. However, she perceives there are problems and when she tries to perk up their sex live, he cheats on her in the worst possible way. And on the same day she was fired from her job! So she packs all her stuff in the back of her car, is wandering around looking for cheap lodging and bam! Hits the back of Corbin’s Mercedes.
Corbin had just left his lawyer and was leaving the parking, thinking of what woman would be acceptable to marry when bam! Teagan hits his car. As he talks to her, he sees her as the perfect candidate: she’s homeless, in despair from her breakup, and jobless. As she says, she’s already lost seven years following Drake around and waiting for his promise of marriage, why not two more years and the promise of funds to realize her dreams of a horse therapy farm?

From the get-go, this marriage was bound to succeed. There were little-known facts about Corbin and his company, and he was not just the aimless playboy he seemed to be. He had a darkness and bad temper, but Teagan was not a timid mouse and she called him on it. They had very vivid discussions and Corbin opened up slowly to Teagan. As their trust and openness improved, so did their attraction and the intimacy of their relation. I liked that Teagan made Corbin a better man and made him trust in himself. There was a little intrigue, a hateful and envious father, some close friends who provided a little help, and an ex-boyfriend who realized what he lost, too little too late. Corbin had some old scars from his father’s treatment and Teagan helped him deal with it.

This was a great and easy read. I liked both characters and loved how they got to where they were a couple, not just a business transaction. And I loved that Corbin had hidden depths and was not just a pretty man. Teagan was the same through the book, a great girl who loves too much but was a better person from it. She was mad at Drake but moved on with remarkable mental stability. She hurt because she had loved him for so long, but as she told Drake: you cheated so we are done. Corbin had a little problem with trust, and with Teagan learned to trust in love and in a woman’s love.

This was a refreshing read, one of those that leave you in a happy mood because you get all you like in a book, some humor, some angst, some sex and a lovely love story with a couple of remarkable characters. Really recommend!

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Teagan has the worst day ever. First she lost her job, found her boyfriend with another woman, and crashed into a car carrying one of the sexiest men in town! Instead of blowing up at Teagan, Corbin takes her to lunch and offers her an idea she can’t refuse. Read to find out how the worst day turns into the best rest of her life!

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Really liked the book! She dealt with so much s**t all on 1 day, and then a car accident happens to lead her to a path of happiness. Both Corbin and Cass are likable, the attraction they shared was palpable. Definitely a book I didn't want to put down and I'm a bit sad it's over.

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Corbin has inherited the family home but there are conditions. Corbin needs to marry within 6 mos to keep his Father from selling the only place he calls home and turning it into a mall. Teagan has had a bad day, she’s lost her job, her boyfriend and her home. To top off the day she is involved in a car accident with Corbin that is her fault.

Corbin decides she is the perfect solution to his problem. Corbin offers to pay Teagan an incredible amount of money is she will marry him, in name only, and stay married for 2years to fulfill the conditions of his inheritance.

This is a sweet romance. Corbin and Teagan are attracted from the start but deny their feelings. They both have to learn to trust in love. Thank you to net galley for a copy of this book for an honest review. I will definitely read more of her books.

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I am usually a fool for marriage of convenience tropes, which is the reason I wanted to give this read a try. Overall, I enjoyed the story of Corbin and Teagan. They had some scorching chemistry in their romance and had some significant hurdles in their path to a HEA. I liked that both characters had humble career goals in their lives and that Corbin wasn't just a spoiled rich kid living of off his family;s wealth. He has a plan for his life and doesn't mind getting his hands dirty. What made me deduct a star was how fast Teagan moved on from her previous relationship. It made Corbin feel more like a rebound than her soulmate. This was hard for me to ignore and took away something from their romance.

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Such a great story! I loved this romance! I liked their story and hope you will tell us the story behind their friends.

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While the cover does nothing special, and the synopsis I thought I had read 100x before, this book worked. It was such a sweet and tender romance that I could overlook the title (which worked -- but I can see it turning some readers off). I proceeded to read this in one sitting and devoured it. I want to read more from this author now.

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4.5 Sinfully Sweet Stars!!

"I'm a Lane. I've been pretending since the day I was born, and this is simply one more torturous performance."

"My grandma used to tell me when you give your body to a man, be sure to keep your heart safe. A man will take care of your body, but it's the rare one who will care for your heart."

"I want to kiss her. Take care of her. Her body and her heart. Show her that I'm not the asshole that I've been so far. Prove to her exactly how much she deserves better than Drake. I want to erase his memory from her so that she never feels another stab of pain from anyone."

"I want his to be as desperate for me as I am for him. I need it. I need the confirmation I'm not the only one crazed and insane and overcome with emotions and realizations and hope this is real. That we can be real."

I am a total sucker for the fake relationship/fake marriage troupe. These stories are always so much fun and they entertain me to no end. They are a total guilty pleasure and the kind of story that I just live for. And Stacey Lynn's take on this troupe more than delivers!

Fake Wife is a sinfully sweet and romantic read. This story is well written and was so fun to get lost in. The characters are a lot of fun, they're real and easy to connect with. I loved the instant connection and pull between them. The chemistry between Teagan and Corbin was intense and I couldn't wait for the two of them to explore the burn. I loved watching their relationship grow. The pull was undeniable and seeing these two fall was beyond satisfying.

Overall, I really loved this book. It was such an enjoyable and entertaining romance. It was sweet and swoon-worthy with just the right amount of sexiness and angst. I just couldn't get enough. I loved getting lost in these characters and their story. In the end, I was left with all the smiles and all the feels. This is my favorite book by this author to date and I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next.

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Wow! What a great story! I loved the characters, this story of Teagan and Corbin was sweet, hot and their connection was realistic. I really connected to Teagan and Corbin really could sweep a girl off their feet. The story was fast paced but well written! This is my first book by this author but it will not be my last! If you want a lovely fairy tale type romance, this is it! Well done!

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Totally awesome book that is a page turner and very hard to put down not that you would want to lol it definitely have you turning the pages as quickly as you can read them. And doesn’t this author know how to grab the attention of her readers like she does in this amazing book. Would recommend

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I was really expecting the same fake fiancee story I have read before, but Fake Wife pleasantly surprised me! Teagan gets fired, loses her boyfriend, her home and smack high in to the back of a Mercedes all in the same afternoon. Luckily, the person she hit was Corbin Lane. She had followed Corbin on social media, so she knew exactly who she was, he was Portland royalty. Rich and haltingly handsome. Instead of being upset with her, he invites her to lunch. Then he proposes a deal. To be his fake wife.
Corbin was stunned not only by the death of his grandfather, but by the stipulation that he be married within 6 months or lose the only home he had ever loved, hers. Lucky for Corbin, Teagan crashed into his world the very same day.
From two different worlds, Teagan and Corbin iron out their deal and get to know one another, they encounter several roadblocks. There is a little angst in this book but not what I call the "Three's Company" silliness where everything is a misunderstanding that lasts for chapters. These are mature, solid characters who have flaws, but appreciate the uniqueness of the other. It is a refreshing take on an old plot and I enjoyed it immensely. I am eager to read the next book in this series.

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My first time to read a Stacey Lynn title, and I read it all in one night. No sleep = awesome book.

Fake spoused/marriages of convenience is a personal favourite and these books become extra special when the author handles this topic very well. The alternating points of view made me invest more in the character.

Wondering now if there's a story between Trey and Caitlin?

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