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Fake Wife

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It's a story that I typically adore. The girl is sweet, loyal, and loving to a guy for over 7years, supporting him through medical school. She loses her job and comes home early finding boyfriend in bed with another woman. She leaves and rear ends a rich handsome man and then life gets stranger.

I adored the story. The characters are perfect....friends are friends and the bad characters are indeed nasty. Very enjoyable.

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I received an ARC from NetGalley In exchange for an honest review. This Is not the first book I have read By Stacy Lynn, but this book Is one of the best.

Fake Wife Is a romance novel using a storyline popular in most romance novels but Stacy Lynn has a way of drawing you deeper into the charactors not just the plot.
Teagan and Corbin are both troubled, Teagan has just lost her job and walked in on her long term boyfriend sleeping with someone else whereas Corbin has just buried his grandmother.
As you get deeper into the book you get the more you feel like you are on an emotional rollcoaster, with a happy ending. The dual POVS were alternating with gave an insight into what they were both feeling.

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This is another great story by Stacey Lynn. Corbin and Teagan are both suffering--Teagan from betrayal and Corbin from loss. Teagan may be just what Corbin needs to reclaim the future he wants for himself. Corbin may be just what Teagan needs to make the dreams she has nurtured come to life. Will their differences keep them apart? Will the things they share be enough to bind them together?

This novel had a great pace and a perfect love story. I really enjoy books like this told in alternating POV. I can't wait for the next Stacey Lynn release.

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4 stars.
Don't let the title fool you, this was essentially a really sweet and tender romance.
One that I enjoyed from start to finish.
I really liked Teagan she was a kind, honest person and was definitely having a very bad day when she meets Corbin for the first time.
Even though Teagan was at fault for causing the accident where she ran into his car, Corbin treated Teagan with such kindness at the scene, not blaming her or shouting at her.
Corbin's kindness was not just because he realizes that Teagan can help him with a difficult situation but also because he truly is a genuinely good and kind guy.
It was a case of love (and lust) at first sight for these two, even though both of them were obviously very unwilling to acknowledge/trust in their feelings for a long time.
This was a book about dealing with past hurt, then moving forward and taking a chance on finding a lasting love.
I really did love this book. It was a simple but really satisfying love story.

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

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This story shows us then when god closed the door he opens a window. And for Teagan behind this window stand one hot, sexy and most wanted bachelor in Portland and he wants her that she a normal girl becomes his fake wife. But when they start to know each other they can help but to really fall in love with each other. I loved both of them they are great developed characters with amazing chemistry all the building tension between them and then the real act OMG fu... hot. At first, I was also a bit annoyed with Corbin and his mood swings but in the way, we can understand the man because of his past. They are a great couple and the story is truly beautiful.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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Wow, what an unexpectedly poignant love story. From the premise I wasn't expecting the depth of feeling this deceptively simple book envoked.
The whole Playboy needs a temporary wife is a well worn path and it's the sort of book I read as a palate cleanser between more angst driven romances. That said, I was not prepared for how well the author drew me in and how she made me invest in the two leads. It isn't the storyline which held me, that was a bit flimsy; instead I was captivated by Teagan and Corbin falling in love.
Stacey Lynn is a new author to me and on the basis of how much I enjoyed this book, I plan to seek out more from her.

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Stacey Lynn has created an entertaining and fun story from a situation that is used in a lot of romance novels. I really enjoyed her take on it, and her characters are interesting. She does an excellent job of keeping them from feeling flat and one-dimensional.

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Stacey Lynn weaves a wonderful sexy and fun story! I was drawn in from the first word. I look forward to more by her!

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Stacey Lynn is a favourite author of mine. I adore her writing style.
This book was both Sexy and sweet and the chemistry is off the charts. I loved watching the sparks fly. Excellent book.

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Stacey Lynn has created an entertaining and fun story from a situation that is used in a lot of romance novels. I really enjoyed her take on it, and her characters are interesting. She does an excellent job of keeping them from feeling flat and one-dimensional.

Teagan is having the worst day when she meets Corbin after rear ending his car. As we start to follow them from that point, the dual narration allows us to really get to know and like each of them. They both have big hearts despite difficult experiences in their past, and they provide the support and understanding the other needs.

Teagan is a great character because she is willing to stand up for herself and knows she deserves better than how she's been treated. That is sometimes rare in romance books and I appreciated that being included here.

Overall I enjoyed this story a lot and hope there's more to come about their friends Trey and Caitlin.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was my first book by Stacey Lynn but it definitely won't be the last. I thoroughly enjoyed this story. It kept me engaged from the very beginning and I read it in one sitting. It flowed well and I liked the dual POV. It was refreshing to have Hero of the book be a decent guy even though he came from a wealthy background. He was alpha without being overbearing. Corbin was a really nice guy and Teagan was just perfect from him, Their chance meeting and unfortunate circumstances turned into the sweetest romance. It was the perfect balance of sweet and sexy. I'm looking forward to reading more from Ms. Lynn. Hopefully a story with Trey and Caitlin. I'd definitely be interested in reading more about Corbin's best friends. Great book!!!

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Teagan and Sterling were stunning. Stacy Lynn is always one of my go to authors and I just knew this book was going to be perfection. The cover had me and the blurb had me even wanting it more. I was not disappointed the motion hits you hard and you can't help but want these two characters together. The steaminess was just right and the love story was perfect. Great Read!

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Corbin could be a generous man, "I’ll also buy her whatever the hell I want. She’ll need clothes and dresses fit for social events." Corbin is one alpha male, “mine.” I all but growl like the savage beast I am. “I’m going to make you mine.” I loved this book, I fell in love with Corbin the man was just swoon worthy.

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I got about 35% of the way through the book. It was okay, but I just wasn't getting too into it. It all just seemed "too easy," I will try this author again though. The writing was good, the plot just wasn't what I had hoped it would be. Likely many people will enjoy the book-- two people enter a "business" marriage, but both are attracted to he other. I suspect that they will end up in love with each other and stay together.

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Awesome read. Found it to be a good one as far as all of the recent 'Fake wife/girlfriend books go..
The characters are well written and are believable. Loved to see the story progress and the characters each have their own internal turmoil.

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I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Fake Wife is the first book I’ve read by Stacey Lynn. This is Teagan and Corbin’s story. We first meet Teagan when she’s having the day from hell. Really. It’s epically bad. Corbin’s not having such a great week either. His beloved Grandmother has died leaving him a demand that he marry if he wants to inherit. He does.

The book opens in the middle of the proposition, from the title you can guess what it is: Corbin asking Teagan to become his fake wife. This sets up a plot in which both characters are caught between their contract with each other and their increased feeling for each other.

The core of the book is both characters moving through a series of scenes in which their actual feelings are pitted against what they think each other must believe due to the situation. It’s pretty well executed, we spend a lot of time with the characters and their emotions, how each event or action pushes on the tension between what they think the other thinks and what they want. For my taste it was a bit too long on emotion, I would have preferred a balance slightly more to the scene, and bit less emotion. That said, I never wanted to stop reading the book so I was clearly engaged with the characters and their emotions.

I do recommend this book, especially to people who enjoy emotional character development.

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I really loved this book! I was a little worried that this story line can tend to be a huge cliche and eyeroll if not written well but Stacey Lynn did a great job with this! I loved Corbin's passion for what he really wanted with his future and didn't settle for anything less. I loved how Teagan stood up for herself to Drake and didn't fall back on him. Teagan and Corbin were a great pair and I loved their interactions, the heat and passion, and their insta-love. I loved Stacey Lynn's Fireside series and have no doubt this will be another great one that I can't wait to read!

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I love Stacey Lynn's book, so this was a great read for me!
Corbin and Teagan are both looking for something when they met. It might have begun being the worst day in both of their lives... but it might end up being the best.

Both Corbin and Teagan are in a bad way. Corbin has brined his beloved grandmother and found out there is a crazy stipulation for him to get her home, which means everything to him. Teagan has just lost her job and fiancee in the same day, Then both of their luck turns around when they are involved in a car accident.

This story was sweet and enjoyable. I like the chemistry between Corbin and Teagan. They were both likable and adorable in their own ways!

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I truly enjoyed reading this book. The characters were well developed and deep emotionally. Teagan and Corbin's romance was sweet with just the right amount of sexy. HEA guaranteed. I hardily recommend this book, it is a great read.
I voluntarily received and reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley.

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I didn't mean to read this book all in one sitting but could not more help myself than Corbin and Tegan could help their love for one another.
A beautiful romantic read which I recommend.
I was given this book by NetGalley and the publisher. This is my voluntary review.

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