Member Reviews

Fake Wife by Stacey Lynn is the story of Corbin Lane and Teagan Monroe .
Corbin has most everything he has ever wanted but his grandmother was the only one who really cared for him. When she passes she leaves him her house and land....that is the one thing he has always desired! But he quickly learns that there is a catch to the will....he must marry with six moths and that marriage must last at least two years. A relationship commitment is something Corbin has never wanted or done with a women. Who can he find to help him fulfill is need to get his grandmothers house? Then something hits him....literally.
Teagan has lost everything all at once! The job she loved and then to find out her live in boyfriend of 7 years is screwing someone in their apartment has her feeling hopeless. Upset and distracted she ends up in a car accident hitting Corbin. Corbin doesn't take long before he turns the accident into something to fulfill his grandmother's will request. Now Teagan is in a world-wind called Corbin but can she survive it?

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Fake Wife is a quick, fun and slow burn read that keep a smile on your face and your eyes glued to your kindle. Plus, don't we all enjoy a fake relationship where they eventually fall for each other? I know I do. 

Teagan, bless her heart, is having an absolute miserable day that only tops off when she rear-ends Corbin, a well known business and ladies man. She expects to trade insurance information and move on but what she gets instead is a proposal of a lifetime. One that take up two years of her life but she will ultimately benefit from it. She agrees to this fake marriage and thus begins the "business only" part of the relationship. Both Teagan and Corbin continue to tell themselves that they will keep it strictly business but it's clear how dynamic their chemistry is and it's inevitable that they will cross the line. 

I think what I like the most about this book is both Teagan and Corbin end up following their dreams. Well, and the fact that Corbin is just delicious when he talks. Watching his struggle with his feelings for Teagan and how much he wanted her was seriously fun. 

"You want respect? The way you look in the fucking dress tonight is making me think this agreement is a very bad idea. Trust me, Teagan, I'm thinking anything other than cordial though right now and you're testing my control." 

If you are looking for some good laughs and a slow burn, fake to true love romance, then this is the book for you!

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I am a fan of the marriage of convenience to falling in love troupe! Fake Wife fits that bill nicely! It was an interesting story and totally believable!

Corbin is a wealthy guy and a confirmed bachelor. When his grandma dies, she leaves him her estate. He's always loved her house as it was the only place he felt at home in. But in order to keep it, his grandma made the provision he needs to be married. If he doesn't, the estate falls to his father, who is all too happy to raze the place and make it into a mall. Corbin can not let that happen, but where will he find someone who is wife material when he has never dated anyone beyond a single night??

Teagan is having the day from hell! She loses her job due to budget cuts. Once she returns home, she finds her boyfriend "enjoying" someone else's company! She packed up all she owns into her car, and heads out not sure of what she will do next. Deep in thought, Teagan smashes her car into the rear end of Corbin's car at a stoplight. Teagan recognizes him as Portland's sexiest bachelor-and knows he's wealthy beyond belief. Can her day get any worse? Corbin doesn't seem to be all that mad at her though. He offers her to sit down with him, have dinner, and talk. During that talk, Corbin makes a brash move and offers Teagan a deal she would be stupid to turn down. She would marry him, stay for two years, and collect enough money to make all her dreams come true. No sex, no feelings, just play the part until her payday. Only things get mucked up big time when they fall for each other!

Corbin and Teagan are good together! I liked their dynamic. Both were sentimental people and wore their hearts on their sleeves. I was rooting for them to find their happy medium and make it work. Stacey Lynn does a great job of making me feel all their ups and downs. Even though you know how it will end, the journey was an enjoyable ride and a book that I wholeheartedly recommend!

4 Stars/4 Flames

This book was gifted to me and I chose to leave a voluntary review. The review and ratings are solely my opinions.

reviewed by Deb

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The story is well done here, but I really struggled to get through the writing. A story that should have flowed easily was difficult to sit and read more than a chapter or two without taking a break or getting distracted. It was the first book by this author that I've read and I'll probably give her another chance because she can tell a good story with good characters and hopefully find an editor that can help smooth out the actual writing.

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I give this book 5 stars. The storyline between Teagan and Corbin was a great read a well written. I whole heartedly recommend this book written by Stacey Lynn. This book has love, lust, suspense, grieving, family secrets, no cheating, good friends, betrayal and a HEA ending. I voluntarily reviewed this Advanced Reader Copy of this book.

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Charming and incredibly diverting, Fake Wife is the epitome of a heartfelt and romantic love story!

After reading Filthy Player, I was instantly intrigued with the author. So reading Fake Wife was a no-brainer. The author takes the story of the prototypical fake relationship and makes it 100% her own. Apart from the steamy and erotic aspects, the book exudes a gamut of emotions within it’s pages. From heartbreak to happiness, sorrow to success, loneliness to love, each scene is marked with impassioned writing by the author.

The characters’ chemistry is influential throughout the story, and brings a captivating and intense magnetism until the very end. The circumstances each character endures makes the story that much stronger, proving that simply loving someone might not be enough for a happily ever after.

Great love stories have one thing in common: the author’s exquisite ability at storytelling. Fake Wife transforms from a simple love story to one that enraptures readers with it’s emotion, conviction, and vitality. Beautifully penned, this book is an insta-must read, and one you won’t be able to put down.

5 Stars!

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A sweet and sexy read that you couldn’t help but to fall in love with!

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4 stars

Fake Wife by Stacey Lynn is a sweet and romantic read.

I really enjoyed this book, I liked both Corbin and Teagan's characters. They made me smile and they made me swoon with their romance.
Their relationship might have started out a business agreement but it doesn't take long for both to start having feelings for each other. They had an easy rapport, which made it easy opening up to each other and finding what they've been missing in life.
Love and understanding.

Overall, Fake Wife is a lovely afternoons read. All the characters were a joy getting to know and I highly recommend it.

FAKE WIFE is coming January 9th, pre-order your copy today!
Amazon US:
Google Play:

*Thank you to the publisher via Netgalley for the advance copy.*

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I enjoyed this book from the first page, felt a bit disappointed with Teagan near the end, but it ended nicely and sweetly. I'm looking forward to the next book

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This was a really engaging and enjoyable story. That drew me in from the start. As the characters were likable and the story itself had enough elements to it. Too really hold my interest throughout, and even though it was a little emotional at times. It also was very easy to read. And as someone new to this author I would certainly read more from her in the future. Especially if the story involved some of the secondary characters from this particular book. Which I would happily recommend to others.

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5 out of 5 stars

Corbin & Teagan meet after a fender bender. They’re both lost and in need of the other’s help, but they don’t count on their emotions getting involved in their solutions. From the very beginning they are fighting their true feelings and confused about truth versus reality.

I loved this story simply because it was so well written and the characters were absolutely relatable. I could feel Corbin’s pain from losing his grandma. I could connect with Teagan’s anger at her ex-boyfriend. The whole story just played out like a movie in my head.

It was honestly insta-love for these two, but they tried to fight it. I was so on the edge watching them accept and deny their feelings so many times!

I enjoyed the “extras” in this book, too. Best friends. Co-workers. The cabin. It was just so well written that I can’t get out of the setting.

*** I voluntarily read an advance copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***

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Corbin has just lost his best friend, the most important person in his life, his grandmother. Still reeling from the fact that she kept the secret of her impending death from him, Corbin is dealt another shock at the reading of her will. In order inherit the family home, the only thing that matters to him, he must marry within 6 months. His grandmother's home means more to him than anything else, but is he willing to fulfill her dying wish to keep it?

Teagan is having the worst day of her life. If getting fired wasn't bad enough, she comes home to find her boyfriend cheating on her, and then in the midst of fleeing crashes into the mercedes of Portland's Most Eligible Bachelor! On the verge of a breakdown she prepares for his wrath, but instead receives a proposal. With no job, no boyfriend, and no place to live committing to Corbin for 2 years might not be the worst thing.

Corbin doesn't do relationships, Teagan just got out of a long term one that ended terribly. A fake marriage sounds like the perfect solution for them, until feelings get involved.

I adored these characters! Their story was sweet and fun, with minimal drama which resulted in the perfect read for me. Caitlin is one of my favorite side characters, and her friendship with both Teagan & Corbin was a great addition to the story. This was my first read by this author, and it definitely won't be my last!

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What do you do when you have the most horrible day ever? When you lose your job, walking on your long-time boyfriend doing the nasty with some blonde bimbo and then rear-end a gorgeous man in a beautiful Mercedes with your Prius? Well you cry, then agree to marry said man of course.

Corbin needs to find love in order to keep the most beautiful piece of property and a part of his heart, otherwise, it becomes a strip mall. Teagan has no other real options, no job, no real job skills, no place to live and no one to turn to. It is an arrangement that works for both of them...until it doesn't.

There are misunderstandings aplenty and enough hot and cold from both of them to feed your imagination but will they stick to the letter of their contract? Or does this "arrangement" have the steam to become so much more. I enjoyed my first read by Stacey Lynn and look forward to reading more in the future.

Book provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for my review. When Corbin's beloved grandmother passes away, she stipulates in her will that Corbin can keep his inheritance if he marries within six months and stays married for two years. Teagan lost her job, her home and her boyfriend -that she just caught cheating on her. When she rear-ends Corbin, it could be her breaking point, or the opportunity of a lifetime.

Although the plot isn't new or realistic, the characters really had me rooting for them to work!

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4.5 Stars. I’ve read several of this authors books, and have really enjoyed all of them. Teagan and Corbin’s story in Fake Wife, was well written (with the exception of a few spelling errors), fun to read, pretty romantic when the two realize they have true feelings for each other, and has all the drama you would expect in the end. I think the only thing I didn’t care for was how often Teagan misread Corbin’s feelings towards her, kind of got old after awhile. Loved Cannon Bluffs, would love to visit a place like that. Overall, really loved the story, well worth the read.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC copy of this book.

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4.5 star Review Fake Wife By Stacey Lynn

A new author to me and I have no idea why.

When Teagan accidentally crashes her car into Corbin Lane’s it’s the straw that breaks the camels back. Losing her job, finding out her boyfriend of 7 years is cheating on her and then the car crash, can this day get any worse?

When Corbin whisks Teagan away to lunch and to talk, she initially cannot believe what he is offering.

Having just found out about the terms of his grandmothers will, to claim his inheritance and the house and land, the only place he has ever been happy, he must find a wife within 6 months. Corbin is in desperate need of a temporary wife, one who will be by his side for the next 2 years.

Should Teagan accept his outrageous proposition, or run as far and as fast as possible?

Although not a particularly long read, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Corbin could have been a character that I disliked, however Ms. Lynn gave him so many layers that I found it impossible not to fall for him. His love for his recently deceased grandmother brought tears to my eyes.

Will fear, miss communication and lust cloud their judgment or will they jump headlong into a steamy affair?
The fact that they could help each others dreams become reality was a big part of the story and was truly heart warming.

I loved Corbin and Teagan separately and together and would love to see their story continue.

This will not be the last book I read from Stacey Lynn.

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Stacey Lynn proves once again why she is one of the hottest romance writers of our day with her latest novel. This romance has just about everything that will make a romance fan's heart race and cheek's blush! A heartthrob hero that the heroine has had a crush on? Check. A heroine that is sweet and optimistic and yet still gets the short end of the stick? Check. A chemistry that is instant and continues to sizzle till the last page? Check. Hot love scenes that will leave you sighing and blushing? Check.

Teagan Monroe gave up her dreams and aspirations to follow her boyfriend in hopes of a future together. After 7 years she feels that there is something missing but chalks it up to too much work and exhaustion. But she finds out exactly what's been going on when she walks in on her boyfriend with a blonde. And let's just say that it's not something that leaves we with any questions. What's more she has just lost her job. No job, no boyfriend and now no where to live. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she rear ends a Mercedes and finds herself face to face with Corbin Lane. Portland's sexiest and most famous bachelor. She is mortified. The last thing she expects is for the heartthrob to propose to her.

Corbin Lane has just lost his grandmother and is devastated by it. What makes matters worse is that her will states that he must marry within six months or else the estate that she has left him will go to his father. A man that he hates. What's more, his father is determined to tear down the only home that Corbin has loved and build a mall in its place. He is determined to not let him win. All he has to do now is find a nice normal girl to accept his proposal and marry her. As luck would have it, his prayers are answered when a run down Prius crashes into his car and out walks an angel with a body made for sin.

Will Corbin and Teagan be able to keep their arrangement strictly platonic and not get emotionally or physically involved? Or will they give into their mutual attraction and turn this fake arrangement into a reality?

A great way to start off the new year! Loved every second of his fabulous book! If you're not already a fan of Lynn, you definitely will be after reading this book!

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4.5 Stars

You think YOU’VE had a bad day? Here’s Teagan’s day: Lost her job...Check. Found her boyfriend of 7 years cheating... check. Rear-end one Portland’s sexiest (and wealthy) bachelors...Check. Right there is every reason you need to keep reading to find out if Teagan’s day can get any worse.

In a mix of a Cinderella-like story, Corbin needs a wife to satisfy a stipulation to inherit his late grandmother’s home and, after Teagan comes crashing into his life (literally), he thinks his solution will fix both his and her dilemmas. A simple agreement: no emotions, no sex, just 2 years and simple can this be? Solves both problems, right?

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Nothing is ever that simple and following Corbin and Teagan’s story is both heartwarming and, at times, heartbreaking. Can these two make it through the ups and downs of the drama that unfolds? This is an enjoyable story of two people who are trying to come to terms with their own personal issues, the issues of those who surround them, and their feelings for each other. This story will draw you in and keep you entertained!

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For seven years, Teagan has followed her boyfriend around the country while he finished medical school and worked on his internship. She gave up college and her own dreams to follow their dreams. Except… she was the only one all in. After losing her job due to budget cuts, she comes home to find her boyfriend in the middle of sexing up another woman. Knowing things were over well before this moment, Teagan doesn’t even want apologizes or excuses and just leaves.

Sterling comes from money and has been named Most Eligible Bachelor three years running. He just laid to rest his grandmother Eleanor, the one family member he loved and trusted. However, at the reading of her will, Sterling finds out his grandmother set him up - placing a significant condition on inheriting the land and home he loves (and subsequently saving it from his father who will tear it down in the name of progress). He must fall in love and get married within six months… and stay married for two years.

Fake Wife is a wonderful story about two lonely souls finding a perfect match. I absolutely love the fake-relationship genre. There is just something about playing love that always leads to finding true happiness, warming my heart in the process. Sterling needs a wife and while he isn’t looking for a someone to share his life with, he knows he can’t rely on the women in his social circle who will want more from him than two years wearing his last name. Meanwhile, Teagan is at the lowest point in her life, having nowhere to go and no one to help her. Fate truly does bring them together, and Sterling recognizes the win-win situation.

I like how Teagan is weary, but also just this side of desperate to listen to Sterling’s proposal to marry him for two years, providing for her and giving her $250,000. But she also recognizes right away that it’s going to be very hard to put her life on hold for two more years to stay in a love-less, sex-less relationship.

And what’s not to adore about Sterling? He’s hot and cold, but he’s a kind person. When Teagan rear ends him, his first instinct is to make sure she’s okay. And after a day of trying to make things work out so he can save his home, he recognizes that he’s thinking of himself and how to make the situation work for him, rather than considering what his grandmother really wanted - for him to be happy and fall in love. When he reflects upon his grandmother’s wishes, he realizes he must take her request to find love seriously.

Fake Wife is a fast read. I was sucked into the story of Sterling and Teagan from the start. From the way they meet after she rear ends his car, to their genuine personalities. Both main characters are likable, and with their hard luck stories… I want them to succeed. I like that the author gives both Teagan and Sterling many layers. They are both smart - they actually think about the impacts of their actions… think through the what ifs and try to make solid plans. Yet, that doesn’t mean they don’t let emotions get the better of them. However, instead of throwing tantrums and holding grudges, the characters give thought to why they feel what they feel, and come back around stronger.

Fans of feel-good romances need to get their hands on Fake Wife. Sterling and Teagan make the perfect pair, and against the odds, they find their way to love.

My Rating: A, Loved It
Originally posted at That's What I'm Talking About

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One thing about a Stacey Lynn book is you're going to get a a really good original read. Fake Wife is just that. After having a completely crappy day, Teagan is presented with an offer she can't refuse. Pretend to be in love with Portlands most eligible bachelor. One problem.... how does she keep from falling for him?

I loved this book! Corbin and Teagan are both wonderful characters. I fell in love with each of them right off the bat. Their story was cute, intriguing and sexy. It's light and one of those feel good books. I couldn't get enough of these two and loved how the author told the story. You will definitely want to check this one out.

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