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Wallflower Most Wanted

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This was a nice romance with likable leads. It is the third in series, and I have not read the previous two. It mostly worked as a standalone, but there were characters featured in other books present that knowing their backstory might be helpful. The premise of the series revolves around four women with special skills or talents who share an inheritance. I imagine the first book gets into the details of the inheritance more, but it seems to be some sort of competition for the inheritance. Despite the competition, they have become good friends. Sophia is a talented artist, and her sister is there as one of the four as a paleontologist.

The hero, Ben, is a Vicar and second son of a Duke. He has been asked by the home office by way of his brother to investigate a series forgeries coming out of Little Seaford, the setting of this novel. To help with his investigation, he seeks counsel from Sophia, since he respects her artistic talent and knowledge. They had met on occasion as members of the same community, but the investigation kindles attraction into romance. Due to the unconventionality of her home, Ben and Sophia are left to consult alone often.

While I think this was mostly a nice, straightforward romance, there was little depth, and it was superficial. I didn't feel much for the characters or their love. It was just nice and not more. The writing and pacing was decent, but there were elements of implausibility in the subplot and the characters that made this difficult at times for me. Ben being the son of a Duke with independent means, not needing a career, seems unlikely to have chosen to be a vicar. He was also a vicar with considerable experience in the bedroom, so he just didn't seem like a vicar. Also the whodunnit was quite implausible

Overall, this is a pleasant story if you can suspend belief. If not, then it's probably not the book for you.

*I received a free copy of this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I had the pleasure of reading this book that is wrongly labelled as romance. It is actually more of a detective story than a romance, but trust me, that is just OK.

Please do not be misguided by the title, Sophia Hastings is anything but a wallflower. She’s bored by all of the attention she often gets from the eligible bachelors in Little Seaford and other towns in the county. She is a gifted painter whose dreams are far from the loving housewife and mother kind of future. But then one day when she’s working on a landscape painting she falls from a cliff only to find herself in the presence of the only eligible bachelor who doesn’t seem to woo her; Lord Benedick Lisle, the vicar.

But Ben had noticed her of course, and he’s besotted with her as any of the other men are, or they rather seem to be. But what had caused the girl of his dreams’ fall literally at his feet? When he’s helping her recover from her fall they hear a threatening conversation between two mysterious men up there on the cliff. It's the scheming of the assassination of a third man, and thus Ben and Sophia find themselves involved in an investigation in which murder, forgery and betrayal are afoot.

And love, of course, this is a mystery book but not without reason it’s labelled as romance. Both Ben and Sophia like each other since before the book even started, perhaps there were hints of this liking in previous books just as Sophia’s sister and Ben’s brother fall in ‘fight at first sight’ in this story (and they will have a story in the final book of the series, but you didn’t learn it from me). Despite the fact that they soon find themselves comfortable in each other’s company it isn’t until half the book is done that they share a first kiss and then realize about their feelings (surprisingly unlike in most novels that I’ve read, they are very clear about their feelings and... well I won’t spoil it for you) and this is because the mystery plot is the main plot, and the romance is something built around that plot, but it’s not a secondary plot either, don’t worry about that.

I loved both Ben and Sophia, as characters alone and together. They’re very resourceful both of them, very smart, strong and, when they’re alone, sexy. Who would have thought that vicars could be this sexy? And she’s a fierce woman, avant-garde in many things, definitely stubborn and lovely. And I loved how well they understand each other; like, he actually really falls in love with her when he ‘sees’ her in her paintings, her spirit and her mind. And she understands the kind of man he is and why he became a vicar, and she loves him all the more for that.

The mystery side of the novel was just ok. It was clear who the one behind the plotting was; they tell it to you right from the start. But even if they didn’t it was obvious. Still there were some surprising elements that you see coming but at the same time you don’t see coming. And the final plot twist was something that I hadn’t foreseen. It’s not an amazing detective story but it’s good enough, like ie: an episode of ‘Murder, She Wrote’. I’d love a series of books of The Vicar and the Painter Private Investigators.

If I have to point out something that I didn’t like was the pace. It was slow at the beginning, right up to the 50% or so of the book, and then all of a sudden (precisely as Ben and Sophia let out their feelings) the pace quickens and the story becomes so exciting it’s like reading a different book with the same story. But that didn’t stop me from enjoying reading it. It was just, disconcerting. I have to say that I enjoyed this book thoroughly once the pace changed, but I was liking it enough before, otherwise I would have stopped reading altogether.

I can’t wait to read Gemma Hastings’ and Cameron Lisle’s story in One for the Rogue (Studies in Scandal, book 4) that’s coming out in June, but for now, Ben and Sophia will have their HEA.

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I received an advanced reader’s copy of this book.

One thing I’ve enjoyed about this series is the mystery each heroine has had to solve. I thought the twist as far as the mystery thread in the story and the reveal was well-written. As far as the romance, Benedick and Sophia began working together to solve the mystery and their relationship built from there. I felt the conflict for why the hero and heroine couldn’t be together was brought up and mentioned but the characters didn’t come across feeling very strongly about it. As a result the romantic conflict wasn’t as strong.

Overall, I enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the next book in the series.

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I found this book to be a very enjoyable read! It was intriguing & had a unique plot. I have not read any of the other books in this series. I found this book to be very interesting on it's own.

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Sorry folks but this one was not for me. I found it to be too slow, and I made myself turn the pages and I hate that, if I get a book I want to be interested but when you kind of make yourself try to get into it, it just kills is for me. It was discombobulated for me, slow then dry then rushed..Hate bad reviews, but sometimes you can't help it.

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I have absolutely loved this series, and I cannot wait for Gemma's story! Sophia and Ben were adorable, and I loved the interaction between all the characters.

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I received this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This is book 3 in the studies in scandal series. In this series, we have four blue stockings that in her it’s a house that comes with conditions and mysteries. This book we have a hunt to stop a smuggling ring through in a romance and you have this book. It was a really good read. I enjoyed it a great deal.

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This is the third in a series in Beauchamp House, where Lady Celeste left her here home to four scholastic young ladies, all with different studies. What happens, is mysterious, mayhem, and potential murder! Lady Celeste has left clues to each young lady. The next young lady is Sophia, a painter, a very talented painter she is, bringing light from the self centered attitude of the ton, as they ignore a dying young woman, on the way to their pleasure pursuits. Lord Benedict, the second son of a Duke, is a Vicar in the County. Of course , there is no way , a scandalous female painter, and a Lord, who takes his calling seriously, could ever be together, it's quite out of the question, or is it?
I highly recommend! Thanks! Enjoy!
carolintallahassee 👒

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Sweet read but a little underwhelming. The romance was cute but I felt the rest of the story was a bit boring.

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Manda Collins continues her delightful series A Studies in Scandal with artist Sophie Hasting as the heroine in Wallflower Most Wanted. The hero is the local vicar, Lord Benedict Lisle, a younger son of a duke. The four ladies who have the opportunity to inherit Beauchamp House are continuing in their quest to solve the ‘mysteries’ handed them by Lady Celeste Beauchamp following her death. The entire concept of leaving her home to four bluestockings is interesting in itself.

Sophie literally drops in on Lord Benedict while he is out for his daily walk. They overhear a plot to do away with someone. That night Benedict’s brother visits him to ask him to investigate a ring of painting forgers. The group is recreating works by famous painters that have been missing for decades. And, selling them to unsuspecting buyers at quite a profit.

Sophie and Ben join together to try to solve this mystery while she is still nursing a sprained ankle due to her fall. Ben gets to carry her about just a bit making the chemistry begin quickly between them. Although there is definitely a sensual aspect to this book as with all of Ms. Collin’s books, she handles it very well considering our hero is a vicar. He is human after all.

As with previous books in the series, there is a death and the magistrate is involved. He begins to think there is something wrong with the House. Serena, Lady Celeste’s niece agrees, there is something wrong, but it is due to her lack of chaperonage as her charges keep marrying with special license. Serena is determined that Sophie will not need one, too.

I love the way Ben defends Sophie when one of the bad guys appears to be able to hit her. He is all alpha male when that occurs. Ben does not believe in fighting and was not cut out for war, thus part of his reason for becoming a vicar. He surprises even himself.

Needless to say, this is another great book by Manda Collins. You won’t want to put it down once you start. Although ‘Studies’ can be read as a stand alone, I have enjoyed reading the previous two books in the series allowing knowing the characters better. Additionally, Ms. Collins intermingles characters from other series, such as the Lords of Anarchy. You begin to feel as if you know most of England through her books. They feel like familiar friends. (I realize Gemma is the last of the four ladies, but I am looking forward to Serena’s story, too.)

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I have not had the chance to read many of Manda Collins books, but I really enjoyed this one.
Miss Sophia Hastings is a painter. But she finds out about danger for another painter and wants to help even if it means help from the local vicar. Reverend Lord Benedick Lisle knows Sophia and does not want her to be in danger and wants to help. I did enjoy the characters in this book and the plot was good.

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Wallflower Most Wanted (Studies in Scandal, #3)
by Manda Collins

While it was okay for a light read, I must admit this one did not do a lot for me. While I am enjoying the series to a point. The Vicar having out of marriage sex was a definite not for me type of writing. I can say the characters are interesting as well as the plot. It was only that point as well as the formal writing and slow start that made it a no go for me. Okay for a beach read maybe. I was given this book in return for an honest review. Anna Swedenmom

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While I generally like books by Manda Collins I have felt so so about this series. I think each book in the series has gotten better than the last. I love seeing Ben’s brother Freddie again. My problem with this book it that it keeps talking about a conversation that was overheard by Sophia and Ben at the villains ball but I, as the reader never was made aware of this happening except in retrospect. I have no idea what they heard except little snippets they drop. It is bizarre that it seemed like there was a whole piece of the plot missing. I don’t know if it’s because it is an unedited advanced copy or it has something to do with it being an ebook but it is really annoying. Otherwise I really liked the story.

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A grand romance with great plot and characters. I truly enjoyed this historical romance.

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Sophia Hastings isn't concerned with finding Mr. Right, but when Benedick Lisle comes to her rescue she cannot help but be attracted. Benedick is just the person to help Sophia solver her mystery and their story is one you will find delightful to read.

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Wallflower Most Wanted by Manda Collins


Despite some slow spots, this title was still pretty enjoyable.

Miss Sophia Hastings is yet another talented young lady who is co-owner to Beauchamp House. Sophia is a talented painted whose works are considered scandalous by some. Still, she is determined to put them on display in a local art show.

Reverend Lord Benedick Lisle is rather open-minded and is impressed with Sophia's talent...and her beauty. When it becomes clear her controversial artwork has landed her in the middle of trouble, Ben realizes that the last woman he thought he should marry is the only one he wants.

I personally get kind of sick of the "rogue that's slept with EVERY woman who would have him" trope so a vicar was a nice change. Ben is a very sweet man and I enjoyed reading about him. As someone else pointed out, anytime Ben's day-to-day life was brought up it was usually glossed over with "vicarage business" rather than actually telling what he was doing.

I liked Sophia, too. She was a very determined and independent woman. I did find her stubbornness at wanting to be involved with the mystery to her own detriment to be a little off-putting.

In all honesty, the mystery that was the main plot of the novel wasn't that engaging even though I had no clue who the culprit was. All the action regarding the mystery happened near the end of the novel and I skimmed quite a bit to get to it.

I will definitely be checking out the next title in this series.

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Another scholarly sort. Another murder mystery to solve. Wallflower Most Wanted returns to Beauchamp heiresses with Sophia's story. A painter, her work tends to cause a bit of a stir and she finds herself in the midst of a art forgery ring that she intends to stop with the help of the local vicar, Benedick.

Having read the first two books already (Ready Set Rogue and Duke with Benefits), I have to say that this one was a bit disappointing. It lacked that certain extra something to keep me hooked from beginning to end. Perhaps it's because the plot has become predictable for these books or the fact that the characters fell flat. Or both.

Probably both.

Sophia wasn't a badly written heroine so much as a boring one. I liked that she was an artist but that's all that she really had going for her. And the vicar would call her "Wallflower" all the time which I didn't get either because she definitely didn't strike me as such (which also left a disconnect with the title). Ben wasn't really Mr. Personality either. He and Sophia have known each other for a while now and suddenly he's lusting after her and it just felt a bit sudden and wasn't working for me. On that note, the romance was bland. I don't need explicit scenes in a romance to feel the chemistry between characters but there was nothing between these two. The most I got was a mutual respect which is great and all but not what's going to make me ship these characters. It is a romance, after all.

I did like the twist with the antagonist of this story. I had a few guesses but thought that the execution leading up to the big reveal played out well and felt both believable from the stance of a reader following this story but also surprising in the good way.

The whole potential murder and forgery ring storyline was pretty bland for me. Which is sad because when you hear those two phrases I doubt you'd think "boring" but it felt like background noise to the romance that wasn't really happening on the page. Honestly, I felt more chemistry between Gemma and Cam (who you'll briefly meet in this one) and really hope he's the one in the next book with Gemma because I want to read that one.

Wallflower Most Wanted left me wanted a LOT more. Disappointing since the previous two books were decent and I love the idea of a house full of "bluestockings" in this day and age. Good premise and plenty of potential but the execution this time around wasn't up to par unfortunately.

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Good story very good read. Interesting characters def would recommend

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Three down and one to go! In the latest installment of the Beauchamp Heiress series, Manda Collins brings us Miss Sophia Hastings story. A woman who pushes the boundaries of polite society with her paintings, Lady Sophia is content until dastardly villains cause her to literally fall at the feet of the town’s handsome new vicar. Lord Ben Lisle, second son the Duke of Pemberton, can’t believe his luck. Finally, a few moments alone with this lovely creature. Soon, Ben & Sophia are drawn into a mystery left to them by Sophia’s dead benefactress and complicated by Home Office involvement. Can Sophia and Ben get to the bottom of the mystery before the villains take them out of the game? Can their newfound love survive the danger? Read on and enjoy! I’m looking forward to the next installment of this series!

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Sophia Hastings is an artist and fairly well known. She is also one of the four ladies to inherit a mansion and were called Beauchamp House Heiresses. Lord Benedick Lisle, is the second son of a duke and a vicar. He finds Sophia charming.
There is a mystery, that came from Ben's brother, Frederick. There appears to be a forging ring of priceless paintings, occuring in their town of Little Seaford. The home Office was concerned. Since Ben lived there, they hoped he would look into it for them.
Four women inherit land, and each is talented in a different field. As you can tell the characters are exactly that, they are funny, kind, loving and fiesty. There are a couple of surprises, mixed in, but this is a well thought out tale. It is well written and engages your interest thru out the whole book. I enjoyed it.
I received this ARC from Net Galley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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