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Baby, I'm Howling For You

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Baby, I'm Howling For You by Christine Warren was given to me thru Net Galley for an honest review. I truly loved and enjoyed Baby, I'm Howling For You. Welcome to Alpha, where shifters can live without looking over their shoulders, be themselves, and not to care what others think about them. Renny Landry is the newest resident of Alpha, Washington. Fleeing from a volatile stalker and his goons, she makes her way to Alpha and right towards Mick Fischer. Mick Fischer is stunned when he comes across an injured red wolf shifter just outside his home, along with other scents that make him on edge. One thing that Mick is having a hard time about is how his wolf is taken by Renny and her wolf, not to long his human side starts to agree with his wolf. The story continues to unfold, you get a sense of how everyone is in Alpha, of how they come together. One great example is when Renny's stalker and his goons under estimate the very core of the town and its people. Baby, I'm Howling For You is a sensational pararomance with fast paced action, steamy scenes, and mixed with some humor.

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I recently read a novella set in the town of Alphaville and if honest was a little disappointed but I nevertheless thought I'd give this full length story a go. Happily it has a lot more meat to it with a wolf shifter trying to escape her stalker and those who work for him. Plus it starts with a bang as Renny quite literally falls at the feet of her Mate ! Now I'm not always a huge fan of that predictable trope but I did like that Mick has a backstory that freakishly connects with the situation Renny is in. Obviously my lips are sealed but sometimes fate is a very strange thing.
Still I mustn't digress so will say I liked that the romantic moments weren't too frequent or dragged out for far too much of the book. Renny isn't afraid to fight by her mans side even if he doesn't want her to which did make me smile. We have really nasty villains here but best of all a set of supporting characters that I'd really like the author to revisit. I thought some things dragged a wee bit but overall I was entertained by these shifters.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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Renny Landry is on the run from a psycho coyote shifter and his merry band of followers. Followers who'd be just as happy to kill her than save her for their crazy alpha. But Renny's managed to get to the right place, a safe place: Alpaha, Washington. Oh and she's made it to Mick Fischer's property, and Mick's not going to let anything happen to her!

Mick's lived a solitary life for the past eight years, but Renny's presence wakes something up inside him that he'd long thought would never happen. She's woken up his mating instinct . . . and his wolf is howling to protect her.

But when communications get crossed and there's so many hurdles to jump and safety concerns around every corner, can Mick and Renny's mating call overcome it all?

Man, I am so enjoying this Alphaville series and Baby, I'm Howling for You was a great full start to the series. I really enjoyed all my time spent with Renny and Mick. Loved how their relationship developed and how they worked through their feelings, hopes and fears. And I really enjoyed getting to know more of the crazy town's folk! This series is just getting started and I can't wait for more!

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Really good! This author is fantastic with paranormal romance! I absolutely loved it. I loved this werewolf story. I hope there will be much more to this series!

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Baby, I’m Howling For You by Christine Warren is the first full length novel in the Alphaville series. There is a prequel novella that opened up the series that came before this book but it’s not really necessary to have read that to enjoy this installment of the series. The novella simply introduced readers to the town of Alphaville where shifters have set up a safe haven for all types of shifters to come and live in harmony. The main characters are different between the books though so that each have a new couple of shifters that find they are mates.

In this book Renny Landry is on the run from a stalker that has sent a group to capture her and puts all her faith that she will find Alphaville and it will offer her safety. As she runs from her pursuers she finds a cabin outside of the town that is occupied by Mick Fischer just in time for Mick to save Renny from the attackers. Renny soon finds herself surrounded by the good citizens of Alphaville who are determined to help protect her from her stalker as she and Mick also find that they are fated to be mates.

Christine Warren certainly made Baby, I’m Howling For You a entertaining read by throwing in a bit of danger into this romantic fantasy read. There was always something happening in the story from the bad guys attacks to the steamy moments that come from a newly mated shifter couple. Renny and Mick were great main characters that I liked along with the other shifters in the town helping them along. I completely enjoyed this addition to the series and look forward to seeing more of the residents from Alphaville in the future installments of the series.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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It's been quite a while since I have read a werewolf book, and even longer since I have read Christine Warren. I can't say why other than I am behind on her series and I just haven't had time to catch up lately. Anywho, I really like the premise of this new series she has created in Alpha, Washington - a town full of misfit shifters who don't quite fit in elsewhere or with packs of their own kind.

Renny Landry has always heard about the almost mythical Alphaville, but she knows that making it to the town is her last chance to get away from the danger on her tail (literally). Being pursued by goons sent by an obsessed stalker coyote, Renny is both so close but also not quite close enough when she makes her last desperate attempt for freedom. But fate intervenes and sends Renny into the path of a reclusive alpha werewolf that could be her salvation, and much more. Renny was a pretty good heroine. She wasn't a runner, which was a plus. Sometimes I did feel like she was too nonchalant about her safety, but I understood her wanting to start a new life and not feel like she was running scared all the time.

Mick Fischer is a brooding and reclusive alpha werewolf who came to Alpha after the death of his first mate. He is grumpy and growly and not a people person - my favorite kind of hero! I liked that he was an author of graphic novels and wished we would have had a little more info about that aspect of his life. But Mick was distracted for the bulk of the novel by our heroine, and his attempts to keep her safe from a pack of wild coyotes. I like the care and possessiveness he exhibited toward our heroine, and was glad he got over his reluctance to mate fairly quickly. I would have liked to know how his second mating was possible, but my imagination supplied a reason for me so I suppose that's good enough.

This story is of the fated mates trope, so you can expect things to move fast between our couple. Once that animal attraction kicks in, they have no choice but to follow their instincts. I like this fast-moving trope when we are in the paranormal/urban fantasy realm because I like to see the inner beast controlling things. The shapeshifters in this story seem to be more integrated with their beast so they have the drives, but they don't have the separate bestial personality that you see in some books. Their consciousness works the same whether they are in human or animal form.

So I was into the suspense and back story that we got with our heroine and her stalker. Based on the premise and the blurb, I thought this book would have more of a darker theme. However, this story is fairly light-hearted given the sadistic villain. So there was a mix of fun and fear for our heroine, with likable secondary characters who kept us entertained while the testosterone-filled alphas worked to track down the bad guys. I am looking forward time to spending time with some of these secondary characters in their own books, and I think they may even eclipse Renny and Mick for me with their big personalities.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book that I received from the publisher, St. Martin's Press.

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Publisher's Description:

WELCOME TO ALPHAVILLE, where the she-wolves and alpha-males play. . .for keeps.

Renny Landry is a wolf on the run. Pursued by a shapeshifting stalker and his slobbering pack of killer coyotes, she is forced to flee her job as a librarian to find sanctuary in the wooded hills of Alpha, Washington. A well-secluded safe space for troubled shifters, Alpha is Renny’s last hope. But the first person she meets there is a gorgeous alpha male with fiery eyes, fierce tattoos, and one ferocious appetite—for her…

Mick Fischer thought he left his past behind when he moved to Alpha. But fate has a way of biting him in the tail when a female wolf shows up on his property. Wounded, desperate—and disarmingly hot—Renny brings out the snarling, protective alpha beast in Mick like no other woman he’s known. Can these two haunted, hunted wolves manage to mate for life…even as the deadliest past demons howl at their heels.

My Thoughts:

I liked this book but not as much as the prequel novella which I read late last year. It has a good plot and interesting characters but I thought the almost instant love was a little too sudden.
When Denny who is on the run from a shape shifting coyote ends up in Alphaville it follows that she would fall into the arms of the local bad boy male wolf shifter, after all she is one of the female variety.
This is a sort of play on Little Red Riding Hood. He calls her Red and instead of the big bad wolf being the bad guy we have a coyote and his minions as the villains here.
This wasn't a bad read but it isn't my preferred genre. I read mostly historical romance but was invited to read this book and the beginning novella length book Something to Howl About.
I gave this title 4.0 of 5.0 stars for storyline and character development and a sensual rating of 4.5 of 5.0 flames. The intimacy is really hot in this book and a plus in the rating. The secondary characters are a nice touch to this story. In fact they may be a majorwinning point to the overall story.
I received a complimentary digital copy of this book to read and review. This in no way affected my opinion of this title which I read and reviewed voluntarily.

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Baby I'm Howling For You is the first full length book in the Alphaville series and centers around Renny and Mick, both wolves on the run (but for different reasons). Mick's mate died 8 years ago and he has refused to move on. Renny has a coyote stalker who won't move on. She ends up on Mick's front porch and finds her mate.

I will say that the plot is trite if you read PNR. Fated mates, quirky shifters, cartoonish bad guys, and other common themes are found. I was a little bothered by this, but I don't mind these tropes, so it didn't totally ruin the book.

Mick doesn't want a mate. He had one and she died. He fights the pull towards Renny, making it obvious he wants nothing to do with her. Then, suddenly, he mates her. Obviously, she is confused. Then he gets pissed when she voices her confusion. Mick was just kind of a jackass. I understood his pain and loss over his first mate, but his behavior was just rude, even after they mated. He never made Renny feel like he actually loved her. It was almost like she was a responsibility. Not sexy.

However, I loved Renny! She is sweet and funny. Her story is sad-no family, no friends, no pack, just a jerk of a stalker who won't take no for an answer. She isn't the type to want to put others at risk so she isn't willing to just sit around and let the residents of Alpha take over her life. She stands up to the men and isn't afraid of a fight. Frankly, she is a great character!

The plot unfolds around the hunt for the stalker combined with the mating relationship between Renny and Mick. You would think once they mate the issue is resolved, but its not! There are some funny supporting characters and some great banter between them that will keep things light and enjoyable. While I might have not liked Mick, I liked the town and the people and Renny enough to make this a great book!
Link live on 1/23/18

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After meeting Annie and Jonas in Something to Howl About, I was curious about who would be the next Alphaville inhabitant to be starring in one of Christine's stories.
We already read that Alphaville is a small town where all kind of misfits (yeah, even as a shapeshifter you can be a misfit, how ironical…) are able to live together as a sort of clan. Bear shifters live alongside with werewolves and so on. Mick is one of the town residents, but even for a local he is a recluse.
When Renny lands on his doorstep heavily wounded, he doesn't hesitate to take her in. Immediately drawn to her, Mick realizes she is his mate. But Renny's safety is still at stake, because her stalker doesn't know how to give up.
He didn't count on Mick or the Alphaville townspeople however.

Not only Mick, but also Molly (the town EMT, a lioness shifter and the sister of the sheriff) welcomes Renny with open arms. She declares Renny her new BFF and takes her under her wing to get settled in Alphaville.
When the threats of Rennies stalker are getting bigger and bigger, Mick realizes he has to step up and make sure that everybody knows that Renny is his mate. Including Renny...

While on the run from the first man, Renny isn't all to happy to be claimed by the second man she encounters. How gorgeous and attractive he might be. But maybe happily-ever-after can be happening to her, after all the misery and heartache. If she learns to trust another male.

Wonderful read. Fastpaced, funny and exciting. Four out of five stars from me. With a special thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for providing the arc.

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Renny is running from a pack of coyotes, sent by the alpha who has been her stalker for a long time! Renny is trying her best to make it to Alphaville and get there safely. She is yards from a house when the coyotes are on her when, suddenly, they are torn away, one is shot and, the others are gone. When Renny wakes up, she sees a handsome Wolf shifter named Mick, who has apparently saved her life. Renny and Mick both realize that they are mates but, Mick refuses to admit that as, he has been grieving over the loss of his soul mate for 8 years.
I loved the pain oozing from these two and, the way the residents of Alphaville would do anything to keep their newest resident safe and, make their very good friend happy again!

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Let me say up front this is a barely 4 Star novel, I almost gave it 3 but it did progress pretty good and part of the purpose of the book was to introduce you to more of the Alphaville world and characters.

Like most shifter romance this one is full of insta-love and mate bond things but it had a good suspenseful story in it and was more of that in the book than the romance. Basically a group of deranged killers are after our heroine and she runs into a big bad wolf shifter who happens to be her mate (convenient huh).

One of the reasons I went ahead and gave it 4 Stars was they managed to keep this bad guy as a real threat without her having to have one of those (Too Stupid To Live) TSTL moments that most stories of this type seem to have to make the plot move along.

The ending was almost anticlimactic after all the buildup but the last part of the book seemed a bit rushed and maybe the author tried a bit too hard to make our hero weaker than he should have been and our heroine more of a part of the solution than she should have been (I have some questions about fair play also). All things considered I enjoyed it and will probably read more of these book but while the sex was not overdone the few instances seemed to take WAY too many pages to describe but to each his/her own.

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Baby, I'm Howling for You is a good start to a new series by Christine Warren. I liked both the hero and heroine in this one but their romance didn't grab my attention as much as I would have liked. I found both the characters and story line interesting, but it was a little overly descriptive for me and kept losing my attention.
Baby, I'm Howling for You is a good read, and I will read the next one, but I have liked other books from this author more.

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Favorite quote(s): “Little red, you are my new normal.” He looked down at her, and his gaze heated. “You’ve already changed things for me, just by being you.”

Thoughts: First, let me say how glad I am to finally get another book from Christine Warren with shapeshifters! I miss the Others series so bad!! While Alphaville is its own new series with new characters, it still had Warren’s distinct feel and writing style. I don’t feel like Baby, I’m Howling for You came out of the gate with an initial race-winning run, more of a hesitant stumble to the finish line. It was good, but I felt like some of that Warren magic was missing. The storyline caught me up immediately, and I liked the characters – the fact that Renny was Mick’s second mate seemed like a stumbling block for me. He didn’t want a mate to begin with, which I understood, but it did eventually accept her as his mate. For me, I felt like he still never really wanted that though – the words were there, but I just didn’t feel it. The passion was there, but – again – I just didn’t feel it. I wanted to feel that irresistible chemistry and that mind-blowing connection between these characters. Between the new world, the new characters, and the storyline itself, the book was still an A for me though!

Can’t wait to see what the next tale brings!

Rating: A

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I received with thanks an ARC copy of Baby, I'm Howling for You from St. Martin's Press & Netgalley.
This is my true and honest review of Baby, I'm Howling for You. This is set for release / publication on 30th January 2018.
This was an enjoyable read, but then again, I have a big thing for Alpha males and stories that focus on shapeshifters. If you like paranormal romance, then give this one a try. For me I will be carrying on with the series. This Alphaville #1.

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I have read all of Christine Warren's Other series and I generally like her romance and writing style. She writes fun romantic stories that never seem to feel too heavy, even with conflicts. In this story, the heroine is being stalked by a villain and has been on the run for a couple of months. In her run for safety, she literally falls at her mate's feet. He was not expecting a mate, let alone one on the run. The past and present collide in this fast-paced ride with predator shifters, old and new friends, and a librarian heroine. I definitely recommend this book if you like paranormal romance with action and laughs. I also enjoyed her other books set in this world- though unrelated to this story.

I would include content warnings for stalking, attempted rape, violence, and consensual m/f sex.

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Not sure what to make of this I haven't read an urban fantasy for ages and it did make a good change to read a different genre.I did feel that the romance between the main characters took over too much of the story, I thought the whole idea of a town for shifters and outcasts was great and I did enjoy it, I wonder if I am a little too old for the book, I am probably not the intended audience, and it is not fair to judge the book maybe from the point of view of my advanced age, well not so advanced but I do think younger readers may enjoy this more.There is certainly nothing wrong with it and I would say if you are looking for something different, a light read and one that doesn't take itself too seriously pull up a chair and enjoy.Thanks to the publishers and Netgalley for an ARC

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Baby, I'm Howling For You by Christine Warren drew me in with that amazing cover.

(Okay, I was totally into the corny title, too.)

I really enjoy paranormal romance. A lot. It's probably my favorite genre, particularly those with werewolves. (I was totally Team Jacob.) So I saw this on NetGalley and was like, okay, here's a good one for me.

It was not a good one for me.

Like another reviewer mentioned, it was a bit too descriptive. I tend to get bored and then start skimming when things start to drag on. That's just me, though. A lot of readers enjoy painting a more vivid image.

The romance was great at first, then fell flat. With all of the time put into describing scenes, I thought the chemistry between Renny and Mick would have been electric.

This definitely isn't an awful book by any means, but it's one that I'm probably going to forget about fairly quickly.

Thank you to NetGalley, Christine Warren, and St. Martin's Press for allowing me to receive an ARC of this book in return for an honest review.

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this was an enjoyable read with a nice amount of action and romance from beginning to end. while a fated mate romance, the author didn't make it instantly happy together but showed the hero deal with his denial, fear & acceptance that he had a 2nd mate (his first died violently and need for vengeance/justice helped him survive through that loss). likewise the heroine's reaction to the initial appearance of rejection as well as insecurities and acceptance of the fact that he'd previously been mated were well done. Renny was overall a great strong heroine. she'd managed to escape & stay ahead of her crazy stalker and his cohorts for months but also was smart enough to understand that she needed help if she was going to reclaim a normal life. She didn't roll over and let big strong alpha Mick handle things but also recognized her own limitations and his need to protect her (and he worked understanding her need to be involved in the process as well). the main characters were given depth of personality not just made to be caricatures, even the villain was shown as more than just a dumb crazy wolf. will admit that the Renny's guilt complex as the book moved along got to be a little tired and annoying but luckily it wasn't over played to much. The glimpses of the other residents of Alphaville that were given makes me look forward to more of their stories going forward.

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I haven't read a book by Ms Warren in forever, a shame on my part because there are certain aspects of her writing that she does so well.

Since I haven't kept up the other/linked series perhaps it was in my head that I felt that I was missing ...I don't know...something when I read this novel.

Overall I enjoyed this book despite " women on the run from a stalker" is probably one of my least favorite tropes. It was written in a fresher manner if that makes sense (my goofy logic, I know LOL).

Despite being "mates" I liked the fact isn't wasn't "insta -love"- again I hope that makes sense?

Renny was a strong heroine but I must admit - she did piss me off more than once regarding Mick. And Mick...sigh...yeah a pretty sigh/swoon worthy alpha male (just saying! LOL)

I also - dare I say - felt the secondary characters were (almost) better than Renny and Mick. I look forward to locating more of Ms Warren's books stacked/packed away and catching up and reading more in this series.

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Renny is trying desperately to reach the town of Alpha, Washington before her pursuers reach her. Alphaville is a shifter community that takes in all kinds of lone shifters and they look out for each other. With a crazy coyote stalker and his enforcers chasing her for months and running her out of every town she settles at, she needs a safe place to go.

When Renny's car runs out of gas she has no choice but to shift and run towards Alphaville, just as she reaches the outskirts, the enforcers catch up with her. Mick hears the commotion outside his house and investigates only to see an injured wolf and a coyote about to attack. Mick soon learns that Renny is his mate and calls up the help of the sheriff and Mayor to try and run down these enforcers and keep her safe.

I made the mistake of starting this story at my lunch break and it started out with the chase. I was pretty hooked and didn't want to stop to go back to work. The story kept at a pretty fast pace since the whole book is about Renny's stalker and enforcers trying to kidnap her. The whole town of Alphaville step up to try and keep her safe.

I can't say that I would fawn all over the main characters but I did enjoy the interactions of all the characters. The sheriff and Mayor's interaction with Mick was pretty comical. I also liked Molly's character. She's the sheriff's sister, the towns EMT and pretty fiesty for a lioness shifter.

This book was entertaining and I would be interested in seeing some of the side characters get their own story. ARC provided by Netgalley.

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