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Sometimes I Lie

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This book was SOOOOOOOOOO good! I loved it. Talk about twists. My brain is spinning. Excellent psychological thriller. Captivating and exciting. The main character, Amber, wakes up from a coma in the hospital. She is unable to move or speak. Initially she can not remember anything but starts to slowly as the story progresses. Story was very detailed and thought-provoking. GREAT ending that I had to reread a couple of times. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it! Fabulous book!!!

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*ARC provided by NetGalley and Flatiron Books*

I did not expect this book, at all. I definitely didn't figure on giving it 5 stars.
I'm not one that needs a lot of twists and turns in books, or is looking for a "gotcha" moment. But this book got me, multiple times. I didn't want to put it down, and once I started reading, I had to keep going. I had to know what was real, and what was a lie. There was a turning point of this book (you'll know it when you get to it) where this book went from a 3/4 star book to a 5 star book, and there was no turning back!

I don't want to give anything away, inadvertently.
I don't even want to keep reviewing it, because I don't want to give anything away accidentally.

If you're a fan of psychological thrillers, pick this one up. Run to the nearest bookstore, preorder it digitally. Do what you need to do to make sure you read this, because you will love it.

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I received this book from Net galley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to the publisher Harlequin UK; the author Alice Feeney; and net galley.

Sometimes I lie is a great psychological thriller packed with wonderful little points of life.

Amber Reynolds is in a coma, she has been returned to her “factory setting as a human being, rather than a human doing” She can hear everything going on around her but she cannot see. She needs to remember what it was that happened. How did she get to the hospital and why is she in a coma? She needs to find out why and what she is afraid of. She needs to know why her husband is being accused of her accident. She needs to remember who the mysterious man is. Most of all, she needs to remember why she is afraid of her sister Claire.

As we read we flash back and forth between a diary, her mind while in a coma, and real life Amber. We find that it is true…“some people are ghosts before they are dead”. The story climaxes and we find that little girls truly are made of “sugar and spice and scars for life.” Read the book, you won’t be sorry! Because “some people appear happy on the outside and you only know they’re broken inside if you listen as well as look”.

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Oh my goodness gracious. I really have no words for how phenomenally twisty and good this book was! So many wonderful twists that I really did not see coming and did not disappoint. There was a ton of hype from my international friends who have read this since it was published in the UK last year as well as from some other early reader friends and I was worried this would fall prey to the curse of overhyped books (is this a thing? now it is.). Happy to report, this was excellent. Try to avoid spoilers AT ALL COSTS, these are twists you will want to experience firsthand.

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Holy moly, this book is a psychological thriller at its best! We are warned in the beginning that the narrator sometimes lies. But to whom is she lying? Hard to write much without giving anything away but just know that you’re in for a wild ride.

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This book started very intriguing (woman in coma) but for some reason, I didn't find it compelling. I started this several times and it never called to me. I'm sure it was just me since others seemed to race through it. I *love* thrillers but couldn't fall in love with this one.

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"I've always stayed within the lines when coloring in my life, but now I'm prepared to let things get a bit messy."

I'm not sure where to even start with this one. If you're looking for a read full of surprises and 'what the heck just happened' moments, this one is for you.

I went in, more or less, blind as to what 'Sometimes I Lie' was about. I saw it on NetGalley and the blurb seemed interesting, so I requested it. If you can avoid any spoilers, I suggest doing that and going in blind. If you read a lot of thrillers, there comes a point when you're usually able to put the pieces together. You see past the parts that are tossed in to throw you off. Alice Feeney not only got me with this one, but there were moments when I was so completely wrong.

At almost 400 pages, this novel gives the illusion of a quick read. The chapters aren't overly long, but they all pack a punch... especially the diary chapters. The pace is complex because it seems to be steady, but then it picks up speed at an alarming rate before leveling off again... then picking up speed yet again. That's what makes this one so hard to figure out. The line between lies and truth are so blurred that you can't trust anything you read.

The writing is so well crafted and thought out. I seriously cannot wait to see what's next from Alice Feeney.

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This book has such good buzz that I was worried I might be disappointed. No need to worry: it is just as good as promised. This is the story of Amber, who wakes up in a coma. We see her life in the past and the present and the way the plot fits together, like a set of Russian dolls, is impressive. There are small clues throughout the novel that plant little seeds for what comes next. Once I read the whole story, it re-wrote itself in my head. The author played with my expectations and subverted everything. Since Amber is in a coma, she must be a clueless victim, right? Well, not to give anything away, but she may be hiding some secrets. Her husband Paul seems way too perfect, he must be a psycho, right? Again, I don't think I even imagined what was going to happen. All the characters break the usual mold of the psychological novels and surprise even the more jaded reader. This is an excellent, tight, well-built and perfectly paced novel.
I chose to read this book and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased. Thank you, NetGalley/Flatiron Books!

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You won't tax your IQ reading this novel, but if you are in the mood for something to just rip through that'll leave you saying, "What just happened?," this one is for you.

Three stars seems like faint praise, but Alice Feeney has written a diabolically enjoyable (!?!) story here.

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A main character who is in a coma and sometimes lies. I'm all in!

Quite a spellbinding read from start to finish! We are not sure how Amber ended up in the hospital in this coma , but she does admit that sometimes she lies. This was like a puzzle and I was trying to put the pieces together, but couldn't entirely trust all the pieces. Very cleverly written and I loved hearing what Amber was thinking while in this coma sizing up everyone in the room and giving us her insight.

The narrative switches from Now (in coma) to Then (before the coma). I loved trying to figure out what the lies were and who to trust. It is super twisty and just when you think you have it figured out another twist flies your way! A fast read for me because I needed to find out what was going on.

The ending was my favorite part because it leaves you questioning yourself and if you perhaps missed anything. I have a theory, but I guess I'll have to wait until the next book!

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From the title alone, one knows they will more than likely be dealing with an unreliable narrator. Not to believe everything you are reading, and not to even try to figure out where this is going. Despite knowing this going in, this novel still made my head spin. I began to doubt everything I was being told, or most of it, and honestly couldn't figure out where this was going. I liked that, it has been a very long time since I have read a novel quite this psychologically twisty.

The chapters alternate with Amber, now in a coma, but able to think but not move or reach out, with chapters from before, detailing what happened, and journal entries of a young girl. Creepy too, since Amber is my eldest daughters name. Does anyone remember the bad seed? For the longest time couldn't quite figure out what the journal had to do with anything, but as with most everything else in this novel, the author reveals exactly when the author wants to reveal. Unlikable characters? You bet! Didn't matter though, was too caught up in the story.

It was nice to read a thriller where I cold just go with the flow, just follow along. Not that I had much choice since I could never quite figure out what was going on. Well, some things were obvious and as they appeared but the ending, in my estimation very, very well done. With a cliffhanger to boot.

ARC from Netgalley.

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I love a book with an unreliable narrator, and this book delivers. Three timelines weave together and each piece leaves you questioning. I was a bit skeptical of the the choice to provide the childhood details, but as the story moved along I appreciate the added depth to the story. The multiple timelines also kept me reading, and as each event was revealed in one time period I had to keep going to see how it affected the rest of the story. It starts out a little slow but becomes a page-turner in no time.

The downside is that while the beginning and middle are enjoyable, I felt like this book ultimately fell victim to the same issue that a lot of recent thrillers have--the ending feels rushed and tries to include more twists and turns than really benefit the story. I was hooked for the first two thirds of the book and kind of wished they hadn't packed so much into the end of the story.

Thank you Netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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GO IN BLIND! Don't read any more reviews. If you like this type of book, just go for it. Even stop reading my review!!! For those still reading - you probably know there is a "twist" since so many of the reviews mention one. Since this twist was described to me as "mind-numbing" I felt like I wasn't going to be able to guess it. I won't say whether I did or not - but that didn't ruin the book for me. The story was captivating. The book was well written. The author is brilliant!! Unique book right here!!

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Wow! Is all I can say! 5 glowing stars!!

This was so twisty and I could not figure out what was really going on. Very clever! Alice Feeney is definitely an up-and-coming author in the psychological suspense genre. There's not much to know about this book. You know only three things from the cover. She's in a coma, her husband doesn't love her anymore and sometimes she lies. Just take it from there. Highly recommend this book. I am so looking forward to Alice Feeney's second book.

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This book is a story about bonds that connect people. Husband-wife, sister-sister, employee-employer, parent-child, stalker-victim. Amber & Claire are sisters who have many secrets that they try to keep hidden. After witnessing a trauma as children, their lives are forever altered. Now, as adults trying to build families of their own, the effects of the trauma & the enormity of their secrets threaten to destroy all that they hold dear. When is a lie, more than an innocent omission? Which lies need to be revealed & which will remain hidden forever? Throughout this book, you will travel along the tangled web of truth & lies to understand that some bonds need to be broken. Thanks NetGalley & Macmillan publishing for the copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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5 deliciously confusing stars!!

I was traveling along in this story enjoying it immensely and not wanting to put it down, and then the 75% mark hit! I got so turned around and confused. I couldn't make heads or tails of what I was reading. It finally clicked back into place when I was at the 85% mark and trying to explain it to my husband. Once I was able to talk it through, I understood it.

I love books and stories that can make you think and confuse you because they aren't predictable. There are a lot of secrets in this story and they are glorious!

Don't worry about getting confused. It's the backbone and needs to be experienced.

Why are you still reading this review? Go! Read the book!!

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To be honest, I chose to read this book because I was interested in the mechanics of the writing. How does one write a novel from the POV of a person in a coma? Would it be boring? Hokey? Impossible to follow?

Luckily, it turned out to be none of those things. Alice Feeney's <i>Sometimes I Lie</i> is excellently constructed, fast paced and keeps you guessing the whole way through. Though you could see some of the "twists" coming a mile off, overall it was a great read, and it had me gasping out loud at points. A thoroughly enjoyable read!

I would absolutely recommend this book to folks who love a twisty, turn-y thriller.

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I enjoyed this book, which kept me guessing until the ending. I didn't feel like the ending really works, at least not for me. Amber Taylor is in a coma. There was a car accident, but she can't remember what happened. The perspective was a good one, The is comatose and can hear and think, and be aware of her thoughts. There are throwbacks to her childhood journals which give some relevant background material.

At the end, I felt very confused as to who was who. The back story did not develop as well as i thought and without telling too much, there was a very confusing (for me) explaination regarding the relationship between Amber and her sister Claire that could have been it's own story but didn't work for me in this one.

Over all I enjoyed the first 1/2 to 3/4 but I did not enjoy the ending at all. I was confused and not satisfied by the ending!

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A woman is in a coma following a horrific car accident. She can hear what is going on around her, though she is unable to communicate. Locked inside her own body, she struggles to remember what happened, and, bit by bit, the truth is revealed. Suspenseful, surprising, shocking.

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What a book - every time I thought I had it figured out there was another surprising twist! The story of Amber Reynolds jumps from present day to where she is currently in a coma, to the events of the week before that led to her coma and to diaries from 25 years earlier when she was a 10 year old. It may sound confusing but it was pretty easy to follow along. This is a quick read - you will want to get to the end to find what is really going on. This is a great psychological thriller that I will definitely be recommending.

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