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806 is a story that is different from any other I've read. I really enjoyed reading the story of the kids searching for their biological father "Donor 806". The book took many different turns than I expected and the story wasn't an easy one. I liked the ending and where it looks like things are going. I also thought the book was written very well. Content-wise, there were a few things I didn't like, but it wasn't too bad.

I'm glad I read this story and, if it sounds interesting to you, I think you will enjoy it.

*I received a complimentary eBook copy via NetGalley for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. As always, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.*

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Fun YA/middle grades novel dealing with diversity. Three different kids from vastly different homes discover that they have the same sperm donor father and set out to find him.

The book is unrealistic but lots of fun.

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i couldn't really get into the book very well, I found bits confusing and i decided not to carry on with this read as i just couldn't engage with the characters. I read the first 100 pages.

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Sibling 1 throws blenders and plays guitar. Sibling 2 is allergic to everything and is into magic. Sibling 3 is a varsity swimmer with a group of female fans. Enough said. The only thing they have in common is their biological father, and the only thing they can agree on is that they all want to meet him. With the help of a broken-down, “borrowed” Jeep, KT, Jesse, and Gabe make their way across the country evading police, trying their luck on the slots, and meeting a life-changing pig, all to track down Donor 806, their father. Any hope of success requires smarts, luck, and ingenuity. Good thing they have each other…even if they don’t see it that way.

We loved this story! For a YA who lives hallmark type books that make you laugh, cry, and can’t put down… this is the book for you!
A seriously heartwarming story of three teenagers who never thought they would have anything in common! It turns out they do! Donor 806… or at least that’s what they thought. Once they embark on their journey to find their “bio” dad, their real adventure begins. In what I thought was a perfect rendition of a hallmark special to watch on a rainy day under a blanket and a bowl of popcorn, it was a very enjoyable read!

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I’m puzzled by the question of who is the intended audience of this book. It was listed as a Young Adult book but as an adult who reads a significant amount of YA, it seemed like more of a children’s book. That is, except for the swearing, sexual innuendo and drug/alcohol use. It reminded me of a PG-13 Disney movie. Unrealistic in a corny/cheesy way (at one point, the three teenagers evade a highway patrolman who has pulled them over by using a magic trick to disappear in a cloud of smoke). It has good bones/good potential but the execution just wasn’t quite there.

I was given a complimentary ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a feel good, happy to be on this adventure type of book. The story starts out kind of dark, though there is quite a bit of subtle humor throughout. However, it quickly goes into a more lighthearted adventure of the characters finding out who they are and figuring out what next once they find out the answers they were looking for.

The story follows three teens who are searching for their father and along the way, realize that they have more in common than they thought. They bring out the best in each other and by the end of the adventure, realize that families come in many shapes. Theirs may be odd, but it works for them. The kids also run into individuals that mirror each of the kids’ personality in some way. This helps the kids deal with their own issues before they even get to meet their dad.

This story could have gone in many directions, but Weil decided to keep it upbeat for such a serious subject. This book brings to light that no matter who you are or who you come from, you can find family in the strangest of places.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an advanced copy to read. All opinions are my own.

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A seriously heartwarming story of three teenagers who never thought they would have anything in common! It turns out they do! Donor 806... or at least that's what they thought. Once the embark on their journey to find their "bio" dad, their adventure begins. In what I thought was a perfect rendition of a hallmark special to watch on a rainy day under a blankie and a box of tissues, it was a very enjoyable read! Thanks netgalley!

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806 was book about KT, Jessie, and Gabe's crazy journey as they look for the sperm donor that is their biological father, running into unimaginable challenges while working towards finding family in more ways than one.
The thing about this book is that I didn't care enough about the characters, maybe it's because the main character was very shut off. In any case, they lacked depth so it was hard to sympathize with them on their travels. It also, at times, felt as if the characters had this artificial personal growth because the plot required them to, rather than a more natural feeling character arc. One of the characters does a complete one-eighty with-in a single chapter and it's not really explained, but they felt like two completely different characters.
The dialogue was strange at times and it definitely didn't feel like teenagers talking, or if that is how some teenagers actually talk I've never met one. The story itself was weird, this book really suffered when "things were meant to be" was the cause of the entire second half of the book. There was no reason for everything to conveniently happen the way it did, but go off I guess. The ending was what was most effected by this. Everything is somehow beautifully tied up in a beautiful bow of "life is beautiful", none of it felt organic. It felt like an ending that was trying far too hard to be meaningful.
I don't think this was a bad book, I've certainly read worse, but there really wasn't anything good about it. While reading I got the impression that the author just didn't know how to write a compelling book, it more of a placeholder of one. Like, this could have been a good book if it was well-written, but it just wasn't. I feel like there are probably other books with this same concept (since the concept isn't that original) that are written well and I would recommend that book.

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This book was very lighthearted and quick read. While many parts were idealized and a bit cliche, it did not take away from the adventure of the book. I read it on the beach and cranked it out in two days. It you are looking for a fun summer or beach read, this is it! I loved how the characters developed and the adventure they embarked on: each for their own reasons but simultaneously together as one.

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I really tried with this book. Honestly, I did. But the story just wasn't for me. The writing was mediocre at best, and the plot was completely uninteresting. I ended up DNF'ing it less than halfway through because I just couldn't get into it. I was originally hoping to review this on my blog but will hold off my review until a later date when I feel like I can finish reading it and accurately review the entire book.

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I absolutely adored this book! When three kids find out they are donor kids, they find each other through a website aimed at kids finding their donor parents. While KT doesn't believe that her two siblings are two kids she knows from school, what she doesn't like is who they are; jock Jesse and nerd Gabe. When they decide to go on a road trip to find their donor father, they each go for their own reasons. Along the way, however, they find more than they thought they would.
Even though some of the events play out in unlikely ways, it adds a cute little element to the story especially after meeting Willard. He has a belief that everything will work out as it's supposed to. This book was a fun, quick read, but it was enjoyable throughout.

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review, which hasn’t altered my opinion of the book at all.

This book was about as exciting as I had expected with a few twists and turns along the way. I wasn’t overwhelmed with the desire to read it all in one sitting, but I did want to know what was going to happen to the trio. As far as the story itself, it was for sure an entertaining ride around with these very different characters who really only had one thing in common: they want to find their biological father.

I honestly found our main narrator KT to be a bit annoying and there’s only so much that I can attribute to her mother. She really is a brat and I think that really turned me off at points. I also found Jesse’s transformation to be a bit sudden and not what I was expecting. Gabe was probably my favorite because he was the most relatable for me at least. In all honesty, I just didn’t have a strong connection with the characters unfortunately.

I think this was an interesting story about surprises that can alter the way you live your life and what it means to go all in and follow your dreams. I was a bit underwhelmed by this book, but it was pretty well written. Overall, three out of five from me.

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This was an entertaining and fun read.
3 high school students who each have their own issues discover that they share a biological father through a sperm bank. 806 chronicles their efforts to find him and the adventures they have along the way.
It was interesting to see the evolution of the relationships between Katie, Jesse, and Gabe as they transition from strangers with preconceived notions to friends to siblings who support each other.
The thing that kept this from being a higher rated read was the idealistic, all tied up in a bow resolution. When the kids finally find their "father" things go better than anyone could imagine and it just seems a little too good to be true.

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Fun young adult book full of music, discovery, and dynamic relationships. Loved taking a road trip with the Savage kids.

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KT, Jesse, and Gabe are half siblings who meet in real life after posting to a forum and discovering they're are siblings. While some illegal escapades occur, it's a mostly interesting story if not a little odd.

This was a fun YA read. The premise was rather interesting from the beginning. A journey of discovery with half siblings who found out about their father through a forum. The plot was kind of odd. It's a fun and lighthearted read overall, but there are quite a few things that are just a little too convenient.

The overall story is okay though there are some things I found iffy regarding this story. The overall plot conveniences did detract from the story for me. Some of it was kind of hard to get through. However, if you are looking for a fun, lighthearted read, this might be it.

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I had a high expectations because this book has the potential of becoming a great and fun road trip books, filled with shenanigans and self-realization. But the plot was all over the place, the writing was mediocre, the main character is very unlikeable and the rest of the characters are one dimensional. It's a quick read though, it's so easy to flip through.

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806 tells the story of KT. She’s been raised by her mom and discovers, at the beginning of the book, that the dude her mom told her was her father actually isn’t. So she begins her quests to find out who her biological father is along with her biological siblings she just found.

I wanted to like this but I couldn’t. I just don’t get the whole “I need to find my bio father so that I can understand who I am” thing. I’m on the nurture over nature team, all the way.
It didn’t help that I really disliked KT, I really wanted to shake/slap the shit out of her.
She was so obnoxious. The way she treated her mother in particular but also, how she treated/thought about her “siblings” or really anyone. She really drove me insane.
The plot barely made sense to me too. It just felt so fake and impossible.
I just couldn’t get into it.

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I received a copy of this from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

I thought it was going to be an interesting story about kids finding their biological dad. It was but it was also on the boring side for me. I’m not really into YA books and this one to me was just not good.
It started out ok but turned, well silly, in my opinion. I just could not get into it. I think teens may like it, especially if they are conceived like these kids were.

I just could not give it a good rating since I didn’t like it. I’m very sorry.

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This e book was provided by Netgalley in return for an honest review.

The cover of the book is beautiful, and the plot is intriguing. It is a YA story about a group of teens on a road trip to find their biological father, and I went into it really excited to have a book to recommend to my students. Unfortunately, the book did little to meet my expectations. The plot became very convoluted and at points ludicrous, the narrator was very hard to like, and the dialogue was really awkward. The file format was confusing to read too, although that is not the author’s responsibility. All in all I am glad it was a quick read, because it was really not quality writing.

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