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All of the Above

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I was fairly disappointed that this was only a novela. I really enjoyed the characters' development, and then the story just ended.

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3.5 - 4 Full review coming soon....

I honestly had a love/hate relationship with this one. Basically, I loved Brendon - I didn't necessarily hate Matt, but I wasn't crazy about him either. *sigh*

Brendon was adorable. He had a great personality, cool friends, but he wasn't really centered. His friends were great mainly because they didn't pull punches with him. They let him know his weaknesses, but they didn't knock him down. They just worried about him and supported him regardless... even if it meant helping him pick up the pieces.

Then there was Matt. I kinda liked him, but I really didn't like the way he treated Brendon. Honestly, whether he considered Matt his soul mate or not, I would have been just as happy if the story would have had a different ending... one where maybe Brendon ended up with someone that actually appreciated him? Harsh, I know and it's just my opinion. Sometimes characters click and sometimes they don't. *sigh*

On the positive side... All of the Above was an enjoyable read from all other standpoints. That probably makes no sense at all, but there was never a time that I didn't consider finishing the story and I will definitely give this author another read.

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I had a really hard time reading this book. I wasn’t able to finish it.

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All of the Above by Quinn Anderson is a cute story about a guy crushing on another guy he has never met before, except through a magazine quiz.. I did like the story even though Brendon goes a little stalkerish on Matt in the beginning. However, Brendon does fess up to his orchestrating their "first" meeting by the end of the book, showing some reason. Thank goodness. Matt has a hard time forgiving Brendon but this eventually work out for them.

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Honestly, this was just ok for me. The plot of the story...boy reads a magazine article and sets out to find the author who he is sure is his perfect match...finds him then loses him, then gets him back. It's all a bit....rom-com which I adore, however, I think a lot of the potential in this story was wasted and lost but I am just not sure where it went.
I just wasn't really a fan of the character's, or the side character's. In a way, I felt that the MC's were just a bit...borish if not annoying.

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Cute and original plot. Good character development for a short book. Brandon falls for the guy who wrote the magazine quiz - and he hasn't event met him. He arranges to accidentally run into Matt and impress him with how much they have in common.Relationships don't always work out how a person plans them too.

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Cute story with quirky and lovable characters. This is probably my favorite of Anderson's. Quite the romantic story.

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4.5 Stars!!!

Brendon never seems to finish what he starts. He lacks the drive, even if he tries. He's sure there has to be something out there for him and until he stumbles into a local magazine and finds a "Who Is Your Perfect Man?" quiz there, he isn't sure what that is. Then, as he compares the answers by the quiz' writer and his, he decides that Matthew Kingston is his soulmate and orchestrates an encounter with him, after cyberstalking him to know which are his favorite haunts.

Meeting Matt is all he hoped for, at first, they hit it off perfectly, but Matt hates liars and Brendon hasn't been telling him the entire truth about their first meeting, would Matt be able to get over Brendon not coming clean from the start?

I absolutely adore Brendon. He was such a sweet, self-deprecating, fun character. It was too much fun seeing the things he was willing to do to find Matthew. And I was so happy that even when he was contrite about not telling Matt about how he orchestrated meeting him, he didn't let Matt walk all over him about it all. I liked Matt, even if there were some moments in which I wanted to strangle him. He was nice, but he could be very opinionated and judgmental. They had amazing chemistry, though, and I just adored them together. Brendon's best friends were a great support system for him and so fun to read, too!

Overall, this book was a delight to read, even if I found myself crying in some parts, it was mostly fun and sweet and cute and I was absolutely rooting for Brendon to get the HEA he deserved. Absolutely recommendable!

*** Copy provided to the reviewer via NetGalley by Riptide Publisher for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***

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4.25 Stars

When Brendon’s friend, Areesh drops off some of his wife’s old magazines to him at work, Brendon finds a local one with a quiz in the back about finding the perfect boyfriend. Taking the quiz he finds some unique choices in the featured answers to favorite movies, first date ideas and local places he loves that makes him think, perhaps he has a lot in common with the author, so he finds the author's name and sets out to try to run into him at one of the places they both love. Brendon never expects for it to work, but he and the author, Matt, hit it off swimmingly. But what will happen if/when Matt discovers that meeting Brendon wasn’t fate, but something orchestrated by Brendon himself?

Aww, this was such a sweet story. I absolutely loved both Brendon and Matt, although Matt could be a bit douchey and opinionated at times, for the most part he was sweet and he and Brendon were absolutely adorable together.

Although Brendon and Matt had a lot in common, I loved watching them discover their differences, as well and those differences helped balance out their relationship. They had amazing chemistry and were definitely hot together.

This was a well-written story that was, well, it was just really sweet and made you wanna go “awwww” while reading it. It’s filled with romance, humor and friendship, and I absolutely adored Brendon’s best friends, Areesh and Sasha. They were a great support system for Brendon and added to the story nicely.

This was a quick and easy read that was really enjoyable! Definitely recommend!

*copy provided by author/publisher via NetGalley*

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Okay, so, I have read several books by Quinn Anderson and have loved most of them but this one just didn’t grab me. It’s a cute gay romance story with well-developed characters and a nice happily ever after, however, there were just a few things I didn’t love about this story.

The Characters

Brandon is a bit of a flake, I think. He is just meandering through life without a lot of direction. After trying a few career paths with no success, he is currently working at a mall hair kiosk as he goes to school to become a hairdresser. He doesn’t really seem to ‘love’ it but seems to be just making time no knowing what else to do.

Matt is a writer of a popular quiz that is published in a local magazine. When Brandon takes his latest quiz about finding your soul mate, he thinks Matt is ‘the one’. Personally, I thought Matt was judgemental and rude and really didn’t care for his character at all.

The Story

So, basically, Brandon has to find out how to first MEET Matt and then actually have the two of them fall in love. That is pretty much most of the plot except that their whole introduction starts out based on a lie which is a huge pet peeve of mine. Brandon does come clean about the lie very early in the book, though, which I really appreciated or probably would not have continued reading it.

The Romance

The romance between these guys starts off with a lie since Brandon has been stalking Matt and there is a big deception involved. However, after a rocky start, they seem to get things moving and feelings develop slowly. It was a realistic pace for a relationship, I think, with no insta love or falling into bed on day 3 of knowing each other.

I really enjoyed the epilogue and it gave a nice look at their lives together a bit down the road.

Overall, this is a cute gay romance story but not one of my favorites. Technically well written and an easy read but just isn’t going on my ‘to be read again’ list.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Angie – ☆☆☆
The blurb drew me in and I couldn't wait to read this book. The story is super sweet, but in the same sense, I didn't really like the two main characters. Brendon was so arrogant and self-centered and Matt just rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. I couldn't connect with these guys. I tried, because who hasn't filled out those surveys in magazines? Well, now online. Great idea, just not good execution in my opinion. It was a fast read; even though I didn't connect or love the book, it was a fast, sweet read that I am sure lots of people will enjoy.

Sarah – ☆☆☆☆
This is a very sweet romantic comedy. It feels like a fiction version of a classic film romcom featuring Meg Ryan or Reece Witherspoon. It is a self-aware story – Brendon is a huge romcom fan and he takes his inspiration from the classics.

For Quinn Anderson, this is quite a departure from her Murmur’s Inc books – this is almost adorably cute and it lacks the undercurrent of edgy social commentary in her earlier books. I personally prefer the slightly darker humour in the Murmur’s Inc stories, but this is an easy, fun, and relatively low heat romance that will have a broad appeal.

Brendon is a bit of a mess. A cosmetology student by night and a mall kiosk worker by day, he’s not the most focused or driven character. His life is pretty simple. He is image conscious and pretty superficial. I’m not sure I’d be friends with him and I’d probably never date him – but he is immediately recognisable and he’s an original and quirky choice for a leading man.

I feel like I have dated Matt before – and regretted it. Brendon falls for his sophisticated hipster tastes, but I couldn’t get past his judgemental attitude. However, as much as these two men aren’t for me, they are pretty perfect together.

Beyond Brendon and Matt, I really loved Brendon’s friends, Sasha and Areesh. The couple’s dubious dating advice adds humour to the story and they somehow make Brendon a bit more likeable.

This is a fun and sweet romantic comedy. It’s a little bit too cute for me, but it is well written and there will be many readers who will fall in love with Brendon and Matt’s story.

Erica – ☆☆☆☆
4.5 Stars

Brendon is a stylist-in-training, having too much time on his hands working at a mall kiosk. While taking a quiz in a local magazine, he feels drawn to the man who created it, Matt. The quiz mentioned Brendon's favorite places, date locations, and spoke to his heart.

Brendon becomes a stalker, adding an awkward hilarity to the novella. I suffered from a few bouts of vicarious embarrassment alongside Brendon as he hunted down Matt.

In this sweet yet awkward novella, the reader is taken on a full journey, proving love is perfect, but the ones in love are perfectly flawed for each other.

Brendon and Matt are a good balance, with a few stumbles along the way that added a realistic edge to the story.

The author hit many emotional notes for me, focusing heavily on the couple and no outside forces. I blushed and covered my face with Brendon, and Matt even had my heart skipping a few beats, in both pain and happiness.

Recommend for readers needing a sweet injection of romance, not heavy on the angst but realistically written. I cannot wait to get my hands on what the author writes next.

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I quite liked this book once I pushed past the first 30% or so. Brendon, one of our MCs, works what's basically dead-end job as a salesperson for hair straighteners and other beauty products in a local mall, while also going to school to become a hair stylist/make-up artist. He's friends with a married couple running the sales stand next to his.

Brendon also comes across as a bit lonely, though he's described as someone who doesn't usually finish what he starts, a bit flaky, a bit effeminate. He's gay and there's no hiding it. His hair frequently changes color. He can't seem to hold on to a boyfriend, looking for perfect and never finding it. He felt real enough to me, and definitely likable, and I hoped he would find what he was looking for.

Then he comes across a quiz in a local magazine asking "Who's Your Perfect Man?" And it appears as if the author of the quiz, one Matthew Kingston, is just perfect for Brendon.

The meet-cute is fake, obviously, as Brendon sort of stalks Matthew online, finds his pictures and his usual hangouts, realizes that what he sees he definitely likes, and begins hanging out at those places, hoping to run into Matthew.

Which he does, after a while.

They have an awesome first date, and they seem to have a lot in common, considering how much Brendon knows about Matthew's preferences, which he uses to his advantage. And then Brendon realizes he has to come clean, knowing Matthew abhors liars, and what might have been turns into heartache.

I didn't actually like Matthew all that much for most of the book, to be honest. He came across as a bit of a judgmental dickhead. Even after he supposedly forgives Brendon for the initial deception, and they're on their 2nd date, something Matthew apparently spent some time setting up, he keeps making snarky remarks about Brendon's lie, until Brendon, suddenly finding his backbone, calls him on that shit real quick. I cheered in my head when that happened, because I was getting quite irritated with Matthew at that point. His behavior was, while certainly understandable, not something someone with forgiveness in his heart would likely do.

I did warm up to him eventually, when he makes an about-face and the two of them really talk things through. I really liked that Brendon who, despite feeling guilty about his earlier deception, held Matthew's feet to the fire when his words of forgiveness didn't match his actions.

The feelings between them grow quickly, but believably, and I had no issues with the time frame here. I do believe that Brendon and Matthew were well-matched, and thus the rapidity with which they developed into a full-blown relationship was perfectly fine with me.

This is the kind of easy, happy reading that I need every so often. It's a bit quirky, on the sweet and fluffy side for sure, and definitely worth your time.

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3.5 stars Brendon met his soulmate....not in real-time but on paper...he did a quiz by this writer Matthew/Matt and it pressed all his buttons. He knew he had to make it happen to meet him for real. It took some time, he wanted to impress him so he did some work to know everything about Matt. He was the perfection, everything he wanted for a soulmate.
They actually meet, coincidentally Matt thinks so, and it was an instant attraction.... only now Brendon has to confess how he worked hard to find Matt and it wasn't faith what brought them together. And he just learned that Matt deeply hates liars.....

A sweet featherlight read...It took some time before they actually meet...but after that....when they did..... so sweet..
Nicely fresh written story with witty flawed personalities... worth reading

Kindly received an ARC from the publisher through NetGalley.

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All of the Above is my first read by Quinn Anderson. I enjoyed this story for the sweet romance it is meant to be. I will read more by this author.

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Cute, cute, cute!

Quinn Anderson’s All of the Above was the first book I’ve read by this author. I actually passed it up the first run through because the cover didn’t catch my eye, but then I went back and read the blurb. Instant one-clicker material!

He was like a sparkly little hummingbird in a drab haystack.

Brendon is living day-to-day, working at a hair kiosk in the mall and going to school for cosmetology. One day he happens to pick up a local magazine and take a quiz. Lo and behold, all the answers the quiz maker lists pique Brendon’s interest. It’s settled then. The mystery man is Brendon’s soulmate. The problem? How to go about meeting him.

This story delivered all the super cute and sweet vibes that I can’t even…

Brendon was a gem. Though he’s kind of in a rut, he’s determined and looks at life with this wicked sense of humor that just had me cracking up throughout. I can’t remember the last time I got caught up in a character heart, body and soul.

I love the whole structure of this story too. The quiz isn’t just the catalyst, it continues all the way through, and it was just hands-down such fun to read and really rounded out Brendon and Matthew.

If you’re in the market for an adorable read that will leave you with butterflies and smiles then you’ll definitely want to read this book next!

4 stars!

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Brendon wants to meet Colin AKA "Matt" so bad he can taste it. So he makes his own destiny, and lies in wait. When he gets the chance to be face to face with fate, will it all work out?

Matt has no idea that Brendon has a secret. He thought them meeting was a normal thing. Well, as normal as it could have been. Can he trust someone new after being hurt in the past?

This story was blissfully simple. Just a love story with real feelings, by genuine characters who are fun to read. The story flows pretty well. Not my favorite from this author, though.

***This ARC copy was given in exchange for an honest review by Netgalley and its publisher.

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This is my second Quinn Anderson book. It started out pretty cute. I do love her voice in her stories.

This one however, didn't quite meet my expectations. I have a pet peeve about male characters in M/M Romance novels being portrayed as too feminine. I don't mean "effeminate", I mean "feminine". Where you keep asking yourself if this is Brendan or Brenda you're reading about.

If that were my only complaint it would fall into the "many" category because I read a lot of books that give me that impression. But this one also bothered me with with the other H, Colin Matthew.

I was put off by Matt. I found him egotistical and judgemental. The way he was meant to be. But, he never redeemed himself in my eyes. All of his romantic overtures left me feeling like he was either trying too hard or making himself look good.

This particular story didn't work for me. However, I still very much enjoyed Ms. Anderson's writing and look forward to reading many more of her novels because her writing is witty, warm and easy to read.

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