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Sweet Christmas Romance 2017

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4.5 beautiful big stars for this collection of 5 Christmas stories!

It is the first time I'm reading Christmas-y love stories and for my own surprise, I loved them so much! They weren't too cheesy. They were full of unexpected moments and very easy to read.
At the end of every story there is a recipe that was made by the protagonist in each one.

Long story short, this collection made me want to read more Christmas-y romance stories. (I don't like romantic books almost at all, only if the romance is part of a different genre in the specific books).

I recommend these stories on winter-y nights along with a hot cocoa by the Christmas tree.

Thank you, NetGalley, for this amazing collection of short stories.

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This combination of authors has put together a set of short reads containing sweet concoctions of food and love. I particularly loved the first book Evie’s Christmas Chocolate Kisses by Sharon Kleve. The characters were heart warming, strong and loving and that includes the dog that captures Evie's heart!

This is the perfect book for short spaces between friends and family, with a sweet cookie and hot tea!

Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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ARC provided by Netgalley - Books To Go Now

Evie’s Christmas Chocolate Kisses 4/5
I really enjoyed this one all the characters were likeable (except Andrew) and the setting was great.

Analeigh’s Christmas Cupcakes 3/5
This was a quick read with another dodgy ex, I liked the setting of this one as well it started off with a bang.

Chrissy’s Christmas Sugar Cookies 2/5
I didn't really like Chrissy or Nick so that took away from my enjoyment, I also could predict how this one was going to go from the beginning.

Amy’s Christmas Casserole 2.5/5
I feel like I would of enjoyed this a lot more if it wasn't part of this anthology as it seemed like a totally different genre, which threw me off as I wasn't expecting any suspense.

Margie's Magic Cookie Bars 2/5
Liked the setting of this one but Margie acted so stupid when it came to Trent I couldn't work out why it took her so long to see what everyone saw or told her.

All of these were new to me authors, I'm looking forward to trying some of their individual work to see if I still enjoy them.
I love the addition of the recipes at the end of the stories, I'll definitely be trying some of these out.

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I received this book through NetGalley for an honest review*
I love each story thus far. I appreciate that each one is developed to its full potential and I have not felt cheated by not wanting more. I love the double meaning of the word "sweet". I would recommend for any romance and even fluffy contemporary book lover.

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I always enjoy reading books with Christmas themes.

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I really enjoyed this book. I love stories like this. Each story was as good as the next. Christmas is so stressful anyway and these stories just make everything better. I got this book from NetGalley for an honest review.

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Enjoyed each story in this Christmas box set. Some authors were new to me and will be looking up some more of their book. Each story is good length for a break from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.

Ebook from net galley and publishers with thanks. Opinions are entirely my own.

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You will feel all the magical atmosphere of Christmas with Sweet Christmas Romances 2017 written by Sharon Kleve, Jennifer Conner, Angela Ford, Tammy Tate and Laura Strickland published by Books to Go Now.
Sweet, romantic, touching tales, they will pass through the most special moment of the year, Christmas. Everyone should be happy and joyous during this period of the year but sometimes it's not like that.
I want to focus the attention on the first tale: Evie’s Christmas Chocolate Kisses by Sharon Kleve.
Evie, the protagonist, is not particularly happy at the beginning of the story. She lost both her parents the past Christmas and she is also stalked by her ex boyfriend. Confection Connection the delicious workplace where she works in located in Boston Massachusetts. That work and the production of a lot of delicious cookies keeps her busy most of her time although the owner of the store worried for her, suggests her of adopting an animal for not staying completely isolated from the rest of the world. While the store is visited by Boston Food Finds receiving great reviews, and so more and more success, Evie thinks that maybe it is arrived the moment of choosing a pet.
While she is choosing the dog she will adopt, she meets Nick, the vet of the structure and it's love at first sight. Evie doesn't choose a common dog, but someone special with wounds still to heal called Brewster. Like her he suffered a lot...

All these tales are framed by sweet memories, great moments, delicious recipes, friendship, love, a wonderful happy end and a lot of Christmas Spirit!
The other tales are: Analeigh’s Christmas Cupcakes, Chrissy’s Christmas Sugar Cookies, Amy’s Christmas Casserole, Margie’s Magic Cookie Bars.
Enjoy these tales! They're all deliciously optimistic, relaxing, beauty, written with great passion and perfect to be read during a relaxing moment with a good warm cup of tea close to you!

I thank NetGalley and Books to Go Now for this eBook.

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I received a free digital copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Any quotes that may appear below are from the text and are not my words.

This was a great book to read when you are in the mood for romance. I love short stories and it was nice to read Christmas themed ones. I am not going to review each individual story but as a whole, this is a very fun compilation. The stories were well written.

I must admit, this book made me want to snuggle under a blanket and drink a nice mug of hot cocoa. It gave me this sense of comfort and coziness that I really enjoyed. I am rating this book Four Stars because it was a very good read and I will most likely recommend it to others.

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I really enjoyed the group of short stories about Christmas and love. It really put me in the mood for Christmas. I am now ready to settle down in my comfy chair with some of the sweets and a hot beverage and read great books about Christmas and love.

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Adorable group of Christmas stories . Delightful reads. Yummy.

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2.5☆   Evie’s Christmas Chocolate Kisses: Sharon Kleve   
4☆   Analeigh’s Christmas Cupcakes: Jennifer Conner
   3☆   Chrissy’s Christmas Sugar Cookies: Angela Ford
3.5☆   Amy’s Christmas Casserole:  Tammy Tate
   3☆   Margie's Magic Cookie Bars: Laura Strickland

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What an absolutely perfect Christmas anthology. Perfect length for the busy Christmas season. All the short stories center on food, mostly the baking of Christmas goodies. Several of the authors are unfamiliar to me but I'll be looking for some some of their books. Stories by Sharon Kleve, Jennifer Conner, Angela Ford, Tammy Tate, and Laura Strickland, The novella's are sweet and quick moving.

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Sweet romances centered around cooking especially baking at Christmas along with a recipe from each story make the Sweet Christmas Romance 2017 by Sharon Kleve, Jennifer Conner, Angela Ford, Tammy Tate, and Laura Strickland a true delight. The stories are novella in length ranging from the shortest at 5 chapters and the longest at 20. I thought when I began reading the first novella that the other stories would be about the supporting characters but that is not the case. Each story is complete, taking place in different small-town but with wonderful main characters in each. The stories may not be long, but they do have substance making them an enjoyable read. Perfect contained stories for a season that can be extremely hectic. The scrumptious looking (pic included) recipe is a bonus I can’t wait to try.

Evie’s Christmas Chocolate Kisses is the kind of story I love best by Sharon Kleve. Just enough drama, a fun set of supporting characters, a wonderful dog and two extremely likable main characters. I loved the dog in this story as well as the baker and vet.

Analeigh’s Christmas Cupcakes by Jennifer Conner has one truly good guy who helps save the day for one damsel in distress or at least after being rear-ended a business future could be. A fun read with characters that you would want as friends.

Chrissy’s Christmas Sugar Cookies by Angela Ford reminded me of “You’ve Got Mail”. It is not a copy of that story but has the same trope of business enemies fighting an attraction. Also, the opposite attraction going on too. This is the most fun of the five novellas. I couldn’t help but like Nicholas Reed, but I also backed Chrissy’s plan. What fun to watch these do go at it while falling for each other too.

Amy’s Christmas Casserole is the first story I remember reading by Tammy Tate. It has the most mystery if any if the stories with a wary of men woman, with good cause I might add. Amy jumps out if comfortable zone, winding up finding love. I was most interested in what would happen with her best friend, especially since he was always a great guy too. I enjoyed the story especially how everything worked out in the end for them all.

Margie's Magic Cookie Bars by Laura Strickland has a lonely woman missing a loved one at Christmas but hoping for love too. I liked how the obvious choice was not the best choice. Maybe that is not quite right because the best choice was the obvious choice to me just not to Margie, the female lead. In the end, the best and right choice is made. What a delightful Christmas romance.

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Sweet Christmas Romances 2017 is a collection of short novellas whose authors include Sharon Kleve, Jennifer Conner, Angela Ford, Tammy Tate, and Laura Strickland. These authors match up with the titles in the following order: Evie's Christmas Chocolate Kisses (Kleve), Analeigh's Christmas Cookies (Conner), Chrissy's Christmas Sugar Cookies (Ford), Amy's Christmas Casserole (Tate), and Margie's Magic Christmas Bars (Strickland).

The book caught my attention because of the title; I wanted to see what was meant by the definition of "sweet." After reading through the collection, I would say that it has more to do with the recipes that are included after each novella, about a dessert/recipe that has a starring role in each of the stories. That's not surprising considering the titles of the novellas, but I wasn't able to read what they were until after I had downloaded the book. I had actually been expecting to read stories that were clean (yes, with that kind of definition of "sweet"), but that wasn't quite the case for all of them. However, the love scenes for the ones that did have them were not very graphic or the intimate moments were mentioned briefly in passing. The exception was in Tammy Tate's story, Amy's Christmas Casserole, which had a descriptive sex scene. If you were expecting to read stories that were clean, then you should know that not all the stories in this collection will pass muster in this expectation.

One of the stories (and I don't want to mention which one) could have used a bit more editing; there were a number of errors in diction and spelling. However, I also understand that I was reading a galley/proof that may undergo more work before being placed on the market. Most of the other stories didn't have errors that were as noticeable as the one I just mentioned.

Of the recipes, I think that the one that captured my interest is Analeigh's Christmas Bourbon Bacon Cupcake recipe, but just so that you know, if you are not tremendously inclined to bake entirely from scratch, the cake portion appears to allow for the use of a Betty Crocker cake mix. I also found it amusing that the title of the novella that is supposed go with the recipe reads, "Analeigh's Christmas Cookies." By the way, this was not the story that had the numerous spelling errors.

Disclaimer: I received an e-copy of Sweet Christmas Romances 2017 from NetGalley in exchange for a review. All opinions stated in this review are mine.

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Sweet Christmas Romance is just that new romances that are centered on Christmas. They are the perfect short stories for people that just want an extra dose of sweetness around Christmas. As a single woman in her twenties I loved these short stories. They are perfect to curl up with on a cold morning wrapped up in warm fluffy blankets while enjoying a hot chocolate. My favorite is Annaleigh’s Christmas Cookies and I will definitely be trying out the recipes at the end of each story, see if I have some Christmas miracle myself.

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It is always a challenge to rate a compilation of stories with multiple authors. I almost always like some of the stories better than others, and have to compute a tricky average or overall feeling rating, which is not fair to each individual story. For <i>Sweet Christmas Romances 2017</i>, I am including my overall impression, as well as my reaction to each individual story.

The books are all m/f Christmas romances featuring a heroine who enjoys, and is skilled at, baking. Generally the meet cute takes place in the first few pages; the stories are all girl meets boy, relationship ensues. No second chance couples or friends to lovers appear in these stories. They are all contemporary, with little or no explicit sexy times. They all feature loss as a theme in some form. And there are recipes at the end of each section. Recipe ratings are included!

<b>Evie’s Christmas Chocolate Kisses by Sharon Kleve.</b>

The story takes place over five days in and around Boston. It starts out surprisingly light considering the fact that Evie’s parents both died the previous Christmas. And she is recently single. Poor Evie! She def needs a puppy. Evie works in a bakery. The first day explains Evie’s life. And introduces her cardboard cutout of a villain ex-boyfriend.

On day 2, she adopts a rescue dog, and meets a cute veterinarian. And then the murders began. Just kidding, there are no murders.

This moves way too quickly, with cheesy lines right away, and huge servings of insta-trust and insta-love. <spoiler> “You know I would do anything for you...” “I think we were meant to be together” “I can’t imagine my nights without you” “Come home with me. I want you to meet my crazy family“ Whoa, slow the heck down. Who really says that to someone they just met and want to continue dating on the <i>second day</i> that they know them? Then on the third day, he tells her over the phone “I love you with all my heart.” Following the crazy disregard for reality, on the third day, she gives him her house keys and asks him to take her dog home and chill there without her for a while. In Boston, with a guy she just met. </spoiler>

After way too much winking and cliched drama between ‘new guy’ and ‘ex’, an epilogue shows their lives one year later. I was not impressed because of the one-dimensional, non-likable main characters and the rushed pace. The story needed major fleshing out, it was just a bit of a shell of a romance. But, there was a dog.

Story - ★ (because of the adorable a dog)
Recipe Chocolate Kiss Coookie (sic) ★★★

<b>Analeigh’s Christmas Cupcakes by Jennifer Conner</b>

Set in or near Seattle(?)

On her way to a wedding job with the wedding cupcakes, ‘overly careful’ Analeigh the cupcake baker has an unavoidable accident - she is rear-ended at a stop light.

She is quickly angry, than thankful to be alive, than worried that her business will be over because of cupcake damage, then angry at (and blames) her own car for being bad luck. Then comes the line “Since the breakup she’d nearly hit two deer, three possums and a cow.” Hmm, maybe the problem is not so much the car, but rather her driving. Almost hit a cow? The closest I have ever come to hitting a cow is seeing one about 100 feet ahead and having to get out of the car and urge it off of the road.

Then Danny the cute tow truck driver arrives. He offers to help her and her cupcakes. He suggests a ‘rescue and redecorate’ strategy to save the day. Of course he has cupcake decorating experience. Like most tow truck drivers.

In this situation, she is shook up after the accident, and his slight bossiness seems to help. Oddly enough, the only time that any hand washing is going on is when he rubs her neck and that really grosses me out seeing that they are in a commercial bakery.

Conflict happens. <spoiler> her “Ex ex machina” shows up, rushes in, takes liberties and is soundly smacked and foot-stomped for his transgression. But not before Danny walks in, sees the kiss, and promptly leaves, missed the rebuff. Commence Big Misunderstanding. </spoiler>

Overall, this was a short, sweet story. I liked the hero. It was OK

Story ★★★
Recipe - Analeigh’s Christmas Bourbon Bacon Cupcake - ★★★

<b>Chrissy’s Christmas Sugar Cookies by Angela Ford</b>

Chrissy is a cookie baker in the small town of Troy, anywhere. Nick arrives in the small town and heads out to check the local bakery, because he is buying land to set up competition. He is arrogant, and a man who has “a handful of women to choose from at any given time” Well, what a nice man.

They flirt, both interested. But Chrissy is confident, strong, and doesn’t like him because he is about potentially harming her business. She is fiery, and gets angry quickly. But when she finds out that he creepily knows her address, she is not angry for more than a minute. She is temperamental?

He proposes a week of nightly dates for the right for her to have the dance at a farm that she loves, and that he is in town to buy for outside developers. Seriously, what an ass. How important is this dance that she chooses to be blackmailed into dating an ass to have it on a farm?

Nick tries to wow her with his money, and is impressed that she knows about cars, because apparently she is ‘not like the other girls’ who of course know nothing about cars.

One thing I did like was the second date. Nick bakes with Chrissy and some children on a field trip to the bakery. It is cute.

I did not like the confusing ‘Insta-Team-Nick’ that afflicted the entire town. Why is the everyone so immediately eager for Chrissy to hook up with Nick?

Conflict happens. <spoiler> Nick experiences a guilt trip because after four days he has deep feelings for her. He wants to try to offer her a loan so she can buy the farm. Then the barn burns down. Then a will magically shows up stating that she has inherited the barn. Years before. And no one told her, or no one knew. How are people trying to sell it when they don’t know who owns the barn? </spoiler>

The writing was choppy, and needed someone to edit for reality. Such a shame, because Chrissy is the first strong, confident heroine in the book.

Story -★
Recipe - Chrissy’s Christmas Sugar Cookies - ★★★

<b>Amy’s Christmas Casserole by Tammy Tate </b>

In a small town 74 miles from San Antonio, Texas, Amy owns a cafe. Chicken Dorito Casserole. She has PTSD from an attempted purse snatching many years ago in which she was pushed into a car and got a split lip. She is terrified of men, and has flashbacks whenever one touches her. More Chicken Dorito Casserole.

And because of how much the story angered me, I have to use spoiler tags for the remainder of this story's review. <spoiler>So, after the sheriff tells her that her cafe’s alarm was set off, she goes by herself after midnight to investigate. And a man follows her inside the store and needs her help. Because the hero got shot by someone he doesn’t know outside of a bar and instead of going to a hospital, he took a tow truck to a town where he had never been before to get his truck repaired, waited all day in front of the cafe slowly bleeding out, then about 16 hours later, set off the alarm (why is not explained anywhere in the story) and when a woman shows up, follows her inside and ask her to remove a bullet. And this works for him.

No police are called, because he is 'dangerous', and does not want to contact the police (why is never explained; later he has no problem chatting with and working with the police). No ambulance, no trips to the ER. She takes him home, and removes the bullet herself with homemade instruments.

Girl, how do you go from having night terrors for four years from an attempted purse snatching to taking home a bleeding strange man you found in your closed bakery in the middle of the night to cut a bullet out of him with no medical training? Oh, he made you write notes down before he MacGyvered up an IV with a turkey baster and passed out, OK...

There’s more.

His name is Cass Alan Nova.

And Cassanova is an ex Navy SEAL. What is with the Navy SEAL hero worship? Is that really a thing? “Oh wow! A Navy SEAL in Sawyer Creek!” “Can I get your autograph?” Is this a fantasy for people who have never met a SEAL?

But the inane dialogue does not end there.
“Upon hearing his mother had overdosed on meth... and his father had drunk himself to death, Amy ran to the bathroom. It was the saddest thing she’d ever heard.” Which is never referred to again.
“I’ve been on a few missions that required swimming through shark infested water…”
“What does an ex Seal dream about? I saw your eyelids moving.”

He can fix everything, whether it be her PTSD (fixed with a long hug and a night of cuddling) getting young Sue Ellen’s boyfriend to own paternity to her baby, or apprehending the nefarious outlaw who shot him outside a bar. </spoiler>

And I have not even explained the Chicken Dorito Casserole, which is mentioned dozens of times throughout the story. And goes on to win the casserole contest at the Christmas fair. Right before Cassanova proposes. Or perhaps the story is just an advertisement for Doritos? If I read Chicken Dorito Casserole once more, I am going to lose my mind.

I really did not like this story.

Story - no stars
Recipe - Chicken Dorito Casserole - no stars

<b>Margie’s Magic Christmas Bars by Laura Strickland </b>

Takes place in Large City, USA. The best was saved for last. I liked this story. It was realistic and believable, even with the heroine's fanciful references to magic. Margie loves to bake, but has taken the corporate career track through graphic design and advertising. She is smart, hard-working and admirable.

Margie has her heart set on Trent Bro-boy the third, totally oblivious to the newly hired (and completely into her) Bryan. Bryan is a bit of a goofball, with a good heart and an adorable Jack Russell. Shenanigans ensue on the way to a HEA.

While following the rom com script model, it is very well written and enjoyable to read.

Story - ★★★
Recipe - Margie’s Magic Christmas Bars - ★★★

So overall story 8★ / 5★ = 1.6★ rounding up to ★★.
Recipes - 12★ / 5★ - 2.4★, rounding up to ★★★ because including the recipes was a nice touch.

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Right what it says on the tin

Are you looking for some sweet romances this holiday season? Then look no further than this collection of five stories. Each is chock-full of Christmas cheer and enough sweetness to make your teeth hurt! As a bonus, each one ends with a recipe that featured in the story and I can’t wait to try some of them out.

My favourite story was Analeigh's Christmas Cupcakes by Jennifer Conner about a cupcake baker who suffers a hit and run on the way to a wedding that could make or break her business. I adored how the hero was a down-to-earth tow truck driver and how he helped Analeigh – not just with a ride but in the kitchen! I have a soft spot for guys who enjoy domesticity without being showy. My other favourite was Margie's Magic Cookie Bars by Laura Strickland about a couple of unrequited crushes. I absolutely loved when Margie finally realised what a tool her crush was – it was super satisfying to read.

The other stories were also fun, though I’m not a huge fan of insta-love or love triangles. Still, if light and fluffy is what you want, I’d definitely recommend this anthology.

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These stories are so sweet. My favorites were the Christmas Chocolate Kisses and Christmas Cupcakes stories. The characters were relatable and the storyline was pretty realistic. I loved the recipes at the end of each story, can't wait to make the chocolate kiss cookies! While each story is a unique stand alone story it was sweet that they were all brought together by food. Really fun and easy Christmas read. A great book so cozy up to the fire place and have a cup of hot cocoa and some Christmas cookies while reading this fun collection of stories.

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Sweet Christmas Romances 2017 is a bundle of five Christmas Romances that will touch your heart and get you in the holiday mood. Written by five well known authors (two I follow, three that are new discoveries) who know how to weave not only a good story in a short amount of time, but deliver that magic that makes Christmas Romance one of my favorite year-round reading pleasures.

Each novella stands on its own, and every single one is an entertaining romance. Sure, I liked some more than others that’s totally natural. But I’m guessing if you love Christmas Romance then you’ll enjoy each one the same way. Because they’re short and the story blurb gives you a good idea of the basics of each story I’m not going to go into details.

Except to say that I completely enjoyed my time with these couples. And it’s given me a few new to me authors to check out their other works… which is always a bonus for me.

Just as a side note, each of these stories in Sweet Christmas Romances 2017 is available as a single title – but – frankly, you’ll find the better cost bargain by buying them in this bundle of stories, in my opinion.

Find a cozy chair and sit back and fall into Christmas spirit with these fun, charming, touching Christmas stories.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. it is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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