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Infraction had two of my favourite type of romances in it with it being a sports romance and best friends little sister. I really enjoyed this story and couldn't put it down once I started it. I enjoyed all he characters and couldst get enough of the story about each character. I cant wait to read more form this author and in this series.

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Infraction is the perfect mix of sports romance, fake relationship & best friends sister all rolled into one. The second book in the Players Game series, and focuses on Miller, Kinsey & Jax. Fans of Fraternize will love getting to learn more about these characters, with appearances from Emerson & Sanchez as well.

During the first book I was definitely feeling the pull between Miller & Kinsey, and am so happy we were able to get their story. And as an amazing bonus we were given Jax's as well! I loved getting the three different POV's, and Jax was so much more than I could have imagined.

Miller & Kinsey haven't seen each other since he freaked out and helped send her out of the country after their drunken night in Vegas, and Kinsey plans on avoiding him at all costs. Unfortunately for her she comes back to town and is immediately told by her brother they need to fake a relationship. Because Miller is Jax's best friend, the one guy he knows he can trust not to touch his sister. Can Miller & Kinsey hide their true feelings from each other -and Jax -while convincing everyone else they are actually dating?!

I adored these characters and their story, There was the perfect mix of chemistry, passion, laughter & tears. I highly recommend this, as well as the first book, Fraternize. I would love more from all these characters, here's hoping that we get more books in this series!

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Infraction by Rachel Van Dyken

Kinsey Romonov has an overprotective big brother, and that is to put it mildly. Locking her in a closet so she couldn’t go to her prom was just one of the many things Jax has done to keep his little sister “safe”. Keeping her from dating other pro-football players is the other way. With mounting pressure on his already burdened shoulders Jax turns to his best friend and team mate Quinton Miller to help watch out for his sister when an ex-boyfriend of hers comes back into town and is too close for comfort. Jax throws Miller and Kinsey into a ‘fake’ relationship to deter the ex and keep him anyway. Miller is all too willing to help his friend and swears to keep his hands to himself, something he’s not sure he can do. Little does Jax’s know that sparks have already flown and been ignited between the fake couple and pushing them together will only fan those flames higher. Hopefully they can will walk away without anyone getting burned.

Rachel Van Dyken has once again written a wonderful rom-com that was both funny and heart wrenching. There were times while reading that I laughed out loud and then the next page wanted to cry. Infraction is a moving story of coming to terms with life, death, love, friendship and the ability to let go. I sat down and read Infraction in one sitting and loved every page. I give Infraction by Rachel Van Dyken 5 stars.

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I still remember how much I enjoyed “Fraternize”, the first book in this series, which is why I was super excited for “Infraction” but also had quite high expectations for this book. Unfortunately though, “Infraction” didn’t live up to my expectations and I personally think, it couldn’t match up to “Fraternize”.

I liked the plot of the book and think it was an interesting and quick read, so I definitely enjoyed the book. I just think it still had a lot of room for improvement. For one, I still remember how much I loved Rachel van Dyken’s writing style when reading “Fraternize” which made me so excited to pick up more of her books. The writing in “Infraction” though, was somehow different and nowhere near as good as the writing in the first book. Sometimes her writing just felt very rushed and flat which was quite disappointing.

Another thing that bothered me was the fact that the book was written from three different POVs. “Fraternize” was written from two different POVs, the male love interest’s and the female love interest’s, as well, so I expected it to be the same in this book. But this time around, it also included the female love interest’s brother’s POV.
I do partly understand why the author did this. Her brother is very protective of her and wants to protect her from everyone which is why he plays a big role in the main characters’ relationship. And I think it would’ve been fine if a few short chapters which were written from his POV would’ve been included in the book. But towards the end, his chapters just kept getting longer and longer and included his whole life story and how he slowly started getting into a new relationship as well which I think, should’ve been put into a book just about him and his love interest. I felt like I was just skipping back and forth between two completely different stories which really disrupted my reading flow.

But all things considered, this was still a book I enjoyed reading which is why I’m giving it 3 out of 5 stars. I especially loved reading more about some of the characters from the first book. So, if you’ve read and enjoyed “Fraternize”, I definitely recommend you pick up “Infraction” as well.

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Jax is BEYOND overprotective of his younger sister Kinsey. Most over protective dads or brothers will say “hurt her and you’re dead” but they don’t actually mean it. Well, Jax does mean it. Except he’s more to the extreme of “even just look at her and you’re dead.” He’s forever been way too over protective of Kinsey. He sees it as protecting her, she sees it as suffocating. When her controlling ex boyfriend Anderson comes back into their lives, Jax turns to his teammate and good friend Miller. Hoping it’ll ward off Anderson, Jax asks Miller and Kinsey to be in a fake relationship. What Jax doesn’t know about is the drunken night Miller and Kinsey had months ago and the feelings that he’s reigniting by putting them back together. The story and drama that unfold is so entertaining!

“When my best friend begged me to take care of his sister so he wouldn’t be stressed, I’d had sex with her instead. And kept it from him. Good one, Miller. I was a dead man.”

I really like the POV style Rachel Van Dyken has done with this series. The last book Fraternize was done with 3 POV’s. It was a love triangle with each person having their own POV. This book had 3 POV’s as well but was different. Kinsey and Miller (the two love interests) each had their own POV but also Kinsey’s brother Jax had his own POV. You got a good glimpse into the start of his love life but I’m hoping there will be more to his story and his book will be next in the series.

This is one of my favorite RVD series. All the characters are endearing, even the side characters. RVD sets them up like they’re your real life best friends, not just fictional characters you’re reading about in a book. Her writing is on point. The main characters, the side characters, the football/cheerleading theme, the wit and sass and the dynamic between them all is just so much fun. I love getting lost in these types of books and am hoping there’ll be more to this series!

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I love that you get both Miller's story as well as Jax's story. It was like a two for one while reading.

Miller and Kinsey are the cutest couple ever and you feel for them while they are trying to figure out their relationship while trying to keep the peace.

It was nice to finally see uptight Jax go for something he wanted and get as well.

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Infraction was one of those books I impulsively requested on Netgalley. I basically just saw the cover and blurb and my fingers hit request before I knew it. Leave aside the fact that I haven't read the first book in this series. Nor have I actually read anything by Rachel Van Dyken before. But I am so glad I gave this book a chance because as soon as I started reading it, I was hooked!

So this is the story of Miller and Kinsey. They had a one night stand in Vegas seven months ago after which Kinsey left for Europe because Miller insisted on it. Now Kinsey is back and her world is crumbling. To appease her overprotective brother Kinsey has to fake date Miller and things obviously get very complicated.

I really liked Kinsey. She was sassy and sweet but she definitely had her vulnerabilities. With her Dad having cancer and an abusive ex coming back she has a lot to deal with. Miller is the only one who can make her forget. Miller is a pro footballer. He wants to help his best friend Jax out but he doesn't want to risk his heart again. Obviously Miller can't help but be pulled in to Kinsey. She makes him feel good.

I loved the banter between Kinsey and Miller. They were so funny and flirty. Them calling each other chicken and waffle was just hilarious. Kinsey and Miller had great chemistry. They understood each other and always tried to make the other person feel better. Another point to be noted for Infraction is that this book goes from Miller, Kinsey AND Jax's point of view. Jax is the over protective brother who has a super hero complex.

I am a little bit on the fence about the necessity of Jax's pov. On one hand I genuinely liked seeing what was going inside of his head and seeing the start of his relationship with Harley. But on the other hand it took a little bit of something away from Miller and Kinsey's story. I wanted a bit more focus on them. But I loved seeing the entire gang together. Now I'm even more curious about Sanchez and Emerson and I think I need to read their book asap. Infraction was a great new adult book and I can't wait to read more from Rachel Van Dyken.

*Note: A copy of this book was provided by the author/publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. We thank them.

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**My heart wasn’t whole.
So how was it fair of me to even attempt to give something that wasn’t even functioning properly to a girl who had the biggest heart I’d ever seen?
It wasn’t fair.
It didn’t make her any less desirable and it sure as hell didn’t make the flame of lust die out.
Not by a long shot.

Ahh, Miller. I fell in love with him in Fraternize and my heart really ached for him. For all he had been through, and all he was still going through. I knew his heart was in shreds but didn’t realize just how bad. I couldn’t wait to read his book! And RVD did not disappoint!

I love it when a story grips you so much that you don’t want to do anything but read the entire thing, all at once. That’s this book! I felt invested in Miller since Fraternize and I needed to continue with his story. I needed closure just as much as he did.

I need to see him overcome his pain and his past. To be able to heal his fractured heart and finally, finally let some of the pain go and move on. Kinsey is so perfect for him, and this made my heart happy.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much I loved this story. All the characters, all of it. We get lots of chapters in Jax’s POV as well, and I loved that. Finally getting to get inside that QBs head and see why he is so protective and to finally get to see him at his most vulnerable and it just made me love him that much more.

When you get invested with all the characters, you just get giddy when you get to see them all again, watch them overcome their pain and issues and see that they all get their HEAs. Perfection! I hope there will be more books, I’m just not ready to let all these guys go just yet.

Definitely a must read and definitely one of my favorites!

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This is the sequel to Fraternize, a book I liked a lot. This one, not so much, not because the writing was not good but because I didn’t feel much liking for Quinton Miller. He felt like an undecided guy who stomped on Kinsey’s heart because he just couldn’t make up his freaking mind.
In the previous book, Emerson and Quinton were childhood friends and later high school sweethearts. Some events took them apart and when they saw each other for the first time in years, he was hostile to her and she was devastated. Then Grant Sanchez claimed Emerson and in that wonderful book, a gradual shift happened and eventually Sanchez got the girl. And I cheered…
There’s another girl in the cheerleaders, Kinsey, who befriended Emerson when she joined the cheerleaders. Kinsey’s brother is Jax, the Bucks quarterback. Jax is extremely protective of his little sister, and he threatens death and dismemberment to any team player who dares approach her. She lives a pretty sheltered life, quite controlled in her social life, thanks to her brother. Even so, seven months ago Kinsey had a one-night stand with Miller one weekend in Las Vegas. They swore to keep it a secret. When the book starts, Jax is determined to send Kinsey to Europe for the summer, to get her away from an abusive ex-boyfriend who has just joined the Bucks team. And Miller helps Jax pack Kinsey off! Jax wants her away for the summer so he can concentrate on their training for the preseason. And off Kinsey went to Europe…
When she returns, she hates Miller’s guts, and yet Jax wants them to assume a fake boyfriend/girlfriend relation to stave off Anderson’s attentions. He’s the abusive ex, and Jax wants to make sure Kinsey is protected. Jax is the team captain and quarterback and he feels like he has to be the best in all facets of his life. He divides all his responsibilities in compartments and revisits each to make sure he has it controlled and make sure he performs good in all. And he has a hero complex too. Very exhausting to be Jax!
During the book Miller runs hot and cold and he has a hard deciding how he feels about Kinsey. He still has unresolved issues with Emerson, plus he respects Jax and is a little afraid of the repercussions that being with Kinsey will cause his friendship with Jax and the team effort. I could finish the book because I loved all the other characters and wanted to know how it ends. Kinsey set Jax up with one of her girlfriends for an after game dinner party and the two struck up a romance that was actually more entertaining than Kinsey and Miller. For me, these two are the ones who made the book, they had the same charm and chemistry that Emerson and Sanchez had in the previous book.

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HOLY SMOKES!!! This is Rachel's sexiest, steamiest --- Holy Batman. Full of emotions, laughter, and heart. And not only do we get Miller's Story but we also get Jax - so it's a two for one.

Everyone feel hard for Miller in book one but I knew he was made for Kinsey. These two together are fun and explosive. But behind this story is Jax and he totally won my heart.

I loved every minute of this book and dare to say it's even my favorite over Fraternize. Although I'm a big Team Sanchez player... I think Jax may be my overall winner.

You can't go wrong with an RVD book and just like every genre she tries her hand at... Sports Romance is a touchdown for her too. Pick up the series. You won't be disappointed.

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If you have read my reviews, you know that I had my problems with the first book in this series, Fraternize.

I am very happy to say I didn't have those problems with Infraction.

This story was kind of set up in the first book, and Miller and Kinsey did not disappoint.

Secrets, exes that make you want to scream at your kindle, overprotective siblings, family dramas. this book has a bit of everything.

I adore Miller and Kinsey trying to figure out what their relationship is, especially trying to work it out whilst keeping things secret.

I am not going to lie. Kinsey's brogher Jax is a complete jerk for about 90% of the story. His over protectiveness could be sweet, but it isn't. It is so OTT that is makes him come across as an arse most of the time. He did get better towards the end of the book but boy he tested me!

There is also some darker things through this book than just Miller and Kinsey's relationship, but I don't want to spoil anything by talking about them. Just know that they are there.

I really did enjoy this book so much better than book 1. I am a big fan of Ms Van Dyken and have read many of her different series (boy does she write different genres well).

I hope we get more of these characters in the future.

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I love the cast of characters in this series. That being said, Infraction was slow to start for me. I actually took a break and read another book, which I never do. But...once I came back to it and got passed the 50% mark, I was hooked. I had so many highlights in that last bit of the book. I think Miller and Kinsey are great together and definitely felt their chemistry. Jax and Harley...I think he needed someone that will challenge him like she does.

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This is a fun book full of hot football players, beautiful women, romantic attraction,
funny banter and very sad situations. It will make you laugh out loud and cry ugly tears.

Kinsey and Miller are asked to "pretend date" by Kinsey's overprotective older brother Jax.
Kinsey's mentally abusive ex boyfriend Anderson, is back in the picture and Jax doesn't want
him anywhere near his sister, thus Jax's plan to keep Anderson far away from Kinsey.

What Jax doesn't know is there is a strong attraction between Miller and Kinsey which he would
not approve of. They work hard to keep the attraction at bay. There is a lot of funny back and forth, angst between them and even more sexual tension.

There are many sad life situations that Jax, Kinsey and Miller are dealing with. They each cope with their problems differently causing much unrest and turmoil within the group.

This is a good book that I recommend. I think you will like it as much as I did.

I was given an ARC of this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Once again, Rachel Van Dyken has caused me to laugh out loud, ugly cry and eagerly awaiting the next book in this series! Please tell me there is going to be a next book!

In the first book in this series, we are introduced to Miller and Emerson, two friends from high school who were separated and then fate intervenes and tosses them back into each other's lives. I loved the fact that I was left guessing in the first book over who Emerson would end up with. What girl wouldn't love the choice between two hunky football players with fabulous personalities? If there is a place to sign up for this scenario, I demand to be put at the top of the list!

I was eagerly anticipating the next book in the series to find out who steals Miller's heart and Ms. Van Dyken definitely didn't disappoint. As a matter of fact, she actually over-delivered by giving us two great romances for the price of one. I loved getting to know Kinsey better and felt even luckier to meet her entire family. Jax is the perfect big brother and is just who every girl wants in their life.

The chemistry between Kinsey and Miller was hot and adorable at the same time. I really didn't think that was possible. As always by the end of the book, I felt like I had new friends and family. I can't wait to invite the whole gang over again for Family Friday dinner!

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Technically, Infraction could be read as a standalone, but you will definitely "get" more out of it if you've read the first book in the series (Fraternize) as it is the story of two of the characters that were introduced in book #1.

I know these characters were supposed to be "adults" in their 20s, but I really felt like I was reading a High School book, at times. Even Jax, who was 31, read like a much younger, more immature character. Given that the publisher is listed a YA publisher, maybe this shouldn't be surprising, but I feel there's a definite difference between YA and NA fiction/romance and given the "sexytimes" in the book, this falls into the NA category, except for the immaturity of the characters.

I won't give away any spoilers, but it seemed like there was just an excess of "drama" introduced. Just ONE of the issues that they had to deal with would have been enough for one book. Plus, one of the issues got resolved way to cleanly after a fair amount of build-up.

I've enjoyed other books by Van Dyken (ones that would be categorized as "NA") so if there are other books in the series, I might feel compelled to read them, but that might be more due to my Reader-OCD coming out, than a burning desire to read more about the antics of the Bellevue Bucks and their Cheerleaders.

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Kindly provided with an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.......

Seriously can Rachel write a crappy book?..........Absolutely NOT !!. For me she is has the Midas touch for awesome story lines.

Okay then here's my little summary......
This was Kinsley and Miller's tale. She's the little sister of Jax (the team QB ). Miller was also featured in book 1 but alas he did not emerge the love winner of that tale.....could it be that he was meant for Kinsley ?.

Anyhow, when an unpleasant blast from Kinsley's past blows onto the scene, Jax thinks up an elaborate why to fix this little problem.........fix Kinsley up with an insta boyfriend.......voila !!!/

Enter Miller to this little plan. Basically Kinsley and Miller become an unlikely couple and what starts off as a facade turn's into red hot heat !!

Rachel did a perfect job of mixing up a little lies, a little reluctance and ending up with a whole special blend of happy. Carn't fault this read, loved it !!.

Well done Rachel and many thanks for this opportunity xx

Later peeps xxx

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This book is told in 3 POVs ... Jax is the star quarterback, Kinsey is is younger sister and Miller is Jax's teammate. When Kinsey's old abusive flame joins the team, Jax will do anything to keep him away from Kinsey ... even breaking one of his own rules - have his sister date (no ... pretend date) a teammate ... Miller, his trusted best friend. But little did Jax know that Kinsey and Miller already hooked up once in Vegas months ago. And the chemistry between them is still there ... in full force!

This is a quick sweet read. You will laugh, cry and everything in between at the situations they get in. I would have given it more stars, but I found the ending to be a little cheesy.

I received an ARC copy courtesy of Skyscape and Two Lions through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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I'm going to start this by saying I was openly sobbing on a public bus by the time I finished this book. This book gave me all the feels. I loved it. I loved seeing Sanchez being his usual sarcastic and loyal self, Em rocking it, Jax falling for his girl (who I loved and who also has a fun grandma). Most of all I loved Miller and Kinsey. Their story was emotional but fun and definitely sexy. Another winning book from one of my favorite authors!

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Infraction is the second book in the Players Game series by the very talented Rachel Van Dyken. You can read it as a standalone novel but the characters were introduced in Fraternize. You don’t have to read it first but I do recommend it. Now...if you did read it then you will know Miller and Kinsey. You will also know that they slept together seven months ago in Vegas...

Seven months. It’s been seven months since that night in Vegas. It was amazing. Then, they woke up and they went back to being strangers. It’s been seven months of avoidance. Seven months of silence. Seven months of secrets. Miller knew if his best friend and teammate, Jax found out about that night he would be a dead man. He was very protective of his little sister, Kinsey. So, just imagine the shock on their faces when Jax tells them that he needs them to fake date. To protect Kinsey from hurt. To keep him calm the chaos going on in his head so he can concentrate on the game. Miller and Kinsey know it’s not a good idea but they would do anything for Jax because he would do anything for them. Except let them date...for real.

Miller and Kinsey’s relationship is something else. They were friends before they were one-time lovers. They want to be friends again. They have to if this is going to work. The problem? They want each other. Badly. But it’s complicated. Miller has had his heartbroken before and is now scared that it will happen again. Kinsey has been hurt in the past. She has a past that not many know about. She was hurt once by Miller already. Can she trust him enough to risk her heart again? Plus, there is Jax. What will he do if he found out about Vegas? What if he figures out the kisses are not just for show but for real?

I know that once I open an RVD book that I will laugh, feel flush, and tear up. With Infraction I did more of it all. I have never cried so much in one of her books. Ever. I loved it. I love giving authors my tears. The writing was addicting. The characters were real. The story is heartbreaking, sexy, heartwarming, and so much fun. Miller made me giggle and swoon. Kinsey made me laugh and cry. Together, they made me do all of those things. And well, Jax he surprised me. He really did. The overbearing ass. He is quite the guy. It was also great seeing Grant and Em again. Grant just cracks me the fuck up.’s an emotional, sexy, and fun journey!

P.S. I ❤️ Ben!


“Waffles, was that a moment? Are we possibly . . .” He paused. “Bro lifting right now?”

“Just”—I jerked away from him—“play your part, and I’ll play mine, we’ll shake hands when this is all over, and if you kiss me again, ever, without my permission I’ll tell Jax all the other places you kissed without his permission and we’ll see where that leaves you . . . and the team.”

“You say things like that, and I may just get attached to you, Quinton Miller.”

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I would say it's a surprise but it's not. RVD made me cry...again. It's as if she tries to hit you in the feels every time.

Infraction is the much anticipated sequel to Fraternize. I was chomping at the bit and throwing a tantrum waiting for this beauty. No spoilers but you definitely need to read Fraternize to know the characters. Could you read it without? Possibly but why lose all the yummy details, stories, and naughty bits!

Infraction is heart warming, heart breaking, healing, hurting, and aggravating. Okay well the book isn't, the characters are! You will want to slap, shake, smack, and dump a bucket of cold water on some. Others will need hugs, holding, and a genuine smile. As a reader, you will need patience (dumb jocks acting the fool- you know who you are), a big heart (some are in denial and need extra love), and waterproof mascara (if you wear it).

Sometimes the biggest challenges require the smallest answers. Or in this case the sweetest, most adorable messenger!

The title will peak your interest.
The blurb will have you one clicking in curiosity.
But the words, the words will have you racing through to see what happens next.

It may even have you wanting the t-shirt. I totally have both Sanchez and Miller shirts....Looks like I need another one.

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