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Surprise Me

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Let me preface this review by saying that I have been with my husband (whether dating, engaged or married) for almost 21 years and we married at around the same age(s) as the main characters. To that end, I found some of the aspects very relatable – finishing each other’s’ sentences, etc. That being said, I found some of the mutual freakout about their spending “’till death do us part” together a bit overblown. However, I do think it still brought up some issues/topics that real married couples face regularly.

As with most Kinsella books I've read, I loved the crazy things that the characters got up to – there were definitely some chuckle-out-loud moments while reading this one. Once I started reading, I didn't want to put it down since I was eager to see what was going to happen next (both in regards to the surprises that were thought up to keep the marriage "fresh" as well as the more emotional drama that came out later in the story. While I had a partial idea of the surprise twist at the end, it wasn't nearly what it actually turned out to be.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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I liked this one, but it took me a long time to get through. I wanted a light-hearted story and it wasn't as light-hearted as I had hoped. Great characters, good storyline, and good writing style.

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I always look forward to reading Sophie Kinsella's books and Surprise Me is another one that I thoroughly enjoyed. It is a story about marriage, trust and family that is wonderfully written with a great cast of characters. I read this at a good time as I needed some comic relief and this book had me laughing out loud quite a few times. It did have a twist that did "surprise me" with an ending that was totally satisfying. Sophie Kinsella's books never disappoint, and this is one that I'll be recommending to my friends.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a review copy of this book.

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Sophie Kinsella is one of my favourite authors. I really enjoyed Surprise Me. I didn't expect the turn it took, slightly moving away from trying to warm up the couple relationship to the family drama it really was. That was a surprise at the end, literally, which was nice. Kinsella's characters are always likeable. I particularly enjoy the humour in her books and found myself laughing out loud, especially in the first third of the story. Surprise Me had a depth to it that I didn't find in her other novels, it was nice to see the growth in the protagonist.

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I've read numerous books by Sophia Kinsella and have enjoyed them. However, I just couldn't get sucked into this story. The plot sounded good, but I just wasn't connecting with the characters, or their story.

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This book was has a feel good vibe and just overall refreshing. That being said, it was just a little too gooey for me. I love the idea of trying to make sure that your marriage doesn’t lose the spark or interest. However, for lack of better term, it was more of a rich type couple. I couldn’t relate. Freaking out over having another 68 years together? Just crazy. If I knew I would be with my husband that much longer, I would be very happy. Especially with the doctor telling them they are that healthy. It’s a good book for a light hearted read.

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Don't you love a single girl struggles, finds success/love, happily ever after novel, by Sophie Kinsella? Well, this is not one of those. While a good read, it is not the typical Kinsella novel. In this one, there is a married couple, who, when faced with a very long life together, decide to spice things up to keep it interesting. Some of these surprises reveal things that are not exactly the spice they intended. Will any one of these ruin the "recipe" for a long happy life together? Will they survive?

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This Kinsella book surprised me with such a serious topic. A bit of a slow start, but with surprising twists and a likeable, charming main character. Great read.

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Another great book by Sophie Kinsella!! Surprise me was witty and funny and a great read!

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Loved the idea set forth in the book, but I just felt the book itself dragged a bit. Not my favorite Kinsella book.

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This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. The story flowed very well and was very enjoyable. This book will keep you reading long into the night and you will not want to put this book down until you finish. This was such a great read and full of surprises. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

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Ten years after being married, Sylvie and Dan are still incredibly happy together. They finish each other's sentences, know what the other will order for dinner, and successfully parent their twin daughters. 

After a standard checkup at the doctor reveals that they are both in excellent health and are expected to live 68 more years, they start to panic. They've always been happy in their marriage, but 68 more years is a long time to spend together. In an effort to keep their marriage interesting, they come up with project "surprise me", where they'll plan surprises for each other periodically to keep their relationship interesting. 

What they don't expect is the mishaps that arise and the secrets that are revealed. Dan is clearly hiding something from Sylvie, and she begins to question the very essence of their marriage. Sylvie is desperate to know: what is Dan hiding, and what does it mean for their future? 

I've always enjoyed Sophie Kinsella's books, and Surprise Me was no exception! Her books are light and fluffy, and always have a happy ending, which is sometimes exactly what I need after reading countless thrillers that focus on death and murder. 

What I liked about this book were the characters. Sylvie was funny and real - she reacted in ways I'd expect a real person with fears and insecurities to react, and she had some really funny moments during the book. I also really enjoyed watching her grow into herself at work and really take charge of things as she gained confidence. 

Here's what I struggled with - the plot. It's hard for me to grasp and understand the panic that Sylvie and Dan experienced when learning that they are in good health and might live another 68 years. After 10 years of being very happily married, it seemed weird that they would automatically panic and think about how when they said "til death do us part" that they didn't imagine it would be that long. If their relationship had been so great so far, I'm not sure why this freaked them out the way it did, so I struggled with the overall plot. 

The other thing I wasn't a huge fan of was the secret Dan was keeping. I won't give any spoilers, so I'll keep it vague, but when it was finally revealed, I just couldn't help thinking "that's it?" - I was expecting something more. It also felt unrealistic that the secret would have been kept from Sylvie for so long. It seemed like something that really wouldn't have been that big of a deal to tell her. 

All in all, I rated the book 3.5 stars. It was light and fun, and very easy to read, but I had some issues with the overall plot that had me rolling my eyes. If you're looking for a quick beach read with a little bit of drama and tension, this will be a great choice for you! I'd like to thank the publisher for my copy of the book. It was my pleasure to provide an honest review.

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Sylvie and Dan have been together for ten years. Their relationship seems great, they have twin daughters, and they seem to enjoy life in general. One day they go to the doctor, where they are told that they could possibly have 68 more years of marriage. They both freak out and decide that they need to spice up their relationship with surprises. Unfortunately, those surprises backfire, and Sylvie begins to suspect that Dan is keeping secrets from her. Can they resolve misunderstandings and repair their relationship before it's too late?
Overall, I did enjoy this book. I thought the character development was good, and I liked how the ending wrapped everything up nicely. Some of the humor used made me laugh out loud, and I also liked the way different types of relationships (family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc.) were addressed. I didn't like the copious amounts of profanity or the sexual content (a little too much description for me). I know I'm in the minority, but I would've enjoyed the story much more without any of that. I thought most of the characters and circumstances were portrayed realistically, and I did enjoy the ending.
I received a review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I just adore Sophie Kinsella and have read everything she's ever written since I first discovered quirky, yet adorable Becky Bloomwood from the Shopaholic series in the early 2000s. When I think of romantic comedy and pure pleasure reading, my mind immediately goes to Kinsella and her witty, fun, entertaining characters and stories. And with her newest book, she did not fail me because I LOVED Suprise Me!

Sylvie and Dan have been together for 10 years, and they soon find out during a physical that because they are in excellent shape that they should expect to celebrate another 68 years of marriage together since they'll both live to be over 100! Oh yes, they are definitely surprised at this unexpected news, and it doesn't go over as well as you'd think since they both are trying to figure out what they'll do to keep their marriage alive and exciting for the next seven decades!

Sylvie then comes up with a plan for their marriage to make it exciting. They'll each plan little "surprises" for each other to keep the marriage fresh and shake things up. Oh, the hilarity that ensues as the surprises backfire...just like you knew they would! Seriously, I laughed out loud so many times as I flipped through the pages that my family thought I was going insane!

There is so much more to the story than Dan and Sylvie's surprises for one another since Kinsella actually goes a little deeper with this one and tackles marriage, relationships, family, grief, and discovering who you really are--all with her signature dry wit and quirky charm. I was impressed that this was more than your typical romantic comedy or "fluffy" chick lit read. It definitely had depth, and I thoroughly enjoyed the way the story went and LOVED the ending.

If you are like me and constantly read a lot of suspense and thrillers, Suprise Me is an excellent, lighthearted palate cleanser! I would also highly recommend this fantastic novel to anyone who loves fun, laugh out loud romantic comedies!

**Thank you, NetGalley, Random House Publishing, and Sophia Kinsella for an ARC copy in exchange for my fair and honest review. **

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I adore all the books I have read by Sophie. She always has such a spark in her words. This book was no different. The twists she supplied were spot on!

Sylvie reminds me of the normal everyday woman. Work, family, friends. Just normal everyday life going on. When her and her husband try to spice life up they both end up with a wide variety of surprises. The sometimes funny..sometimes heartbreaking moments in this book made it a page turner. I cheered for Sylvie as she takes life and makes it her own. She does a whole lot of growing up in this story and it worked out perfect!

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Like many of the books I own, it immediately became a shelf orphan, being repeatedly passed over for books that I had checked out from the library. I mean, they have a definite due date, where the one's I own can be read anytime, right? Of course the problem with this is that you miss reading some really good books sometimes

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I enjoyed this one! It took me a little bit to get into it, because it wasn’t typical guy meets girl and falls in love with comedy along the way. So not my favorite Kinsella novel (Can You Keep a Secret will always hold that spot), but still definitely a good read! It had some laugh out loud moments, wit and crazy antics her lovable characters tend get into. I have to say the ending (not very end, just the way the story wrapped up) was actually a surprise to me, but I thought it was perfect. And the *very* end...loved it.
All in all, another enjoyable Kinsella novel.

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As always, I could not put down the latest Sophie Kinsella book. I’ve been a big fan of her books and this did not disappoint. Fun and interesting plot and well developed characters make this book a fast and fun read. Highly recommended to anyone who loves a book that is funny, has heart and romance,

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This novel looked right up my alley and I was so excited to read it! For the first 30-40 pages, I laughed out loud several times and was in love with this one. However, after "Project Surprise" took effect, everything changed for me. Dan became less and less charming as Sylvie started showing her spoiled privileged side from her upbringing. It was less about actually surprising one another and making them happy then outdoing the other. And what kind of lesson is that for small children? This is probably the biggest disappointment I've read in a while because it started out so smart, funny and sassy - but then just kept rolling over in self-pity versus an inflated sense of self.

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3.5 stars! Overall, this book was pretty good. Not one of my favorites by this author. It was kind of lacking in the ability to pull me in like some of her other books but it was entertaining. I didn't really connect with the characters of this book and the story line was just meh. I loved the idea of the book but was hoping for a little more substance.

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