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Surprise Me

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Rather than the typical single girl looking for love, Sophie Kinsella has provided a story of a marriage. After a visit for annual physicals, Sylvie and Dan find out the are in perfect health...and should live a long and happy life...together....for another 65+ years.

Worried they will be bored with each other, they set off on Project Surprise Me. As expected in a book of this genre, not everything goes according to plan.

There's a great exploration into Sylvie's grief over her father's death. BUT it's distracting when adults call their parents "mommy" and "daddy".

All in all, this is chick lit. It's good for the right time and place.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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When I pick up one of her books, I know Sophie Kinsella will deliver a sharp, funny novel every time. Surprise Me, her latest book, deals with marriage, and the pressures to keep love alive through the long haul. While this was a fun book, I did have some issues with it, starting with the premise.

The entire premise of this book is that the couple, Silvie and Dan, are told they are going to live to be over one-hundred. This means that their ten year relationship has about sixty-eight more years to go. They panic, and worry about how they are going to survive such a long time together. They act like this is a prison sentence!

As a person who will be soon celebrating thirty-five years with my partner (30 of them married), I immediately thought, "well, if you are that upset about the prospect of a lifetime together, you're with the wrong person".

First of all, it is a privilege to grow old with your partner. For me, the past thirty-five years have gone in the blink of an eye! One of the main reasons that I want to live a long life is so I can have more time with my partner (and my kids, too).

Also, Silvie and Dan seem to think that the person they are married to right now will be exactly the same person down the line. This is ridiculous. I know that I am a different person now than even just ten years ago. And the same goes for my husband. Everyone grows and matures as time goes by. The trick is to not grow apart.

What I Did Like:


Silvie and Dan are like many thirty-something couples. Busy with work and family, they rarely have much time to be a couple. Often, they are more like roommates, getting their chores done. I liked that they could see this and it bothered them. They genuinely did want to make their marriage work, even if their methods were silly.

I also enjoyed Silvie's neighbor and best friend, Tilda. She is a solid character who is more than just a sounding board for Silvie's concerns. Tilda is dealing with her own adult son still living at home. She both wants him to become responsible and move on with her life, and also is afraid when he does he will never visit.


I think this whole book is about how life changes. As the years move forward, we are not the same people. Relationships change, and not just in marriage. There is a big shift in how Silvie and her mother see each other by the end of the story, as well as how Tilda and her son, Toby interact. And romantic relationships change, and grow as well. Even companies and jobs evolve, as both Dan, and Silvie find out.

The Ending:

I was getting very annoyed with this book until it finally came together at the end. As I ranted about earlier in this review, I thought the premise was weak and I worried that the couple wouldn't realize how lucky they were. But the ending did redeem the book. Insights were had and lessons were learned.

Even with the problematic premise, I did enjoy this book. There are some genuinely funny moments, along with some sexy, married fun!

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I love Sophie Kinsella. This book was a bit predictable but it really had some good laughs to it. I don't want to spoil anymore of it. Thanks again Netgalley.

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I found nothing funny about the characters in this book. I wouldn’t even call it silly humor. The way in which Sylvie and Dan react to the news of how long they might live is not relatable and make them the most unlikeable characters ever. This book wasn’t for me; however, many fans do like it.

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What I loved the most about this book were all the little wifey antics going on inside Sylvie's head. If you're married or have ever been in a long relationship I'm sure you'll absolutely relate to them. I mean, men, sometimes they're just so hopelessly men. So I laughed along with Sylvie and identified myself so much with her "investigator" approach, or the verbal sneaky traps she'd set for Dan, or the subtle provocations that, of course, Dan being a man, he would never get. That time she left her Google search history open on the kitchen table for everyone to see was just priceless. My LOL moment for this book.

I've noticed I've come to wait for Sophie Kinsella's books with the same eagerness I once had for Harry Potter, and the best part is that (hopefully) they won't come to an end. She's one of my favorite authors and her distinctive humor is amazing every time.

That said, Surprise Me is not going to be one of my favorite books from her, and the reason is pretty simple and also quite a reading pet peeve of mine. When it comes to romcoms, or any romance in general, really, I prefer new couples. I need that boy-meets-girl sparkle. I want a meet-cute. A book about a married couple is not going to have that, and, honestly, I think I would've enjoyed this book so much more if the entirety of Sylvie's family had not been there.

The mystery around which the plot revolves is, in Sylvie's own words, sordid. A bit too much for a romcom. As is the theme of grief: too sad, too serious. Sylvie's most annoying trait was her "daddy complex," she kept saying, "Daddy this, Daddy that," so much that at one point I wanted to bash her over her head and just yell, "Shut up!"
Her mom was just a big, fat "Heck, no!"
And Dan. I don't want to give away any spoilers, I'm just going to say that, since he was already married to Sylvie, I didn't get to fall in bookish love with him as I have, say, with Alex from My Not So Perfect Life last year.

So, if none of Sylvie's family was there, no marriage, no kids, no crazy parents, and this book had been a good old love-hate story between Sylvie and Robert (not telling you who he is, you'll have to find out for yourselves, just saying that I was bookish falling for him a little bit. Loved his persona and his humor.) I think I would've enjoyed the book so much more...

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My only experience with any of Sophie Kinsella’s other novels is “Finding Audrey,” a YA book that came out sometime last year (or maybe even in 2016, I’m not good with determining the passage of time). I remember it being a sweet, true-to-form story about a young girl with severe anxiety. I myself have anxiety, although not to the protagonist’s extent, but I still found the story relatable. The only aspect that really remained with me was the humor, and that was the driving force behind “Surprise Me.”

Even in its ARC form, there were no mistakes, in general writing, grammatically, or otherwise. The whole story flowed so well. I didn’t feel bored at any time, nor was I annoyed with the pacing – neither too slow nor too fast. It was the perfect speed. I felt like I was listening to a story told to me by either a great friend or a phenomenal storyteller. Of course, the latter occupation fits best.

Humor, without a doubt, was the best part. Every character, from Dan and Sylvie and Tilda to the twins and Clarissa and Mrs. Kendrick, was beyond funny, whether they meant to be or not. Honestly, the humor was so enjoyable and witty and just all-around fun, it’s made me want to read more Kinsella books, and I didn’t necessarily feel that way after reading “Finding Audrey.” But this book just had a special something to it. The first half of the book was lighthearted and hilarious and sweet and just all around a really well-told story.

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Sophie Kinsella is one of my ‘go to’ authors. In fact, her novel Can You Keep a Secret is the book that got me reading again. It was laugh out loud funny. So much so a coworker asked if she could borrow it. Many thanks to my aunt for giving it to me all those years ago!

I have enjoyed most of Kinsella’s books that I have read. If you want an entertaining chick lit read, she is an author I recommend. Sadly, Surprise Me will not be a favorite. Surprise Me starts out promising, but failed the mark with me. It starts out with our couple Sylvie and Dan(who have been married 10 years and have twin girls) finding out that they could live another 68 years together. Instead of joy and excitement that would be expected they have the opposite reaction: Panic.

They work on surprising each other in order to spice up the marriage. It becomes like a Bridget Jones or Becky Bloomwood type of novel with some hilarious results. Then here come secrets and the novel takes on a more serious unexpected direction. When I read a Kinsella novel I expect lighthearted fun, but this was not. In the end everything is fine and the message about marriage is clear. There is also light hearted humor again at the end, but the middle just doesn’t come across as a Kinsella novel. It is not her worst novel, but it is far from the best. I will keep reading Kinsella and hope her next one is better for me.
Thank you to the publisher for sending an e-arc via NetGalley for me to review.

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With Valentine's Day coming up this week it felt like the perfect time to review a new novel about marriage from an author I love. Surprise Me by Sophie Kinsella is about a couple who have been together for ten years. In the course of getting their yearly physicals for insurance purposes their doctor, who's a specialist in longevity, informs them that they're both going to live to be 100. At least. This is great news, right? Yes, but…it means they'll be married for decades longer than they ever anticipated. And while they're the kind of gaggy couple that finish each other's sentences, Sylvie and Dan find this information a bit daunting. They already know everything about each other so how will they possibly stay happily married for another 70 years? Obviously, a plan is needed.

I'm known for not liking implausible plots so my really liking Surprise Me may come as a surprise. Here's the thing: my expectations for serious fiction are much higher than they are for cotton candy fiction-the kind that is sweet and yummy but melts away. If it's literary then I need it to be more real than unreal, but when I'm in desperate need of fictional fun, I'm not such a stickler for rules. Somehow that part of my brain goes back to sleep and I can relax and enjoy. The only thing that is non-negotiable? The writing has to be sharp and the humor sharper and Kinsella is a natural at both. So, even when things get silly, I'm fine with it.

In Surprise Me, it is Sylvie who plans, misreads, and hyperventilates her way through trying to make sure her husband stays in love with her forever. But as she does, Dan seems to withdraw and become secretive and soon she doubts everything about their marriage. Kinsella keeps the plot going while maintaining Sylvie's stream-of-consciousness snippets, which are recognizable to virtually every woman on the planet-and one of the things that makes the women in her novels so relatable. Plus, British slang?! And an ending that wraps up prettily? What's not to love? In the midst of the winter doldrums, Kinsella is like a cup of hot chocolate- you can always count on it (and her) to make you feel comforted.

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If you are a fan of Sophie Kinsella, you are in for a real “surprise” with Surprise Me. This book is a little bit different from Kinsella’s typical novels, however the wonderful writing that we have come to expect is definitely still here. This book is a mix of humour and seriousness. The characters are super quirky and the themes of aging, friendship, and family really pull the book together.

I have yet to read a book written by Sophie Kinsella that hasn’t made me laugh out loud. Surprise Me begins with a bit of a serious discovery made by Dan and Sylvie. After finding out that their life expectancies and marriage will be 68 more years, they struggle to grasp what the future will hold. What becomes a fun and interesting exploration of how to spice things up through various surprises leads the couple on a path that is both revealing and at times quite funny.

Kinsella is definitely one for creating a cast of eclectic and off-beat characters that you just can’t help but fall in love with. Sylvie is one that is such an enjoyable and well-developed character that transforms throughout the novel. Her friends are the greatest side characters with their outlandish ideas which gives the book that classic humour seen in many of the authors books.

There are some really deep and meaningful themes that are explored in Surprise Me that give the book a real depth. The concept of aging and how it relates to a life that is both long and full is one that I have not come across before, and it really makes me think. I also loved the friendships that Sylvie has forged and how she seems to have so many different friends to count on. Also, Sylvie’s family is very important to her and these are the parts of the story that get quite interesting.

While Surprise Me may not be as light and fluffy as some of Kinsella’s other works, this is one that is just as well-written and contains lots of laugh-out-loud moments. I love the characters and the whole concept of this book. It is one to pick-up if you are in the mood for a book that has a mix of seriousness and fun.

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Have read a few books by this author and have to say this wasn't my favorite. She could have done more. I don't know it just fell flat for me.

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Many thanks to NetGalley, Bantam Press, and Sophie Kinsella for the opportunity to read her latest work - loved it! This book is in the same tone as her previous one, My Not So Perfect Life - a reflection of our modern lives and relationships - with so many laugh-out-loud moments!

It all starts innocently - Sophie and Dan have to see a physician for insurance purposes. The doctor tells them that they are both super healthy and he expects that they will live another 68 years. Great news, right? Until they realize that it means that they will be married another 68 years - to the same person. All of a sudden, the roles they played in their lives and marriage come into question. How are they going to maintain their relationship for 68 years?

Just a lot of fun with some thought-provoking ideas to be taken away at the end. How do we make the best of our allotted time?

Highly recommended - Kinsella's many fans won't be disappointed!

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I have read all of Sophie's novels in her different genres and I was really looking forward to reading this book. So, imagine how disappointed I was when I began it and it was just different - can't put my finger on it but I didn't really like it. I wasn't keen on the what I thought the book was going to be about and felt a little disquieted by it.

However, that all changed - thank goodness! - as I got into the book and project "Surprise Me" began and some real laugh out loud moments were forthcoming. The other thing that happened is that we got introduced to Sylvie's workplace and it was divine. I loved the descriptions and really could see myself being there. The owner of Willoughby House where Sylvie works was a brilliant character and so enchanting if not a little eccentric.

This book has a few different story threads to it beside the project "surprise me" so that kept my attention too. Tilda the hilarious neighbour and her son Toby (with his ingenious conspiracy theories) were well drawn characters and I could just imagine all the "secretive" exploits Tilda and Sylvie carried out together. I just loved the episode with the cardigan.

There is a thread in the book which is a little darker and not normally found in one of Sophie's books. It seems as if she has combined her different writing genres into this one book and very successfully too. My initial disquiet did disappear and I loved the book racing through it to find out what would happen.

I'm giving this book 5 out of 5 stars. My thanks to Netgalley and Random House for a copy of the book for review.

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4 silly, but surprisingly serious, stars to Surprise Me! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Sometimes I think I subsisted on Sophie Kinsella books in my 20s. I looked forward to a Becky Shopaholic book like Christmas. It’s hard for me to believe I used to be quite the shopper then. I also have fond memories of reading Kinsella books at the beach or on vacation. I read The Undomestic Goddess while cruising past Sardinia! Her books are perfect for vacations because they are easy to pick up and put down, and well, they are just plain engaging, fun, and easy reading. So when I saw Surprise Me was coming out, I was onboard, even though I’m not on a vacation currently and haven’t taken one in years!

Sylvie and Dan have a happy marriage, and when they find out from their doctor that they are healthy and are likely to live close to 70 more years together, they each have a different response! They come together and decide to keep their marriage fresh with lots of fun and quirky surprises. The second half of the book took a more serious tone for Dan and Sylvie, but I enjoyed the way it wrapped up.

Overall, Surprise Me had the same fun SK humor, with a little, new “grown-up” flavor.

This was a Traveling Sister read, and it was a joy to share in reading this with them. Please see Brenda and Norma’s fabulous blog for Traveling Sister reviews:

Surprise Me will be published on February 13, 2018. Thank you to Sophie Kinsella, Dial Press, and Netgalley, for the complimentary copy.

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A surprising book about love, marriage and family! I really enjoyed this story about Dan and Sylvie! I was honestly shocked by the surprise and didn’t see it coming but I felt it was done very well and turned it into a deeper story! This was a great book! * I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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Whenever I read a Sophie Kinsella novel, I always feel that I must start with “I’m the biggest fan…but…” Today is no exception – but hear me out on this one!

For quite some time I have been a big fan of Kinsella’s work, but not as much when she writes under her actual name Madeline Wickham. As time has gone on, I find myself drawn more towards Wickham’s new books, and not liking Kinsella’s books as much as I used to. It could be in part because my life is changing – I am no longer the “single girl trying to figure it all out” as now I am “mommy with a toddler and a baby on the way.” It could also be that Kinsella is trying to find her new footing. I have seen her try her hand at young adult. At children’s books. I loved her last novel “My Not-So-Perfect Life.” And now with Surprise Me, Kinsella is tackling the life of a boring married couple, so I was excited to begin.

Sylvie and Dan. Dan and Sylvie. They have been together for ten years and they are going strong. They know everything about each other and have fallen into a comfortable rhythm with their lives juggling twin girls and their work schedules. I get that. My husband and I get stuck in ruts trying to take care of our one daughter while making room for our son. It happens. Now imagine their surprise when they go to the doctor and hear that they are so healthy, they should be able to live another 68 years together. Rather than looking at each other with hearts and stars in their eyes and buying the rocking chairs for their porch to grow old on, they instead both go into a panic. This is it? This will be my life for another 68 years?

Ever the planner, Sylvie comes up with a game plan to help keep their marriage fresh. It’s time for operation Surprise Me, where they will come up with surprises for each other in order to spice up their lives and keep it interesting. What could go wrong!? As the surprises begin, so do the secrets, and Sylvie discovers she doesn’t know Dan quite as well as she once thought. Couple that with an upheaval at work where she is trying to prevent the company she works for from shutting down, Sylvie has a lot to take on and figure out.

STICK WITH THIS ONE. If you are a fan of Kinsella – stick with it! Now I must preface this review by stating that I was pregnant with horrific morning sickness while reading this book. I could only read it in tiny chunks, so it took me much too long to read it. I found myself slogging through a lot of details to get to the main point of the story. Once I hit 70% on my Kindle, the story really took off, and that was where I felt I couldn’t put it down. I wanted to find out what secrets Sylvie’s mom was hiding. What was Dan hiding? Why won’t Sylvie just out and out ask everyone until they break down and tell her what these secrets are? And the ending made it worth the journey for me. I just wish it didn’t take so long to get there (it could be the pregnancy talking – I’m curious to see other Kinsella fan’s reviews on this one!)

I received this e-book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Love, Love, Love Sophie Kinsella. She is, by far, one of my favorite authors. Surprise Me is one of the few books I actually had a countdown until it's release. Sylvie and Dan feel like familiar friends, the ones you can't wait to spend time with. Although there is a familiar rhythm to Kinsella's writing, it didn't bother me at all. It's an easy read, and will make you laugh out loud.

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This is what I call my "cupcake diversion" read!

I needed something light and humorous to entertain me and this one delivered! I loved the whole concept of spicing up a marriage with some surprises. Sylvie and Dan have adorable twin girls and are about to celebrate "ten years" together. They have a joyful marriage, but Dan has had some issues with Sylvie's father.

They find out that they could potentially have 68 more blissful years together! They are both in excellent health and should expect long lives. Wait....this produces some "anxiety" for the couple. Can they really spend that many years and stay happy? This is when the surprise me plan is concocted and set in motion!

Lots of laugh out loud moments with the surprise antics they come up with. I enjoyed one in particular that gave me some hilarious visuals! The second half of the book deals with some more depth and brings out insecurities and second guessing that goes with it.

This was an entertaining and enjoyable book about marriage and making the journey exciting and fun.

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I actually loved the premise of this novel but the heroine, Sylvie’s character got on my nerves. I can understand loving your father but she is obsessed with her dad. I felt like the story is more focused on father and daughter rather than husband and wife. I loved the hero’s character and wished he had more of a primary role in the novel rather than a secondary one.

* I received this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher for an honest review*

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