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Surprise Me

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I have read other books by Sophie Kinsella and this one may be my favorite. It really pulled me in and I didn't want to stop reading. I loved the characters and the story. A must read!

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Thanks to Netgalley, Dial Books and Sophia Kinsella for this ARC. I have read everything that this author has ever written. I think this is one of her best books. I always love the comedic aspect of this authors works, and this was extremely funny . It was a romantic comedy but with a sense of mystery and a bit of a thrill thrown in. I laughed through it and at the end I might have teared up a bit. It was an excellent book and I absolutely loved it! Can’t wait for the next book.

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I enjoyed this book. The story was a delight to read and the twist at the end was interesting. Kinsella is one of my favorite authors and she did not disappoint.

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When I was asked to read and review Sophie Kinsella's Surprise Me, I was bouncing off the walls with excitement. I loved The Undomestic Goddess and Confessions of a Shopaholic. Both novels featured a charmingly befuddled British female lead that begs the average woman to root for. Sure, I know they're a tad bit aloof, but it's cute. I'm no feminist so I can appreciate these characters for what and who they are: Fun!

I devoured my last read of 2017 knowing I'd begin 2018 with Kinsella's heroine, Sylvie Winter, of Surprise Me. I allotted her the first read of the year because I knew, just knew, I was in store for a great pick-me-up featuring another charmingly befuddled female lead, that find herself in the most insane situations, yet coming out roses on the other side. So... I began Surprise Me with every hope and expectation that the book I was embarking on would be the "feel good" novel I needed to kick off a new year. Instead, I was left with...

Sylvie and Dan appear to be the perfect couple. They finish each other's sentences, are seemingly the perfect couple, and successfully handle two young twins. For all intents and purpose, Sylvie and Dan have got the "it" other couples aspire to. This "it" they possess is challenged on their 10 year anniversary after their doctor delivers the good news of the possibility of them living 60+ years together as man and wife.

The revelation of them living a very long life together sends them both into a panic. The thought of growing old together, having sex with only each other, and essentially living life together causes a panic, I'm still not sure I understand, that leads Sylvie to present the idea of surprising each other. These surprises are supposed to keep the spark alive but has, instead, driven Sylvie to be rummaging through a drawer in Dan's office. This rummage is where we are first introduced to her.

So...before I dive into what I didn't like, I'll discuss my likes.

Insert cricket sounds here

That's not fair. Surprise Me contains Sophie Kinsella's witty charm that has captivated her fans through the "Shopaholic" series. As a fan of her previous work, I can say that this current read has some wit, a few awkward moments of hilarious angst, is littered with "interesting" characters, and a true concern that life with the one promised "'til death do you part" could actually mean something else. All these tools Kinsella has successfully used to her advantage up until now. I'll give her points for at least grabbing my interest for a good 73% of the novel.

With that being said, I only made it 73% in before I couldn't go any further. It's a new year. I know I wanted to bring in the new year with a fun read, but I didn't intend to bring in 2018 reading a novel that I just couldn't deal with anymore. Seriously! Sylvie was on a whole nother level of annoying. She went on and on about how amazing her deceased father was to the point that I wondered why she didn't marry him her self.

I get it! Believe me, I do!

Her father died prematurely in a car accident and it shattered her world. We meet her two years later when the wounds are still fresh (and believe me, they're still fresh) and she can't help but compare Dan (the husband) to him especially since Dan can't seem to get on board with her odd lovefest.

Look! I get it

My father died 07/04/2014 and I miss him more than anyone knows. My father was definitely not on the level of Sylvie's father in terms of "greatness" or "awesomeness" but to most women who know their father's, or those in the position of "dad" or "father", know without a doubt no other man can compare. The man we choose as our husband doesn't compare but we don't harp on that fact constantly.

Sylvie is so wrapped up in her obsession with her larger than life father that Dan's apprehension at the mere mentioning of him, incites annoyance in Sylvie instead of an understanding that her husband is tired of competing with a ghost. And yes! Sylvie knows that Dan's prideful and would rather avoid conversations involving her father and her wealthy upbringing, yet she never stops with the Daddy shit. Seriously!

Surprise Me ultimately morphs a charmingly befuddled protagonist into an annoying lead that is the ultimate reason I couldn't move forward. The operation "surprise me" backfires on Sylvie... and she becomes neurotic, insecure, concerned that their once seemingly inseparable bond is a lie and they really don't know each other at all.

I wish I could give Surprise Me a higher rating than a 2 but even that 2 was generous. I have rules I abide by as a reviewer that I try not to review any titles I haven't read at least 70% of. Also, if I'm abandoning the book as a DNF (did not finish) I will not do so unless I've read at least 70%.

I know...

That math doesn't add up.

My point is this, I make an effort to read every title I'm presented for review. I was offered a review copy of Sophie Kinsella's based on whatever algorithm marketers and promoters use to find reviewers like me. I know my thoughts on Surprise Me won't cost her one single fan but I must be honest. My honest opinion is that the premise of surprising our mate to keep the thrill alive, is actually quite brilliant and interesting, yet, the execution here was lackluster. Sylvie just wasn't charming enough to hold this story together. I didn't like Sylvie, the narrator, one bit. She came off as a brat most of the read. I hate to say that but, Surprise Me was surprisingly lackluster. Kinsella's lead character is annoying at best, and nowhere near charming.

Fans of Sophie Kinsella's can forgive this blunder... I will forgive this surprising blunder.


I wish my first read of the year was much better. Since it wasn't.... I'll move on to the next title I'm currently reading.

Copy provided by Random House via Netgalley

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What a disappointment! In Surprise Me we have a heroine with none of the wit or charm from Kinsella's previous books combined with a narrative that feels better suited for fanfiction. Sylvie's initial worry about spending a lifetime with her husband has nothing to do with the revelations that come later in the book. Maybe I'm getting older but it just reads very infantile and at times creepy.

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Sylvie & Dan have been together for ten years. Seven of those they've been married. And they adorable have five-year-old twin daughters. They're as happy as any normal couple could be. They have a good life. A great house, a good sex life. They finish each other's sentences. Everything is good.

But when you tell the preacher at your wedding that you'll do this married thing until death bla bla... you never really think how long that time can be.

A doctor just told Sylvie & Dan that due to their good genes and family history, they could very well live until they're 100 years old. That's another 68 years of marriage! WHAT?


Both Sylvie and Dan are not dealing well with this news and this mega-long married future ahead of them.

But they need to deal. They need to find ways to bring some new spark into their marriage. Some surpises.

Easier said than done ... Let the fun times begin!
But what happens once you're over all the fun and surprises and you start suspecting your husband of having secrets ....

What will happen to Sylvie & Dan???
Can their marriage survive another 68 years???


Well, that was not a Shopoholic comedy.... BUT - it kinda almost was. At least the middle part. It was sooo amazing. I just loved it! It was funny and ridiculous at times. It was adorable and sad and moving and exciting and dramatic ... I really enjoyed reading it! Sylvie could SO be Shopoholic Rebecca's sister from another mister or her very best friend. A lot of scenes were so Rebecca - I almost fell off the couch laughing! (Literally! My mom almost had to call an ambulance! She said she thought my head was so red it was about to burst from laughing! Watch out for the breakfast in bed and the photo-shoot scenes!!!!)
But of course all through the book, we have this very serious background. Can you, or rather... do you WANT to live with this one person until you're a hundred years old??

How can live ever be fun again or exciting or amazing? And what if you ... while trying to spice up your marriage ... you find some things you don't like that much? Family secrets. Past loves.

I really loved this book. It was so interesting to see with what those two came up with. Really funny and adorable and sad and ... I sometimes felt so bad for them. But I sometimes just wanted to slap them over the head with my kindle!

But I really loved both Sylvie and Dan. Both so very different - so british.
The twins are adorable and the neighbors and the parents ... all so very interesting.
I loved Sylvie's work place. The adorable and weird museeum.

Amazing characters in an amazing book! Try it! You won't regret it.

I would really love to see this made into a movie! Or even a Netflix show - with a new fun marriage surprise for every episode and the 'secret' part in the background through the whole season! YES - I so want to see that ASAP!!!

PERFECT BOOK! Hilarious! Adorable! Serious! British! I LOVED IT!

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I've been a fan of Sophie Kinsella for a long time and have read several of her books. This one was not what I expected. There were moments of humor, of course, but the book isn't a comedy. It has very serious moments and even moments when I shed a tear. I found the plot a bit slow-moving until about halfway through the book, when it picked up. Then I couldn't put the book down. At times, certain plot lines didn't seem to make sense--but it all ties together in the end.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with a copy.

This was not my first Novel from this author. In fact she is one of my all time favorites.

In true form Sophie Kinsella did not disappoint. There were the usual,laugh out loud moments which she is so known for but the topic was for the times in which we live.

Totally enjoyed and was happy to make this my first read for 2018.

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A fun read! Sophie and Dan see a doctor who tells them they are healthy and could live another 68 years. They are neurotic in obsessing over what another 68 long years might mean for their marriage. To stimulate their marriage they decide to plan surprises for each other. The results are interesting. As a backstory, Sophie's dad has died recently and Dan exhibits tension whenever her dad is brought up in conversation.

This was a fun, light read and I enjoyed it. It made me think about relationships and family, and about secrets. Sophie Kinsella's writing is something a little different - I've learned to expect a lot of drama and neurotic behavior from her characters, but that's what makes it fun.

Thanks to Sophie Kinsella and Random House Publishing Group - Random House through Netgalley for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I have read almost everything this author has written, and though the stories are a little predictable, they are always light and fun and this one was no exception!

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I received an advanced reader's copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

And quite honestly, I have dreaded writing this review. Sophie Kinsella is easily one of my favorite authors. I have read everything by her, including her pseudonym, but <I>Surprise Me</I> is my least favorite book by her. It hurts me to say this, but I almost wanted to stop reading during the first half.

There was definitely a decent storyline in there. It was just buried among the mundane. Is it really a surprise for married couples, who are healthy individuals, that they may be together for the next 60 years? I find it a little hard to believe.

I would have liked more about the stuff that seemed to get glossed over and then quickly thrown in at the end to tie up the story in a nice bow. I am more disappointed in myself for not liking <I>Surprise Me</I> because I cannot write a glowing review. I guess the title did live up to it meaning...

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Writing a "light" or "easy-reading" book is more difficult than it seems on the surface, and Sophie Kinsella is a master at it. Her characters are not complicated, but they are relatable and real. This book asks some simple questions about marriage and the ways we live in denial from our own lives, and it asks them in a fun and humorous way. Sylvia, the narrator, sorts out her problems much more easily and has much more loyal friends than I do. I enjoyed this book and would recommend it as an airplane read or a good escape when life is too complicated.

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I love Sophie Kinsella. I don't read a lot of so called "chick lit" books, but I rarely miss a Kinsella. I adored her last release "My Not So Perfect Life"

What I love about Kinsella is that on the surface her books seem like frothy reads, but there's always something deeper and more meaningful beneath the surface.

"Surprise Me" is the story of a seemingly perfect marriage. Sylvie and Dan are stunned to learn at a doctor's appointment that they could be married for another 68 years. Suddenly, their marriage looms before them. Is it possible to be happy to that long?

They decide to start surprising each other, with one disastrous result after another. But along the way, family secrets are revealed and the couple learns more about one another and themselves than they had before. It was a very sweet book. I didn't love it as much as "My Not So Perfect Life", but it was still very enjoyable.

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The latest from Sophie Kinsella was certainly surprising. In a good way, of course.

This book felt like two books in one--the first half was very happy-go-lucky, the second half was full of twists and turns, so much so that I had no idea what was going to happen next, which means good storytelling is taking place. I think anyone would daunted at the idea of spending nearly seven decades married to the same person.

Of course, I'm a single, twenty-four-year-old, so marriage is nearly a foreign concept to me. Still, Kinsella made the topic approachable, appealing, and fun--without the couple splitting up (that's not a spoiler alert, is it?)

Admittedly, I am a bigger fan of Kinsella's previous novel, My Not So Perfect Life, but I'll keep reading what she puts out into the world.

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I was able to read Surprise Me for free from Netgalley, the publisher and the author for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I have read most of Sophie Kinsella's books and love them. When I was approved to read this book I was super excited. This is a stand alone story but I hope it can be turned into a series. It would be nice to know how Sylvie and Dan marriage last, since due to their healthy family genes they learn they are likely to live for another 65 years. How Tilda and Toby work out, if they keep Dora the snake or what happens to Joss.

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I have always enjoyed Sophie Kinsella's books. When I received an advanced copy of her latest, I was excited. This is a stand alone novel. It seems like it could be a pretty serious read, but it's actually a bit funny. A comedy of errors. But don't get me wrong, there are some heart warming moments and some heart breaking moments. It was a fairly quick read once I got into the story. Made me think about my own marriage.

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This is my first book by this author. I’ve seen her books everywhere and decided to give her a shot. Perhaps, this wasn’t a good one to start with, but I was disappointed. I found the couple to be irritating and their lack of communication that led to all of the drama was juvenile.

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Basic plot: When Sylvie and Dan find out that they're going to live into their 100s, they begin to worry about what that will mean for their marriage. In order to combat a life-sentence of boredom, Sylvie comes up with a game where they each try to outdo one another with surprises. But surprises have potential to bring dark secrets into the open...

1) The story is told through first-person narration (the voice of Sylvie). Sophie Kinsella does this really well. Sylvie comes across as very sympathetic.

2) I love Sylvie's workplace at the historical society. I love the quirkiness of her boss, and the nephew who comes in to upset the balance of things. (I'm still not quite sure, though, why she doesn't want to stay on with them by the end of the book. This didn't make sense to me.)

3) Sylvie definitely grows up during the course of the story. She's so proud of how she and Dan finish each other's sentences. (Yes, they're that couple!) But the book is about how she matures. And I love how this is symbolized by her long "princess hair".

4) I loved the friendship Sylvie has with her neighbour, Tilda. There was a nice mentor-thing going on there. Tilda warns Sylvie about the whole "Surprise Me" idea. And she's right. But she doesn't rub it in when so many of the surprises turn out badly... (Many are quite relate-able, like the one involving the lunch with Claire.)

5) The secrets and surprises revealed in the book definitely keep us reading. I had my suspicions about a few things. Although, there were some twists I didn't predict.

1) I didn't understand why Dan and Sylvie keep freaking out about 68 years of marriage. As if the doctor is a fortune teller or something. Why are they worried that they'll become bored with each other?

2) I didn't understand the apparent need of the subplot regarding the other neighbour, John. It seemed unnecessary to the story. Like it was thrown in because "you have to have a gay couple in the book." Why??

3) Warning about the foul language. This is one thing I hate about these types of books. It's no better/worse than in other Sophie Kinsella books (although, for some reason, I don't remember this from the Shopaholic books). I just glaze over these words.


My rating is 3 Stars (out of 5) – Overall, this book is a fun and engaging read. It has some delightful moments. But it also touches on the real need for communication in relationships.

*Note: I received a copy of this title from the people at NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This stand alone book by Sophie Kinsella was a delightful read. I found it differed a little bit from her usual premises as it starts with a relatively happy married couple with children. Sylvie and Dan are great characters and I loved them from the start. The premise of this novel is a reality that many couples and people will face nowadays. With good health and access to medical care, we all have to face the possibility of living long lives and with people we are committed to. I loved how this novel takes a real life issue and puts Kinsella's spin on it. I was super lucky to receive an ARC from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.I would highly recommend this novel to anyone who want to read a good chick flick and any fan of Kinsella. A true 5 out of 5 stars!!

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Sophie Kinsella has a style and character type, and if you’re a fan, you’ll love Surprise Me. I am a fan, and enjoyed the familiar quirk of Sylvie, but also appreciated the marriage issues, parenting questions, and real-life heartache and resilience in this book.

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