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Surprise Me

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I normally enjoy books by Sophie Kinsella but this one was just horrible! The whole concept was ridiculous. Sylvie and Dan start freaking out when they find out they have a clean bill of health and could live for another 68 years. Like omg what are they going to do as a married couple for 68 years so they start coming up with "surprises" for each other so their marriage doesn't become boring and fizzle out quickly. Then the obsession she had with her dad was annoying. Half way into the book when Dan was becoming so secretive was when I was more interested. Turns out he was keeping this secret from Sylvie for so long that it was getting to him. Well after finding out what that was and the reason for it was just totally disappointing!! A few plot holes they never did explain. I had to make myself finish this stupid book!

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Laugh out loud. Light read. Sophie Kinsella can never go wrong!

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Great story on how to reclaim your romance!

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Different than Kinsella's usual and not as enjoyable. While the topic was different, I just thought the story meandered too much and was neither very fun when it meant to be goofy nor did it go as deep as it may have intended when it came to moments it wanted to touch the heart. In light of the #MeToo movement, I suppose it's semi-timely, but this story sort of fell flat. 1.5 stars.

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Very entertaining! I really enjoyed the set-up, where Sylvie and Dan get their insurance physicals, only to find out from the loquacious doctor that are they super healthy, and will probably live to 100+. When he tells them that is about 68 more years of marriage, their reactions to the news set the stage for a series of 'surprises' to keep things fresh and to propel the book with upcoming misunderstandings too. I always like these stand alones by Kinsella. Sometimes, though, the storyline could be ripped right from Becky's mind--I could have easily seen this same book written with Becky and Luke. Sylvie builds things up in her mind much the way Becky does.

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After loving Kinsella's My Not So Perfect Life, I couldn't wait to dive into her newest release! I'm not sure if my expectations were too high, but I ended up being a bit disappointed with Surprise Me. The premise didn't really appeal to me, but I expected Kinsella to infuse it with her trademark humor and relatable characters. Unfortunately, that wasn't really the case. The first half felt very long, and I eyerolled a lot at the over-the-top hijinks. The second half was better, and I loved the theme at the heart of the story, but the tone was much more serious. It was so disjointed -- like two books combined into one, unsuccessfully. I was So Okay With It.

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I've been in kind of a reading slump lately & so I jumped at the chance to read Sophie Kinsella's new book via Net Galley. I've read several of her books & usually I adore them. I liked this one, but not as much as her others. It's still good, but I just love her other books so much more. I think, because of my reading slump, I had high expectations from this book. Again, it's still good, I just didn't love it as much as some of her others. She's still a fantastic author and I'll definitely keep reading her books!

Thanks to Net Galley & all for the opportunity to read & review this latest book!

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A hilarious opener grabs you as Sylvie and Dan, who have been married for 10 years, find out through a health examine, that they should live long enough to be together another 60+ years. They begin to panic as they are not sure how they can keep their relationship fresh for that long. Thus begins the "Surprise Me" game that they try to keep things interesting. Along the way there will be hilarious, embarrassing, and emotional moments. It's a fun read as Sylvie and Dan navigate marriage, relationship stresses, and the future.

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Another great read from Sophie Kinsella.

Sophie is always a go-to author, no matter how my reading may have changed. This one didn't disappoint with Sylvia and Dan. This one had a slightly different feel to Sophie's books but I enjoyed it just the same. Some of Sylvia's antics and made me laugh out loud. Once again I was pretty much hooked from the beginning and I must say that after Luke, Dan is probably one of favorite male characters Sophie has written. Overall a great read I really enjoyed reading on a snowy afternoon.

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Okay I think my love affair for Sophie Kinsella books is over......I did not finish this one and stopped at 50%........I was bored and just couldn't go on. I found the book sort of depressing. A married couple who freaks out that they are going to live to be 101 which means that they will be married another 68 years. Why is that a bad thing? Im sure I will be in the minority here but I just didn't get the story line.

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I love this author, i laugh out loud, and get teary eyed. Its a wonderful coming of age for adults.

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Not one of my favorites from this author, but it was still a good read.

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I liked this novel, but it was more my mom's style of book than what I look for in a new read. It is very much "chick lit" and would honestly make a great romantic comedy if it were to become a movie. All in all, Surprise Me is well-written, and anyone who enjoys a good women's fiction novel will enjoy this book. Personally, I was hoping it would be a bit more surprising (no pun intended) than it ended up being, and the predictability was not what I was looking for in this book. It would make a great beach read, and I am sure it will be a big hit this summer! In fact, I plan to pick up a copy for my mom for Mother's Day.

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Kinsella has done it again with this book. I love everything she has written and this one did not disappoint. Kinsella brings in the humour we have all come to expect from her writing.

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4.5 stars
I received an ARC of "Surprise Me" from NetGalley for an honest review. I wish to thank NetGalley, The Dial Press, and Sophie Kinsella for the opportunity to read this book.

I must confess that this book was NOT anything like I expected!! Normally, with Sophie Kinsella book's, I expect them to just be funny. This book WAS funny - laugh out loud funny. I had to be careful when I read it in bed or I would wake up my husband!! It also had a twisting and turning plot about marriage which made me realize how lucky I am and so was the main character, Sylvia, to have the husbands that we have.

This book is not life-changing, but it is life-lifting. If you want to read a feel-good book that makes you laugh AND makes you think, this book is the ONE for you. Highly recommend!!

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I needed something to read to make me laugh and that was a bit on the quirky side and this did not disappoint. Kinsella is on point again with her fun characters. Once the book unfolded, I couldn’t put it down.

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The wacky happenings of a married couple who contemplate the possibility of 60+ years of living and sleeping only with each other, Sophie Kinsella creates a world where two people believe they know the ins and outs of their spouse then find out they don’t, This book reminds me of the Pina Colada song (Escape) where a couple feels they are disconnecting then find out they love to do the things they never do together as much as much as they love each other,

Although I like this novel it was not one of my top Kinsella Novels. The two main characters- Sylvia and Dan are not as lovable or relatable as some of the other characters in Surprise Me. In that vein I am only giving this book 3 stars.

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This feels like a new Sophie Kinsella to me. The wonderful story development and quirky characters are still there, but overall it feels much more mature. I love this new side to an old favorite author!

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Sylvie and Dan are surprised to realize that they've been together for ten years; married for seven years and parents to five year old twin girls. They receive a wake up call (of sorts) at their annual physical when the doctor proclaims that they're healthy and likely to live another sixty odd years! Wow! They realize that change is necessary but they don't realize how much their lives will change in the next few months.

Thanks to the publisher and to NetGalley for an ARC; all opinions are my own.

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