Member Reviews

What starts as a mix-message- misunderstood one night stand leads Jane's quirky friend to outline a road trip for Jane which becomes high jacked by said misunderstood one night stand named Aiden. Jane and Aiden had a cute chemistry that they hid well as they quietly shared similar interests. Aiden can't exactly come out and say how he truly feels, thinks or his vast knowledge of the same classics that librarian Jane love without losing his man card- he thinks. Their road trip was very interesting as the sites they came across not only get the two of them completely entranced with their surroundings but also captured my interest to possibly visit this sites as well.

Aiden sees something with Jane if only he can convince her he is more than a playboy. Jane wants to enjoy a few hours of passion with a playboy but just can't separate her emotions for her sex drive. These two working it out is sexy and fun. Great read.

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Risking It was a good read. I enjoyed the main and side characters; Claire was definitely a trip. Jane is trying to get over the "turd" better known as Aiden and as much as she wants to forget him, she can't deny the sexual attraction. Aiden is in need of something and Jane is the perfect person to help him. Spending together and miles of roads ahead of them, what can go wrong? There were some funny parts in the story and there were parts I found to be slow at times but overall, it was a good read with a sweet ending.

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