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Killman Creek

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I was blown away by Stillhouse Lake when I read it a few months ago so I was beyond excited to finally get my hands on a copy of sequel Killman Creek from NetGalley and while my expectations were ridiculously high, Caine didn’t let me down.

Whereas Stillhouse Lake was a good old fashioned who dunnit which kept you guessing till the very end this is a much different type of thriller. Unlike the first book where Gwen was very much on the defensive this time she’s going on the attack. Her serial killer ex-husband is still on the loose and with help from hacker Absolom he seems to be able to find her and her children everywhere they go. She’s fed up of running and hiding though so she stashes the children Lanny and Connor somewhere safe while she and Sam go hunting.

Due to the nature of the story there’s a lot less mystery this time around, it’s more a game of cat and mouse, but that’s not to say there isn’t the odd unexpected twist and there are still a lot of questions over who can be trusted. It’s a fast paced and gripping story that does somehow make you question everything you previously thought was true.

Rather than being told solely from Gwen’s point of view, Killman Creek is told from multiple pov’s, something that took a little bit of getting used to. As well as Gwen, there are also chapters from Sam, Lanny and Connor’s points of view and while I liked some more than others it did add a new and interesting perspective to the story and let us get to know the other characters a bit better.

I have to say I do love Gwen/Gina. She does get put through the wringer time after time but no one can say she isn’t a fighter and I love how she always puts her kids first. Sam is quite an intriguing character, brother to one of Gwen’s ex-husband’s victims, he’s out for vengeance but is very confused about his feelings towards Gwen. It was great to see them spending so much time alone together this time around. The way the dynamic between them shifts and changes makes for some brilliant reading.

As for Lanny and Connor, gah!!! I know they’re young but really? Did they have to do everything they weren’t supposed to do? So frustrating but you just know they’re going to do the stupid thing that lands everyone in danger.

There aren’t very many new characters, and the ones there are come and go fairly quickly with only one or two making much of an impression, but really this is all about the relationships between those we know, so who cares.

This is pretty much non stop action and suspense from beginning to end and the final explosive showdown makes it all worthwhile. Caine’s writing is as always brilliant, creating just the right balance of tension, action and the more emotional scenes which keep you connected to and rooting for the characters.

Overall I thought this was a great conclusion to the story and definitely one I’d recommend.

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Ho finito stamattina (a letto, mentre Madre e Zia intrattenevano l'Infanta - che goduria!) il buon Killman Creek di Rachel Caine. Sebbene non mi entusiasmasse l'idea dei punti di vista multipli, il romanzo mantiene alto il livello di tensione del precedente Stillhouse Lake, anche se la trama porta in vicoli che non mi sarei aspettata: dal gioco di gatto e topo fra un serial killer e la sua ex moglie si passa a esplorare le correnti oscure del dark web, e dal male dell'animo umano alla mancanza d'anima di chi questa oscurità la sfrutta per denaro. Ottima la scrittura, buono il ritmo, credibile e dolorosa l'analisi psicologica dei personaggi, sia come singoli che nei rapporti (difficili e faticosi, anche nell'affetto) fra di loro.

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This is my first book via Netgalley. This is the second book to Rachel Caine's Stillhouse Lake which I enjoyed and was excited to find out there was a sequel. I enjoyed Killman Creek though I found it interesting that the title of the book didn't come into play into almost the very end of the book. Gwen's ex-husband Melvin was a truly a scary figure and kudos to author for creating such a horrifying character and it I liked that the sequel included Gwen, the kids, and Sam's point of view.. It was fast-paced and I couldn't put it down. Thanks!.

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Killman Creek by Rachel Caine is the second book in the Stillhouse Lake series. The first book in the series, Stillhouse Lake, introduced readers to Gwen Proctor who had gone into hiding with her two children after it was found that her husband was a serial killer. The trio had been on the run for several years not only trying to make sure that her husband who had gone to prison wouldn’t know of their whereabouts but also the vigilantes that thought Gwen was an accomplice to the killings instead of an innocent housewife.

Now in Killman Creek the story picks up shortly after the ending of the first book with Gwen trying to decide how to proceed now with her husband having escaped from prison. Gwen is tired of running and hiding and wants to put down roots in Stillhouse Lake with her kids but first she needs to find her ex, Melvin Royal, and make sure he never hurts anyone again. With the help of her friend, Sam Cade, the brother of one of Melvin’s victims, Gwen decides to turn the tables and go on the hunt for Melvin and his network of psychotic accomplices.

After finishing the first book of this series I was completely in love with Gwen, her children and their story. Focusing on the family left behind of a captured serial killer the author did a wonderful job making it feel realistic with the way they had been tried in the media and online and lived in fear that someone out there would go after them for revenge or vigilante justice. I was curious if the intensity of the story would carry over into the second book and I’m happy to say that it certainly did.

This second book is done a bit differently from the first in the fact that now the family is being split apart so the story also does so with the point of view changing between the characters. Not only does Gwen have a voice and viewpoint but so do her children and the man they had come to rely on in the first book, Sam Cade. This gave a wonderful depth to the story and allowed the author to expand the action. The twists and turns that I came to expect from the first book were still there and never failed to keep the pages turning. This definitely is a series I’d recommend to the thriller fans out there and I do hope the author continues the story.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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*3.5 stars*

I’ve always been a fan of Rachel Caine’s writing and her Stillhouse Lake series was no different.

‘Killman Creek’ follows up where book one left off and takes us through this journey where you are constantly wondering if you’re the hunter or the prey and that tension is something I really enjoyed while reading. I found myself trying to read as fast as I could because I wanted to see where Caine would take us and how the final showdown would play out and at around the midpoint where a the dark web element became center stage is where things got a bit lost for me and changed what would have been a 5 star rating.

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I loved the first book 'Stillhouse Lake' and was so excited to be approved for an ARC for the sequel 'Killman Creek'. I became attached to the characters in 'Stillhouse Lake' and was heavily invested in their well being, so I was a little apprehensive that the sequel wouldn't live up to the first book, but I wasn't disappointed. I spent an entire weekend devouring this book.
This book had many twists and turns, it was a roller coaster read. One minute I think I know what's going on and how the book will conclude and then something completely unexpected happens and I had no idea what was going on.
We get different characters perspectives in this book, which I was really pleased about. We get to really find out how Sam, Lanny and Connor are dealing with the effects of book 1 and everything Melvin Royal has done to them. I really felt for each character. Sam's anguish, Lanny's confusion, Connor's sadness and Gwen's fear. It all came out in this book.
I don't want to give too much of the plot away, but you won't be disappointed with 'Killman Creek'. Especially if you enjoyed the first book.
This was a great suspenseful, thrilling read that I'm putting at the top of my favourite reads of 2017.

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This in know way altered my opinion of the book.

Another well written mystery by Rachel Caine. I was extremely skeptical before reading the first book in this series,due to the fact that I was worried about transition from her normal vampire books. However I was extremely hooked after chapter one. This is the second book in this series, and I highly recommend reading g the first one before this. There is way to much information you need before beginning this one.
I enjoyed this book, and will definitely read the next. I did however think some of it just seemed to drag on, while at other times went to fast. Still a good read though.

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Thanks to netgalley for a copy of this book. I loved the first book, Stillhouse Lake, and was excited for the sequel. It’s rare that I like a sequel even more than the first book, but that happened with this book. This picked up right where Stillhouse Lake left off. I really enjoyed the different points of view from each characters in Killman Creek, which kept the momentum going. I could not put it down. The perspectives of the kids was a good addition to the overall story. The twists and turns were well written and kept me surprised. I now wonder if there will be a 3rd book in the series, which I would read in a heartbeat. Overall, this was a fast paced, well written book that I will recommend to others who enjoy this genre.

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I read the first book in the series and was so excited to read this book and it did not disappoint.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me this ARC for an honest review. I requested this book because as a fan of Rachel Caine (author) and having read her first book - Stillhouse Lake - I was looking forward to the second in this series since the her first book was amazing.

I was not disappointed with this book either. The continuing story of Gwen Proctor and her psycho husband continues. In book #1 Gwen finds out her husband is a serial killer. In book #2 he escapes from prison and she is again on the run with her two children. The suspense and surprises and harrowing escapes continue until Gwen leaves her children with another couple, so she and Sam Cade (whose sister was killed by this maniac also) go on to track down Melvin and stop him from further killings. This is a book you will not be able to put down, each page brings you closer and closer to what we hope is an to Gwen's nightmare...or is it?

Because there is a book #3 in this series and I will have to wait until Oct 2018 to read it!

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Rachel Caine has done it again- Killman Creek is a worthy sequel to Stillhouse Lake. The books begins where Stillhouse Lake left off, with Gwen Proctor and her two kids hiding out from her ex-husband, the notorious serial killer Melvin Royal, and his helpers. When it becomes clear Melvin will not stop coming after them Gwen decides to draw him away from Stillhouse Lake and hunt him down with the help of Sam Cade. What they discover along the way is far more terrible than they imagined. This book is great not only for fans of the first book but also for readers who enjoy an intricate plot with multifaceted characters.

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2nd book in the series I couldn't wait to find out what happened next to Gwen and the children. It was fast paced. Fantastic read that kept you on your toes the whole time. Fantastic read and the 2nd book never disappointed in the slightest. Wondered how the author would take the story this time and it worked. Loved the little twist in the middle turning everyone against Gwen. Highly recommend this one

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4.5/5 stars for this one.
I had high expectations going into this book after the whirlwind thriller that was Stillhouse Lake. And Rachel Caine is seemingly not one to let he readers down. Killman Creek is more thrilling, more action-packed, more full of pulse-pounding moments of terror than the first book. Needless to say, I couldn't put it down. And I'm super-glad I picked this up on a weekend where I could devote more time to it.
Killman Creek is extremely gripping and emotive from start to finish.
Really hoping that Rachel Caine manages to put a twist and make this a trilogy at the least.
Thanks to Netgalley for the review copy.

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Killman Creek picks up just a few days after the events of Stillhouse Lake, with Gwen and her children hiding out after the prison escape of her psychopathic ex-husband. This book is a taut, tense thriller, and this time we also get the perspectives of Gwen's children, Lanny and Connor, as well as that of Sam Cade, their neighbor who has his own reasons for wanting to hunt down Melvin Royal. The kids' perspectives are tough, particularly Connor's, as he struggles with wanting to believe in the father he thought he knew versus the horrible things he knows put his father in jail. Gwen's strength and resolve is tested repeatedly, and the readers' (and that of her friends and children) faith in her is challenged as well. Killman Creek kept up what Stillhouse Lake did- these are the kind of books that you won't want to read as you fall asleep because what happens in them is the stuff of nightmares, and you won't be able to stop until you've reached the conclusion.

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I felt the same way with book 1 and this book kept me on the edge of my seat right up to the last page. The premise is the Gwen, former ex-wife of serial killer Melvin Royale, is hunting him for the safety of herself and her children. He is a member of and evil group Absalom, which I feel is what this book is really about . As Gwen and Sam take you on the journey for Absalom you learn just how evil and powerful they are. And that journey will tell you a story on how depraved people really can be. Oh and Melvin Royal , he's a sick MF too. Thanks to Rachel Cain, Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book..

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"Gwen Proctor won the battle to save her kids from her ex-husband, serial killer Melvin Royal, and his league of psychotic accomplices. But the war isn’t over. Not since Melvin broke out of prison. Not since she received a chilling text…

You’re not safe anywhere now."

A worthy, creepy follow-up to Stillhouse Lake. Gwen and her kids are still on the run from her crazy, murdering ex, and a network of computer hackers determined to bring her down. But the kids are tired of running, and so is Gwen. It's time for her to confront Melvin head-on, but of course it's not that simple. A lot of cat and mouse in this book, with good twists, and lots of horror. A satisfying ending makes you think maybe everything is wrapped up, but of course, there's enough room left for doubt.

This was a pretty fast-paced read. I really wanted to know what was going to happen next so I read this through in a day. I would recommend this to anyone who is a fan of a good, tense thriller.

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First, make sure you read Stilllake House first. There is a lot of information in that great story that gets you to the sone. While the author does slight recaps, it's not enough to have skipped book one and completely understand book 2 :)

I will say, while I ended up enjoying this story, it was hard at first, The story is 1st person POV with at least 4 people's POV which made it really difficult to get into the right mind set starting out. But after a couple of chapters, I was so into the book I didn't mind having to adjust a little each chapter.

This is a trilling, edge of your set, mystery/thriller. While we know who - we don't know why or how and there are new questions that keep popping up...While this seems like a conclusion, I do hope to visit these characters again in the future!

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I absolutely loved Stillhouse Lake and could not wait to read this follow up after that cliffhanger ending!! It certainly did not disappoint. Gwen is determined not to let her murdering ex husband win and sets out to end it once and for all.. put herself and her family in danger. I am sad that it is over but loved the journey! Big thanks to Netgalley and Thomas and Mercer for an advance copy of this book to read and review

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This is the second and final book in the Duology and I think I loved this one even more than the first. This one had me feeling so many emotions throughout the book, anger, fear, sadness and happy.
I loved how each chapter has a different characters perspective and this book seemed to have something happening all throughout the book. I was a big fan of the ending also.
I ended up giving Killman Creek 4 out of 5 stars and would recommend anyone who loves to read thrillers or Rachel Caines books to give it a go. Can't wait to see what she brings out next.

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Killman Creek is the sequel to Stillhouse Lake. I am not sure if there is going to be a third book in this series. Her ex husband is a serial killer who escaped from prison and it out to kill her. She has 2 kids and herself to protect. This is a very intense thriller. My problem is that this is a trade size book which makes it harder to sell. People are just not wanting to pay $16 for paperback book. I hear this complaint from my bookstore customers all the time

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