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Killman Creek

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This is the second book of this two book series. I was so pleasantly surprised with the first one, Stillhouse Lake which I happened upon as a "Kindle First" for Amazon Prime readers. I went in blind and that first chapter left my mouth hanging open! I was hooked at that point!

This book was just as good as Stillhouse Lake. Gwen no longer wants to be hunted by her crazy serial killer husband who just happened to escape prison. No more running, she is done. She decides to fight and go after him before he can get to her.

Melvin Royal is a sick and twisted monster who wants nothing more than to find Gwen and torture her like his other victims. She was relentless in her pursuit to protect her children from him. Poor Gwen, I truly felt for her as a mother.

This book got a bit dark exploring the dark underworld of the web/social media and graphic video content. Very scary what is actually out there! I very much enjoyed this series and am sad to see it end. I was looking forward to this book and had it on my wish list on Amazon when I just so happened to browse the "Read Now" books on NetGalley and saw this as a Read Now. I was so excited and downloaded it right away. A big thank the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me an advanced copy of this book!

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I devoured the first book Stillwater and have had Killman Creek on my preorder so when I saw I could read it I was so excited!! This book is just as amazing as the first. I was not disappointed as I am sometimes with sequels. There’s so much action and suspense. I was on the edge of my seat. I read it in a day. Edge of your seat thrill ride. I’ve always been a huge fan of Caine and I hope she continues to write in this more adult psychological thriller genre!!

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Many thanks to to the author, publisher and Netgalley for an advance copy of the book. After receiving an advance copy, I realized it was a second book to the series.

I enjoyed the book and was able to follow along, even though I hadn't read the first book. It was dark, edgy and kept me engrossed from start to finish.

Gwen Proctor and her kids are on the run from her ex-husband Melvin who has escaped from death row. Melvin's a seriously deranged serial killer who enjoys toying with his ex wife Gwen and his kids in order to get revenge.

The main characters have depth and the ending is one you can't easily predict.

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I couldn’t wait to read this book. I couldn’t put the first one down and this one was no different. When the climax of the book begins, it doesn’t stop rolling until the end. I have no doubt that some of these sick things actually happen somewhere in the world, what would you do? The author did a great job showing “Gwen” at the end of her rope. It was very heartbreaking after fighting for so long. I enjoyed this intense series and would recommend these books.

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I loved this book. The author is absolutely fabulous. Can’t wait to read more.

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This was such a captivating game of cat and mouse that I was drawn in immediately. Having not read the first in this duo, I was worried that I would not be able to understand this story, however that is not the case. If anything, this story makes me want to go back and read the first one as well.

I loved everything about this story. The characters were well developed, including all the little quirks that made them seem real. The alternating points of view not only gave you insight into what was happening when the characters weren't together, but also as to in some instances, why characters did the things they did. Then there were the times when the characters did things that were so completely unexpected that I was completely floored.

But what really sold this as a five star read for me? The fact that I could see this being a movie, or even a television mini-series. It was that good. It was one of those rare reads that keeps you on the edge of your seat at times wondering just who (if anyone) can be trusted, and the ending? The ending was a beautiful culmination of the story, and honestly I don't think a better one could have been planned.

Overall, I am sure this story will definitely appeal to those who enjoy a well written thriller novel. I will read more from this author!

DISCLAIMER: I received a complimentary copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. This has not affected my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.

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I think I was in the minority when it came to Stillhouse Lake - I didn't love it and was a bit disappointed BUT I saw Killman Creek was available to read now so I went for it and man, I'm so glad I did! This was pretty fabulous and well done. I thought it was very tight, paced well, full of twists and I found the characters more rounded - not so flat. I really had fun reading this and what was lacking in Stillhouse Lake (for me at least) I found in Killman Creek!

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After being surprised by its predecessor, Stillhouse Lake, I was really hesitant to read its sequel, Killman Creek. I imagined the plot and scare-factors had been all used up, and that this would be a rehashing of events. I was wrong. Caine surprised me again, and though I was put-off at first with the rotating narrators, I ended up realizing that it was a sound decision and added an extra layer of suspense. Plus, it prepared you for the ultimate rock bottom Gina/Gwen experiences.

The complexity and suspense are just as present, but this sequel adds an extra layer of nastiness. The rock bottom I mentioned before is ringed in desperation, fear, and betrayal. This book comes at Gwen with everything it has...I could not put it down.

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Thrilling conclusion to Stillhouse Lake! The writing is just as strong as it was in the previous novel. I thoroughly enjoyed these characters.

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I had high hopes for this second book in the series written by Rachel Caine. I was a little disappointed in the fact that it was a little predictable-- but over all this was a solid good book for people who like to read thrillers. I would still recommend as the characters are developed further and the story line is fast paced.

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I read the first book in this duology (Stillhouse Lake) voraciously. It set up the premise for this book, that a serial killer has escaped from prison and that his ex-wife intends to hunt him down before he can find her and her children.

The first book was sort of a slow-burn mystery. It was focused on the psychological damage that comes from being victimized, first by a monstrous husband and then by a savage online community that blames a wife for her husband's actions. This book was constantly in motion and followed more of a thriller pattern.

Gwen, the afore-mentioned ex-wife of Mel, the serial killer, sets off with Sam, with whom she's formed an uneasy relationship. Sam originally was stalking her because his sister was the last victim of her husband. Sounds creepy when I put it like that! He has since developed very complicated emotions around Gwen and her children. Gwen also feels attraction to Sam, but is back-burnering this because her priority is taking down Mel. As you might say on Facebook, it's complicated.

Gwen leaves her two children with people she trusts at Stillhouse Lake, gambling that Mel won't looks for them there because he'd assume that she'd move them.

Stillhouse Lake was entirely from Gwen's perspective. In this book, we also hear from Lanny( her daughter), Conner (her son) and Sam. This is probably necessary because of all the moving pieces in the book- things happen to Lanny and Connor that Gwen can't know about because she's on the move. Sam's viewpoint is also necessary for part of the book. However, it dilutes the tight focus from Gwen's psychology and ends up reducing tension. This book is all about secrets. Lanny has one, Connor has one, and Gwen ends up blindsided by some rather nasty stuff floating around about her on the web that she didn't know about. You can see the train wreck coming. It's one of those books in which problems would be eliminated by one good conversation, but that conversation never happens. I hate those sorts of books, and it didn't do itself any favors here- and I'm willing to cut Rachel Caine a lot of breaks.

There's a lot of tension built around these characters mistrusting each other, and unfortunately it doesn't pay off. In the end, it's a TV-style running gun battle complete with just about every trope you might expect if you've read Silence of the Lambs. There's a lot of frenetic action, but the true drama of the book is built around these characters' fragile relationships and that balloon doesn't pop as much as have the air slowly sigh out of it. The real climax should be between Gwen and Sam, who have several betrayals to account for, but that is never resolved and the two of them seem to end up ignoring some rather nasty past history between them. That's what disappointed me and why I didn't rate the book higher. It went the way of a cheap action thriller instead of giving me a payoff for investing in the complicated relationships that the author went to such pains to set up, only to abandon.

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Another great murder/suspense novel. These are fast paced books and perfect for anyone who loves a fun mystery. I'd suggest reading the first in the series first, otherwise the characters will make less sense. I enjoyed the alternating perspectives.

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This is the sequel to Stillhouse Lake and I couldn't wait to read it.

Gwen Proctor has moved, changed her and her children's names, and done everything she can to stay off the grid and safe from her serial killer ex-husband Melvin Royal. That included starting over with her kids, Lanny and Connor, in the house they bought on Stillhouse Lake. In the first book, their fresh start was shattered by online harassment and more bodies piling up - Gwen Proctor, then Gina Royal, had been suspected of helping her husband kill his victims - so the suspicion fell back on her as more young women went missing. As it turned out, a devotee of Melvin's and a hacker named Absalom were setting her up. Now Melvin has broken out of prison and neither Gwen nor her children will be safe until Melvin is back behind bars or dead. So Gwen and Sam Cade, the brother of Melvin's final victim, set out to find Melvin and make sure he can never hurt Gwen or any other woman.

But Absalom is not what is seems - and maybe Gwen isn't either as new evidence suggesting that she may have been complicit in Melvin's heinous crimes begins to surface. Killman Creek is a fast paced, thrilling story. Rachel Caine is a talented author, who spins a masterful tale of suspension, suspicion, and deception.

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This book was just as good as the last one. Gwen and Sam are hunting her serial killer, prison escapee and crazy husband. To finally be free from fear for herself and her children she decides to go after him before he finds them.
I finished this in one night. Very fast paced, full of surprises and twists. After the first book hooked me I'm disappointed to already be done reading this one. It was over way too quickly. With all of the good guys from book one reappearing in this one it picked up right where book 1 left off.

I received this copy from NetGalley for an honest review.

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I was excited to have the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this book on NetGalley.

I purchased the series starter, Stillhouse Lake, but decided to read Killman Creek first. I was pleased to see that Killman Creek stands well on its own. I had no problem getting pulled into the story. The author provides the perfect amount of information from the first book to keep the reader informed without rehashing all the details. Reading Killman Creek made me even more excited to read Stillhouse Lake and to find out what happens in book three.

Gwen does everything in her power to keep her two kids safe from her serial killer ex-husband, Melvin. She’s transformed herself from passive Gina Royal into a ready-for-a-fight Gwen Proctor and has left the kids with trusted friends as she hunts her hellish ex-hubby with Sam, the brother of one of Melvin’s victims. Everything falls apart when she finds herself alienated from friends and family and must face the forces of evil with nothing more than her wit and will.

Caine tells the story through the points of view of Gwen, Sam, and Gwen’s children. The author captures the voice of each character and slides the reader seamlessly into each person’s shoes, as Melvin and his cronies do their best to turn everyone against Gwen. The book is full of truths, such as, “It isn’t fair, or right, but it’s dreadfully human. The way we tear each other apart” that show the dark and the light sides of human nature.

I’m am a big fan of Caine’s urban fantasy and young adult novels. The Stillhouse Lake series proves that Caine can master any genre that strikes her fancy by bringing fascinating characters to life and by telling a gripping story.

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I was intrigued after reading Stillhouse Lake where Cain would take the next installment. With a murderer on the lose and her life and children's lives in danger, there wasn't a lot of options for Gwen other than to take charge, not be a victim and to fight back.

And fight back she did.

This time told in alternating point of views, we get a deeper, maybe even darker look into the minds and hearts of those being haunted and hunted down by a man so ruthless and so evil, it will make your spine tingle.

I absolutely loved this and yet, I hated it too. I was so very mad, at everyone while reading this. The characters doubts in one another, the betrayal, the deceit and outright lies. I was so angry at the people that was making it all happen. That was egging it all on. How sick and twisted they were. It was...awful to say the least and horrific to less describe the horribleness of it all.

It was disgusting. And I loved every intense thrilling moment of it.

Once again Caine shows that she really is a fabulous writer, in whatever genre she chooses to write. I couldn't of asked for a more intense action packed story if I tried and truly ended perfectly. Not a perfect happily ever after, but a very realistic, slow building future of what ifs and maybes.

*ARC was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

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Gwen Proctor won the battle to save her kids from her ex-husband, serial killer Melvin Royal, and his league of psychotic accomplices. But the war isn’t over. Not since Melvin broke out of prison. Not since she received a chilling text…

Even though this is the second book in the series, it could also be a stand alone novel. I did not read the first book but I still got into and figured this one out without feeling like I was lost.
It took me a few chapters to get into the book but once I did it was really good.
The action moves along really well and is never boring.
The ending seemed final so I don't know if there will be another installment to the book.

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Excellent book 2 in this thrilling, spine-tingling series! Once more, Rachel Caine does not disappoint. This book allows the reader the chance to see each character's personality and past in more depth. Highly recommend and please, could there be a book 3? Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas and Mercer for the Advanced Reader Copy of this book

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This was a fast-moving, action packed book and an entertaining read.

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I received an ARC from NetGalley to read and review. The below is my honest, unbiased opinion. Thank you, Rachel Caine, the publisher, and NetGalley, for allowing me to review.

Gwen Proctor won the battle to save her kids from her ex-husband, serial killer Melvin Royal, and his league of psychotic accomplices. But the war isn’t over. Not since Melvin broke out of prison. Not since she received a chilling text…

You’re not safe anywhere now.

Her refuge at Stillhouse Lake has become a trap. Gwen leaves her children in the protective custody of a fortified, well-armed neighbor. Now, with the help of Sam Cade, brother of one of Melvin’s victims, Gwen is going hunting. She’s learned how from one of the sickest killers alive.

But what she’s up against is beyond anything she feared—a sophisticated and savage mind game calculated to destroy her. As trust beyond her small circle of friends begins to vanish, Gwen has only fury and vengeance to believe in as she closes in on her prey. And sure as the night, one of them will die.

KILLMAN CREEK is the second book in Caine's STILLHOUSE LAKE series, and wow, is it a fantastic read. Be forewarned: this book is DARK. It's themes and scenes are much darker than its predecessors, but the writing was much too captivating to put down the book. Caine is a master at emotion, leaving me an absolute wreck after finishing this book. This is such an original series and a definite must read!

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