Member Reviews

This book had my interest from the very beginning pages. I was pulled into the struggles and challenges of the characters and how OCD was defining their lives and those they loved. I found myself going to bed at night with these characters on my mind and thinking how much they had to go through because of the lies their minds would tell them. My heart broke for them. I also learned so much about what OCD can do to someone. I am grateful for this book and how it helps me to know what people are going through with this in their lives. The characters felt like people I knew and I wanted so much to be there for them. TY, netgalley, for a kindle copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Barbara Claypool White has successfully stitched together a heartwrenching novel that focuses on mental illness and it's impact on family and friends. Each chapter finds the story continuing through the voice of one of the characters. I found out so much about the struggle people with OCD face and have a tremendous amount of respect for them after reading this novel. Combining fiction with education is daunting but White definitely did so here. I look forward to reading more from her. I received an Advance Review Copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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I loved this book and highly recommend it.

When someone becomes physically ill--whether with the 24 hour stomach bug or cancer or chicken pox--they generally garner the sympathy of those around them. It is expected that if the disease lasts more than a day or two that a trip to the doctor has at least been considered, and it is assumed that decent health insurance will cover that visit. We may all joke about how men's colds are so much worse than Mom's colds but we rarely blame the person who is physically ill for his or her disease.

Mental illness is different. Somehow, many of us think that if the mentally ill would just get their acts together and quit acting that way, their illnesses would disappear--or we think that the illness is caused by weakness on the part of the one who is ill.

The main character in The Promise Between Us is Katie, and Katie is mentally ill. Katie is also a very strong and selfless woman who has nearly lost her life to that illness. Katie has OCD and anxiety and in this book we stand in her shoes and see the world through her eyes. We see her cope (sometimes well, sometimes not so well) with the voices inside her head. We see how her mental illness affects her relationships.

Two other adult characters in the book suffer from a mental illness and for one of them, denial is his drug of choice. In both cases we see how seemly sane people can suffer greatly from mental problems even though they appear, at least on the surface, to be happy and successful.

Finally, there is Maisy, a bright well-loved child who is starting to show signs of OCD. She has four adults in her life who love her and want the best for her; they just disagree about what that is when it comes to her OCD and to their relationships with each other.

Barbara Claypole White's niche seems to be novels dealing with mental illness as you will note if you click her name under this post. As I've noted about her other books, White does a great job of making her characters more than their illness, though the illness is the focus of this story.

I'd like to thank the publisher for making a review copy available via NetGalley. Grade: A

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Wow!!! The Promise Between Us was a well-written novel that I devoured in one day. This suspenseful, intense story about the effects of OCD and depression was eye-opening and conveyed a glimpse into what life would be like with this mental illness. The complex characters were devastatingly realistic in their behavior and reactions to the events that developed. The power of love is proven throughout this book in unpredictable and predictable ways.

I don't want to spoil any part of this incredible book, but it should be at the top of your list to read!

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I am writing this review after pondering a few days and am still completely on the fence, but I am on the fence because I am uneducated when it comes to OCD and I just don't know how close to the truth this book sits and because of that it was hard for me to read and separate fact and fiction.

Beyond those thoughts, Barbara Claypole White always writes great characters in the perfect setting and just solid stories. Katie Mack used to live in Raleigh, North Carolina but ran away after life hit an extreme low, she is pulled back nine years later and is quickly confronted with the demons of the past, but she has more tools to equip herself to confront them head on.

Again, I am uneducated when it comes to different forms of OCD, so it was hard to read and really understand if there are people who are faced with this form of OCD everyday. The main character Katie even says that this is a different form than the one people know and because of that it seems like people may not believe that it is a true form of the illness. I have to admit that I felt that way and wondered how much truth there was in the book. I would have loved a note or something to give some context and truth behind this form of OCD.

After reading this book, I am motivated to read books about people who are very different from me and I hope that I continue to read stories about people who are different from me this year.

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THE PROMISE BETWEEN US wa so well written. Barbara Claypole White uses her gifted storytelling to bring the reader an insight into the mind of a person with anxiety and OCD. We can feel the struggle to discern reality from symptoms of illness. This beautiful story shows us that there is hope, that with help, a person can overcome this illness and be able to make good decisions for a positive outcome. THE PROMISE BETWEEN US has so many layers and great characters that you really care about. This is a very good book and it will stay with you long after you have finished reading it. MUST READ

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The Promise Between Us is a book that people will be talking about for decades to come. This book is full of complex characters that, instantly, are so likable. You'll find yourself rooting for them throughout the book. They are the characters that you miss when you're three books down the road.

Barbara Claypole White takes a very tough subject and brings the struggle to light with delicate care. Anyone facing this would feel right at home with this novel. While I have never been through this, I was able to put myself in the situation as best as I knew how because the writing was so in depth. I could never pretend to have felt postpartum OCD, but the vivid writing does get you close to the mindset.

Before asking for an ARC of this book, I read through from of the reviews to see what it was about. One reviewer said that it makes you review your conceptions of the disorder, and your thoughts on it. I can say that is 100% true. I had many misconceptions and this book prompted me to research to learn more.

I received an ARC of this book. All thoughts are my own.

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Barbara Claypole White tackles the impossible in The Promise Between Us. She lets you into the mind of someone with obsessive compulsive disorder just enough to give you a realistic look at what their life must be like, and then reigns it back a little so that you don’t shut the book in dismay. Katie Mack abandoned her young daughter when she was just an infant as thoughts of harming her swarmed her mind. She thought the girl would be safer without her, and by the time she got treatment and found herself in a semi-stable state, her husband had moved on and told their daughter that she was dead. Over a decade later Katie randomly comes back into contact with her daughter, only to realize that her own mental illness was now manifesting itself in her daughter. Her attempts to help her and deal with her own continuing issues make up the bulk of the story.

Some books are easier to read than others. If you’re looking for a fluffy beach read for entertainment purposes, this is not it. But it is an important read, and a timely one. OCD has received some national attention lately, largely due to John Green’s novel about the disease and his admission that he suffers from it as well. If you want to understand more about it (guess what, it’s not just about compulsively washing your hands) and how it can destroy people and families (and build them back up again), then this is a must read.

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I just finished reading The Promise Between Us by Barbara Claypole White which I obtained from Netgalley. To me personally, I found this book to be very educating. A real eye opener! I had heard of OCD, and actually believe that I myself, my daughter and grand-daughter just might have a touch of it. However, after reading this, I realize there is just so much more to the illness than I was aware of. I really commend the author for writing books like this because not only are you getting an enjoyable story, you are getting a look into what it’s really like for the person who is suffering with these types of illness (anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorders). The storyline with the family dynamics was so good. The way the mother does what she does all for the love of her child was not only heartbreaking but heartwarming. Honestly, not only did I learn a lot from reading this, I really enjoyed the entire story and was very happy with how it all ended. A really good book!

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The Promise Between Us is yet another winner by Barbara Claypole White! The author provides excellent insight into what goes on in the mind of a mentally ill person and does so in a interesting way. I learned more about OCD from this novel than I could have from a textbook. And I had the added bonus of “meeting” characters who I enjoyed getting to know despite their troubled minds and flaws which I grew to understand.

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That was intense. From the prologue to the last page, you’re immersed deep in the world of OCD behavior and mindset. Some parts (everything that is in italics) were tough to read, but the characters and my desire for them to be ok kept the pages turning. I may or may not have uttered a ‘holy sh!t” after a chapter or two.

Another book well done by Barbara Claypole White.

My only ever-so-slight annoyance were Jake’s constant southern idioms. Some were cute, but there were too many.

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Sometimes hard to read but always sensitive and thoughtful, this carefully written novel explores post partum mental illness. OCD can descend at any time but Katie's is truly awful as she constantly saw herself harming her much beloved daughter. It's hard to believe a husband and father would force his wife to not only disappear but also change her name but that's the premise of this. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. If you haven't read White before, you're in for a treat. This isn't a light novel but it's a valuable one.

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I honestly could tell by the writing of the first 2 chapters that it wouldn't be a good fit for our box and had to put it down. I may read it again in the future!

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Thanks to Net Galley and Lake Union Publishing for an ARC of this book in exchange for a review.
Wow wow wow! What a read to start 2018 with.
This book is filled with strong characters, Maisie, a ten year old child, Callum who is Maisie’s dad, Katie, Maisie’s mum, her step mum Lilah and her uncle Jake.
The story is about Katie’s OCD which is severe, causing her as a young and new mother to abandon her child, she has thoughts of harming her baby and then almost 10 years later being reunited with Maisie accidentally, seeing almost immediately that Maisie has OCD traits. The relationships between the adults im Maisie’s life, some of the adults have their own childhood traumas and secrets to unfold in the story, and the effect that Katie’s and now Maisie’s OCD have on those around them.
This story is about hope, hope that the inner voice can not be a bully but be stood up to, struggles can be conquered by being brave and with the love of family and friends.
This is the 3rd book I have read but Barbara Claypole White and it’s another 5 star read.

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This book was a compelling read. It tells the story from a few perspectives and it really gives the sense that even though we may think we are making the best decisions and trying to protect others, it may not always be the case. I related to Katie's struggle with OCD but was disappointed that she wasn't able to find any affordable treatment (as an RN I know there are lots of people in this situation) because then she would have been more involved in her child's life but her journey was interesting and I'm glad it worked out the way it did.

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My Review of “The Promise Between Us” by Barbara Claypole White

WOW! I appreciate that Barbara Claypole White, Author of “The Promise Between Us” has written such a powerful and descriptive novel about mental illness. The genres for this book are Fiction and Women’s Fiction, but Barbara Claypole White describes mental illness in such a realistic and enlightening way.

The author describes Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, High Anxiety Disorder Panic Attacks, and Depression which can be seen in her characters. Many of the disorders that are mentioned cause feelings of shame, self-deprecating behavior, guilt, repetitive thoughts or ruminating, loss of worth, and are emotionally painful to deal with. The author gives some past family history to describe what factors that could contribute genetically , emotionally or physically to some of these disorders. The author also discusses emotional and sexual abuse, which is significant. Through the characters, we can see how this affects their relationships and lives.

Metal artist Katie Mack realistically is aware that she ran away from her baby daughter Maisie nine years ago,in an attempt to Maisie safe from her obsessive compulsive thoughts, and fear of hurting her. Katie’s husband at the time could not comprehend what was going on, was not capable of giving Katie emotional support. He could not recognize that Katie needed psychological help. Katie could not afford the proper Psychologist or Psychiatric help, and trying to self-educate herself to become aware, she tries to deal with her OCD. Katie tries facing her fears. One of her fears is fire and Katie uses fire and metal to make artistic creations.

Katie is showing her artistic metal creations to students and meets her daughter Maisie. Maisie thinks that her birth mother is dead. Katie notices that Maisie is showing many of the symptoms of OCD. Katie is facing a dilemma. How can Kate help Maisie get the proper help?

In this novel, the author discusses mental illness, making therapy available to those who need it, encouraging honesty in relationships, and having a support system in place. Barbara Claypole White also discusses the importance of family, friends, support, love and hope. I would highly recommend this significant novel to readers of Women’s Fiction. I received an Advanced Reading Copy for my honest review.

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Barbara Claypole White writes mental illness like no one else I’ve ever read. Her books are raw, real, and enlightening. The Promise Between Us is no different. Katie has been gone for 9 years. She thought being gone would be the best thing she could possibly do for her family. But what we think is best isn’t always the right choice is it? Sure enough, Katie Mack is unexpectedly reunited with her long lost daughter and sees herself in her young daughter. Not just similar looks or traits, no, but the OCD she has herself. She is seeing the same compulsive mannerisms Katie is all too familiar with.

Can Katie help? What does that mean for her ex-husband Cal and his new, expecting wife, Lilah? Katie coming back will open up a can of worms for every single person involved. But sometimes getting everything out in the open is what everyone needs to heal. White has written another fabulous insight into the human mind.

I received an advanced review copy of this book, all opinions are my own.

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When Katie Mack has a baby daughter called Maisie she soon becomes consumed by post natal depression and the certain feeling that she will harm her daughter, despite loving her so very much. After months of worrying she comes to the decision she must leave her husband and daughter in order to keep Maisie safe. They reach an agreement that Katie will change her name and never return to her home. She is heartsick, but accepts that this is the only way to be sure she does not hurt her tiny baby.
Nine years later, and now almost on top of her mental health issues, she accidentally meets her daughter and is totally charmed by her. They share a love of art and literature and Katie is on an art course arranged for talented and gifted children; the course that Katie, now a talented metal artist has agreed to run. However, she recognises the early signs that Maisie is a worrier and has compulsive habits, much like herself. She feels compelled to help her even though it means breaking a promise she vowed to keep. But she worries about how to reconnect with her family, having learnt that Maisie has a newly pregnant step-mother. She doesn’t want to cause Maisie’s new family any trouble but cannot ignore the warning signs.
'The Promise Between Us' is a very emotional and powerful novel about dealing with mental health issues, family love, support and compromise. I really enjoyed learning about the condition known as OCD – obsessive compulsive disorder, a so called personality disorder and I learnt such a lot that I didn’t know already. The story itself was beautifully written and Barbara Claypole White created so many really lovely characters that it is difficult to choose my favourite character. I really admire the amount of research that backed up this absorbing novel. I would like to thank NetGalley and publisher Lake Union publishing for my copy of this novel, sent to me in return for an honest review. It’s a 9/10 from me and a recommendation that this is a very good read.

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This is a unique story and one that I typically wouldn’t pick up. With that said; I am very glad I did!
I thought the author did an amazing job of humanizing obsessive compulsive disorder. Many joke about it freely but don’t actually know the ins and outs of the disorder.
I think this is a great read to share with family and friends.

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There are times when reading something uncomfortable and not altogether happy still gives you an admiration for how the human mind and spirit work. This book is one of those times. The story is not of one person but of a family. This family is not traditional in any sense. Each individual of this family is tied to Maisie, the core of it all.

Each person who is trying in some way to be a parent to Maisie( who herself may not be safe from grown up troubles) is carrying a burden.The mental weight that dictates most people's actions are the root cause of the dysfunction. Katie is the mother who never was, Lilah is the mother who is. Jack and Callum are the men who have tried to nourish Maisie for the last nine years since Katie ran away. This is not a book with too many twists, just a few. The conversations between them to sustain equanimity defines the book.

It is a well written tale and has all the right elements to grab and keep our attention. My next plan of action is to dig up more of the author's works.

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