Member Reviews

The book was archived before our group could download it. We are sure that we would have enjoyed the book judging from the reviews it has received.

Ferriss is a problematic character for me. He grew his position as mentor & mindset guru in the early days of the movement but at some point, his own growth seems to have stalled. I decided to take a risk on this title and it was a disappointment. I'm sure this book will appeal to die hard fans or people looking to change their lives but for me, this felt a step backwards and a little preachy.

Vapid, new agey rubbish that repeats the same old aphorisms you've seen before elsewhere. Basically a college of dreary pep talks that you'd get from scanning Tim Ferriss and the hacks he follows on Instagram. Uninspired, uninteresting, way too long - I got nothing out of it.

I found this a really odd book. It is basically a compilation of deep questions asked of famous people, and the reasoning they give. The first few were quite amusing, but it got a bit boring and repetitive. There is no new insight, but different well-known views from super-people. Not that helpful. Would have been useful to order it by question, and then discuss the answers that different people gave, in the context of their lives/success, but that would require some journalistic ability.

I don't often pick this genre of book but after wanting to broaden my reading I decided to give this a go. Some of the content is really interesting and thought provoking - it's difficult to read on the kindle and I'd love to buy the book to read it properly but I really enjoyed what was written and it's really made me think about some of the work and life relationships I have and how I view things. Brilliant.

Tribe of Mentors’ is an odd book – I’m not sure who it was aimed at. The book contains the verbatim transcripts of interviews from his podcast – if you’re a frequent listener, as I am, then you get nothing new. If you weren’t, and you hadn’t heard of Tim Ferriss, picking up this book would leave you confused – there’s no solid theme to the order of the interviews and no conclusion after each highlighting the takeaways. it just seems a jumble without direction. Tim has just relocated to Austen, and my cynicism thinks he needed some cash for a down payment on a house.
But if you do enjoy his (free) podcasts, and you should – they’re fantastic, this is a reasonable way of throwing a few coins into his hat to say thank you – so 4*s for that rationale.
Book kindly supplied by Netgalley for an honest review.

The advice bible you simply HAVE TO READ. I know I will keep referring to this for many years, it is PACKED with such insight, wisdom, experience and knowledge. Highly recommend!

Tim has done it again... He shares some extremely insightful ideas derived from some of the world's best minds.. You can randomly pick an expert and see what they have to teach you.. Must read for all of us who want to consistently learn and stay agile..

This is a book for people who dream of succeeding in business. It's full of inspirational sayings and mottos from people who have "made it" collated by Ferriss who is an enormously popular business writer. It's not a particularly satisfying read but is a great stocking filler for those so inclined. Honestly, the library users in the prison I work in can't get enough Ferriss!

Not for me really sadly. I didn't feel that a lot of the advice applied to me and my life and I wasn't interested enough - or aware enough in a lot of the participants. I don't think I'm a good candidate for books like this in the end.

This book is based on a very simple idea but is very well executed by Ferriss, the author of "The Four Hour Work Week". He approached scores of people in business, in sports, in entertainment etc and asked them all the same 8 questions. They had the option of answering some or all of the questions and then Mr Ferriss amalgamates the answers into a structure and tops and tails it. The value is in comparing the answers and following up on some of the recommendations. The author has also put some of the consolidated information on his website and in his blogs. There is a nice mix of mentors and some unusual answers. Plus some of the responders go off on tangents and choose to answer the questions at some length. It is a fascinating look over the shoulder of some big names and recommended as a book to dip in and out of and as a gift for new entrepreneurs or university students. It has certainly swelled my TBR list considerably.
I was given a copy of the book by Netgalley in return for an honest review.

Liked the idea the questions were spread across a variety of top performers from a range of industries. Some of the questions I readily related with, others not so much, so I tended to skip those. Now all I have to do is put them into practise. Well worth a read.

The subtitle of Tribe of Mentors is: “Short Life Advice from the Best in the World” and the book does not hold back. Within its pages are an incredible number of interviews with people from a wide range of industries (from business to journalism to body-building), each imparting wisdom and advice gained through their own experiences.
The structure of the book is based on each mentor answering a specific set of questions (the same set was sent to nearly all mentors, although some did have a few variations). This sent a shiver of trepidation through me when I first learnt of it, as I was worried that the book would turn out to be repetitive and dull to read. I need not have feared. Not all mentors answered all questions, and Ferriss reshuffles them from person to person to aid with flow, as well as breaking the mentor profiles up with other segments (for example, examples of how to say no) to help reduce the repetition. Above that, however, the answers were interesting and varied enough that I did not care that the questions were the same. I was able to keep on reading through the answers, absorbing everything as I went.
As is to be expected, some of the mentors appealed to me more than others. But there are so many included in the book that it would be hard-pressed for any reader to not find one they connected to. The inclusion of people from multiple backgrounds and fields was interesting (although some fields were certainly more represented than others) and I found myself fascinated by the experiences of people in areas I would never have even considered before. Of the advice given, there were a few common recurrences (meditation and sugar-free diets were regular appearances, along with a certain few books) but, on the whole, everyone had something unique to offer. Reading it from cover to cover is probably not the best way to approach Tribe of Mentors as it does veer on the long side and could possibly be a little shorter but, that being said, cover-to-cover was how I read it, so it is possible.
With it being January and, with it, the time of resolutions, this book is a book you would want on your shelves. It is easy to dip into, and is incredibly motivating. It is also a book you want to keep coming back to, either to revisit certain ideas or to find something new to try. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to push themselves a bit further in life, work or even in their hobbies.

This book is very difficult to read for long periods, hence the reason why I have delayed submitting my review.
I am a part-time student mentor at my local university and I hoped it would inspire me to improve my coaching and mentoring skills. Many of the various statements and topics would not be particularly appropriate in a mentoring situation.
I liked the wide cross-section of advisers and subjects that they felt strongly about. Their views often did not align with my own, which always makes for a challenging read.
Hopefully the messages will inspire young mentees.

Some entries are more interesting than others in this collection of advice from successful people from all different spheres but some do really speak to you. This is what the author promises in his introduction, that some people's thoughts you'll find fascinating, some you'll have no interest in. A lot of it depends on which 'mentors' you are already familiar with, whether their outlooks are compatible with your views and what sphere they work in. It is an interesting idea though and holds some useful musings.

Interesting book with lots of short pieces of advice from a range of people, famous in their spheres or more generally. Click on the link to read my review on my blog.

Did not finish.
I skimmed to a couple of names I knew, and while I found some of their thoughts interesting, I wasn't prepared to read so many pages from people I had never heard of.
An interesting idea, and clearly some insightful questions have been asked that have allowed respondents to give a variety of answers but it wasn't for me, sorry.