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The Formidable King

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A little while ago I read the second book in the Royal Affairs series ‘The Irredeemable Prince’. Although I didn’t love that book, I definitely enjoyed reading it. So when I saw that I had this third book on my TBR list, I decided it was definitely time for me to start reading this one.

In ‘The Formidable King’ we meet King Gabriel. Gabriel has always been one who did everything for his country. But when fate throws India Hamilton, the girl who stole his heart and left him many years ago, on his path again he does and says things he just couldn’t imagine he would. India has a lot of secrets and Gabriel is determined to get his revenge on her leaving him.

Well, where do I start with this one. For one this is a standalone novel, you don’t need to have read the previous books. Secondly I really didn’t like the beginning of this book. I felt like I missed something, and Gabriel was just an insufferable and unkind man. It really took some effort from me to keep on reading. And I don’t often find myself enjoying a book that I really didn’t like in the beginning, but this one I definitely started to enjoy after the first half.

The beginning of this book felt rushed, there were a lot of assumptions from Gabriel that I just didn’t understand and I wished that India would just tell Gabriel to go away. I didn’t get there ‘chemistry’ at all. But thankfully, after the first view chapters, I began to like Gabriel more and India became this strong woman who had been through a lot. There were some thrilling and suspenseful moments and I found myself wanting to know what was going to happen next. I definitely could understand there romance from that moment on.

When the ending of the book neared, I definitely thought there were some rushed moments again but I didn’t mind it as much as in the beginning. To be honest, I don’t think I’m going to read more books in this series but in the end I did enjoy reading this one. Alyssa Montgomery definitely created an interesting and unique ‘world’.

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The Formidable King by Alyssa J Montgomery
Subgenre: contemporary romance
Release date: 1 Dec 2017
Publisher: Escape Publishing
Format: ebook
Length: 148 pages
RRP: A$5.99
They met at a high society ball. She left without a word. He has searched for her. For years.
King Gabriel de la Croix has been looking for his Cinderella for six years only to find that she was under his nose for many of these years. His Cinderella has turned up as the Managing Director of the Princess Eden Foundation.
India Hamilton’s parents were doctors travelling the world to help those less fortunate, and these ideals have been passed on to her. She is engaged to be married. She has arrived in Santaliana to meet with Gabriel regarding their big event for the foundation. He recognises her, but she doesn’t immediately recognise him, or at least where she may have met him. As he discovers the connections to his sister, and that she is engaged, he does all he can to separate India from her fiancé.
I enjoyed this story. I like Gabriel’s friends who were also royals and have their own stories, which I really need to follow up. Overall this was a satisfying royal story.
Reviewed by Heather

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I really had trouble getting into the book initially and getting caught up in the emotions of the characters. The storyline was good, but it just didn’t stand out in my mind amongst other books in the genre. The blurb was great, but overall the book just fell flat for me.

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The Formidable King was a struggle for me. I could not connect to these characters. I did not enjoy how Gabe would talk to India.

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King Gabriel de la Croix was meeting with the Managing Director -Linda
Linda was Managing Director of Gabe’s sister-Eden who had been murdered- charity. Gabe knew ths woman even though it had been six years she was Gabe’s Cinderella to his Zorro . He had met her at a masquerade ball in London that was an excuse to have a drugged /drunk orgy. Gabe had wanted to spend time with Linda even though he was engaged but she was suppose to return to him but never did and made a fool out of him in front of his best friends. He had also been told Linda had left with the Sultan’s son. Not knowing the man in the musketeers costume had told her “ Zorro was engaged”. Gabe had recognized Linda by her very rare violet eyes and she was very tall for a woman. Gabe still wanted her and that made Gabe very angry as she was a gold digging party playgirl like his wife Princess Angelina had been before her death. Gabe could not believe had had been corresponding with her for at least two years in her capacity of Managing Director of The Princess Eden Foundation charity. Gabe noticed a scar under her eye that had been covered by makeup. Gabe then noticed the engagement ring on Linda’s finger. But he didn’t know it was a fake engagement. Linda told Gabe how her and Eden had been close whenever Eden was in London they had tea and they talked on the phone a lot when Eden wasn’t in London. Gabe then labeled Linda as a lair with everything else. Then Gabe started to interrogate Linda and was rude and crass. Gabe felt Linda needed to be taught a lesson. And be exposed for who she really was. Then Linda mentioned Gabe going to Africa for a week for the dedication of the hospital and the school and Gabe told her she had to go also or the board of directors may get a mention by Gabe himself and question her true dedication. Linda would not tell Gabe the real reason she couldn’t go to Africa. But when there he found out and married Linda to keep her safe and alive.
I loved this book. It was a great romance but had a lot to it like intrigue, a hard childhood, manslaughter, an inquest into alleged murder, rape of a minor, and so much more. I loved Gabriel and Linda together once he got past being so nasty to Linda. I loved how Gabe was so honorable and put his kingdom and people first until Linda’s life was in danger. I loved how good and caring Linda was.
This was just an all around great book. I loved how the author handled rape and all that can follow after.I couldn’t find anything to complain about and the was great. I loved the plot and pace of this book also. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend.

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This book was a lot deeper than I thought it was going to be. I was really looking forward to this story and it did not disappoint!

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A modern-day fairy tale, The Formidable King takes a reluctant damsel and an aggressive king and molds it into a swoon-worthy romance.

King Gabriel was in an arranged marriage situation when he meets India…but he really doesn’t know who she is because it’s a masquerade ball. She ignites something inside him that makes him want to through all his arrangements away and follow his heart but she disappears without a trance.

Six years later, India, with eyes of violet Gabriel cannot mistake, comes back into his life as the woman in charge of his deceased sister’s charity. He is angry, hurt and still wants the woman that forever changed his life.

Gabriel is really not very likable with his petty and vindictive ways but for some reason, he captures India’s heart. Will he break it or will they get their happily ever after? You’ll have to check out The Formidable King to find out.

I received this ARC copy of The Formidable King from Escape Publishing. This is my honest and voluntary review. The Formidable King is set for publication Dec. 12, 2017

My Rating: 4 stars
Written by: Alyssa J. Mongomery
Print Length: 148 pages
Publisher: Escape Publishing - Harlequin Enterprises, Australia Pty Ltd
Publication Date: December 12, 2017
Sold by: HarperCollins Publishers
Genre: Contemporary Romance

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WOW this story is one that pulls you in from page one MS Montgomery has pulled out all of the guns to get us to know the hero and heroine in this story the hero is strong and determined to get what he wants in any way he wants and the heroine is so very vulnerable having been through so much in her life, I am sure that you will love getting to know them as I did sit back and enjoy.

The hero in this story is King Gabriel de la Croix from the Kingdom of Santaliana and he is so arrogant when he meets the head of his late sister’s foundation India Hamilton, but you see he has his reasons he felt he had met her before, the gorgeous Cinderella with the violet eyes who deserted him years before when their first meeting caused all sorts of sparks to fly in an instant attraction that left him with her always in the back of his mind even though he had so much turmoil going on in his life and mind already. That attraction was still there and stronger than ever did he get everything wrong?

India is just such a beautiful person, a person who had never felt loved or cared for, her years growing up with her parents travelling the world to one disaster after another left her in danger many times and when eventually she returned to England to her grandmother she started to make a life for herself working for The Princess Eden Foundation and finally finding a friend in Eden, but Eden has passed on and now she has to meet with her brother the king and well that does not go to plan but I loved the strength India showed.

This really is a moving story, a story that shows strength in the characters who are both vulnerable and both in need of some true love but they need to learn to trust and to open up and then live, I loved this story India really is the best heroine so strong and caring after what she has been through and Gabe well such a responsible man who has held guilt close to his heart for too long. Now together they will conquer in love and happiness this one left me with a big smile and I highly recommend it.

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This was another Alyssa Montgomery book that I enjoyed. I read part of it and then read quite a few other books. After reading quite a few reviews, I realized I must be missing something. I finished reading it and there it was. The first part moved a little slow for me and the meat of the story was the last 2/3 of the book. It kept me reading until midnight one night. Very suspenseful and intriguing to read. Gabe and India made for a great story. Gabe was the king who vowed not to fall in love again. India had had a very unusual upbringing and tragedy in her life. When the two met, sparks flew. It was several years before their paths crossed again and all the misunderstandings cleared up.
I will look forward to the next book about Marco and Chloe. I got this book from NetGalley for an honest review

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The Formidable King by Alyssa J. Montgomery is the story of India Hamilton and King Gabriel de la Croix. Gabriel and India had shared and interaction and a dance at a masquerade ball about six years ago. Gabriel and his two best friends had went to the ball to prove to Gabriel that his choice in a bride was not a good one...but instead of her showing up he found the mysterious Violet eyed Women who had promised to meet back up with him. Gabriel had thought of her as Cinderella at the time of their encounter. But she never shown back up and his friends said that she had met someone which lead him to believe she was a gold digger. Now about six years later when he has a meeting with the head of his sister charity in walks India who has the same matching Violet eyes from six years past. But when he asked her if they have met before she says no. Gabriel still thinking she is a gold digger thinks she is lying about not meeting him before starts acting like a 'beast' to her. India has had a troubled past leaving scars on the inside and outside. But she is trying to do her best to move forward but the past does come back when Gabriel has her go on a trip with him. Gabriel soon finds out that everything he thought about the gold digging India was not who she was or is.
Really loved their romance ... couldn't put the book down.

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When you think Cinderella normally there is no beast. There's just a tale of instant love, enduring devotion and hopefully, happily ever after. The Formidable King changes that up a bit. Ms. Montgomery blends some beastly behavior with the innocuous hopes of a dreamer and creates a modern tale that will surely stand the test of time. India is no Cinderella. She's made her mistakes, but has worked to move beyond them by making a difference in the world. Her charity work has landed her at the mercy of a man tortured by his lot in life. His princely responsibilities, his past transgressions and an attraction that goes against every promise he's made to himself. Just when all hope is gone of a chance at happiness for India and Gabe, a surprising twist takes center stage. Royalty does not always breed a fairy tale, but it's nice to imagine the dream.

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Simple and straight forward. It was a sweet and fun romance. I'd recommend it to people who like just a romance plot.

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If you like a fairly simple romance, this one is a good one. I enjoyed it very much and will look for more from this author.

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India Hamilton is a 27 year old managing director of the Princess Eden Charitable Foundation. She is sharp, confident and spirited. For all that she is self-assured, she has an aversion to intimacy stemming from childhood.

Six years ago, at a masquerade ball, she shared a romantic interlude with a masked man who made her challenge her innermost thoughts and desires. However, fate intervened and she fled the ball without a trace.

King Gabriel de la Croix rules the kingdom of Santaliana. He is known to be rigidly straight, serious as well as a responsible ruler. When he meets the director of his late sister's charity, he realizes immediately that this is the woman that left him at the ball years ago. He cannot let go of or forgive the humiliation of being deserted in front of his two closest friends. Nor will his body allow him to forget the passionate kisses they shared. With this, he sets out to prove she is not suitable as the head of the foundation by proving she is a gold-digging, party-loving playgirl.

What happens when Gabe realizes that India is everything he ever wanted? How will India react when confronted with his desire for her?

This book is surprisingly much more than you think it is. Upon reading this book, I had assumptions about where the plot would go and OMG! I was SO wrong! Although I found the ending rushed as if to put a pretty bow on everything, I do not believe it detracts from the story.

The attraction and chemistry of these characters pulled me in and most of the misunderstandings were cleared up quickly.. I couldn't put it down! There is so much to say but, I believe this book is better enjoyed without divulging too much information about it.

I heartily approve.

Thank you to NetGalley and Escape Publishing for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review. If you would like further information on this title see

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Once, King Gabriel was bewitched by a violet-eyed beauty at a masquerade ball, but she left the function without a trace...not even a slipper. Now, Cinderella has a name. Fate has thrown India Hamilton right in Gabriel’s path, and he’s determined to expose her as the gold-digger he knows her to be.The book is amazing. When I started reading I couldn't put it down I read the book is one day.Alyssa is magnifysent writer.I cannot wait to read more of her books.Keep up the great work.

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Gabriel was a force to be reckoned with. India never stood a chance and could not remember the one moment they had spent together years ago. Circumstances have changed and she feels utterly helpless the the feelings that consume her when she is in his presence. He holds her body prisoner while he challenges her with his wicked tongue. Will India finally let Gabriel know the secret that drives fear into her heart? Loved the continuation of this series!

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This is a second chance romance and a modern twist on the Cinderella story.
The story was good, hero has formed a wrong opinion of the heronie and plans revenge as he feels slighted when she failed to return after promising to.
It's a good version.
One issue I had was he treats her badly, saying hurtful and humiliating stuff but he kisses her and she forgets it all and can't resist. I just wish with the modern twist that she had a bit more backbone and didn't give in to his massive ego and his obvious unresistable sexual prowess.
But it is seriously good. There is quite a bit to the plot and packs quite an emotional punch.

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for the most part, a good romance. Interesting unique plot

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Wow just wow couldn’t put it down, I read it in one sitting. I can’t wait for more from her as always her books only get better with each one. It has just the right amount of romance and drama that you will love just like I did. Would recommend

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This is the first story I have read by this author and I look forward to reading many more. India was such a sweetheart she had suffered so much hardship but still managed to be open to the world, her character was an inspiration. Gabe’s life wasn’t easy either but in a different way he had become closed off from the world and isolated from others. I loved how they could mend the wounds that each suffered by what they discovered in one another.

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