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Dashing All the Way: A Christmas Anthology

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So the first story "A Rake for Christmas" by Eva Devon was the only one I really liked. I love reading historical romance but other than the first story, I felt that the other three were only fluff stories. They were sweet but not as enjoyable as the first.
ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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I voluntarily reviewed an Reader Copy of this book which I received through Netgalley.
I actually only loved the first story, whuch deserved 5 stars in my opnion. The others I didn't care for.
So a 3 stars for this anthology thanks to the amazing first story.

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This is a fantastic set of romance stories by several fantastic authors. I very highly recommend this book and author to anyone who loves reading historical romance.

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While a couple of these were pretty decent, a couple were far from read worthy.

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Some of the stories were rather nice but I didnt like all of them. Eva Devon's was great and I also really enjoyed Elisabeth Essex's but honestly the others weren't great, they were average.

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A Rake for Christmas buy Eva Devon - 5 stars

I really enjoyed Evangeline and Anthony's story! This is tied to the Duke's Club series and after meeting some of those characters, I really need to go and read those, pronto!!

Up on the Rooftops by Elizabeth Essex - 4 stars

I also enjoyed Cally and Tobias's story! It is always interesting when the H/H are of different classes as it adds another element to the story.

A Very Debonair Lady Claire - 4 stars

I really enjoyed Claire and Andrew's story. It was a reunion story which I always love.

A Liar Under the Mistletoe - 4 stars

I really enjoyed Amie and Elliot's story, but...

I hated that you didn't actually get to know whether or not they became a couple or what happened to Amie's sisters...maybe we'll read about it in another one of the Liar's Club books??

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What a great collection of Christmas stories. With some great additions by wonderful authors, it's a great addition to the Christmas season.

<u><i>Dashing All the Way</i></u> by Eva Devon
Evangeline wants to be away from her family, who aren't just difficult but can also be unkind. In desperation she looks to Anthony Baginstoke to help her marry, but she secretly falls for him. It'll take a little Christmas magic for him to realize she's a treasure as well.

I've read stories like this one multiple times, but I keep coming back for more. The characters and lovely families make me itchy for more. Plus this story also includes the Christmas Spirit, which is always welcome.

<u><i>The Very Debonaire Lady Claire</i></u> by Heather Snow
Clair's Twin at the War Department is killed and she takes his place dressing as him in order to find his killer. But when her Uncle, and head of the department, dies she is suddenly faces with a new superior: Lord Andrew Sedgewick- the man who broke her heart years before. Now that he's found her again he'll do everything to keep her. Even if he has to protect her from herself.

I absolutely loved this story. There's cross-dressing, spying and great characters. Snow's writing really brings them to life, especially Claire. Also, the ending is fantastic.

<u><i>Liar Under the Mistletoe</i></u> by Celeste Bradley
Annie is robbing for survival, Lord Elliot for the Crown. But when fate puts them in each other's path they have no choice but to play an intricate cat and mouse game.

Brilliant. This story is hilarious and made me laugh a couple times. I especially like how Annie and Elliot go toe to toe. Each has something to lose and so much to gain. I love the way that it is written but also the way it made me feel after I'd finished it. It's a wonderful end to the collection.

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Fun collection of Christmas-themed novellas, all of them succeeding in introducing pairs of leading characters with enough emotional investment to make their subsequent sparks meaningful.

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Dashing All the Way: A Christmas Anthology
by Celeste Bradley ), Eva Devon, Elizabeth Essex, Heather Snow
Anna Swedenmom's review Dec 13, 2017 · edit
really liked it
I must say this collection put me on the road to Christmas feeling. While I would not go five stars I can give four. I liked each novella and each authors way of unfolding their story. I enjoyed the plot lines as well as the characters but felt like they were just to short of a read at times. While reading each novella, I felt like I wanted more. It could actually be because I enjoyed each one so much! To be honest, this is a collection of good reads. Ones that you will enjoy and feel lighter in spirit when done. Each author is talented so do yourself a favor and pick up some Christmas cheer, buy the book! I was given this book in return for an honest review. Anna Swedenmom

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'The idea of excitement' brought to life!

Nary a story flagged! 5 star holiday season romances with a touch of spice and a dash of cheer that are all excellent inclusions centering around Christmas time in one way or another. From house parties to balls, to situations of intrigue where the stakes are high and the games deadly. Whilst the Eva Devon story did not have as much in common as the others, the central theme continues of female character who is an extraordinary woman looking to take unusual steps.

A Rake for Christmas by Eva Devon
Beautifully told story of the meeting of a rake (Anthony Basingstoke) and a wallflower (Lady Evangeline Pennyworth), a rake afraid of love and a wallflower unseen until he 'saw' her. What Evangeline wants is to be desirable, and to Anthony she is just that. But he knows the destruction of love. As a child he experienced the chaotic passion and discord of his parent's marriage and that has colored his perceptions. Love is painful and dangerous.

Up on the Rooftops by Elizabeth Essex
Loved this story! Tobias McTavish, ex jewel thief is targeted. Someone is robbing London's ton of their baubles and jewels exactly in the way the Scottish Wraith used to before being caught. Serving his sentence at His Majesty's Pleasure in the navy had Toby freed and pursuing a gentleman farmer's lot. Now he needs to clear his name. Little does he know that his former Captain's sister, Caledonia Bowmont, has decided he is innocent and she throws herself into helping him. Drat, but she's attracted to Toby! A scintillating, fast moving tale!

The Very Debonair Lady Claire by Heather Snow
Claire Barton is determined to find out who murdered her twin. A code breaker for the very secrative Abchurch section of the War Department, Clarence has used Claire's talents to help determine some of the codes. Now Clarence is dead and Claire assumes his identity to trap the killer. The new spymaster turns out to be an old friend, almost husband, Lord Andrew Sedgewick. He sees her immediately and it takes all of Claire's powers of persuasion to have him support her. For Andrew's part, he's racked with fear and guilt over the woman he loves whom he walked away from six years ago. A grand tale of love, betrayal, intrigue and romance.

A Liar Under the Mistletoe by Celeste Bradley
Amie Jackham takes what her father taught her and uses it for survival. The Liar's club uses those lessons in service to the Crown. Lord Elliot Hughes, a Liar's club spy surprises Amie as she is stealing from the lockbox he has his sights on.
Exciting and at times bewildering, currents of previous stories run deep as thieves vie at Christmas time.
An exciting chase with a young feisty female thief who gives Elliot a run for his money. Amie surprises!

A NetGalley ARC

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I usually love all authors who combined to create this Christmas anthology, but somehow these novellas did not kindle a real spark. Eva Devon's story especially would have benefited from a longer form, the story had potential but it felt too rushed to the detriment of the portrayal of the budding romance. Looking forward to future books by these ladies anyhow

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Dashing All the Way was a very enjoyable anthology of four historical romances set at Christmastime with the last three being somewhat connected through the same masquerade ball. I definitely recommend checking this anthology out and I will be looking to read more from all of these authors in the future.

Overall Average Rating: 4 Stars

A Rake for Christmas by Eva Devon - 3.5 Stars

Lady Evangeline Pennyworth has decided after three seasons as a wallflower that she doesn’t want another repeat of the prior seasons and turns to Anthony Basingstoke, one of London’s most notorious rakes, to seek his help on how to be desirable. Having vowed never to marry, Anthony believes he should have no issue assisting Evangeline and invites her to his sister’s Christmas party. However, he didn’t expect to be so captivated by her and soon finds himself wishing for a Christmas miracle to find a way to make her his.

At the start of the story, Evangeline is incredibly unhappy after suffering a lifetime of her parents’ indifference and has finally reached her breaking point. Through her friendship with Anthony and the others at the Christmas party, Evangeline really opens up and is able to figure out who she is. Anthony has always believed love leads to nothing but pain after watching his parents’ tumultuous marriage and doesn’t think it’s in the cards for him. With Evangeline he finds acceptance and someone who understands him on a meaningful level. The main characters had an instant connection and I enjoyed watching them realize their feelings for each other. There are a few great kissing scenes, which is as far as things go on page. Personally I prefer a bit more explicit scenes in my romances, so that was somewhat of a letdown. Overall, A Rake for Christmas was an enjoyable story and has me interested to check out some of the author’s other books.

Up on the Rooftops by Elizabeth Essex - 4 Stars

Widow Caledonia Bowmont eagerly anticipates the three weeks of the year that she spends in London during Christmas, but this year a number of jewel thefts has put a bit of a damper on the holiday spirit. Society has accused Tobias McTavish of the crime, a naval hero and a former jewel thief known as the Scottish Wraith. Toby knows he’s innocent and sets out to clear his name with the assistance of Cally who is determined to help catch the thief.

Cally is young to be a widow as she’s only 24, but she takes her responsibilities seriously and spends the majority of the year taking care of her late husband’s farm and her mother-in-law. However she does feel a bit stifled and longs for adventure and fun. Cally is very clever and is quickly able deduce what’s going on with the thefts and enjoys getting in the middle of everything. Toby is angry that someone is impersonating him and ruining the new life he’s carved out for himself as well as turning his former men against him. Cally and Toby work well together and I loved watching them solve the mystery with Toby actually valuing Cally’s contributions. These two have great physical chemistry and there are some excellent sexy scenes between them, including a fabulous one in a carriage. Overall, Up on the Rooftops was very enjoyable and I’m excited to check out more of this author’s works in the future.

The Very Debonair Lady Claire by Heather Snow - 5 Stars

After Claire Barton’s twin brother is murdered, she begins posing as Clarence in his position at the War Department in order to find his killer. Her plan is going well until her new boss turns out to be the man who broke her heart six years ago, Andrew Sedgewick. Andrew has regretted leaving Claire six years ago from the moment he left and after the shock of seeing her again, he has no intention of walking away.

Claire is an extremely intelligent individual and is quite clever for being able to pull off posing as her brother for several weeks. Claire was very close to Clarence and his death had an enormous impact on her with her believing she could only move forward once his killer is found. She’s incredibly determined to right this wrong and I admired her stubbornness on the issue. Andrew has spent the past six years rising in the ranks of the military while trying to outrun his guilt over leaving Claire. Once these two get a moment alone they immediately connect again and things get very steamy very quickly. I loved their chemistry and how well their relationship worked outside of the physical. Andrew comes to really value Claire’s input and I admired how much they trusted each other. Overall The Very Debonair Lady Claire was my favorite story in the collection and I can’t wait to read more from this author in the future.

A Liar Under the Mistletoe by Celeste Bradley - 3.5 Stars

Amie Jackham spends her nights pilfering goods from those more fortunate and less honorable. With two sisters to care for, Amie uses the tools her father taught her to eke out a living for them. Lord Elliot Hughes is using the opportunity presented by the Vixen’s crimes to break into a few lockboxes as a spy for the Liar’s Club. After inadvertently hitting the same house at the same time, Amie and Elliot are off on a merry chase in a game of thief vs. spy.

Amie is very well trained and very good at what she does with her father having taught her well. She cares deeply for her two sisters and is determined to make sure they’re taken care of even if that means she has to steal which while she’s good at, she doesn’t like doing. Elliot enjoys his work at the Liar’s Club and believes in what they’re doing to help better society. With his fellow Liars, Elliot has found a family and would do anything for them. When Amie and Elliot meet, they are instantly attracted to one another and at times allow that attraction to distract them. The two come to trust one another very quickly despite being on opposite sides at times. There was a wonderfully sexy scene between the two which I enjoyed. This story is left a bit more open ended than the rest and I do wish there was a more solid end to the story. Overall, A Liar Under the Mistletoe was a fun and enjoyable story and I’m interested in reading the rest of the Liar’s stories at some point in the future.

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There are several delicious treats in store in this anthology.

A new “Liars” short story from Celeste Bradley is enough to make this book worthwhile, but bonuses include short stories by Eva Devon, Elizabeth Essex and Heather Snow. I particularly enjoyed Devon’s “A Rake for Christmas”, with one of the most appealing “love-resistant” rakes I’ve met recently.

While they are Christmas themed, they are not overwhelmingly holiday-ish, and will be enjoyable at any time of year.

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I loved all the stories in this group, but there were two that called out to me. I loved Heather Snow's The Very Debonair Lady Clair and Eva Devon's A Rake for Christmas.
Following Claire as she takes her twin's place in the spy game and seeing her caught out just kept me on edge and excited to finish the story while wanting it to go on and on. It really kept me glued to the pages. The story was smooth and had a lot of heart.
The surprise of Lady Evangeline, the wallflower, asking Anthony to teach her desire takes the reader on a sweet ride through the Christmas season. The secondary characters helped to make this story one of my favorites of the set.

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Dashing All The Way
A Rake for Christmas by Eva Devon. This is the story of a rake and a wallflower to life as Lady Evangeline demands to be taught how to be desirable and she turns to roguish Anthony Basingstoke to teach her everything she needs to know.
What neither of expects is love especially when the rake finds this holiday season will grant him the love of one wallflower.

Up on the Rooftops by Elizabeth Essex
Widow Caledonia Bowmont longs for London’s Christmas cheer to help ease her loneliness, when a jewel thief is on the loose. Society accuses the Scottish Wraith, Tobias McTavish a former thief turned war hero. Caledonia decides to help Tobias clear his name and they out together to trap the thief. Along the way they’ll discover the most priceless jewel of all, love.

The Very Debonair Lady Claire by Heather Snow
Claire Barton’s twin is murdered, she takes his place in the War Department. She goes undercover as a codebreaker for the war department and is pretending to be her twin brother after he was mysteriously killed. The new spymaster she must work for is the one man who broke her heart six years ago Andrew Sedgewick. Now fate has brought these two together for some Christmas magic if they both survive this holiday season.
A Liar Under the Mistletoe by Celeste Bradley.
Fearless Amie Jackham goes to balls to rob unscrupulous people not to dance. With the notorious Vixen still at large, Liar's Club spy Lord Elliot Hughes is taking the opportunity to steel from a few people for the good of Crown and Country and leaving the Vixen's trademark lacy handkerchief behind. For Amie and Elliott the attraction is strong in this fun and cat and mouse games these play, but can they keep their hearts from being stolen when they least expect it.
An amazing book by four of your favorite authors. This is my honest opinions after I voluntarily read a copy of this book of anthologies that was provided to me with no requirements for a review.

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I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Dashing All the Way: A Christmas Anthology is a collection of novellas by Celeste Bradley, Eva Devon, Elizabeth Essex and Heather Snow set in the Regency period. Featuring a wallflower and rake, a high society widow and a thief, two former lovers/ code breakers and a thief and a spy this collection is an interesting mix.

“A Rake for Christmas” by Eva Devon follows the typical regency trope. Wallflower seeks help from a notorious rake to secure a husband. It was a lighthearted read, the characters are appealing and for a novella, the story does not feel rushed.

“Up on the Rooftops” by Elizabeth Essex follows the story of Tobias McTavish, a former thief and war hero and Caledonia Bowmont a high society widow. McTavish needs to clear his name after a thief impersonates his style of break-in. Caledonia has long been enamoured with the Scottish Wraith. This was my least favourite of the Novellas. While I was intrigued by McTavish, I found Caledonia to be selfish and did not take the situation as seriously as she should.

“The Very Debonair Lady Claire” by Heather Snow features Lady Claire, who impersonates her brother in order to solve his murder. Complicating matters, her new spymaster is the man who broke her heart. This was a fast-paced well-written novella. Lady Claire is an intelligent heroine who captures the reader’s attention.

“A Liar Under the Mistletoe” by Celeste Bradley tells the story of Amie Jackham who steals from the rich to feed her sisters. While attempting a heist, she is beaten to the safe by Lord Elliot Hughes who is a spy searching for documents. The secondary characters are what interested me most in this novella. The Liars club is something I will have to visit.

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A Rake for Christmas by Eva Devon
The “heroine asks for help to become attractive to men” trope is not something I can usually get on board with, but in the case of A Rake for Christmas, it was just a means to get to the real story, and so I survived it!

The heroine of this one is plain and severely overlooked by everyone - including her parents. Getting an invitation to a Christmas house party helps her come out of her shell.

There are a few bumps along the way, but of course she is going to end up with the very likeable hero. (I don’t enjoy love triangles - there’s one here - but I survived.)

A solid little novella for Christmas.

Up on the Rooftops by Elizabeth Essex
Elizabeth Essex packs quite a lot of plot into a novella. It was impressive.

The author also takes a risk by (for a novella) keeping her hero and heroine separate for more time than I’d expect.

However, Essex is generally a good bet for a solid historical romance, and it’s no different here. What I especially enjoy about her writing is that she puts a huge effort into using archaic words and picking real locations for plot points to happen. It adds a sense of reality to the story - even while it is outlandish.

Another solid read.

The Very Debonair Lady Claire by Heather Snow
This is a well-written novella with a complex story in a shorter word count.

The “heroine disguised as a man” and the “Regency spies” themes aren’t my favourites, but I enjoyed the good writing and interesting characterisation. The mystery aspects were interesting. I just wish it didn’t have to involve a woman pretending to be her brother!

Most importantly, the characters were interesting, likeable, and more original than most.

A Liar Under the Mistletoe by Celeste Bradley
This little adventure story moves at a fast pace, which works well for the plot. It’s a little outlandish (down to some character name choices), but an entertaining read. It completes a collection of stories involving Regency-era spies, which seem to be everywhere at the moment, but not always at Christmastime!

One thing: the hero’s name is Elliot, and it’s mentioned a few too many times!

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A amazing stories that are well written. I like the storylines and plots. They made me laugh a lot sometimes. But they has also got passion, drama, emotional ups and downs. The twists are unsuspected. Characters are well described and develops nicely. Great chemistry and true to the timeperiod. A quick and romantic read.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.

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Absolutely delightful and delicious Christmas anthology that is the perfect romance read for this holiday season.

* I received this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher for an honest review*

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WOW what a fabulous book. There was so much going on in this and what a wonderful array of different characters. It's the kind of story that makes you stop and think about what really matters. I laughed and I cried as it was full of emotion too.

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