Member Reviews

Really enjoyed this book. The Duke's family is awesome! I would be willing to read more from this author.

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Unusual and suspenseful story of twins and marriage gone awry and reputations ruined and why.

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I like Clara and Andrew and their developing relationship in the book. Andrew was protective since Clara's brother was trying to get rid of her for an inherentance and had influence on what happened to Clara's twin. I think there were questions left open that Clara should have asked Andrew meant on the conversatshe overheard. I would have liked Clara to explain where she was for two years so others would have know and that society finally accepted her. I was surprised Clara's other brother did not check on the sisters since he knew how his other brother was. THANKS

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This is a solid Regency romance. At times, the writing reminded me of some of my favorite historical romance novels with the constant intertwining of the gossip rags within the narrative.

Lady Clara has been in love with the Duke of Bradstone since she was a girl. Through a cruel twist of fate, he mistakes her twin sister for her and ends up being coerced into a courtship and an ill-fated engagement with Clara's sister. After a couple of tragic events, Clara and Andrew are reunited at his birthday ball. Their path to the altar is strewn with obstacles. Abuse, treacherous plots, and lies must all be exposed before these two can enjoy a peaceful happily ever after.

Good cast of minor characters! I liked Andrew's siblings and his prestigious gang of resourceful friends.

ARC provided by NetGalley

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“The Perfect Duchess,” by Erica Taylor was a very lovely story, with likable main characters and interesting side characters to boot. Andrew, the Duke of Bradstone, is calm, cold and steady – and also known as the Stone Duke. It is pretty much a ruse, he was a second son who should never have inherited the dukedom and he sometimes doesn’t feel up to the task of being a duke.

Lady Clara had known Andrew since she was a young child, he was a friend of her older brother, and had a childish crush on him for years. But, he was once engaged to her twin sister who ran off and left him at the altar. She doesn’t have a chance with him much to her dismay, and her reputation has been ruined by her twin sister’s eloping with a footman and some very nasty rumors that have run amuck.

Clara and Andrew meet again after a long separation at his annual birthday ball, they dance and they are once again drawn to each other. Clara’s circumstances were really awful and force the couple into an engagement of convenience. Clara believes she will break off the engagement as soon as she can, not believing that Andrew can truly come to care for her.

Andrew has to decide if he can open his heart again and fall in love with the sister of the woman who jilted him at the altar. Clara, already half in love, has to decide if she can forgive him for choosing her sister and not choosing her. There are rumors to battle, villains to fight and a mystery to solve.

Recommended read, I hope the author writes stories for some of Andrew’s siblings and his friends. Not too many passionate scenes, which were pretty tame. But a very good read nonetheless.

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This book was fairly well written and engaging. I enjoyed the characters, Andrew and Clara and their story, but the ending, the reason the villain had for causing all the harm, was so ridiculous that it spoiled the book entirely.

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I found this book to be good. I have read so many of these historical romance books though that now I am able to guess the plot twists in books. I still enjoyed the character building and I did enjoy the romance.

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I really enjoyed this book, from beginning to end it had me totally hooked.
The story is of a Duke who’s been left at the alter by one twin and later falls for the other , and for her story , she is abused by her brother the Earl , rescued by her childhood friend the Duke , and together they discover the real reason her twin disappeared and that they both mistrust far too easily .
A brilliantly written story of growing trust , love and devotion , between two people who have been hurt far too much by those that should have given them unconditional support.
Erica is a wonderful author and I can’t wait to read more of her work x
Highly recommend

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The perfect duchess is a steamy romance novel which portrays Clara and the duke of Bradstone. Clara is scorned by the society and the Duke has no interest in society or love. Circumstances bring them together and the seed of romance starts budding. Clara's brother plays the villain in the story and is thwarted at each step by Bradstone. The characters in the novel are well developed and there are some instances in the book when the conversations among them make you smile. Overall a good story and I recommend it to the readers who likes to read romance based on the time period of dukes, honour, balls and horse carriages.

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This is the second book of the series. Wow- there were some surprises here and there- lies, death, blackmail, and drama are just a few things this story has. The past and the present have whole new meanings. The love story unfolds in a steady pace and was well written. It's a page turner with many ups and downs- enjoy the ride.

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Once upon a time, I loved regency romance novels and then I simply didn't because they were too alike and I had had my fill of them. Erica Taylor's The Perfect Duchess is my first in 2-3 years and it does not disappoint.

Initially I found the heroine to be a little insipid, however, that is probably because I've forgotten how a lady is supposed to act in a room full of frenemies. I liked the pace of the book and though it seemed that certain portions kept dragging on there was a reason for it. In the end the author explained Clare's hesitation, Andrew's hot and cold attitude and Jonathan's hateful behaviour. I enjoyed many of the side characters including Andrew's sister Norah. I think she is an interesting character and i hope to continue reading about all the MacAlisters in the next few years.

I wish the book hadnt ended immediately after the wedding, however it makes sense for it not to if we are to read about them in other books. I just hope there is enough about them.

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Once again, Erica Taylor has managed to pack so much into one story. Lady Clara Masson has always loved Andrew, the Duke of Bradstone and has done since his childhood friendship with her brother Johnathan. However, several years have passed and Clara’s sister has vanished, her younger brother away at sea for several years and she has become a pariah in society, largely due to the rumours circulated by Johnathan. This becomes apparent to Andrew, when at ball held by his family that he finds himself defending Clara. He decides to court her and arrives at her home, only to find her being attacked by Johnathan. Andrew saves Clara and decides that to protect her, he must marry her.
Both Clara and Andrew struggle with their feelings, particularly Clara who finds it difficult to believe Andrew’s sincerity given that he was one engaged to her twin sister, only to have been rejected on the day of his wedding. Whilst their personalities differ, there was never a moment when I believed that these two were meant to be together. The detail given to this story and each of the secondary characters certainly adds to the novels charm. Each of Andrew’s family members and his friends are explored yet this never takes away from the romance between Clara and Andrew. Both characters are well developed and their interactions so very enjoyable.
I certainly hope to read more about the Andrew’s family and friends.
I received an advanced review copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This novel was a good read. The novel continues with another Macalister trying to get down the isle. Lady Clara Masson has loved Andrew Macalister, Duke of Bradstone, since she was a girl. When he was engaged to marry her sister, it broken her heart. But, her sister left Andrew at the alter. Rumors began to spread about Clara, mainly due to her brother's influence. Clara has hated by her brother and felt abandoned by her family. One night, she disobeys her brother to attend Andrew's birthday celebration and does not expect to dance with him. Andrew sees Clara again after 5 years and he desires her. He likes that she is strong in the face of cruelty. Andrew was not supposed to be the duke and harbors strong feelings about that. When Clara's life becomes endangered, Andrew tells everyone they are betrothed to protect her. However, he realizes he needs her in his life and wants the marriage. He is nicknamed the "stone duke", but Clara is able to break thru his barriers. Clara though knows Andrew does not love her and plans to break the engagement, but knows she cannot leave since her brother will come after her. As Clara and Andrew spend more time together, truths are reveled, which impacts their relationship. Still, someone is out to harm Clara and will stop at nothing to do so. Will Andrew be able to keep Clara face and can both accept their love for the other?

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I received a copy of this novel from the publisher via Netgalley.

Andrew, the Duke of Bradstone, rescues his childhood friend Lady Clara, as she is being insulted publicly at his birthday ball. He was once engaged to her twin sister Christina, but she eloped with a footman rather than marry him. Andrew proceeds to dance with Lady Clara twice and takes her to supper, which leads to gossip and to Clara's brother disowning her.

DNF at 17% (after skimming from 11%). I try very hard not to give up on novels I receive to review, but I just couldn't keep going any further on this one. I had problems with the anachronistic language and sometime plainly misused language - jilting some one at the altar is not "abdication", Andrew's study has "deep depths" etc.

While perhaps this will be revealed later on it the plot, I was confused as to why Lady Clara was so ostracized by society simply because she had spent two years mourning the deaths of her father and sister. Surely she would be more likely to be chastised for not mourning them sufficiently, and also far more likely to face gossip for having a twin married to a footman... If no one in society will give her the time of day, why does she bother sneaking into society balls anyway? How can Lady Clara have expected her Great Aunt Bridgette to chaperone her at the birthday ball when she arrived without her and doesn't even know where she lives?

Clara's brother's treatment of her (and again maybe the plot goes on to explain this) was so extreme and so outside acceptable behaviour for a gentleman that it was the final straw for me.

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I love reading Regency romance and when I saw that this was set in 1811, I couldn't help but wish for it.
This book brings the heat. It has the scandal, drama, mystery, fashion, gossip, love and most of all it has the Bradstones! Well, what do you get when you have a handsome, rich and titled man who goes after a lady that is the talk of ton? The Duke, Andrew Bradstone, sees Lady Clara across the hall at his birthday ball and he approaches her and the way he showers her with his attention gets every tongue wagging. Lady Clara returns home to the vengeful and spiteful brother, Jonathan Morston, and in a rage he hits her, insults her and kicks her out of their home but not before The Duke swoops in and takes her to his home. This marks the beginning of the story behind Lady Clara's misfortunes and also intensifies the attraction between them.
I loved their different personalities because Clara's honesty and ability to speak her mind balances Andrew's caution.
I received a copy of this book from NetGalley after the publisher granted my wish and it's been worth every minute!

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I absolutely love this book and haven't been able to put it down. It has romance, scandal and intrigue. Andrew is handsome, sexy, rich and he's a Duke. Clara is beautiful, the center of scandal and in serious peril of getting hurt. Andrew rescues her and it's hard to stop reading. I started reading this book one evening and it was 2:00 AM and I was still reading! Getting up to go to work was rough, but I didn't care. I give this book five stars and recommend it highly.

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