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The Bad Girl and the Baby

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The Bad Girl and the Baby is the third book in Nina Croft's Cutting Loose series. But this is the book I've been waiting for since I read the first book, Falling for the Bad Girl. There are no words for how much I love Darcy. For that matter, I liked Matt as well.

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Great book. Both characters are compelling and the story stays with you even a while after reading it.

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I really enjoyed this book. There were times I became frustrated with Darcy, but in the end, I think this was a HEA. Life is never pretty or easy and this was that story. It shows that fate may just always have a plan for you.

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I thought I was going to like this book more than I actually did. I am not into "bad girl" labels. It actually annoyed with the label.

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Whew, Matt and Darcy, staid Army captain and booty kicking MMA champ, are hot! I love opposites attract, and Nina Croft has done the trope well here in The Bad Girl and the Baby.

Darcy is finally out of prison, where she served time for beating up her sister's abusive husband. Unfortunately, that husband happened to be a cop. So...yeah she ended up in prison, and while there her sister and sister's husband passed away, thanks to that same abusive husband's stupidity. So now Darcy's family has come down to one loved person, her niece, Lulu. And if Darcy wants to see Lulu, she has to go through her former brother-in-law's brother, who's now Lulu's guardian. Good luck getting regimented Matt to allow her access to Lulu considering he won't even return her phone calls. Thank God fate had something else in store for our bad girl Darcy and our straight-laced Matt, though. And when these two come together and Darcy is able to get Matt to loosen up...sparks fly and my Kindle was on fire. Nina Croft writes one hell of a sexy bedroom scene!

Although I've only read one other book in this series (Blackmailing the Bad Girl), I was able to easily pick up on the tight bond Darcy shares with her fellow ex-inmates - Regan and Summer, and it's a bond I really loved about The Bad Girl and the Baby. Until Matt came along with Lulu, it was really the only good thing she had in her life. I'm sad to know this series is coming to an end because the two books I've read in this series have both been sexy and entertaining. Bad girls really do get the good guys sometimes, and this series is proof.

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Well written and an enjoyable story. I really enjoyed reading this book and look forward to reading more by this author.

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This is book 3 in the Cutting Loose series and it features Darcy, Matt and who could ever forget the little tornado, Lulu. I love strong female leads. Darcy is tough on the outside but soft and insecure on the inside. Matt is perfect on the outside but a little scared on the inside. Both are this way because of their pasts. They do say opposites attract and these two couldn’t be more opposite! There are two things they’re in sync with and the first is Lulu, their niece. She’s hell on wheels and she loves fiercely. The second is sex, with each other. These two set the sheets on fire!

Great story with awesome characters! The story line had great flow. This author is amazing and I can’t wait to read more from her!

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What’s it About? Captain Matt Peterson has gained custody of his baby niece Lulu and has no idea how to raise a child. His carefully organized, structured life is at and end and complicating matters is the child’s ex-con aunt who is demanding to be allowed to see Lulu. Darcy Butler spend three years in prison for beating up her abusive brother-in-law but it wasn’t enough to save her sister when he killed her in a drunken crash. Now Darcy is out and she’s not going to allow Matt to keep her from Lulu. The two are total opposites on everything and yet there’s an undeniable spark of attraction between them. With Lulu the only thing they have in common, a fling seems to be the only reasonable solution to the combustible chemistry between them. Neither one thinks it will last long but sometimes a chance is all it takes.

Overall reaction to the story? I did enjoy The Bad Girl and the Baby but I didn’t love it. I’m not a big fan of kids or babies in romance to be honest and for such a short story Lulu took up most of the pages, leaving me feeling less than convinced about the romance aspect of the story. The thing about this series that I’ve loved from the beginning is that it’s the heroines that are the ex-cons and in this particular story the “Bad Boy/Good Girl” theme is flipped with Darcy being the Bad Girl and Matt being the Good Boy. The dynamics were definitely different.

Describe the hero in five words: Perfectionist. Tidy. Stuffy. Noble. Likable.

Did you like him? Despite his OCD cleanliness yes.

Why? If you can overlook his almost obsessive need for order, cleanliness, and punctuality, Matt’s a good guy. Actually, I had a laugh at these particular traits because like Darcy it would be irresistible to me NOT to mess with him. Move things around, make a room look messy, arrive a little late, that kind of stuff. Matt’s stuffiness just invites that kind of mischief to be honest but at the center of all that outward perfection is a man who just wants to do the best he can for a little girl who lost both her parents. He is completely clueless about how to handle a tantrum throwing, devil child but that doesn’t stop him from trying. He can admit when he’s wrong, which he has to do a couple of times, and despite his lifestyle, Matt is capable and ready to love someone. His is the quintessential honorable hero, who just happens to have a dirty side behind closed doors.

Describe the heroine in five words: Survivor. Blunt. Vulnerable. Stubborn. Caring.

Did you like her? Yes.

Why? Darcy looks like a walking contradiction, a tough as nails MMA fighter who hides a fragile heart and is easily wounded emotionally. That soft side of her was what made her more than just another woman who could kick some serious butt. Darcy LOOKS the part of a dangerous ex-con but the truth was that having her as a friend rocked some serious perks, she was loyal to a fault and while she wasn’t comfortable with showing emotion, it didn’t mean she didn’t have them. I will say that sometimes Darcy came off as a tad childish when it came to Matt and her conflicted feelings that were popping up at odd times for her. I had hoped she would face them like she did her opponents in the ring.

Let’s talk about the romance: Matt and Darcy had an intense physical chemistry that all but exploded in their faces so I have zero complaints about that. The opposites attract tension was well done in my opinion and made The Bad Girl and the Baby the hottest book of the series without a doubt. However, I felt the romance fell a little flat. When Matt and Darcy weren’t jumping into bed together they were taking care of Lulu which is what brought them together in the first place but with almost no time spend out of bed and away from Lulu, these two didn’t really have a chance to build a strong foundation for a relationship that wasn’t about sex or kids.

How about that supporting cast? Darcy’s friends and fellow ex-cons pop in and out of the story at key times and I loved being able to see what they were up to in their new lives out of prison. I have a soft spot for Regan and Summer so getting to see their “After Ever Happy Ending” was great. Lulu though, dang but I had a difficult time with that kid. She is a demon child and not in a good way. Tantrums, fits, and overall just being a nasty version of a child did not endear her to me in anyway. I guess she was just being a more realistic child but dang she was terrible. Sometimes having a kid in a romance serves a good purpose and a kid can add to the story but definitely not in this case.

Click It or Skip It? Click It. While it isn’t the best of the series, it’s still worth a read.

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I really loved this book!
Darcy was sweet and her willingness to fight for her niece and the way she tried to do the right thing was heart-warming. She is a heroine with some rough edges but she is also a very warm personality - if you are not her enemy. Obviously, she is kick-ass and can defend herself, on the other hand, she still suffers from the loss of her sister.
Matt, well, he made me mad so many times. What an a....rrogant idiot who is always stomping on Darcy's feelings and who doesn't see a good thing when it bites him in the nose.

Opposites attract and all that stuff, so the chemistry between them is something not even Matt can deny but the way he deals with it....ugh. If you could kick a fictional character's behind, he wouldn't be able to sit for ages, I was so furious.. up until the moment he finally realizes the imperfect might be just the right kind of perfect.
Well written and charming, this is a book that I'll definitely read again!

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The Bad Girl And The Baby was my most anticipated book in this series and turned out to be one of my favorites, too! I love me a kick-ass heroine, and it just doesn't get much more kick-ass then Darcy Butler, MMA champ. Darcy spent years in prison after she beat up her younger sister's husband. Unfortunately for her, said husband was also a corrupt cop. Losing her sister to a car accident while she's in prison was a punch to the gut. Not being able to see her orphaned daughter is the biggest one. Now that Darcy is out, all she wants is a chance to get to know the little girl. Unfortunately, her current guardian won't so much as return her calls.

In a delicious twist of events, the guardian happens to be the older brother of her late sister's husband.

A case of mistaken identity finally land the two of them in the same orbit and boy do the sparks fly.

You have the prim and proper army Captain and the ex-con, combine the two, and you have undeniable chemistry. I loved watching matt cut lose and give in to his baser urges. I also loved seeing more of Darcy's softer side. Then there's the little hellion of a little girl that was just as scary as she was adorable, and you got yourself a recipe for one entertaining read.

Nothing crazy, fancy, or out of the ordinary. But it was fun, sexy, and an easy one-sitting read that I enjoyed thoroughly.

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The Bad Girl and the Baby
Nina Croft
4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Such a great story and easy read. I felt so sorry for all the shit Darcy has been through. After loosing her parents, wasting 3 years of her life in jail just for protecting her sister from an abusive husband, and then her sister getting killed in a horrible accident.
Then not being allowed to even visit her niece.
I was so glad to see some things finally go right in her life.
I am so glad I had the opportunity to read the books in this series. I have really enjoyed each of them.
Darcy, Rachel, and Summer will be friends for life and each deserves their happiness.
Thanks NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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The Bad Girl and the Baby, by Nina Croft is a contemporary romance, and it's the third book in the Cutting Loose series.

This book series has an interesting overarching storyline with three ladies becoming best friends in prison and continuing their friendship after being released. All three ladies have their own romance and story in this series. Darcy Butler was sent to prison, primarily due to her sister lying and brother-in-law seeking revenge. After being released, Darcy tries to visit her little niece, yet her niece's guardian refuses her.

Matt Peterson is in the military, and he's working towards a promotion, while trying to manage his personal life as the guardian of a rambunctious toddler niece, after the deaths of his brother and sister-in-law. Matt and Darcy are related through their little niece, since his brother and her sister married. Now, Matt is determined to protect his niece from Darcy and ban her from any visits, since he has only heard negative stories about Darcy from his brother.

Despite their initial hatred for each other, Matt and Darcy act upon their serious attraction. Even after starting to unofficially date Darcy, he kept focusing on finding a perfect woman (specifically his nanny) to marry. SPOILER: I was disappointed about Matt's choice to kiss and such with Darcy, then decide date his nanny at at high profile work function and kiss her, and then the same night, to go home to sleep with Darcy. They had an unusual relationship with slightly overbearing friends with extreme opinions.

The Bad Girl and the Baby is packed with emotional drama, meddling friends, humorous interactions, and intense romance.

Note: I received this book from NetGalley, which is a program designed for bloggers to write book reviews in exchange for books, yet the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Turmoil, compassion and lust are just a few of the exciting things Nina Croft stirs up in the latest book from her Cutting Loose Series! The characters we've met previously in this series have been really fun with intriguing back stories, and this one is no different! She understandably has a major chip on her shoulder, and he's so uptight he might never even give her a chance ... but all bets are off when she reaches out and gives him the info he needs to open his eyes and let her be in her niece's life! A really great read ... it's feisty yet has a warm, gentle side as well ... it's steamy, yet endearing at the same time ... and best of all, it'll steal your heart from start to finish!

Darcy Butler is fresh out of a three year prison sentence for pounding on her abusive brother-in-law. She only wishes she had done more permanent damage that would have stopped him from killing her sister in a drunk-driving accident a few months later and leaving her niece an orphan! She promised her sister she'd make sure LuLu was okay if anything ever happened to her, and she's trying to do just that ... only hear guardian's lawyer keeps putting up road blocks!

Army Captain, Matt Peterson has been juggling a lot for the last two years since he became the only family little LuLu had left and turned his world upside down to take her in. He knows her aunt has been trying to see her, but he doesn't want an ex-con with a record of violence anywhere near her, so he's been letting his lawyer handle it. When Darcy tracks him down and sets him straight on exactly what happened with his brother, he's left with no other option than to let her at least see their niece. As he watches her fall under adorable LuLu's spell, he can't help but feel attracted to the woman she actually is, and all that she's dealt with to be the person she is today!

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I read this for the SBTB reading challenge’s 'least liked subgenre' category, which for me is exactly <i>‘military hero romance with ex-con heroine forced proximity because of plot moppet orphan in the family.’</i> To clarify, no disrespect to men and women in the military. Only, I dislike the use of the ‘military hero/heroine’ character in an unrealistic, overly-sanguine manner designed mainly for titillation. That life is not shiny and golden, people.

So what is behind this gloriously purple cover and risible title?

The story is set in England, with an incredibly and unapologetically badass heroine, a hero in the military, and an orphaned niece. The main characters are connected through their siblings’ marriage. Heroine Darcy’s younger sister married Hero Matt’s brother. Alas, Matt’s brother was a abusive, and Darcy was sent to prison for injuring him while protecting her sister. Darcy has now finished her sentence, and unfortunately the abusive drunk hubby and sad sister have died (he drove drunk and killed both himself and his wife in an accident), and their daughter Lulu has been orphaned.

Darcy wants to be involved with her niece. Matt has full custody. Since they have not met, both believe the worst about each other. Matt’s asshat of a brother had created an exaggerated and embellished picture of Darcy’s character as unstable and violent. Matt is refusing to allow any contact between Darcy and Lulu. Darcy despises Matt’s physical resemblance to his brother, and worries that the brothers’ personalities might also be similarly abusive. So, there are some obstacles to overcome.

The initial insta-attraction between them is balanced nicely by mutual adversity. They recognize that they are attracted to each other, but there are many things to work out. Darcy is hesitant to get attached, because she has lost her entire family except for Lulu. Matt has a strong protective instinct, which at times almost goes into jealously possessive. He recognizes it, realizes that behavior is dangerous, and Darcy does not let him get away with any excessive behavior. I believe that Matt was stronger than his brother, who was unable to control himself and went fully to the dark side. Abusers/batterers usually are weak people. But he works towards being a decent man, and respects Darcy.

The story is fast-paced, and the POV changed effectively between the main characters; there was no confusion about whose brain we were inside. Darcy is a MMA fighter, but there is no graphically described violence. There are very detailed sexy times, and very little angst considering the subject matter.

I liked the conflict and resolution between the characters. Things were talked about, and after they met, they worked maturely through the initial ‘big misunderstanding.’

The only downside is that I generally dislike orphans as a plot motivator in romance.

Overall, a nice quick read with characters that I respected and real-life complications.

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4.5 stars

The Bad Girl and the Baby by Nina Croft is such a good read.

The storyline drew me in from the first page and held my attention until the last. The story was fast paced, engaging, well written and I really connected with Matt and Darcy. They had amazing chemistry and loved watching them fall in love.

Overall, The Bad Girl and the Baby is a great read and a great addition to the Cutting Loose series.
Each book can be read as a standalone and I highly recommend them all.

Get your copy here =>>> Amazon ~

*A big thank you to the publisher via Netgalley for the advance copy in exchange for my honest thoughts*

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The Bad Girl and the Baby is probably the last book in the cutting loose series by Nina Croft. All the gals have found their men and happiness after their years in prison. Darcy's book was interesting and since it had Lulu I couldn't help but like it. I disliked the Diana part, but it wasn't that bad. I don't understand how Lulu went from the always crying baby to the more quiet version of hers. I also feel like she was neglected after she served her purpose as a way to bring Matt and Darcy together. I wanted more time with Darcy Lulu and Matt as a family, to be honest. Matt and Darcy wasted too much time by not being together.

I liked Darcy. She is feisty and the kind of person I would want as a friend. She sacrificed years of her life when she helped her sister and even forgave her when she practically betrayed her. Darcy is the kind of woman I would want to have my back. I liked her a lot. Matt was a good guy, but I wasn't able to like him much because he was trying to do everything properly in order to achieve what he had in his mind as the best course for him and Lulu and in the end, he almost lost his happy ending because of it. I liked the way he made up for it though.

Overall the book was good and I have mostly positive feelings about it. I would recommend it.

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The Bad Girl and the Baby is a sweet (and sexy!) story about family, redemption, and finding love. It's the last in the Cutting Loose series, but definitely works as a standalone (how did I not know of this series before? I must go back and read Regan and Summer's stories!)

Even though this is the second book in a row I've read with a military guy taking over the guardianship of his young niece (and it's hard not to see the appeal of a big, strong man a bit over his head caring for a little girl, amirite?) this book has a totally different premise, with a heroine--the baby's aunt--still on parole after nearly three years in prison for beating up that same baby's abusive father. I liked that Darcy didn't make any excuses for her past--even though she technically did "do the crime" there were definitely extenuating circumstances there--and that Matt was so open to looking into the truth of what happened, once he actually sat down and had a conversation with her.

I loved that both of them were so determined to do what was best for LuLu, and the whole opposites attract aspect of their relationship made every scene between them that much more delicious. Ms. Croft did a fantastic job of showing that the two of them couldn't possibly be together, yet allowing them to find a way to achieve the impossible in the end.

Happy sigh! (Or maybe I should give a quiet "woof!" instead? ;))

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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Darcy is a MMA fighter shares ownership in a gym but her past still follows her. She wants to be near her niece so badly and will do anything to do it. Captain Matt Peterson is all that stands in her way.
As he gets to know her his ideas of her changes, but can she fit in his military world?

This was a fast read with a HEA.

** I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

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Darcy Butler is ready to get on with her life now that she's been released from prison, and her first order of business is to convince Captain Matt Peterson to allow her to see her niece. However, getting him to see her isn't easy, so she decides to get creative in her attempts to meet him. Yet, the moment she meets Matt and he grants her what she wants most, she finds herself wanting to spend more time with him. Will Darcy get her chance at happy ever after, or will she allow her past to keep her from being with Matt?

The first two books of this series are absolutely wonderful reads, and this story was no different. Really, right from the beginning, I found this story very engaging and Darcy's determination to meet with Matt sets the fast-pace of the story. Will Matt give her the time of the day and get to know her, so she can meet her niece? Will Darcy be able to prove to Matt that she's not a violent person, despite going to prison for assaulting his brother? However, it was from the moment the hero and heroine come face-to-face for the first time that had me completely hooked, as there's instant chemistry, even though Darcy does her best to ignore it because of what his brother did to her and her sister.

As for the dialogue, it was intense due to the main characters back stories, especially that of the heroine, as going to prison for protecting someone she loved and being betrayed by that person couldn't have been easy to deal with, but I liked that she's bounced back and is doing everything she can to honor what her sister asked of her. However, the dialogue wasn't all intense. There was some really good playful banter between the hero and heroine, as they're complete opposites and Darcy enjoys pushing his buttons, especially because he's so organized and what the heroine classes him as 'stuffy'.

Both the main characters are relatable, likeable and so entertaining that I could not put this book down. Darcy is resilient and courageous by confronting Matt and asking for what she wants, even though she knows it's not going to be easy because of her arrest record. Luckily though, she doesn't go down without a fight, even if it means making Matt realize that his brother wasn't a good man. I also liked the tight friendship she shared with the two women she met in prison and that they would do anything for each other, especially when it comes to giving much needed advice as Regan and Summer push Darcy to realize that she deserves happiness as much as anyone else. Yet, what I liked most of all about the heroine was the growing bond she shared with her niece and that she would do anything for her, especially if it means having to let her go so she can have a better and happier life.

While the hero, it hasn't been easy for him becoming the guardian of his niece, but he's done the best he can. Certainly, he's kind and caring and will do anything for the adorable little girl, which is proven by the gift he gives his niece towards the end of the book. I also liked his determination to win over the heroine, even knowing that she might never feel the same way about him as he does about her. Will the heroine see how right Matt is for her before it's too late? Yet, what I liked most of all is that he gave Darcy a chance to prove she's good enough to be in her niece's life and that she's not normally a violent person. She only did what landed her in prison to protect someone she loves, even though her protecting that person backfired.

Overall, Ms. Croft has delivered a very satisfying and compelling read in this book where the chemistry between this couple was strong; the romance heady and showed how good this couple are together; and the ending had me loving that the hero realized what he wanted before it was too late. No way would he lose the two people that have come to mean everything to him. However, it was the epilogue that wrapped this story up perfectly, as Darcy and her two friends deserve the happiness they've achieved after everything they've been through. I would recommend The Bad Girl and the Baby by Nina Croft, if you enjoy the enemy to lovers trope or books by authors Samanthe Beck, Rebecca Brooks, Sami Lee and Joya Ryan.

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