Member Reviews

Sometimes a reader just doesn't connect with certain writers. That appears to be the case for me here.
As I started this book I had a sense of familiarity, but it wasn't so strong that I immediately recognized where it was from. A little further in and it dawned on me that this was a follow-up to a book I had read previously (no ... I don't always know when I'm reading a sequel as books are sent to my kindle and I generally read them in the order that they are put there). I looked back to see that I had indeed read and reviewed the first book and had given it a very mid-range rating. This actually made me more determined to give this a really careful read, so I started it over to really absorb what I was reading.
And still this didn't click with me.
Tough, female biker, Hob Ravani, is back, defending her distant planet from the mega-corporation TransRift Inc. TransRift has a monopoly on just about everything that anyone could need or want on the entire planet, but Hob and her 'Ghost Wolves' are a thorn in their sides. TransRift is trying to mine a strange blue mineral from Tanegawa's World - the mineral is the source of power that allows for interstellar travel by tearing holes in space and time. Only 'Weathermen' are able to make this work, but the mineral is the source of all the power. TransRift will tear the planet apart to mine this mineral in order to control this very needed substance, which would give TransRift control over the majority of <em>all</em> interstellar travel.
Only Hob and her associates can possibly stop this profit-hungry corporation.
The idea here is great, even if making corporate greed the motivating factor isn't particularly original. My problem with the book (as it was the first time around) is simply that I didn't care. Hob as a character doesn't appeal to me. I understand her anti-hero hero-ness, but I simply don't connect with her and I just don't care what happens to her or to this world. The future of the planet - essentially owned by the 'evil' TransRift - hinges on our care for Hob and her friends.
The writing isn't bad - it just didn't connect with me and I'll look for something a little different.
Looking for a good book? <em>Blood Binds the Pack</em> by Alex Wells is a follow-up to <em>Hunger Makes the Wolf</em>. If you enjoyed the first in the series, this will be just as good. If you didn't enjoy the first, this doesn't offer any redemption and this is not recommended for new readers to the series.
I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

I didn't realize initially that Blood Binds the Pack was the second in a series. I have read a short story by Wells, and that was what interested me in this title. I will have to read the first one, I think, before I understand this story. But I'm excited to see what Wells does in the future.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley.
This is awesome! The point of view is from two brothers and two female cousins. The slow build of the mysterious powers and conflict between uber corporation, oppressed employees, and bandits makes this a tense fight for survival. At almost 500 pages, this is an engrossing science fiction novel that packs multiple punches. Expect characters to die.
The suspense is very well done. Chapter titles show a countdown of days. The weathermen are scary. The corporate people intelligent. The enforcers (greenbellies) are hateful bullies and murderers. The superpowers are unknown and that makes them scary, even the people that have them are afraid of using them. The cousins each have love interests, one being lesbian.
An ending that will keep me coming back for another read. I would read more!

Really fantastic book, and a lot of intense fun.
To me, what really shines in this book, as in the last one, are the human stories. Yes, this is a story with some excellent worldbuilding, but when it comes right down to it, this is a unionizing story that we've seen play out many different ways in many different places. I love seeing that taken to a crazy badass planet where all the variables might change, but people are still people, and we care about them. Deeply.

This book is the sequel to Hunger Makes the Wolf and I devoured them both in no time. I loved this series so much I didn't even stop to take notes as I read. I'm already making a list of people I can gift it to.
Tanegawa's World is a desert planet owned by a large corporation called TransRift. The primary industry is mining. It's a harsh life for the residents, who are at the corporation's mercy for the necessities of life. The Unions are essential in making sure safety standards are met and workers are properly paid. Even then, it is a desperate kind of power and weak in the face of the corporation's control. Little is done to aid those blacklisted by the company, some of whom end up joining gangs of bandits and mercenaries.
The Ghost Wolves are one such gang of mercenaries. This tight-knit group of bikers take what jobs they can to eke out a living and stick it to the company wherever possible. Of these reprobates, Hob Ravani is on the bottom rung. Taken in by the head of the Ghost Wolves, she accidentally betrayed the gang and now must prove her worth once more. She is given that chance when she finds Ol' Nick's brother shot dead in the desert.
The series has a Western flavour to it, but subverts some of the more problematic tropes and trends of the genre. The cast is diverse, featuring a host of PoC characters. Same-sex relationships are normalised. There's even some disability representation, with both Hob and Nick Ravani missing an eye each... though I concede the series could have benefited from more representation in this area.
The Lone Gunman is a trope that gets short shrift; everything about the series emphasises collective power. This is particularly the case in Blood Binds the Pack, where the Union comes into more direct opposition with the company. However, it can be seen in numerous other ways. The Ghost Wolves rely on teamwork for survival; bad things happen when a member goes out solo. But it goes beyond survival. There's a strong found-family vibe to the mercenary gang.
It also plays into Hob's friendship with Mags, Ol' Nick's niece. It was so delightful to see such a strong female friendship on the page. It's not without its bumps--Hob, particularly, makes mistakes that strain things. But they never give up on each other, and as the women rise in influence their friendship has an impact on the communities around them. It was also a joy to see a friendship between such different women. In many ways, they are opposites, but they hold true to each other.
In addition to the Western genre, science fiction and fantasy are also blended in. There's something mysterious about Tanegawa's World that causes electronics to fritz and encourages the development of strange powers in certain members of the community. The elemental magic was one of my favourite parts of the story. Hob's fire manifests in fairly traditional ways: she lights cigarettes with the snap of her fingers and throws the occasional fireball. However, other powers manifest in some different and creative ways. The Bone Collector is particularly fascinating, turning to stone at will and moving through the sand. His relationship with Hob is fascinating and continuing readers may be delighted to hear he gets more time in the spotlight throughout Blood Binds the Pack. The latter book also has an instance of Air magic that manages to be a fascinating and powerful piece of representation.
The story is told in third person, predominantly focused Hob and Mags, though we also hear from certain Wolves and pick up more characters along the way. The changes in voice between perspectives are subtle, but effective. The pacing also works well, interspersing some wonderful moments of connection between the characters in amongst the action. Hunger Makes the Wolf comes to a dramatic and satisfying conclusion. Blood Binds the Pack manages to increase the stakes and the tension through an effective countdown at the start of (and sometimes within) each chapter.
All in all, Hunger Makes the Wolf and Blood Binds the Pack form an addictive duology that has become a new favourite.

In some ways I enjoyed this book as much, if not more, than the first in the series, but there are still some unanswered questions. Great characters, intense action, with some existential and philosophical musings in between. Hope it's not too long before the third book.

Blood Binds the Pack builds on everything that was brilliant in the previous book in this series, Hunger Makes The Wolf, and improves it on it. Hunger makes the Wolf showed us how our two primary protagonists, Hob and Mag, got into their positions in the Wolves gang and miners’ union respectively, here we see them more comfortable with that power, against a more purposeful and dangerous EvilCorp called TransRift. While on the surface this setup seems like a straightforward good plucky colonists versus bad evil corporation narrative, what I like most is that the book is both thematically and narratively afraid of ambiguity.
Where we were previously left in the dark about the nature of the Weathermen – TransRift’s genetically modified interstellar pilots/weather control magicians – Hob’s ally the Bone Collector, and the mineral unique to Tanegawa’s World that fascinates them both, in this book we’re given answers. But those answers are not complete, and lead to more questions in turn. The same is true about the nature of Hob, Mag, The Bone Collector, and Coyote’s ‘witchy’ powers: they’re there, we know how they got them, but we don’t know why they manifest the way that they do.
Similarly, we’re left with only a small window into how TransRift and the wider world work because only one major point of view character has any ongoing contact with that world. Our heroes are far from idiots, but they’re deliberately left by TransRift without much education or exposure to the news, and the narrative forces us into their level of understanding, which is an effective technique to get us to empathise with them. We never really get complete answers about what is going on and why, and I think the book is the better for it. It makes what is at one level very definitely a worldshaking narrative one which we see from street level rather than a bird’s eye view.
From a thematic perspective, there's clearly a big pro organised labour thrust to the narrative. There's no getting away from that and, indeed, unions around the world should be hawking this book like mad because I’ve never seen a more entertaining argument for the power of the union movement. But even within that pro-union bent there’s a lot of equivocation. The knowledge of when to stay strong, when to compromise, and how to bring together disparate interests that won’t always agree is shown to be a key to the success of Mag’s efforts at solidarity. It’s not just one big happy family, and I appreciate that even in the areas the author clearly holds strong views about, there’s a significant level of nuance, and little starry-eyed utopianism.
Finally, it’s important to note that the book is just a ridiculous amount of fun. The characters are compelling and vividly drawn – Hob and Mag as the two leads are brilliant, and the supporting narratives of Coyote and Shige play off each other very well – and the plot moves at a brisk but not overhurried pace towards an explosive conclusion. I mean, it’s biker witches and queer unionists in the SF wild west with a gay vampire and a weirdly sexy possibly alien as support cast members. It’s not possible for it to be anything but wildly entertaining. Creative, angry, and joyous in equal parts, I can’t wait to see what Wells serves up next.

I've been excited about reading this since I read the first book, Hunger Makes the Wolf, so it's safe to say I had very high expectations for it!
Well, I wasn't disappointed and I think I enjoyed this even more than the first book. It has so many good things about it I almost don't know where to start my review!
Hob has to be my favourite thing about the book. Her badass attitude and her witchy fire powers make her fun to read. Her ability to admit her own faults (especially her lack of education and emotional intelligence) and know where she is out of her depth and her confidence in leading and speaking out when she knows she is right makes her one of the most compelling female characters I've read.
I also love the genuine friendship between Hob and Mags. It's refreshing to see a female friendship like this in a book and it's nice that the author has just let it be and not added any strain or mistrust into it. It's also nice that it's not all one-sided as seems to be the case in a lot of books, where one character exists just to help and support the other. Mags and Hobs have a mutual respect / support relationship where they help and look out for each other.
Mags brings a serious side to the book, leading the workers fight against a company that thinks it owns them and is risking their lives to mine for the amirite. It balances out Hobs fun and all-out action and makes a story that has real depth and meaning to it.
The writing style is plain and simple and it really suits the style of the wild-west influenced setting. It's easy to read and easy to visualise and insanely readable, I was excited to get home each evening so I could sit down and start reading.
I think after the awesome buildup the ending let it down a little bit. I felt like a lot happened off page that I wanted to see. I wanted to know more about the world and the amirite and what's at the centre and it was a bit lacking in answers to that. But like I said I had very high expectations and this is the only fault I can find with the whole thing.
At the risk of sounding like I'm gushing, I properly loved this book! I'm hoping there will be another book in the series to pick up some of the loose ends, and because I'm simply not ready to be done with this world and these characters yet.
Blood Binds the Pack will take you on a high-octane ride across the sands of Tanegawa’s World with Hob's misfit band of mercenaries. It's a lot of fun to read and stands out as something a bit different. Recommended to anyone that likes sci-fi based future fun and action.