Member Reviews

Dr. Annie Cryer has been sent to Alphaville, Washington by her pack leader to help them with a delicate problem and although she's uncomfortable in the town, she dare not disobey the order. She's a wolf shifter and the bears are concerned about fertility issues. Annie does not expect the very strong reaction to the Grizzly shifter, Jonas Browning and he is certainly not expecting to hear that they're mates!
This is a great short story and I look forward to reading more stories about Alphaville and its residents. Thanks to the publisher and to NetGalley for an ARC; all opinions are my own.

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This is the second book in this new paranormal romance series. I found all the characters to be very descriptive and imaginative. I am definitely recommend this book.

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A novella to introduce a new shifter series which is funny and a bit steamy. I am intrigued to read more of the series.

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copy received courtesy of Netgalley for honest review
This is a nice teaser to introduce us to the town of Alphaville. Jonas is a bear shifter and his clan is in jeopardy. The are slowly going extinct. There has not been a birth in 100 years. Dr Annie Cryer is a genetic specialist. She was banned from her wolfpack several years ago and floats from place to place. when they meet, Annie knows Jonas is her mate. Jonas does not react well and things get a little testy. After a somewhat funny conversation with his mother, Jonas sees the light. Nice set up for more interesting stories and characters.

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This book was a great introduction to the world of Alphaville. It's short, sweet, and contains some smutty goodness.

Annie is a banished wolf shifter who has been using her banishment as an excuse to travel the US working on her research. When she receives a call from her old alpha, she's not sure what to think. He ends up offering her a deal - help out the Alphaville bears with their genetic issues (her specialty) and he will let her come back. Jumping at the opportunity, she drives herself to Alphaville ready to work.

Wealthy playboy bear shifter Jonas Browning figures that using this prodigy to solve his clan's reproductive issues will be relatively simple. All of that changes when his bear perks up at the sight of her. The "m" word gets thrown around in both their heads, but the stubborn streak they both have won't let them easily accept it. It takes some outside interference (or "advice") to get them to see what's been right in front of them. While a short read, it was fun, and had me reaching for the next book soon after.

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Love Christine Warren's books! Excited to see she has a new series! In Something to Howl About, Annie, a wolf shifter, was banished from her pack, and jumps at an opportunity to be welcomed back to her pack. Annie knows a lot about shifters, and is tasked with finding a reason why a group of bear shifters are having issues conceiving babies. Annie meets bear shifter, Jonas, and recognizes him as her mate, but Jonas doesn't agree with Annie, so these two has some issues to work through. This is a short and sweet story, and I really enjoyed it! The romance is too cute! I'm super excited for this series! Entertaining, sexy, and wonderful!

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3.5 stars - i liked it, for the nostalgia factor. Fans of Warren's Others series will appreciate the nods here to that series. The leading wolf shifter scientist Annie was part of the NY pack in that series, (but she was banished from the pack though I can't recall for what) which gives the excuse for two phone calls with past leads from that series. On its own, Something to Howl about is a quick mate bonds does all the heavy lifting short, that kicks off Warren's new Alphaville series. There is a conflict to stave off the actual mating for a time, but it is resolved without much discussion or enough groveling by the Grizzly shifting leading man. So this ended up on the ok side without the extra points for the blast from the past - in case you were wondering Wolf at the Door was my favorite Others books.

ARC courtesy of the publisher via Netgalley.

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Fabulous start to the Alphaville series. I loved Jonas and Annie and can’t wait to read more!! If you haven’t read Christine Warren, you are truly missing out.

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Review is live on the blog and will show up on the blog later on.

In a Flutter: Lovely insta-love novella
Fluttering Thoughts:
Worldbuilding: I really enjoyed the setting of the Alphaville shifter community in Washington, Cascade Mountain Range.
Characters: Annie the werewolf outcast doctor and Jonas the grizzly billionaire playboy was a bit of an odd and thereby interesting match. I liked Annie more than I liked Jonas, tbh – oddly enough, I didn’t like his aggressive and grumpy-like vibe though I usually tend to love these kinds fo characters -. I can’t say I was smitten with either of them. I felt some lovely chemistry building there even though things happened very quickly.
Plot: The insta-mates romance trope fits the characters and world and makes for a very fun introduction to the world of Alphaville.
Writing: Third person, past tense narrative, his/her POV. I really enjoyed the style, it flowed easily and had humor.
Curb Appeal: Cool cover, hooking blurb – impulsive buy material for my PNR moods.

I recommend Something to Howl About to fans of PNR shifter novellas that feature the insta-mates trope. I had fun reading it.

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WELCOME TO ALPHAVILLE, where the she-wolves and alpha-males play. . .for keeps, in a brand-new paranormal romance series from New York Times bestselling author Christine Warren.

Dr. Annie Cryer has been called many things: Genius. Child prodigy. Scientific wonder.

Wolf Shifter.

Banished from her pack years ago, Annie’s lone wolf wandering has brought her to Alpha, Washington, home to all shifters who don't quite fit in in the "normal" shifter word. Now Annie has the chance to go back home...if only she can make good on a favor her alpha owes the mayor of “Alphaville.” But it's not much of a favor when you're helping the hottest shifter in town...

Grizzly shifter Jonas Browning has a clan in trouble. They haven't had a child born in over a hundred years...and their clan faces going completely extinct. Genetic scientist Anne Cryer has been sent to help save them. But what Jonas doesn't count on is being irresistibly drawn to the small wolf shifter, and his bear isn't about to let her go...

This is the start of a new series with the first full length story coming out later this month.

In this quick, sexy novella we get a glimpse of the town and people of Alphaville. It is a very short story so I won't give away much. I will say that I am totally piqued for the rest of the series. Like Ms. Warren's other stories Jonas and Annie are strong characters, who you can't help but to like and are super sexy.

I am glad I have an ARC of the first book, so I can dive right in now.

*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book provided by the publisher*

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I love all of the authors PNR stories. I have read her Sone Hard stories (Gargoyles). Have read her Other series. When I heard she had a new release I had to get it. This was a short novella . Hero is Jonas (a bear shifter ). Heroine is Annie (a doctor) a she wolf .
Anne was banned from the pack by Graham (who you meet in big bad wolf ) . Grab will lift the ban if Anne can help with a problem in Alphaville . Anne is so excited she agrees to the assignment. Anne goes to Alphaville and she is salivating.
Jonas is friend with the mayor of Alphaville. Jonas asked the mayor for help because there is a problem with his pack . The problem is , there are very few cubs born in his pack . So this is where Anne comes in . Only thing is when Jonas bear sees Anne he wants to claim her .

Jonas and Anne claim a hot hot kiss but Jonas tells Anne that Bears don’t have mates. They do the dirty deed and they move on if they want .
Anne ignores Jonas for a week while she does some research into his problem.
Jonas gets a rude awakening from his mom . Grab it and see what Anne finds out about the problem and what Jonas mom tells him

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New to me author...

Wow, where to begin with this what is book one / interlude into this new series.
Alphaville certainly suits the name of this series.

When a bear shifter community is not producing like it should they call in child prodigy Annie Cryer.

Jonas Browning is Alpha and comes from a long line of money. What he doesn't come from is a long line of shifters who choose to mate properly. He is shocked at this revelation by dear old mom.

Well, Dr. Annie is no pushover wolf so Jonas is gonna have his work cut out for him.

I enjoyed this exciting and sexy short read and really glad I was offered the chance to read it by the publisher. More Please !!

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Christine Warren has a new series, Alphaville. I found Something to Howl About to be more like the Others Series, then I did the Gargoyles Series. There is a need to save a group but not the whole world as the Gargoyles needed to do. I found her humorous style of writing to be a part of this series as well as the new world building that she does so well.

This book has a fated mates plot but there is an underlying subplot happening too. This novella is an introduction to the series to come. I like the characters, Annie and Jonas along with the supporting characters especially Mayor John Jaeger. The story is a quick read only 80+ pages. Just enough intrigue to go with the romance as this reader wants to know more about the sanctuary town, Alphaville, and the varied shifters who live there.

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I love the beginning of new series, especially Shifter series which has become my favorite genre to relax with. Every author adds something new to the Shifter lore, and that keeps the genre fresh and enjoyable for me. Something to Howl About is a short introductory story that introduces us to the small town of Alpha – otherwise known as Alphaville where Shifters live freely, a sanctuary for many with physical wounds, family troubles or simply don’t fit in anywhere else.

A safe haven, something that Annie is in dire need of, even if she’s avoided Alphaville because of its reputation of being the last hope place for many Shifters. She’s been banished from her wolf pack in New York over a stupid mistake, but a lone wolf isn’t the life for her and she’s never been able to settle down anywhere always holding out hope of returning home. She’s been offered a tease from her former Alpha, the one who banished her. Do this one little favor for a friend in Alpha and I’ll consider allowing you to come home. It’s a carrot on a stick that Annie cannot resist, so with the thought of returning home utmost in her mind she made the trip to Alpha, never imagining what was waiting for her there.

I enjoy many things about series that keep me coming back – believable characters and situations (for the genre) is pretty high up there. But when an author’s characters can make me laugh out loud then I’m hooked for life with that author. It’s odd perhaps, but make me feel, make me laugh and I’m in reader heaven. Which is what captured me about Something to Howl About. Jonas made me laugh – and the best part, his character didn’t mean to for he was perfectly serious spouting off his “reasoning”. But when his mother did something that I’ve imagined doing to countless clueless characters over the years… smacked him upside his head… I knew this was going to be a series I’d follow to the end. Just that simple.

I liked Annie and Jonas. I want to know more about the residents and visitors to Alphaville. This introduction novella sets up the series in a way that makes me want more – and if you love Paranormal Romance or Shifter Romance, I’m thinking you’ll feel the same way, too. Check it out, I think you’ll have a new series to follow when you come to the final page.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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A short and sweet read about the downfall of arrogance. Jonas was 100% positive that his kind (brown bears, not a grizzly) did not mate like other shifters. His response to his bear "nudging" him, his own heart beating faster and shortness of breath - well, read to find out how this larger than life character learns from his errors.

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Annie is a wolf shifter and geneticist who was banished from her home pack 2 years previously. She has wandered around the country, never staying anywhere very long. All she wants is to return to her pack, The Silverbacks, in New York. When her pack Alpha calls and offers her a way to return to the pack, she jumps at the chance. Heading Alpha (Alphaville), a town that takes in the troubled, out of control, or any shift who doesn't really fit in anywhere, Annie is not sure what she'll find but any chance to get back to her pack...she'll take.

Jonas is the head of the werebears in Alpha. He thinks his clan may be in danger of dying out since they haven't had any new cubs born in years. He's excited when the Mayor tells him a shifter geneticist is on the way to help. When Annie and Jonas meet, sparks fly and their inner-beasts start howling. What the heck? Could they be mates? Jonas doesn't believe in true mates and Annie just wants to return to her pack. Will things work out for Jonas and Annie? And what Jonas's clan? I think you'll enjoy read this story and finding out for yourself.

This book is a prequel novella set in the new series from Ms. Warren, called Alphaville. I really enjoyed this book and meeting characters from the new series. My only wish is that we had received a little more background on why Annie was banished.
I received an invitation from the publisher, via NetGalley to read an advance copy of this book. My thoughts and reviews are my own.

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Welcome to Alphaville. The city of shifters.
Here, any shifter that had a problem (those who could not transmute, the injured, those with anger problem, the outcasts) could live, according to the rules of coexistence.

John Jacob Jaeger is the mayor. He had asked for help from another alpha clan from Manhattan, Winters Graham, to find Annie Cryer, a shifter Doctor.
Jonas Browning, a personal friend of Jaeger, a businessman and billionaire, had a problem with his brown bears people. For some unknown reason, bear-women were not getting pregnant. He needed the doctor's help.

Annie was exiled three years ago from her clan. When Graham contacted her, he promised that if she went to Alphaville and help them, her ban would be suspended.
Happily, she does what he asks.

There, her inner wolf recognizes Jonas as her mate. But there was a big problem: for Jonas, the brown bears were not monogamous. Although his bear wants to take Annie as his mate, his human side would not accept it.
And that goes into the inner war.

Annie accepts no less than being his mate, and therefore avoids him.
Jonas finds himself crazed to be near Annie - his wolf kept tormenting him.
While Annie focuses on the genetic research of brown bears, Jonas discovers something of his people that can change the way they see their future.

Introduction to the series.
Interesting, and I intend to read the following books.
Future characters are already introduced here.
5 stars

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Dr. Annie Cryer was ousted from her pack in New York and forced to wander. She moves from place to place never staying long enough to put down roots. Home is New York and she desperately wants to go back. When her former alpha requests her assistance with another pack in Washington state. When her former alpha indicates that doing this favor will put her back into her own packs favor, she jumps at the chance. She is requested to find out why the brown bear clan is not procreating, in an effort to keep them from dying out.

Annie was not expecting her inner wolf to become a hussy in the presence of one Jonas Browning, delectable bear shifter...and member of the clan currently requesting her help. She cannot, morally or ethically, become involved with any patients or research subjects - even when she connects with him on more than a professional level. The attraction doesn't appear to be a problem, though, when Jonas denies the one thing that has drawn them together so fiercely and with explosive passion.

Jonas Browning doesn't believe in the mate bond. He's thought his entire life that brown bears don't have the same mating instincts as other shifters. That is, until Dr. Cryer walks into the mayor's office for a meeting concerning Jonas's clan. Sure there's inexplicable chemistry but the mate bond? Definitely not....

Something to Howl About is a great introduction to Christine Warren's new Alphaville series. The novella is short and sweet, yet packs a gripping and emotional punch. Jonas is truly worried that his clan is going to die out because no one is producing children and haven't been for many years. Desperate, the town mayor calls upon the pack alpha of a banished, but brilliant geneticist, requesting her help. Their chemistry cracks the instant she walks into the mayor's office. Her wolf and his bear are smitten even though it takes their human sides a bit of time to come together.

I've had paperbacks of some of Christine Warren's The Others series on my to-be-read bookshelf (yes, I really have a bookshelf, or a few, dedicated solely to tangible books that I had to have and still have to read) and after reading Something to Howl About, I think it's time to make her a priority. She infuses humor, wit, and sarcasm into her characters at just the right times and in the perfect amounts (not too much or too little). The dialogue between the characters, even when its heated or prior to slipping between the sheets, is conversational, smooth, and easy to read. I became immersed in the book, engaged from start to finish, and enjoyed everything about the book. I hope to see more of these two in future installments - not as main characters but as secondaries so we can see how they've progressed.

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Even knowing that this was a prequel story to a new Others series, I had to read this book. This was just an okay read for me. It had a quick mating, with a HEA, and two people people fighting the mating pull. I wasn't able to connect to these characters I think because the story was so quick.I loved the original Others series. I couldn't wait to read this one. I was a little disappointed. I could not remember the story of him being banished though and felt like I was missing much needed information there.

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