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Something to Howl About

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Wolf shifter Dr, Annie Cryer is extremely intelligent and has lots if letters after her name. Unfortunately that put her on the wrong side of the pack alpha, and she was banished. He has given her a way to earn her return to the pack. Just help someone in Alphaville.
Jonas Browning is a grizzly bear shifter. His clan has a problem that needs the expertise of a good scientist. When she arrives to help, his bear has something else on it's mind.
This shifter romance is a lot of fun. Our hero needs the women in his life to smack him upside the head with the truth. Our nervous heroine needs to sometimes let her body rule instead of her powerful brain.
This is the prequel to what I know will be an addictive series. You will be able to read each book on it's own. I look forward to reading them all.

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Dr. Annie Cryer had been banished by her pack years ago, but when the opportunity presents itself to do the Alpha of her old pack a favor to get a chance to come back she jumps on it. She never expected to meet her mate or that he would reject her, deciding life has given her enough lemons she tells him to stay away. What happens with Grizzly shifter Jonas Browning decides he wants Annie as his mate and he changed his mind?

Fun read, this was quickly paced and I thought the parts with Jonas were humorous. Great series, each book is unexpected and a delight to read.

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Welcome to Alphaville, a town of shifters. Annie is brought in to find out why the reproduction rate of Brown Bear shifters is slow. She never expected to find her mate.

This series is connected to the Others series. Annie was a member of the Grayback Clan and was banished. I haven’t read those books in years so I can’t remember what she was banished for and this book doesn’t go into details about it. It is a quick read that introduces the town of Alphaville.

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Something to Howl About is a fun new start to a pnr series about a town of misfit shifters.
Alpha Washington is known to shifters as Alphaville home of the freaks, the losers, and the emotionally challenged. The one place wolf shifter Dr. Annie Cryer has avoided in her travels while banished from her pack and the one place she has to go if she ever wants to return. What she didn’t count on was the way billionaire brown bear shifter Jonas Browning affected her wolf and her heart.
Watching this uber smart woman deal with a hunk in denial was a total hoot and I look forward to meeting other inhabitants of Alphaville.

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Something to Howl About by Christine Warren is a novella that introduces her new Alphaville series. Annie Cryer, our heroine, is a wolf shifter, a doctor and a well known scientific genius. Having been banished last three years ago, Annie has been a loner traveling through the country. But Annie receives word from her NY Pack leader that if she goes to Alpha, Washington and helps their pack find a solution to their problem, he will allow her to come back to NY after she is done. Despite not looking forward to going to Alpha, as it is a place where damaged or problem shifters go, she wants to go home to her pack, so she agrees.

Grizzly shifter, Jonas Browning, has a problem with his pack; his clan has not had a child born to them in over a hundred years. The mayor of Alpha convinces Jonas that Dr. Annie Cryer is the one person who can possibly figure out the problem, and come up with a resolution. Though he is not happy, he agrees. When Annie arrives to meet the Mayor, both she and Jonas get off on the wrong foot. She immediately feels the strong attraction and recognizes to her dismay that he is her mate. Make no mistake, Jonas is attractive and hot, but Annie wants to go back to NY and now finding her mate will stop that. Jonas feels his bear being attracted to Annie, but when he hears her mention that they are mates, he will flip out. He doesn’t believe in mates for his grizzly pack; Jonas believes they fall in love and after time move on, if they want; no forever mate. His attitude pushes her away, and though she works on their issue, she avoids Jonas at all costs.

What follows is a light, quick paranormal story that was fun, and very steamy. In a short time, Jonas will learn from his mother that he is wrong about the mating process, and he will try to win back Annie. Their chemistry together was burning the pages, and I enjoyed the banter between them. In Something to Howl About, we were introduced to some excellent characters, which open the door to the start of this series. Christine Warren once again gives us a taste of this new series, and I for one plan to be reading this. If you like Paranormal, and Shifters, then I think you will too.

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...So, what did I like about it?
Christine Warren is a new-to-me author; I found this novella very easy to read and enjoyed the simple classic paranormal romance plot. I feel it sits happier in the erotica genre though than the usual paranormal romance shelf, as there was little actual “romance” or relationship building going on but quite a few hot and steamy scenes almost from the start. *be still my rapid pulse*
Something To Howl About is a light, entertaining romp; not a great deal of substance but an enjoyable read and a nice bit of escapism. Although this novella didn’t make me weep, it certainly got my blood pressure rising at the caveman sensibilities of our hero, Jonas, and because the passion between our two protagonists, Annie and Jonas, ignites instantly, my cheeks turned pink a few times too!

...So, ummm, was there anything I disliked about it?
I understand that writing a novella is tricky; a whole story has to be squeezed into minimal pages but I’ve got to be honest, I felt a bit let down with a few aspects of this one.
Firstly, the plot sells us the fact that Annie is a genius geneticist, however, in reality it wasn’t a plot line that I could get my intellectual teeth stuck into and Ms Warren didn’t really go into any great detail.
Secondly, after the initial attraction that our romantic pair experienced and acted on, there was no “blossoming romance”, no tried and failed attempts from Jonas to win Annie over or visa versa, (hey I’m a modern gal) Annie does say she intends to win Jonas over but it never materialises which my ole romantic heart was really looking forward to.
Thirdly, we know that Annie has been banished from her pack and has been moving from place to place for the last three years but we never find out what heinous crime she committed to result in such a dramatic punishment. I hope that Ms Warren answers this question in the next Alphaville instalment.
And finally, the ending felt too abrupt, it felt too much like an easy fix both for Jonas and Annie to get their HEA ending and Annie solving the Brown Bear fertility issues.

...So, basically what I’m saying is...
This is a good, fun romp; an enjoyable quick read.
Due to the sexual content (it’s definitely steamy with a capital S), I’d recommend this book to adults who are fans of paranormal fated mate/insta-love stories with a bit of fire and passion.

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Posted on Les Romantiques - Le forum du site
Reviewed by Rinou
Review Copy from the Publisher

Here is a novella of about 80 pages introducing a new series by Christine Warren titled Alphaville, which will be about a town created by shifters and become a haven for those who don’t have anywhere else to go.
Inevitably, those who know me won’t be surprised to know I first read the volume 1, Baby I’m Howling for you, before this novella.
It’s a good thing though because if Something to Howl About reads easily, it’s also a most classical story suffering from the reduced format.

Annie is a renowned geneticist doctor (and other diplomas probably too numerous in relation to her age), that’s why she finds herself in Alphaville to help the local brown bears clan with a fertility problem, with the promise to be allowed back in her clan once finished. Because Annie is above all a female wolf-shifter who was banned from her pack three years before for having put people in danger. How, why, we still don’t know at the end of the novella, which is really frustrating. She’s presented as shy and unassuming at the beginning but she shows a real character in a few pages.

Jonas is a brown bear who called on her services because bear-shifters of his generation can’t have children. He’s the typical alpha male, stubborn, sure of himself and of his seduction, renowned to flirt around and not inclined to settle down. When his inner bear expresses itself loudly in front of Annie, he only thinks to have fun, even rejecting the heroine in a quite non gracious way, and saying that bears don’t mate for life. He’ll need a good slap behind the head from his mother to realize his error.

Just as in the volume 1 following there are unusual but funny comparisons (“nervous as a salmon at a teddy-bear picnic”) or puns about animals and their characters. The story about the fertility problem is quickly explained at the end, and the couple patches things up for steamy (but not crude) love scenes like the author writes so well.

Unfortunately the short format doesn’t allow a real development of the characters. And for once there’s a bear-shifter there’s not a shell of a transformation to be seen.

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I was given this book by Netgalley for an honest review.

Something to Howl About: An Alphaville Story is a howling good read!! The characters and storyline are very well-developed. Jonas has brought Dr. Annie in to help him with the  low birth rate of his clan. Annie recognizes Jonas as her true mate, but Jonas denies that brown bears(grizzlies) don't have true mates. Annie tells him that is complete bull, and that all shifters recognizes their true mate. Annie was banished from her pack by her alpha, for something she did. She has been traveling all over helping and researching where ever she was needed. She gets a call from Graham; her Alpha; telling her that her banishment is over and that she can come home. This is such a well written book with lots of humor.I recommend this book and the series to everyone. I give SOMETHING TO HOWL ABOUT 5/ 5 STARS.

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This is a Shifter novella. I really enjoyed it, but it ended rather abruptly after they mated. I thought this was a full length novel, so was disappointed to discovered this is a novella. It’s good, and there’s a HEA, but unfortunately the abrupt ending leaves you feeling a bit unsatisfied.

I received an ARC of this book, from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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This novella is the beginning of the new series, Alphaville. The genre of this book and series is paranormal shape-shifter romance. Dr. Annie Cryer (who is a wolf shifter) is a famous doctor who does research in shape-shifter genetics. She has been called to the town of Alphaville, Washington to help the bear shifters with a problem that may cause their extinction. She meets Jonas Browning who is a brown bear shifter and immediately sparks fly! I've got to stop here to explain that what I find so interesting in Christine Warren's book is the in-depth thoughts and personality makeup of the shifters. She describes each shifter's thoughts and feelings that have to do with the animal clan that they belong to. I really enjoyed these descriptions and actually was fascinated to read them. I never was "into" paranormal books but have found that these paranormal romance books are pretty good!

Something to Howl About by Christine Warren will be available by Swerve, an imprint of St. Martin's Press. An egalley of this book was made available by the publisher in exchange for a honest review.

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Something to Howl About by Christine Warren is a novella that is opening up a new fantasy/paranormal shifter series, Alphaville. This new series is set in the world of Warren’s Others series but you don’t have to have read the previous series to understand this new one.

In this novella we get to meet Dr. Annie Cryer who is a wolf shifter that has been banned from returning to her pack. Annie’s been offered the chance to lift her ban if she goes to Alphaville to study some problems they have been having. After arriving though Annie meets Jonas Browning who is a bear shifter and a complete jerk upon first meeting but Annie is sure that he is supposed to be her mate.

This opening book in the new Alphaville series was a combination of just plain funny, a bit of sexy and sprinkle on some intrigue for what is to come in the Alphaville world. This short “romance” between these characters happens rather quickly with the novella length but the author did a great job giving them the depth of a shifter bond but their human sides fighting the bond which gave a few funny moments to the story.

After reading this opening novella I’m certainly curious what is in story in the Alphaville world that seems to have a lot going on in it. There were already mentions of a lot of different shifter types and how they live with each other and among the others. Looking forward to seeing what comes in the next installment of this series, Baby, I’m Howling For You.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Something to Howl About was a quick intro novella about the town of Alphaville, where shifter outcasts live. I enjoyed the story of Jonas and Annie and can't wait for more.

When Dr. Annie Cryer is asked to help the town mayor about the birthing issue with the Grizzly population, she never expected to be drawn to Grizzly alpha Jonas Browning. Will she be able to convince this commitment phobic bear that they are mated or will he turn his back on this lone wolf?

While I enjoyed this story as it provided a quick introduction to Alphaville, i did find a few ooen-ended issues that were not resolved. I'm hoping to get more of their story in the next book. I would like to thank Netgalley and SMP romance for an advanced copy of this book for an honest review. Bravo 4 stars! ~Ratula

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The start to a brand new series! We saw Annie Cryer in The Others series of books. She was a werewolf belonging to Graham's pack. She was also banished after Sam (Annie's best friend) almost died. She has been told by her former Alpha that the banishment will be lifted if she makes good on one of his owed favors to the mayor of Alphaville. After 3 years of not only not being allowed to go home but to not even be allowed to speak to any of her former pack (including her best friend and her mother) she is ready to do just about anything to be able to go home. So she heads to Alpha. Jonas Browning has enlisted the mayor to help his clan. He believes his clan is going extinct because there haven't been any children born in over 100 years. And when Annie shows up, he believes he is just seriously attracted to her. Not believing bears are capable of anything more.

I really liked the start to this series! I always loved this author's Others books and this one seems to be along the same lines and already has me hooked! I always wondered what happened to Annie after she was banished and I am glad we get to find out. Annie and Jonas in this one really made me laugh! They butt heads from the start and when Jonas basically word vomits when she makes a certain comment, I about died laughing at how moronic he sounded in that moment! But then once his mom knocks some sense into his head and he realizes exactly what they are? It was great! Yeah, I love an alpha male! The only reason I didn't give this book 5 stars was because I felt like it was too short. I would have loved to have a longer story for them. But this was still a great read and a great start to this series!

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My return to the Alphaville series, is really the first book. Howling for You, which I read first is the second book. This one clears up a lot of the things that bugged me in Howling. Good characters fill up an interesting town with all the signature humor & strengths that inhabit all Christine Warren's books. The secondary characters shine brightly encouraging you to come back & visit with the hope that their stories will soon be told. I fell in love with Jaeger, the mayor in both books and can't wait for his story to be told. I hope there are many more stories to come, but wish they were longer, both seemed to short. I was provided this book by NetGalley in exchange for a fair review.

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Good prequel novella. Short and sexy, this was a fun intro to Alphaville. If you don't enjoy the concept of fated mated and insta love/lust this probably isn't for you. Can't wait to read more!

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Really loved this! Definitely feels like the old Christine Warren that I know and love! I couldn't get enough. The characters and story were fantastic. This was such fun to read. I really like where this new series is going and I can't wait to read more!

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Something To Howl About is a fun, quick introduction to the new Alphaville series by Christine Warren. It brings us fated mates between a wolf and a bear shifter.
I enjoyed this story. It was a lot of fun to watch Jonas fighting his bear against the mate bond and trying to regain his footing when he's blindsided by Annie. And let's face it, Jonas makes an utter mess of things with Annie. It's a good thing there's someone to set him straight and he's man enough to admit he's wrong and pursue his woman despite her resistance.
I liked Annie. I would have liked to know more about her, like why she was banished from her pack but that's never mentioned. At first glance, Annie appears wounded and skittish but she transforms into a fierce and brilliant woman when she is faced with her mate and the mate bond. I liked the way she stood up to Jonas even though he was so much bigger than her and so growly. Of course, Jonas is very gentle with her so there was never anything to worry about.
I haven't read the previous series by Ms Warren called The Others which Alphaville is a spin-off of but I didn't feel like I was missing any world-building from it. I felt like there may have been characters from previous stories that I did not know about but it didn't cause me to feel like I needed to read the previous series before diving into this one. I expect it would help if I did, but I don't think it matters that much.
I'm looking forward to the next book in this series as this one has been very enjoyable.

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This is a short story prequel to a new series of shifter romance. While I would assume a bit of world building I didn't get that. I got a short that focuses on the quickly brewed romance between Annie and Jonas.

Annie is a banished wolf who specializes in shifter science. In order to be able to go back home, her Alpha sends her to Jonas who needs help finding out why his clans haven't reproduced as much as he'd have thought.

At first sight they are very attracted to each other. Annie understands her mate bond but Jonas denies it. He's rude and brash when he tries to turn her down but Annie knows that they belong together. I love that she didn't push it on him but more ignored him til he came to his senses. Even if his mother had to knock it into him.

I didn't really like these two together. Jonas was too cocky for my liking. I liked Annie well enough though. She wasn't those game players, more of a lesson teacher. I think that Jonas just came off wrong to me.

I also would have appreciated more clarification on her banishment and how in the end she just doesn't want to go back. I feel like her "heartbreak" over being homesick was brushed aside. I understand that this isn't a full story but a couple pages more wouldn't have hurt.

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Wow Christine Warren has Done it again. In this story you meet Annie and Jonas and how they are trying to learn why Jonas clan have problems to get pregnant. But that’s not the only reason Jonas want her here in his town Alphaville, he is also attractive to her. Can he convince her to see him before it’s to late.

I really like this book and like always Christine Warren delivered a great story. I highly recommend this book.

I was given this book from netgalley to give an honest review, and it’s my thoughts and no one else.

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Something to Howl About by Christine Warren

Light hearted paranormal series opener. Full of humor, with much of it on the sarcastic side. Humor of the kind that doesn’t take it all so seriously. My favorite type of writing.
I don’t know why I haven’t read this author before but will absolutely look for this new series as well as looking into the original of this spinoff.

The below makes the town of Alphaville sound dark and sad but that was not at at my first impression. To me it is a town of rejuvenation, hope and understanding. I look forward to getting to know the residents.
“Every shifter in America knew about the town. It was where they sent their problems, like an open air asylum for damaged Others. Shifters would couldn’t shift, or who couldn’t control the process. Ones with anger issues, or who had survived trauma. Even ones who needed to recover from grave physical traumas.
And, of course, the outcasts. The ones who had been shunned by their packs, prides, clans, or family packs.”

I received a copy of this novella from NetGalley.

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