Member Reviews

Great novel, I can't wait for more by this author! It was so thrilling!

Best Friends Forever by Margot Hunt is another thriller that I can easily say grabbed me from the opening pages and just wouldn’t let go. Dropping into Alice’s life we know she is a busy wife and mother who never expected to find the police on her doorstep but that is just what happened to her one morning as she was making breakfast before getting her children off to school.
Alice’s friend’s husband had died recently from what she thought was a tragic accident so why are the police wanting to question her?? But as Alice goes through the interview she learns that the police think that Kat’s husband may have been pushed instead of falling to his death and the police may even be looking her way. A frantic Alice wants nothing more than her best friend but Kat hasn’t been in contact so she begins to wonder just how well did she really know her friend anyway?
Starting this book I found myself loving every minute as I found out more about Alice and her relationship with Kat. The relationship is one that you can think of the old saying of being like an onion with it’s many layers for the readers to slowly peel back as the pages turn. You just know with every chapter that goes by that there is going to be twists and turns coming and can’t wait until they do.
I really really wanted to give the book a full five stars because it did keep me on the edge of my seat while I flew through reading it in only a few hours time. But when getting deeper into this story it really began to remind me of a television show from a few years back. The story is extremely similar and I definitely enjoyed that plot too so it’s no wonder I was hooked on this one. With the differences between the two though I still felt this a great read and worth at least the four stars and would definitely recommend checking it out.
I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

I really enjoyed this thriller. I read a lot and often I can figure out the direction that the story is taking--not this time! Highly recommended for grip lit fans.

What a stunning debut for Margot Hunt. This book engrossed me with its complex characters in such a fast paced riveting story. I found the friendship between Alice & Kat to be both toxic and engaging on so many levels, it was twisted till the end. This book captivated me with its characters despite the overall plot being typical. I appreciated the richness of the writing, it was an easy to follow fast paced read that kept me engaged. I received a free e-copy of the book via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Mira.

More of a 4.5, but I'm rounding up.
I did not see this one coming. I devoured it quickly; it's well written and flows well. It reads like a movie, I was casting the people in my head as I read the book. (Jennifer Aniston would make a perfect Kat, and Jennifer Lawrence or Emma Stone a decent Alice). The only negative is the use of flashback, and perhaps it will be a little smoother when the book is published, but occasionally I found it difficult to keep track of what was present and what was past.
If you are a fan of psychological thrillers, pick this one up, you'll be glad you did!
Thanks to Netgalley for the chance to read this one ahead of publication!

Amazing, Captive and mind blowing twist ! I couldn’t stop reading, I would be reading page after page until I could no longer keep my eyes open! I thought for sure I knew what happened but a truly amazing work never gives away its secrets until the very end ! Best fri nds forever is the pe fest name for this twisted novel, and I say twisted in the best way possible ! Anyone who enjoys a true murder mystery where nothing is at it seems, this is the book for you !!!

4.5 - I really enjoyed this book. The author’s detail and descriptions of the characters really made them stand out to me and kept me eager to know more. I did have a feeling what the ending was going to be, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the read. There was an extra twist or two at the end that I didn’t quite see coming. I look forward to reading another book by this author in the future.

A totally engrossing book - well written, captivating and original. This is a story of friendship, betrayal and of human nature. I loved this, especially the ending - this may be my new favorite author of 2017.

You will have a serious case of FOMO if you don't get your hands on this one!
Best Friends Forever starts off with a bang and will have you in its grips until the very end. While Alice is up early making breakfast for her family, she is surprised to discover two police officers at her front door, wanting to question her over her best friend Kat's alcoholic, abusive, womanising, disgrace of a husband's suicide, now being considered a murder.
Kat and Alice couldn't be more different as far as their backgrounds go...Kat born into a life of extreme wealth, owning her own art gallery, while Alice is a former logician and stay at home mom, struggling to make ends meet. With a chance meeting at an airport, they strike up an unlikely friendship, hitting it off from the get go.
Told from Alice's point of view, the book starts off at the present time with alternating chapters over the course of the past three years as we see their friendship grow into one in which they share more with each other than their own spouses.
But do they TRULY know each other???
Alice begins to ask this question when Kat cuts off all communication with Alice, ghosting her after being questioned by the police. Why would Kat do that when she should be in need of her best friend the most at this difficult time? Why has Alice been shunned by Kat's influential family, insisting Alice stay away from Kat? And why are the police looking directly at Alice as part of their investigation for the murder? Alice's life soon becomes a nightmare as a result of the snowballing turmoil set in motion by Howard's death. She will have to use her wit and her skills as a logician if she ever wants to get out of the rabbit hell hole she finds herself in, as with her name sake. I just couldn't put this book down, eager to discover how this one would come to an end. I wasn't disappointed!
With a sharp, clever conclusion, this talented author certainly outwitted me with an ending that, for the life of me, I didn't see coming. I just love when that happens!!! Looking back, the bread crumbs of clues were all there, strategically placed, coming together brilliantly, with all the loose ends tied into a beautiful bow, just the way I like it.
This one ticked all the boxes: intelligent, fast paced, colourful characters, thoroughly engaging with a spellbinding storyline...a guarantee for an entertaining ride!
Needless to say I was surprised and impressed to discover this was the debut novel in this genre for the author, it certainly had me well satiated and I look forward to reading more by the skilled Margot Hunt.
Many thanks to Netgalley, HQ Digital and the author for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

What a fast paced thriller, especially for a debut novel. I literally could not put this down. Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher

I'm afraid I didn't really enjoy this book and I felt the ending, where we find out that the narrator is the killer, left me annoyed, because that was so not in keeping with the rest of the story. There were no clues that this would be the outcome, except for a throw away comment from Alice's mother right near the end. Surely if she was a sociopath, she wouldn't be susceptible to manipulation? I didn't think the author got the mindset of Alice quite right. I also felt the detective, Oliver, was totally unbelievable in the way she behaved - way over the top and I can't see why she'd be quite so angry with Alice from the get-go. The writing was quite lumpy, with great long bits of dialogue, and masses of unecessary description. Not for me I'm afraid.

Best Friends Forever is a good thriller based around Alice and Kat who meet in an airport and soon become best friends,soon they are meeting up on a regular basis to share their woes and marriage secrets like Howard,Kats husband who is a drunken bully.But when he is found face down dead having fallen from his balcony things start to take a turn for the worst for Alice when the police arrive at her door and Kat has basically cut herself off from Alice and won't return any calls or texts.The book is an excellent read told in the present and the past and it has you wondering just how much of a best friend Kat really is ! The ending when it came was a complete surprise to me and an excellent end to an good solid 4 star read.

Wowza! That ending was amazing and not what I was expecting. I loved this book from beginning to end and never wanted to put it down. The pacing was great and the plot line was solid throughout the entire book.
This was Margot Hunt's DEBUT novel!??! Are you kidding me?! I can't want to see what other books ideas she has up her sleeve! -- I just learned that Margot Hunt is actually Whitney Gaskell, an established chick lit author that wrote this wonderful Thriller. Either way, I am in love with this book.
We follow two unlikely friendship of two women in a single narrative, dual timeline story. The transition between timelines was seamless. The past is revealed to you just enough to make you wonder.
I had theories going throughout the book but... I was wrong. That does not happen very often. I don't want to share much more about the storyline because it is always best to know very little when reading a Thriller.
I HIGHLY recommend reading this book! It gets ALL the stars!!!!!

Gripping Thriller set in Florida
A thriller with lots of twists and turns, centring on the friendship of two women.
Alice meets Kat at an airport, discovers they live close to each other and a friendship develops. Alice has financial problems, Kat has husband problems, and they become close as they confide their concerns to each other. Then Kat's husband unexpected dies, and the police arrive at Alice's door.
The novel has a somewhat slow start as the women's friendship develops, but after the death of Kat's husband this suddenly turns into a riveting read. The story is told by Alice, and moves between the present and 3 years ago when they met. I was gripped by what would happen next, surprised by the twists, and completely involved in the story.
A 4* rating from me as the first third was a slow start - though in retrospect I can see that it added to the story as a whole. Towards the end there was a part that I found somewhat unbelievable, but that's probably a personal thing. Apart from that, after I'd completed the first 1/3rd of the book I was freeing up time to get back to reading.
I read an Advanced Reader's Copy, so this review is written on the assumption that the final version will have had some editing issues resolved.

Margot Hunt is the pseudonym for chick lit and women's fiction author Whitney Gaskell who has now decided to add thrillers to her repertoire. BEST FRIENDS FOREVER is her first psychological thriller and judging by this first attempt is well worth pursuing.
Alice thought she knew everything about her best friend Kat, from the secrets of her wealthy family to the fact that behind closed doors Kat’s husband Howard is a drunk and a bully.
But now Howard has been found dead, having plunged to his death from the balcony of their highly desirable mansion, and the police are convinced he’s been murdered.
So why in her time of need has Kat stopped answering Alice’s phone calls and texts. Why won’t Kat’s family allow Alice to visit her anymore? And why are the detectives looking directly at Alice in relation to Howard’s death?
This is a novel about two women who meet accidentally at an airport and become best friends. They are complete opposites but there is an immediate attraction that draws these two women together in friendship and everything runs smoothly until Howard's death.
Well written thriller that shows massive promise for future novels in this genre.
I would like to thank Net Galley and HQ Digital for supplying a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

This was a great thriller. I DID see the ending coming a long way, but still it kept me enthralled and reading! Very hard to put this down. I can see sociopaths gravitating to one another! Highly recommended.

This book was so amazing and has you thinking about your friends. Can you actually trust your best friend and how far would you go to protect your friends?
Alice is best friends with Kat or so she thinks. Kat uses people in a big way to get what she wants then just tosses them aside.
Kat uses Alice or so you think but the story was brilliant you did not see what was coming but you do find out that Alice is not as innocent as you may think. So brilliant it gripped me right from the start.
You never knew what was coming next just amazing. It makes you wonder who you can trust and is your friend really your friend.

I was unsure if I was going to like this novel. Best friends, secrets and marital strife? I was wrong! When we first meet Alice and Kat they are both booked on the same flight and get to talking as their plane is delayed. An unlikely friendship ensues. Alice is logical, reserved and Family finances are tight. Kat is spontaneous, warm and most decidedly rich! Margot Hunt takes us on a journey that weaves from 3 years prior to the present where we learn that Kat’s husband has been found dead. An accident or something more sinister? As suspicions begin to fly and fingers start to point, this novel shows us that everything and nothing is as it seems. Thoroughly enjoyable!

.This was such a great read! There isn’t much action and twists so if this is something you look for then I don’t think you’ll enjoy this. The writing however is fantastic, and Margot Hunt has definitely proved herself to be very talented. This is told from the POV of Alice only but is told in the present tense and in the past to help give backstory to Kat and Alice’s friendship and this worked so well. I really enjoyed this format and it helped to really help pull the story together so you could understand the full picture of what had gone one.
The characters were built so well, and I really liked Alice. She was like your normal everyday woman who you learn went through a tragedy causing her to quit her job and become a stay at home Mum. She has family issues, issues with her marriage and financial issues but none of them were over exaggerated or unrealistic. You could understand her friendship with Kat who the ‘cool’ girl, had everything and was just effortlessly confident and you could also understand why someone would want to murder Howard because he was an arrogant dick. The character dynamics were just great and it really helped pull the story together.
I figured the twist out quite early, but it didn’t make the novel any less enjoyable. I felt invested in Alice’s life and I wanted to know what would happen to her and how things got this way as it was such a gripping read. It was realistic, and I think that’s what made this quite ‘scary’, there aren’t big plot twists thrown in or any supernatural elements, it’s all very real life and realistic.
This was a very clever read and it was so easy and quick to read. I’d definitely recommend this if you’re looking for a gripping thriller read!

This book was amazing to read. It's probably one of my favorites. I read it in a day, I could not put it down.
The tension is kept at a really high level at all times. The story reveals itself in bits and pieces that made me feel I knew where it was headed, but then it completely took me by surprise.
The characters are really well written and are very interesting. Every character in this book is a mystery until the very end, they all have their secrets and none of them are what they seem. Bravo to the author for surprising me chapter after chapter.
I highly recommend this one to anyone who wants to enjoy a great thriller, you will not be disappointed.