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Reckless Behavior

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Again with the fabulous book. I love the reality the authors give this series. If someone is wounded, they hurt and it takes a long time to get better. Poor Andreas! He spent the entire book in a cast and on crutches because of what happened in the last book. Even so, Superman need not apply. What a dad! And Darren. Reliable, caring, and capable, even totally wrecked by the curves life's thrown him. These guys more than deserve their happy ending. The big question is when will it show up? Probably in the next book, I know. Great work, ladies!

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This series just keeps getting better. I liked Risky Behavior and Suspicious Behavior, but Reckless Behavior has surpassed them both.

Andreas and Darren are healing from the events of Suspicious Behavior, and now it's time for Andreas to come clean to his adult kids about some stuff, and to spend more time with all of his kids. To that end, they're all at dinner, when three of his children are kidnapped. Yeesh, can these men not catch a break and enjoy some down time, ever?!?! L.A. Witt and Cari Z. said they were going to be even more mean to our men this time around, and they weren't kidding, because this installment is just one big ball of craziness. So much happens, and the men are having to try to get the kids back, deal with Andreas' now more messed up ankle, AND Darren's own family crisis, which is probably the most heartbreaking part of Reckless Behavior.

But through it all, they rely on each other and fall even deeper in love so that by the end, when they finally get to spend some quality time together, they realize just how much of a solid union they have.

"When the whole world was on fire, we leaned on each other and got each other through it. When everything was boring and nothing was happening, we stayed close just because we wanted to. It was perfect."

I cannot wait for Romantic Behavior, which promises to be completely centered on our men and their happily ever after. Yes!!

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Sometimes, you sit down to read and want a wildly passionate, steamy story about two men falling in love. Other times, you need something… more. And that’s what you’ll get with the entire Bad Behavior series from LA Witt and Cari Z. Somehow, I’d completely missed the second book in the series, but that didn’t stop me from clutching Reckless Behavior, book three, in my greedy little hands as soon as possible.

I absolutely loved Andreas and Darren when I read Risky Behavior. They didn’t meet, fall in love, face issues, and live happily ever after. That’d be far too sweet for an ass like Andreas (and I mean that in the best possible way). He didn’t want Darren as a partner. Didn’t like knowing why Darren was there, but something made the rookie detective impossible to resist.

A lot of times, I get bored by series that continue with the same main characters. Once I’m certain they’re stable in their relationship and are going to make it through whatever comes after the end, it’s hard to keep my attention. Andreas and Darren are an excellent departure from this issue.

There’s so much I can’t say about Reckless Behavior because it’ll either spoil this book or the books before, but basically, it comes down to people holding grudges over that first big case, determined to teach Andreas a lesson. Again, it could’ve turned incredibly cliche, but the writing talents of this duo kept me turning from one page to the next until… I’m not going to admit how late it was when I finished and went to sleep. I’m a responsible adult who would never stay up until nearly sunrise in thedead of winter, all because she needed to make sure the couple was going to be okay. That everyone was going to be okay.

I can’t wait to see what comes next for Andreas and Darren. They’re one of my favorite couples of 2017!

5 pieces of candy

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Welp, the authors did not lie when they said they were going to be SUPER mean to the boys. They delivered.

Almost immediately Andreas is shaken to the core by the kidnapping of three of his children. He tries to hold it together and does so for the most part but there were a couple dark nights of the soul. Without Darren I'm not sure what would've become of him. Darren is the rock of Gibraltar through it all until his number comes up too. Then he hides in the case to escape his own reality.

Both events were harrowing and heart wrenching to read, but the thought I kept circling back to was how much they relied on each other to get through it all and if they could get through all this together it would make their relationship stronger. This installment along with the previous two does a fantastic job of reinforcing their connection, but if you're interested in super sexy times... you should prolly look elsewhere. Because no sex.

These authors have spent a great deal of time crafting Andreas and Darren and showing how much they not only love each other but fit together and in so doing, I truly believe that they are partners in every sense of the word after finishing Reckless Behavior. If their words didn't convince me the Han Soloing certainly did.

The kidnapping keeps them and us occupied and served to keep the pacing uptempo. My only quibble is for a kidnapping to be so painstakingly planned to then have no real endgame seemed odd not to mention anticlimactic. For me. However, I enjoyed all the case building, car chases, secondary characters and everything involved in resolving the case. If you're a fan of suspense thrillers, I suspect you probably will too.

A review copy was provided by NetGalley.

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<i> <b>Reckless Behavior </i> </b> is not a stand-alone book. I was unaware of that yet I dove into this story with ease. The blurb made it easy to instantly connect with Andreas and Darren. And after reading this book I want to read the prior 2 books but that may be a moot point since I already know the end. Or do I? Anyway, this book was heart-wrenching. I felt terrible for the situation Andreas has to deal with mere minutes after coming out to his children about his health, sexuality and that Darren is more than just his work partner. As much as my heart broke for Andreas, I worried for Darren just as much ( if not a bit more). Darren had to deal with the double whammy of being there for his own family, especially his brother who’s ill and help the man he loves, find the bastards that took his children. Darren had a heavy load to bear and how he found the strength to be there for Andreas and his family is nothing short of a miracle

This story is full of suspense, it's intense and action-packed especially towards the end. Despite the hardships these guys deal with there are moments that made me smile and laugh out loud as they worked together to find the kids. I am beyond happy that this story did <b> not </b> end with a cliffhanger considering its part of a series. I’m also delighted that there is another book in the works and I absolutely cannot wait to read it!

<i> *ARC provided by Netgalley* </i>

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Either the authors really don’t like Andreas and Darren, or they really get off on torturing them because that was totally wicked!! Reckless Behavior runs on pure adrenaline that kept me riveted until the very end.

We start with Andreas deciding to come clean to his adult kids about his health and his relationship with Darren of dinner. He’s still recovering from near death, a broken ankle and is now set on getting his priorities straight. Dinner goes as planned and as they leave is where everything goes to heck in a handbasket. Someone has taken three of his four kids with one of them being left injured. Who, what, whys are unknown. Darren is by his side to help, but Andreas isn’t the only one in a crisis. Things with his brother Asher are going downhill fast. The rush is on to find his kids, and nothing is going to stop him including that darn broken ankle.

Wowza! So much goes on in this book it’s hard to imagine it takes place over just a few days. Still the pariahs in their department but when Andreas’ kids go missing, everybody pulls together to help him out. Which means we get to experience previous characters including Paula. No books in the Bad Behavior series would be complete without her because she is a fierce force to reckon with!

Not a lick of sex to be seen in this book but it doesn’t detract from the story. Instead, we get to experience the relationship between Andreas and Darren as they struggle with their family crises. So many twists, turns and surprises along the way. There are so many curveballs thrown at the guys but the biggest one for me was Asher. OMG! My heart is hurting now. I wasn’t overly surprised about the whodunit, or shall I say, whatdunit. And maybe even a teensy bit of me understood the why the culprit did what he/she did, but I would never have guessed who the guilty party was. That my dear readers is good storytelling! Leave them guessing and begging for more. Speaking of begging for more….

The last sentence. ACK!!! Is that a cliffy? Please tell me I don’t need to wait another year to find out what happens next. OMG…what a freaking dangling carrot! Readers authors L.A. Witt and Cari Z. consider yourselves warned. ACK!

reviewed by Jac

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With Andreas Ruffner still recuperating from a serious injury, and Darren Corliss dealing with his brother Asher’s condition, it would seem this was an ideal time for them to get some rest and relaxation. But Andreas and Darren are all set to have a semi-decent dinner with Andreas’s children, and Andreas has decided to come clean with them and tell them about his health status—and Darren. Of course, there’s tension with some of his adult children, but the issues don’t get resolved before the evening turns tragic, with kidnappings and Andreas and Corliss still dealing with the haterade from busting dirty cops.

As Andreas and Darren start the strenuous process of tracking down the kidnappers, Corliss struggles with tragic news about his brother. As both men deal with their own tragedies, they never fail in understanding each other’s plights. For both Andreas and Darren, it becomes a race against time, and saving the children’s lives.

Reckless Behavior goes from a somewhat tension filled dinner to terror filled kidnappings. It’s fast paced, filled with danger, tense moments and a roller coaster ride of emotions. Andreas and Corliss are still working through their relationship, but it seems Corliss at times feels a little off kilter. He sees Andreas with all his children, and two ex-wives, and I got the feeling that it is just a little intimidating for him. This is also about two men with the drive and determination to save others and themselves. It reflects that it’s not all about the physical love but the strength and support they share during crisis and tragedy. The heartbreaking story with Asher was hard to face. It was heartrending to see Darren fight through his feelings and still continue on to help Andreas find his children.

There are a lot of great secondary characters, but two really stood out for me: Detective Paula Morris, who pulls out all the stops and digs in her heels to help Andreas and Darren any way she can; and Darren’s stepfather, Victor Corliss, retired Police Commissioner, who has a big heart and is always there whenever he’s needed, and sees his family through tough times.

I highly recommend the Bad Behavior series. I was hooked from the very start, and I’m really looking forward to Romantic Behavior to see what L.A. Witt and Cari Z. have in store for Andreas and Darren.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Veronica – ☆☆☆☆
Each book in this series follows the relationship and partnership of Andreas and Darren, so they must be read in order.

The guys have plenty on their plate. Andreas is recovering from surgery to repair is broken ankle and Darren is coming to terms with his brother's failing health as he is put into a nursing home. On top of that, they are having dinner with Andreas' children so that they can meet Darren, and Andreas can come clean about his own health. So, when three of Andreas' four children are kidnapped, it is almost more than our pair can handle.

This story is heart pumping action pretty much from start to finish. There is no time to think, you just get swept up in the events and emotion of the story. The investigation to find the missing children moves quickly but has plenty of enquiries that lead to dead ends, and it puts Andreas and Darren though hell.

I was on the edge of my seat reading Reckless Behavior and I devoured it in one day. It is another great story in the Bad Behavior series and I look forward to seeing where life takes Andreas and Darren next.

Sarah – ☆☆☆☆☆
I love this series and it just keeps getting better! The action starts at the beginning of this third book and it never stops. Both Darren and Andreas’ families are in crisis and they can’t rely on any of their police colleagues for assistance.

I really enjoyed the fast-paced intensity of this story. If the first two books established Darren and Andreas’ relationship, this one shows them working as true partners as they attempt to find Andreas’ kids and keep both families together. Once again, the investigation into the kidnapping is a complicated and exciting puzzle. In the previous books, we’d heard about Darren’s family, but this time his kids and his ex-wives are very real and the relationships are almost as complicated as the kidnapping.

I don’t think this will work as a standalone. There isn’t much recap from the first two books and readers need to understand the police politics and Andreas and Darren’s personal lives before reading this one. But this is a series I’ve loved from the start. I can’t wait for the next one.

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5 Mind Boggling Stars!!!

Wow, just wow! From Andreas's kids being kidnapped and then with all that happened with Asher, this book was such an emotional rollercoaster for me.

As a mother, I think one of my worst nightmares is that of one or both of my daughters being abducted, so the fact that Erin, Casey and Emily were kidnapped in this book was difficult to read. I was on tenterhooks hoping that they would find a clue or a lead or something and that they'd be rescued.

As in the previous installments, Andreas and Darren had Paula helping them out. I have said it before and I will say it again, but she's one badass detective and she helps keep the guys grounded when they need it the most. I loved seeing Thidebeau being sort of forced to help them out, too. That was fun. And it was nice that most of the precinct rallied to help with the investigation, even if Andreas isn't their favorite person.

I loved seeing Darren and Andreas be there for each other, even when they were each going through a family crisis. They're just so perfect for each other and I just adore that they both are willing to go through fire for their partner's wellbeing. It was especially amazing to see Darren let go of his good character and push the envelope a bit more.

Overall, this series is quickly becoming one of my favorites in this trope. It's realistic and gritty and raw, action-packed and fast-paced and while there's no sex in this particular book, I adored seeing Andreas and Darren falling deeper with each other. I'm already looking forward to the last book which will be released on Jan. 15! So, if you're planning on reading, just start now, then you'll be all ready for when Romantic Behavior goes live.

*** Copy provided to me by Riptide Publishing via NetGalley for my reading pleasure. ***

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This series has always been packed with emotion. Not surprising, considering the fact that a powerful #EvilAuthor duo who combined forces to create the Bad Behavior series. They pulled out ALL the stops with Reckless Behavior.

In Reckless Behavior, both Andreas and Darren are dealing with their own personal nightmares. They've never needed each other's support more than now, but neither one of them is in a good place. They wanted to be there for each other but events spiraled out of their control. When Darren tried to be there for Andreas, he was hurt by the fact that Andreas tried to give him the space to deal with what he was going through... and it went both ways. They were a mess, but they wanted nothing more to be there for each other, even though both of them were crushed. I was totally heartbreaking which made this book impossible to put down. I just wanted things fixed for both of them.

There was no easy fix and the bad guy was not who I expected it to be, but I can't say I was totally surprised either. This book was full of suspense, love, heartbreak, and craziness. There was even a little bit of time for some heated romance... which was a much needed distraction for both the characters and the reader. Yeah, Reckless Behavior was that intense.

On the plus side, I liked getting to know Andreas family - including his ex's. There was still a lot of love and respect there, which says a lot about Andreas. He still has a way to go to make up for some precious lost time, but he's getting there. With Darren's influence and help.

There's at least one more book in the Bad Behavior series and I'm really hoping that Romantic Behavior lives up to its title ;) This couple definitely deserves a little more romance and a lot less danger.

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4.5 Stars! This book isn't a stand a lone and you should definitely read books 1 & 2 first. The third book takes off right after the second book with Andreas still dealing with his ankle and of course Darren is still dealing with his brother's health issues.

This book is incredibly fast paced and the characters are in crises mode for 95% or more of the book. This means no sex in the book but honestly with the situation they are dealing with it's understandable. Now normally I want more heat and romance in my book but it would have felt out of place with the plot of this book. There may not have been any sex or big romantic moments but there was a lot of love, loyalty and devotion in this book. Andreas and Darren were 100% there for each other and they leaned on each other to get through. I loved this and I'm so glad that the relationship didn't falter under all the strain of the situation.

The suspense is edge of your seat as the characters try to figure out who is behind the kidnapping and of course find Andreas kids. I couldn't put it down until I got to the end and then I could finally take a breath and relax.

Reckless Behavior is a high octane, suspenseful book that tests the limits of both our MC's and shows us that they can get through anything as long as they have each other. I enjoyed every minute of it and I'm really looking forward to the last book which should have some of the heat/romance this one didn't. A series I highly recommend - lots of suspense, action, likable characters, great family moments and two men you can't help but root for.

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4.5 stars - Wow, what more could possibly go wrong for Darren and Andreas in this installment? It takes the old adage of “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”, to the extreme. They knew there were hurdles to overcome and they knew it was going to get worse before it got better…they just didn’t see it happening all at the same time. I was in a daze just trying to keep up.

Darren, in my humble opinion, got it much worse than Andreas. Not trying to compare their pain, but Darren had to be a supportive lover and a top notch cop at the same time that he was in the grieving process. It was so “ouch” that I felt like curling up into a ball and crying with him. He was simply running on fumes and when he was finally able to take a breath and deal with his loss, my heart broke wide open for him.

Andreas is finally planning to tell his kids the truth, about his HIV status and his sexuality, when tragedy strikes and three of his four kids are kidnapped right under his nose. I know I’d said earlier that Darren had it a bit worse, and this might seem like a parent’s worst nightmare, but at the end, Andreas was reunited with his family, and Darren was still in mourning. He was strong for everyone until it was over and then he broke. I am still heartbroken for him.

We know Darren’s brother is not going to make it, we knew up front that he was terminal, but it didn’t make it any easier when the worst happens, at the worst possible time. I will say, though, that I had my heart in my throat once Darren got tested for the gene that ruined his brother. Considering Andreas was already HIV positive, I wouldn’t put it past the authors to give the smack down to Darren, too.

Fortunately, this heartbreaker ends on a high note, and I am so looking forward to Romantic Behavior. From the blurb, it doesn’t appear to be the heartbreaker of this one, and I for one, could use a little levity for these boys. Highly recommended.

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This was good!

and sad, and scary, and oh so wonderful.

Darren and Andreas *sigh* - that's adult love right there.

There's not a single sex scene in the book, yet the love and devotion stand out like no other story I've read in recent memory. Through the critical times and the mellow times, these two are a perfect match.

Reckless Behavior keeps us in critical mode 99% of the time. It's an edge of your seat suspense that's tests our MCs' limits. Through it all there is love and caring and support that shine brightly from friends and family and especially from each of our guys.

It's just downright beautiful my friends.

I love this series. It has a full plot, crime, suspense, family ties, and a little romance thrown in to the mix. Exciting story with wonderful characters.

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4* Another decent instalment in this series, with a mix of happy and unhappy families...

This is the 3rd book in the series, with the leads now a committed couple that feels comfortable coming out to Andreas's kids, and so a date is arranged, but 3 kids end up kidnapped, and one injured, and it's game on to find the kidnappers and get the kids back.

It's a nicely done plot, with an apparent villain and one I hadn't seen coming, but it did seem that the denouement and the 'everything's OK' were a little too easy, too convenient, too quick - I am not saying that the investigation was rushed, but the perpetrator got what he deserved and all got tied up nice and easy.

The tale ended with the promise of a HEA that I can't quite believe for these guys - they don't do emotions, they don't really do commitment in a hurry, though they are bonded through events and through family, and the lack of. And there's a lot of family in this tale, former, future and present, which was unexpected and actually rather heartwarming, though with a fair bit of sadness for some.

Book 4, out in Jan18, I suspect will be the last, and it has the potential to either make the series or take it to a level where reader-me thinks, 'Really? They went there?' I hope the authors do the leads and the series justice, as this has been one of the best offerings in MM this year.

ARC courtesy of NetGalley and Riptide Publishing, for my reading pleasure.

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L.A. Witt and Cari Z weren't afraid to pack the punches with the next chapter in the Bad Behavior series. Strap yourself in for an emotional, yet satisfying, ride.

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We return to the world of Detectives Corliss & Ruffner, where Andreas Ruffner is trying to do the right thing by his extended family by coming clean about his past and his future, which now involves his partner Darren Corliss. Unfortunately just as he starts to get the record straight his past catches up with them and leads to a kidnapping case that is personal. The unrelenting pressure is on to find the perpetrators, rescue the victims and start to heal the pain that haunts Darren. We follow the case as the tension ramps higher. I was waiting for them to get a much deserved break, willing Witt & Cari to give it to them.

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Another exciting installment with twists & turns... Not a lot of romance, but what was there was awesome! Bring on book 4!!

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