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The Only Thing

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The Only Thing was a cute and fun read. I liked chemistry between J.T. and Hope although sometimes Hope 's character irritated me.

ARC copy provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I have been waiting for JT's story since we met him in the McCauley brothers series and I am so happy with it! Hope is such a fun, relatable character and her chemistry with JT is undeniable. The fake turn real romance is off the charts hot. And we get a glimpse of some of our favorite people from the MCCauley and Donnigan families. This is a fantastic addition to the series and a must read!

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Sexy, sweet, and full of honesty that really surprised me. J.T. and Hope were wonderful together and really burned it up as well. They each had their own reasons for pursuing a fake relationship, which is probably one of my most favorite tropes, but the love they find is real and I was on board with them from the word go. The side plot thing with the stalker felt unnecessary in the face of other drama stuff surrounding them and it didn't really make their relationship stronger, nor did it give them some fabulous insight either. Other than that I truly enjoyed this story and felt it was a great addition to the author's catalogue.

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There was nothing ‘fake’ about this stellar read!

Hope and J.T. were everything in this funny, romantic, full of all the heat, story! I’m not a fan of pretend or fake relationships at all. They are usually awkward and feel forced yet these two… They were awkward and anything but that. Natural, warm and completely engaging, they, and their author, have made me a convert…

Hope was in a good place really. Giving up on dating, steady employment, nothing was wrong. Well, except for her mother who couldn’t see anything right in her daughter’s life, or the choices she made. In matchmaker mode, she was relentless so Hope didn’t have a choice really. She had to rope J.T. into her plot… J.T. was in a very good place too. His shop was doing well, his family was too. The spark he felt for Hope didn’t go against his casual approach to dating, he could help her without endangering his heart. Of course he could…

I LOVED everything about this story. It was full of witty, witty banter and all the heat that these two could generate – and that was a lot! There were in jokes, family frivolity and sexual innuendo that had me smiling the whole way through. J.T. was charming personified, with a warmth that made him totally lickable – I mean likable ;-) – and completely irresistible. Hope was his match in every way, even as they both refused to admit it.

Funny, sexy, warm and absolutely one of the best reads of the year. The Donnigans and McAuleys are sensational and I will be catching up with all of them while hoping for more!

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Fake relationship to happily ever after.
Hope was happy with job, life and almost had it all except in her mother's eyes, she needs a man and better job. She didn't want to be bothered by her mother so she decided to create a fake boyfriend. When she was creating fake boyfriend, she wasn't picturing anybody particular and when she thought about it, she could only think about JT, a tattoo artist with gorgeous looks.
J.T always had a hots for Hope but his family is a bit tangled with Hope's relative so he was told to stay clear of Hope's way. When Hope approached him with fake boyfriend idea, it was perfect opportunity for him to stay close with reasons.
Now they are playing fake couple but everything seems more like real couple. When Hope has a stalker, J. T will do everything to keep her safe. When stalker was just sending just simple bouquet of flowers, it wasn't a big deal but when it escalates it brings her family and his family together.
Hope feels safe and everything feels real but she wasn't sure if JT is ready for commitment. He never committed to any relationship and she wasn't sure this was just fake or it will be real for both...

This could be standalone (I didn't read the previous ones.) and this is perfect easy summer read. I like reading fake to real trope.
Thanks to Netgalley and Source Casablanca for my ARC in exchange for honest review.

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The final book in the Donnigan Trilogy has finally landed and seriously I need to go back and read this greatness again just to appreciate the full level of awesomeness. For long time fans of Marie Harte most of the characters in this book will be extremely familiar and much loved, but most of us have been waiting a long time to see J.T. find his own HEA with the woman of his dreams, who it just so happens turns out to be the sister of the Donnigan boys. This story begins with a typical trope of “fake boyfriend turned real” but soon we see the magic of Marie lead us into the true and abiding love that never fails to make her novels truly memorable. I loved every second of this story and though I was sad to see the end of the series, I am wondering what comes next and if we will be seeing more of these characters in future series coming our way, because I want to see how J.T. and Hope fare in the future. J.T. has been a tiny bit obsessed with Hope since the first moment he saw her, but he knows she is beyond off limits to him because of all the twisted family connections between them. Hope has her own little crush on the sexy bad boy, but she’s never really gotten a chance to know him, because if she had she would have known how truly in trouble she would be when she goes to him for help with a scheme to convince her mother to back off of her matchmaking. J.T. is the kind of deep character that on the surface you could write off as just another bad boy, but once we get to know him we can see the sweet, charming, wounded soul underneath, and of course the sexy factor only increases because of it. His intensity and the way he shows Hope just what she means to him, even as he knows he could never keep her, gives every woman hope (sorry no pun intended) that we might find our own bad boy with a heart of gold out there somewhere someday. Hope has her own issues, not the least of which are her problems with her mother (boy, do I relate to the mother issues), but when she pulls J.T. into her life she never imagined she’d found the best thing to ever happen to her. He boosts her confidence in herself and shows her that she is the perfect woman just the way she is and she doesn’t need to change for anyone, and what woman doesn’t want that from her lover. I enjoyed seeing her finding her footing and accepting that sometimes wanting something different from everyone else doesn’t make you “less” just different and realizing that ambition doesn’t look the same for everyone. The chemistry between Hope and J.T. was off the scale and there is no way you will be able to keep cool reading their story, even if you’re in a bikini in the snow! I only wish the story could have gone on even longer so I could have continued to enjoy it, but that’s the beauty of books isn’t it—always we can reread and enjoy again and again. I am looking forward to whatever Marie sends us next and cannot wait to find out more about the interesting people of this town. If you have missed the other series that link to this story, you might miss some of the subtle backstory, but Marie never leaves us hanging so don’t fear… but I DO highly recommend picking up those other series and having a field day with them ASAP. Another sensual and satisfying ending to a series of sexy and badass men.

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Start a book with a fake relationship and it's right up my alley! And their conflicting desires for the future made for a wild ride!

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J.T. and Hope love each other and are very devoted to one another before either even admits it to themselves. Cute and sometimes funny story that I enjoyed.

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Hope and J.T. met in the book before this one but it still picks up with them seeing each other because both of their families get together. J.T. is a tattoo artist and really likes Hope but does not think a women like Hope would go for him, plus he is just a one date sort of guy. When one day she goes to J.T. and asks him to be her fake boyfriend for an event in order to stop her mother from bugging her about not having a man or a date. They are friends already but now they start to find out more about each other and Hope is falling for J.T. and when their fake dating turns into real he of course is scared and her mother can always put a damper on things with being a snob, but the author puts everything together and makes this work. This is different than your normal fake dating book these were friends first and you get to see that and it is a natural progression into each other. A wonderful story.

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Oh man, C is for chemistry and that is what J.T. and Hope have. I have a small crush on J.T. I really enjoyed his part of the story line whereas Hope irritated me at times.

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The third and final book of The Donnigans series follows Hope, the youngest and only girl among the siblings. And it is also a crossover with the Body Shop Bad Boys, which if you have not read both series, it is hard to get into your head how everyone is related.

This is a standalone novel, nonetheless. And you really do not need to read the other books in both series. But, if you want to understand the family dynamics that is going on, then I suggest that you read the other books.

Moving on to Hope and JT’s story. The would-be lovers met in family functions and there is an instant attraction between them. Though they are not related in any way, shape or form, their family dynamics just seem to make hooking up taboo.

Hope and JT would not have acted on their attraction, except that fate had other plans. A simple twist of fate found Hope and JT pretending to be boyfriend/girlfriend. And it is their journey as couple from pretend to real that makes this book interesting.

“The Only Thing” is a romantic story, first and foremost. But, there is a touch of “coming-of-age” with Hope’s story. I would have given this a 5 star but the family dynamics was confusing at times. Though I have read all books in The Donnigans and the Body Shop Bad Boys, I still got confused. I could not remember all the family connections if I don’t put it down on paper. For that, I took out one star.

“The Only Thing” is Rated M for Mature for sexual content and rude behavior.

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This 3rd book in the Donnigan Series centers on the Donnigan sister, Hope. It doesnt stand alone well, as the family dynamic builds from book one, and if this is the first you read of the series, it may not play as well. Marie Harte has a talent for writing splendid dialogue, it reads quite conversationally. The dialogue in The Only Thing is crisp and appropriate to the characters. The family aspects of the series are strong and engaging, as are the characters. The Only Thing is a story about second chances, and it's light and entertaining. Looking forward to the next Marie Harte book,

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Hope Donnigan is the cousin to the McCauley Brothers. Her cousin Mike married JT's sister, Del. Since they met, there's been a connection between JT and Hope, but they've stayed away from each other for their own reason; JT because his sister sees him as a bit of a player and doesn't want him to screw with the McCauley/Donnigan "ecosystem". Hope, on the other hand, has made really poor choices in the men she's dated. Some of the abusive. So she's taking a man hiatus. Her draw to JT is concerning to her.

But this doesn't stop her from throwing JT under the bus when her mother starts harping on her for making bad choices in men, her job, and everything else. Hope tells her mother the one thing she knows will upset her, that JT is a tattoo artist. To prove that she and JT are dating, he agrees to spend time with her to make their dinner with her family feel more realistic. As JT and Hope become closer, their feelings can't be denied, but there is an outside force trying to break them up.

With concern for Hope's safety, this draws them closer together.

I really liked this book. I loved JT and how he was with Hope. I loved how her family gave her a hard time with everything, even though it was done in jest. I did think her mother was really hard on her. I get that she wanted the best for her, but doing it the way she did was hurtful. I found it hard to hear myself.

I really want to read a book about Heller and Rena. That would be awesome.

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Great book! JT and Hope were an interesting coupling, but they absolutely made sense when they got together! I loved this book because it offered more than just a cookie cutter storyline.

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Synopsis: JT is a tattooist who has his own tattoo shop. He is attracted to Hope, who is the niece of the woman his father is seeing, and a cousin to his sister's husband. They do run across each other once in a while, but it isn't until Hope wants to teach her mother to stop being such a snob that they see a lot more of each other. Hope asks JT to pretend to be her boyfriend. In order to pull it off and fool her mother, JT and Hope spend more time together getting to know one another.
JT has been attracted to Hope since he met her, but since he is a one-and-done kind of guy, and Hope is a dating kind of girl, he knows it will never work. Which is why the opportunity to spend time with Hope with no expectations sounds great to him.
Hope is trying to learn to be by herself, since she can't seem to pick good men. Before JT and Hope know it, though, their feelings are starting to grow.

What I liked: the fact that JT and Hope got to know each other first before acting on their physical attraction. Hope was determined to be her own person, and JT liked her and respected her for that. Even though Hope didn't really get along with her mother, she could recognize that she was a lot like her, which showed her self-awareness. It was nice seeing characters from other series and catching up on their lives. The family togetherness and love in both families was nice to see. JT was very protective of Hope, while still respecting her boundaries. I liked that they grew together, as individuals and as a couple.

What I didn't like: there was quite a bit going on, what with Hope's stalker, all the family issues.

Overall impression: JT and Hope were made for each other, and I completely believed their journey to their relationship. Alternating 3rd person POV between Hope and JT.

*I received a copy through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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We all love our mom's but when they want the best for us and have no problem telling us what we are doing wrong, we want to do the's that little "girl" inside of us that is stomping her foot. Reading this book was exactly how I would want to do this! I liked JT as a caring, HOT tattoo artist. Both JT and Hope's family are tangled together so soon everyone knows that they are "dating". This was an enjoyable read.

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4 star

I was pulled right into this story. This story will pull you in and make you laugh through the entire story. The story has laughs, secrets, and heartbreak.

If you have not read the below I would recommend reading those books(s) first
A Sure Thing (The Donnigans, #1)
Just the Thing (The Donnigans, #2)

This is Hope and J.T.’s story. Hope is starting to get her life together, but she is single. When her mother gets on her about the right job, and the right man she comes up with a plan. She is going to fake date a man she thinks her mother would not like. J.T. is just that man. If she can date him she just might be able to get her mother off her back. J.T. has wanted Hope since he first met her and when she comes to him with a fake dating relationship he agrees. While these two get closer someone is just not happy that Hope is with someone else. The threats get worst and worst until they can figure out who is behind them. With the stalker gone will Hope want J.T. and her fake dating to be over? Or will J.T. convince her that he is the one for her no matter what?

I loved these characters and the side characters. I felt I could connect with the characters and the story was a great read.

I recommend this book.

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I've been looking forward to J.T.'s book since he was first introduced in the Donnigan/McCauley/Webster/BodyWorks universe, and I am pleased to say that this story didn't disappoint!

I loved how Hope and J.T. interacted with one another! They just oozed chemistry and connection, and their romance, even mired in fake beginnings, was a joy to watch unfold! I connected with them both right away, and was sad to see the book end.

The only thing that detracted from the book for me was the relationship between Hope and her mother. I absolutely hated it! They weren't talking to one another in a meaningful way at all, and if one tried to, the other didn't listen! It felt so manufactured! I knew that we wouldn't have a story with out this scenario between them, but it still didn't sit well with me.

All things considered, I would highly recommend this book and series!

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I voluntarily read an advanced review copy of this book

This book was pretty good, I laughed and cried and wanted to read more and more. There was a tad bit of mystery/suspense mixed in with the romance which kept things refreshing. I really thought I knew who it was and Marie Harte definitely surprised me.

Overall a good read.

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Hope and J.T. have a sweet love story that goes from friends to lovers. Hope asks J.T. to pretend to be her boyfriend in front of her mother since she is sick of her mother thinking she needs a man in her life and that she must be unhappy at her job. She lies to her mother telling her J.T. has tattoos, has been to prison and has several baby mommas. LOL! J.T. agrees because he loves spending time with Hope and has feelings for her. Only, he isn't into relationships and he knows Hope is a forever kinda girl.
Well worth a read. This is book 3 in this series. It can be read alone, but then you lose knowing about the characters from previous books.

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