Member Reviews

When I realized that our main character, Timothy Blake, is a cannibal, I was pretty sure I was going to hate this book. Much to my pleasure, there were zero gruesome cannibalistic scenes, and the storyline, although bizarre and somewhat creepy, is a fantastic crime thriller.
One evening, Blake is caught eating a man on the side of the road by an off-duty FBI Agent who has his own secrets to hide. The two strike up a deal – Blake says nothing about the agent’s visit to the brothel and his penchant for cocaine and in exchange, Blake will work as a civilian consultant with the FBI – getting paid in bodies of death row inmates he can feast on to his heart’s content.
Oddly enough, I really took to Timothy Blake and was routing for him through to the end – which by the way, I did NOT see coming. There were a few times that I was convinced I knew what the criminal behind the string of kidnappings Blake was trying to solve, but I turned out to be wrong every time.

Thank you so much to Netgalley and Hanover Square Press for providing me with a free copy to read and review.

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I am sorry for the inconvenience but I don’t have the time to read this anymore and have lost interest in the concept. I believe that it would benefit your book more if I did not skim your book and write a rushed review. Again, I am sorry for the inconvenienc

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This book reads like a classic James Patterson novel. It is also somewhat reminiscent of the show "The Blacklist". If you like both of those things, you will probably enjoy this book.

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I received a copy of this from the publisher via netgalley in exchange fir an honest review.

This thriller/mystery novel has a bit of a dexter vibe to it, the only difference being that the main character is a cannibal. Not so much a distinguished cannibal like Hannibal lector but a really raw, nitty, gritty, brilliant man.
Timothy works as a consultant for the FBI on hard to solve cases. He doesn’t get paid in the usual way. Instead he gets one of the inmates on death row to chow down on.
The case itself was a murder kidnapping case gone awry. There’s many twists and turns and I’ve got to say that I didn’t see that ending coming. Thus novel was dark, raw and suspenseful but I couldn’t quite get attached to the characters yet. I may need any other novel in the series for that. That being said, I’d check out the next one.

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Hangman freaked me out because the premise is so plausible. If it happened to me, I can only hope I'd have heroes on my side like the ones Jack Heath created to save his characters!

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This was a middle-of-the-road read for me. While I liked a lot of aspects, there were some things I disliked, and overall, I just didn't feel strongly enough about the book to really warrant adding an in-depth review to the blog.

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A weird blend of Dexter Morgan and Hannibal Lector. I was grossed out yet enthralled for the duration.

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The plot for Hangman had me intrigued because it was so outrageous; the cannibal who helps the FBI? I had to give it a try. I will absolutely keep reading the series.

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Thank you Netgalley and Harlequin for this copy of Hangman in exchange for an honest review.

Hangman is a Thriller/Horror novel about a 14 year old boy who goes missing when he was walking home from school. On the case to find the boy is Timothy Blake, a genius called on by the FBI to help the investigation. What's interesting about this book is that while Blake is doing something good in helping to find the boy, he is also a sociopath who has the need to take lives as well as save them. Blake is very much an antihero and this book is not for the faint of heart. With descriptive, disturbing scenes and an intensity, it read more like a horror novel than mystery.

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While this book is a thriller, I think it leans a bit more towards the horror genre and if that's not your cup of tea then think twice as this is very descriptive :) The writing is solid and intriguing - it can keep you hooked. the story-line is a bit far-fetched which can make you lose interest. so to met he book is a 50/50 it's goign to epend on a lot of things but overall well-written and unique story.

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The plot is incredibly far-fetched, but was intriguing enough that I wanted to see how it played out. The cannibalism talk got to be old and over the top just for shock value. There was a mystery but the reader was given no clues to try to deduce who the killer was other than process of elimination as to the characters we have met.

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was a gripping thriller that took you to every aspect of trying to figure out what was really going on and what was going to happen next! This was such an amazing book and I can’t wait to see what else is released from this author!

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Sick, twisted and wonderful. A cannibal, civilian FBI consultant who helps solve kidnapping cases in exchange for his next meal which can now be rationalized since it is a criminal scheduled for lethal injection. This book was unlike any other I have ever read which made it unpredictable, a hard quality to find in a psychological thriller these days. My only complaint about this book was that the reader is never given the answers to the riddles at the beginning of each chapter.

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At 55% I am going to have to call this one quits. I like the story well enough. The suspense of who done it has kept me turning the pages far longer than I normally would in this case. Kudos to Jack Heath for that reason alone! The civilian who has a photogenic memory and helps the FBI solve missing children cases definitely has me hooked. And I am really tempted to finish it. I want and need to know who the hell cut out Cameron's kidney and what in the ever loving hell is going on with Cameron and his mother. But with all that want and need I don't think I can get passed the whole cannibalism thing. I'm not a squeamish person, but reading about a human eating another human just really, really freaks me out. Hell, I can't even do zombie books or movies. This may be one of those books I skip to the end to find out the mystery; however, I fear I will miss a huge important part of it. And I read somewhere that there will be a second book. I definitely know I can't read two books with this "quirk."

I will definitely give Jack Heath another try as I enjoy his writing, at least what I got through, otherwise.

Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book.

My rating has no reflection on this book. Netgalley makes you chose one.

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Jack Heath introduces readers to a very disturbing anti-hero who works for the FBI when they need the best and his payment is taken in Flesh:

When a 14 year old boy is kidnapped and there is a ransom call with a deadline the FBI have called in expert consultant Timothy Blake aka Hangman. Blake is not only a genius known for solving the impossible cases but he is also a sociopath. But Blake may have met his match on this case. The kidnapper is cunning and foils Blake at every turn. Along with his newly assigned partner (Blake doesn't work well with other), he has to be on his toes not only to find the kidnapper but to keep his dark secrets. You see every time Blake saves a life be gets to take one in return, and Blake needs his pounds of flesh in order to survive. Clock is ticking and who knows who will come out of this alive

Unfortunately with book has been moved to my DNF shelf and I am extremely bummed about it. I always hate when I cannot finish a book, I think every reader and reviewer hates the feeling where a book sounded promising but just couldn’t grab a hold of you. This is the problem I had with Hangman. I’m not sure where this book went wrong for me. It has an interesting and down right disturbing anti-hero, has a cat and mouse type “game”, a different type of premise and yet there I was having read 50% of the book and it felt like work to pick up the book to read it. And trust me I have so little time to read these days, I don’t want to have something I love feel like work, when I need it to be enjoyable.

I’m sure many people will love this book and I’m truly shocked I could not get in to this book or characters. Maybe I’ll revisit it later but right now not for me. Those of you who would like to check it out, be warned it is not for the faint of heart. As mentioned above the main character is an anti-hero and let’s just say he has some Hannibal Lector qualities about him (and by that I mean the eating kind) as well as some Dexter qualities and truest me Heath is not sparse on the details for this and other aspects in this book. Timothy Blake is really like a marriage between Lector and Dexter but with even more socially awkward qualities and none of either of their charisma. See what I mean I should have loved this book....

Oh well you cannot win them all I suppose. On to my next read, I'm truly disappointed that I was unable to finish this book.


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Wow! There isn't much that surprises me or makes me squeamish, but there are some rather descriptive scenes in this novel. I was interested in this premise, but I found some of it hard to believe. You definitely need to stretch your understanding of what's possible with this novel. A wild ride, nonetheless.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced readers copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Unfortunately, I have tried reading this book on 2 separate occasions and during this 2nd attempt, I have only managed to make it halfway through so I'd rather stop here and state that this book just wasn't for me.
I wish the author, publisher, and all those promoting the book much success and connections with the right readers.

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First, let me get this out there.....this reads more like a horror story than mystery. Having said that, it is also not for the faint of heart. There are things that happen in this story that might disturb some people. Timothy Blake is an FBI consultant who is not your typical consultant. He is called in when usually all else fails. The big problem is there is a very high price for his work, one that he must keep hidden from others. He gets a new partner on this job, but she is someone from his past. Not exactly great working conditions for Timothy. But can he break the case and get the child back, or will the kidnapper just go ahead and kill this child no matter what happens? You will need to read the book to find out. I reviewed a copy of this book from Net Galley and Hanover Square Press. I am glad I no longer chew my fingernails....this book would of killed them all off!

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An unusual (to say the least) consultant to the FBI

Timothy Blake is barely a step above homeless. He grew up in a group home after his parents were murdered, never finished high school, and yet is a consultant for the FBI in Houston, Texas. He is bright, intuitive, and a monster.

The premise of this book is totally unbelievable but that didn't keep me from reading - and enjoying - the book.

A teenager has been kidnapped and Blake has been called in to consult on the case. It quickly snowballs into a much more complicated case and Blake, along with his FBI handler, are chasing down all sorts of leads.

This book isn't for everyone because it is pretty darn gruesome. It reminds me of DEXTER in some ways.

One thing I noticed throughout the book that took my attention away from the story was a multitude of British-isms scattered throughout. For example, kerb for curb, salt sachets rather than salt packets and more. The story is supposedly in Houston, USA but is written by an Australian author.

I liked the book and recommend it to all thriller readers with strong stomachs.

I received this book from Hanover Square through Net Galley in the hopes that I would read it and leave an unbiased review.

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Tim Blake has had a rough life. His parents killed when he was a baby, sent to a foster care center and struggling to keep his head above water in general, sometimes homeless, sometime living other rough characters. Tim's main problem is his chronic hunger......the hunger for human flesh. After hooking himself a job as a consultant on kidnapping cases with the FBI, a rather unusual payment method is established: for every case solved, his boss has death row inmates paralyzed rather than giving them the lethal injection. Tim is a cannibal, but one with an uncanny ability to piece together complex cases and bring people home.
If you never thought you could root for a cannibal, think again! Tim is highly relate-able and you'll find yourself rooting for him as he faces Drug Leaders, hired roughnecks and a temptation he never anticipated with FBI agent Reese Thistle, who just happens to have lived in the same foster home as himself and know as Arty.

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