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The First Kiss of Spring

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Emily March does a fabulous job with this series! I love the town of Eternity Springs, of course Celeste, and each new resident always has a great way they have found themselves in Eternity Springs.

Caitlin is a strong woman who has to stand up to the criticism of her family when she decides to leave the successful career and city life of New York to head home and open a daycare.

Josh has found himself in Eternity Springs as his brother Brick opened a business and needed his help. Now Josh has decided to stay and open his own mechanic shop in town.

Josh and Caitlin have an unexpected encounter while out of town and neither realize the connection to Eternity Springs until it's brought to their attention in an unexpected way. Josh is all too happy to head back home and forget Caitlin as he thinks she is headed home for good to NY. He has a terrible track record in love and with the secrets that he is harboring thinks he isn't good enough for Caitlin. How surprised is he when the new business owner across the street is Caitlin.

Caitlin knows Josh is the one- he's it. She has no qualms in packing it up in NY and following her dreams in Eternity Springs. The problem is will it take an eternity for Josh to come around and see things as she does?

Josh's secrets and his life have such pain, grief and despair. The writing for such heavy topics was passionate and informative. The struggles of Josh were evident and his strength to overcome and get healthy was obvious.

These two are sweet together and terrible apart.

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Another trip back to the beautiful Eternity Springs. I love this town, it sounds so lovely and I enjoy coming back to it with each book in this series.

This story is about Caitlin and Josh. Caitlin is a textile designer and currently lives in New York, but has had enough of big city living and is planning on moving back to Eternity Springs soon, where her family now live, and changing her career. The story starts off in a nearby town where she has flown into to be a bridesmaid for one of her good friends. The first day there she gets stuck in a cable car gondola with an attractive guy, Josh, and his wheelchair-bound dachshund, Penny. Sparks fly and she ends up inviting him to the wedding the next day, which he accepts.

Her parents turn up at the same resort, unbeknownst to any of them, and it turns out that Josh actually lives and works in Eternity Springs, owning his own garage. Caitlin then moves back to Eternity Springs and starts pursuing Josh, who she is sure is her soul mate. He resists initially, but then agrees to a relationship on his terms (no marriage/babies/commitment) which she agrees too, planning on changing his mind. Josh isn't quite who he seems to be though and has a LOT of baggage, some of it very sad.

Caitlin's Dad really got on my nerves. He decided he didn't like Josh and his daughter as a couple immediately, without really knowing him, and was very, very judgemental, to the point of getting him investigated! Admittedly he had his own issues going on, but I found him very irritating.

Josh did go through an awful lot, in his previous life and life in Eternity Springs, but it was lovely that Caitlin stuck by him even when he was acting completely out of character when he was ill. His past slowly revealed itself though and was resolved, with the background presence of the spiritual Celeste Blessing always there, as she is in all the books, gently advising and guiding everyone to where they need to be.

Another very enjoyable book in this series.

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The First Kiss of Spring (Eternity Springs #14) by Emily March .... Let me just say...I want to move to ETERNITY SPRINGS... Celeste is back and who wouldn't wan her angle touch?... this is Josh and Caitlin's story...Josh is hiding his past...Caitlin wants to move back to Eternity Springs... I was so lucky to get to preview this book through #NetGalley. It is always fun to get back in touch with all the wonderful characters who live in Eternity Springs and see how their lives are going... Emily always gives us plenty of laughs, love and tears of both kinds on our way to a HEA...Oh...and I can't forget Penny...I can't wait for my next visit to Eternity Springs...

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I enjoyed reading this book. I didn't want to put it down until the end! I liked the characters and understood their motivation for their actions. I liked the homey feel of the small town atmosphere.

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Eternity Springs
Josh and Caitlin are two people with different backgrounds that meet in Eternity Springs. They both have past experiences to overcome and soon their “friends with benefits” turns into love for each other. Read the book to find out how their relationship grows as their friendship grows.

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This book is number 14 in the Eternity Springs series. I've read many of the older ones in this series but haven't completely caught up. I enjoy Emily March's writing style and this is another good addition to the series.

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Most romance novels follow a similar formula-boy meets girl and they experience an instant and intense connection, followed by a bump in the road (usually caused by extreme commitment phobia on the part of the man which can only be cured by the love of his woman), and finally a reconciliation and the inevitable happily ever after. Since the plots are so predictable, what separates a good romance novel from a mediocre one is the characters-specifically their background and the "baggage" they bring to the story. One of the best things about Emily March is how deeply she lets us into the minds of her characters-and this is especially true in The First Kiss of Spring, the fourteenth installment in her "Eternity Springs" series. The plot follows Josh (who has more baggage than Amtrak) and Caitlin, an Eternity Springs native who returns to her hometown after years of living in New York City. When Josh and Caitlin meet he tells her upfront he has no interest in a long term relationship, and the best he can offer is a "friends with benefits" liaison. But Caitlin is smitten, and is willing to go along with this arrangement in the hope she can change Josh's mind and become a permanent part of his life. Josh is the most interesting character in The First Kiss of Spring-his backstory unfolds in journal entries from his childhood and teens-and they are haunting and tragic. Even when Josh is acting like a total jerk it's hard not to feel for him. The First Kiss of Spring features characters that appeared in earlier "Eternity Springs" novels, but even if you haven't read any of them Ms. March gives us enough "tidbits" they feel like old friends. The First Kiss of Spring follows the predictable romance novel format-it's the story of Josh that gives this book its spark.

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How I love returning to Eternity Springs!
This is Caitlin's story with Josh. It's also Mac's story. It was warm, loving and also a little scary. I enjoyed all of it. Celeste is the angel as always and I never tire of her character. Beautiful.

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I loved this book. Found myself tearing up at more than one time throughout the book. And as a dog lover, that only made me love it more. Such wonderful, contradictory characters. You find yourself pulling for everyone in this book. I read this in one day and hope that there are more books out there by this author to read. This was truly a wonderful story and everyone who reads it will thoroughly enjoy it ! I know I did !

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Note: Please be aware this book does contain language concerning drug abuse, child abuse, and suicide. However, I feel the author dealt with these issues in a safe and caring manner.

Eternity Springs—where broken hearts go to heal. Josh Tarkington doesn’t believe he has a broken heart per se; he believes he is a broken man altogether based upon his tragic past. And broken men vow to never love another or be responsible for another person again because it’s too hart to be that vulnerable. Enter Caitlin Timberlake. She’s Josh’s complete opposite, full of passion and love and willing to take a chance on him, with whatever boundaries that make him comfortable. But little does she know that secrets haunt not only Josh but her own family as well. While Caitlin is navigating the uncertain waters of a new life back in her hometown, a tragic accident brings to light some of Josh’s past secrets and struggles and she must decide whether or not she can trust him again. Ultimately, Josh must decide whether the benefits of loving another truly outweigh the fears of living a lonely life trapped by his past.

Penny was quite possibly the cutest character in this story. Penny is a paralyzed dachshund with a wheelchair who was adopted by Josh, which automatically makes him quite a hero. And of course it adds such a fun element to the relationship between Josh and Caitlin as the story develops.

Emily March write characters with such humanity and grace. As a reader, I felt the struggles of Josh and Caitlin and found myself cheering for a redemptive story with a HEA. Just as the series theme explains, hearts are healed in this place and I believe it to be true with the readers as well. Eternity Springs in a safe place where readers can become part of a tight knit community and freely experience the joys and sorrows of the characters. And at the end of each book, there is a feeling of renewal and replenishment for the soul, which is priceless.

I received this advanced copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a sweet, well-written book. This book can be read as a standalone story, though it is #14 in the Eternity Springs series. Caitlin and Josh get stuck on a gondola together and realize they are interested in each other. Caitlin sees her encounter with Josh as a sign that she needs to make a major life change, and she moves back to Eternity Springs to open a day care center. She and Josh start dating, but then tragedy strikes and they are tested beyond imagining. I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more books in this series as well as others by this author.

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“The First Kiss of Spring” is Emily March’s fourteenth book in her Eternity Springs set in the fictional town of the same name in the Rocky Mountains. Caitlin Timberlake has come home to help her close friend celebrate her pending nuptials when an excursion up the mountain traps her with a handsome stranger. Caitlin knows that from that meeting that she is meant to marry her handsome stranger, but she also understands that to reach this goal she will need his cooperation. Josh Tarkington came to Eternity Springs when he needed to find a sense of peace and found that he could be happy in the community working on cars and enjoying the great outdoors. The afternoon Josh spent with Caitlin in the gondola affected him as much as it did Caitlin, but for him, he knows that he is damaged goods and being in a relationship is not in his existence. These two soulmates embark on a journey where rules are defined, but as time passes the rules shift and choices must be made in order for them both to find the happiness they deserve. I was given an advanced copy of this book, and all of the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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I’ve just finished another great book! “The First Kiss Of Spring” is the 14th book of a contemporary series, called “Eternity Springs” by Emily March. Thanks to NetGalley for allowing me access to read it. I haven’t read any others of the books in the “Eternity Springs” series so I don’t know if the characters crop up in more than one novel.

3.5 Stars (4 on Goodreads)!

We follow the lives of Caitlin and her family, as well as Josh in “The First Kiss Of Spring”.

Caitlin Timberlake and Josh Tarkington are the main characters. The story is told from 3rd person, omniscient point of view. I would have liked to have seen the story from Caitlin’s perspective because I enjoy reading thoughts and feelings first hand, but the 3rd person perspective wasn’t a terrible choice. We do get a few parts from a 1st person POV at the start of each chapter. I won’t spoil who they’re from here...look in the spoiler section if you want to know...

Caitlin and Josh meet on a trip that they’ve both taken individually. Caitlin has gone to a friend’s wedding to be a bridesmaid and josh is there to be a tourist. They meet on a gondola (a train, not a boat). Caitlin is from New York. She was brought up in Eternity Springs but moved to New York to work in the fashion business. Josh is a mechanic. Caitlin moves back to Eternity Springs because of Josh. She feels an attraction, when she meets him...

Addiction plays a part in “The First Kiss Of Spring”, as well as the disease ALS so if you’re at all wary of those then this might not be the book for you. It’s also an adult romance, too.

Spoilers Below...

The first words Josh says to Caitlin, before he even sees her are, “This is one of the pet friendly cabins. I hope you don’t mind sharing with my dog”. Caitlin doesn’t mind. The dog, Copper Penny, or just Penny is a disabled dog who has a doggy wheelchair. Josh made it. He’s a mechanic so he’s good at making things. Josh comes across as a very caring character when we first meet him. Later on we see him change slightly into someone not so caring. He’s an ex drug user. The reason Josh has Penny is that her owner had to go into a home so he went to the vets looking for a “manly dog” but walked out with her instead. Caitlin and Josh get to know each other better on this gondola.

Caitlin invites Josh to her friend’s wedding. He says yes and things go from there. Both of these characters have many hurdles to they and at what cost? You’ll have to read to find out...

I really enjoyed reading “The First Kiss Of Spring”. It had almost everything I was looking for. I won’t write what it didn’t have because that would lead to a major spoiler but it was cute, funny and a good book about hope.

“Hope was the tender sprout of a crocus bulb pushing through a blanket of snow”

is one of my favourite lines of “The First Kiss Of Spring” because it’s so true. We all have to hope to succeed...

What did I like about “The First Kiss Of Spring”?

* I liked how the story focused on the building relationship between Caitlin and Josh. Yes, we got some other stories, too, but the building romance was the main one.

* I loved the moments between Caitlin and Josh. Their relationship was very realistically written about.

* The overall pace of the story seemed well written. In contemporaries, sometimes we don’t get enough of each individual story that goes into the book. This didn’t happen here. For example, the author wrote the romance, the ALS, the drugs, Caitlin’s change of job. Nothing outshone anything else. It was all equal.

What didn’t I like about “The First Kiss Of Spring”?

* I didn’t like how I felt a chunk of the story was missing. What I mean by this is Caitlin says she wants children to Josh at least three times in this book. She doesn’t get pregnant, though. I don’t think it was necessary to say that she wanted them if she wasn’t going to ever get pregnant, if that makes sense. I don’t know if she’ll crop up in a future book pregnant but still...

* I thought the story could have done without the drugs storyline. It just seemed shoved in at the end.

* I would have preferred to have had the story told from Caitlin’s perspective as it would have added an extra layer to the story.

Overall, I enjoyed “The First Kiss Of Spring”. I’m giving it 3.5 Stars (4 on Goodreads)I might read the others in the series.

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I love a good story about two people who have a raw chemistry that keeps pulling them together, even despite seemingly insurmountable odds. Caitlin and Josh definitely fit this description, as everything from his dark past to her family worked to keep them apart. Both characters were endearing at times, and annoying at others, but that's life. I enjoyed the vision of life in this little town, and how all of the characters, both major and minor, interacted with one another. It was a quick and easy read, and I would definitely be open to reading more stories in this series.

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A charming addition to the Eternity Springs collection. With familiar characters and new additions, this story brings back the world of Eternity Springs as only Emily March can do. A beautiful tale of battling your demons, your past, and finding yourself after tragedy. A story of second chances and allowing yourself to find love again.

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Another great addition to the Eternity Springs series. This story brings up a lot of emotions. A compelling story line with engaging characters. I enjoyed it.

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Caitlin & Josh's story is full of ups & downs, just like real life. Caitlin is moving back home & starting a daycare instead of living in NY & keeping her corporate job. Josh is a former movie star addict trying to live anonymously in Eternity Springs close to his "brother" (son of his foster parents). They meet in Telluride & have an instant connection that Josh doesn't want to continue, so he's not happy when he finds out she's moving to Eternity Springs. He tries to avoid her but finds that something keeps pulling him back. He keeps hidden his true identity & this comes back to haunt him in an interesting way. This is a great story about second chances & dealing with what life throws your way. I like that there's also a spiritual aspect thrown in there as well. Highly recommend reading this book.

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This was a fun & entertaining romantic story. Check it out!

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The latest in the series centered around Eternity Springs.

The minute Caitlin kissed Josh she knew she was going to marry that man!

With fair warning to Josh that he should be prepared to surrender, she set out to make him her own. But Josh has made up his mind to never fall in love or get married.

Josh has been fighting demons for a long time. And it sure seems as if bad luck is on his heels. Coming from Oklahoma's Tornado Alley, he has had his heart destroyed as well as his business and home. Not once, but several times. Just when he seems to be making a home and a good name for himself and his business, little Miss Caitlin drops in his lap, and he has some serious thinking to do!

Caitlin is busy setting up her new daycare business, plotting to make Josh her own, and wondering what the heck is up with her parents who are acting awfully strange.

When everything hits the fan, will family and love win? You'll have to read the book. And I loved every bit of it!

Netgalley/St.Martin's   February 27, 2018

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I loved Caitlin and Josh together.

Caitlin knew from the moment that she met Josh that he was the one for her. Needless to say, Josh doesn’t feel the same way. Josh has had some ruff times during his life, nothing but bad luck, so he tells Caitlin that they can never be more than friends. That he has nothing to offer her.

We see both of them face obstacles in their life and family in their book, The Fisrt KISS of Spring.

I love that we get to visit with past characters in this book, with one of them facing something major. You must read The First KISS of Spring to see what happens. Emily March always delivers us such wonderful stories from Eternity Springs.

ARC provided by NetGalley for an honest review.

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