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Nikan Rebuilt

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AMAZING! This series is one of my favorites, as a whole, and Nik & Jenny's story is a wonderful second-chance story. They both have issues to work through because of their pasts, and as they find their way back to each other - through forgiveness, and learning to love each other and themselves - the journey is swoony, sweet, steamy & wonderful! One of the things that makes this series a favorite is the sense of family highlighted in each story. The journey of the band itself, as each member finds their romantic HEA, leading to an HEA for them as a group... I hope... I'm SO looking forward to Lennon's story next!! : )

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What an emotional read. I haven’t read this author in awhile and I don’t know why. I love her story telling, it is always so real, deep, emotional, sexy, gripping, and loving. She really blows my socks off. I read it till it was done. I couldn’t put it down.

Both characters went through so much in their young lives. So heartbreaking. It is amazing that they came through it all as well as they did. The sex was hot...panty melting hot! Nik was amazing he went through a lot to find himself and grew as a man in so many ways. He has so much love in his heart for others and is so vulnerable yet strong. Jenny was also a great character. She had much to get over because Nik did hurt her badly.

Great story! Great read! I will read the next on Lennon’s story is going to be great!

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Another love story from Preload series. It is a second chance love between Nikan and his teenager love Jenny-the one that got away. So they meet again. What can I say about this story? For me, it was not truly special other than starting some commotion in group Preload there is not much really happening. Jenny and Nikan start again their relationship and they are going from date to date. At first, Janny is reserved at the start but the attraction is still there and is hard to ignore. We see both Nikan and Jenny as a boy and a girl but the most important thing is what had happened after boy grown up in a man who has sorted his priorities in life.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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This book was just wayyyyy to emotionally draining for me. Maybe I need more of a happier book this time of year, but this was a DNF for me.

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4 1/2 Stars! Another great book in this series.

Nik has always been the leader and caretaker of his “brothers” from the group home they spent their teenage years at and that hasn’t changed years after they formed the famous metal band “Preload”. But 23 year old Nik screwed up big time when the band went out on their first tour when he cheated on his long time girlfriend Jenny. By the time he got home, Jenny had vanished from his life. 8 years later she’s back temporarily running the group home the boys grew up in and still help out at. Nik will do anything he can to convince Jenny that he is a changed man and he would never repeat his big mistake. But Jenny doesn’t know if she will ever be able to trust him again even though she still has strong feelings for him.

This is a great addition to this series. I like how Jenny is her own person and just doesn’t fall back into Nik’s arms because he’s rich and famous now. And I liked how Nik didn’t waiver and he jumped through every hoop Jenny placed in his way. I can’t wait for Lennon’s book coming in March.

I received an ARC copy courtesy of St. Martin’s Press through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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I looooooove Scarlett Cole and I’ve been waiting for Nikan. This book is so good. Nikan is EVERYTHING I’ve been waiting for! I can’t believe this series is almost over. After reading Nikan Rebuilt, I’m more anxious than ever for Lennon’s book. Saving the best for last? I think so!!

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Mild Spoilers

Sadly I did not enjoy this one at all. I kept waiting to feel some emotion, but it just felt kinda blah to me, like a gray drizzly day. I couldn't really understand why Lennon had to help her "escape", I mean, I get that he had cheated, but does that justify his action against his brother? And beside the sense of responsibility I couldn't understand Nik's feelings for Jenny. She didn't have much of a personality. This isn't my first book of the series, but I'm not sure I will continue with it.

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I've read every one of Scarlett's books, and I have to tell you, I was probably looking forward to this one the most. Maybe that's why I'm so disappointed. She usually has this ability to make me feel all the things. To bring her characters to life and make me root for them. In this case? I felt nothing.

Nikan and Jenny's story was too assumed. There was no buildup or emotion for me. It just seemed like she told us they were together once, he screwed up, and then BAM she's back and they're in love again. Come on, that's not how it works! I need some emotion! I need the actual story...not to be told it happened.

I'm really let down by this one, because I felt like I didn't get to know either character, nor did we get any sort of resolution to Nikan's issues with his family...just a small lead in and then nothing but a hint that he'd decided to do the show and then an assumed happily ever after.

I'm really looking forward to Lennon's book, but after reading this one, I'm a little nervous!

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This book packs an emotional punch. This series is one of my favorite series to date. In each book we learn more and more of the Preload boys. It's this giant mystery that unwrap even more after each book and keeps you wanting more. Nikan is an emotional tale of two lovers finding their way back to each other. 5 beautiful stars.

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Nikan Rebuilt just solidified the reason that I love this author so much. Scarlett Cole took a situation that would normally have me ready to One-Star a book and turned it into an amazing story while redeeming a character in my eyes. Nikan and Jenny's past nearly broke them but when they come into each others lives again they're able to rebuild that connection they had as teenagers.

I really liked that Jenny did not easily give in to Nikan and she made him work to get back in her good graces. It made their relationship more realistic for me and also had me loving Jenny. I can't say Nikan is my favorite character from this series but he is certainly redeemed in my eyes and someone that I cam to admire.

This book could be okay as a standalone but I would recommend reading all the books in order. Bottom line, this is a great series and it just keeps getting better and better as I read along so don't miss out on these characters.

As a side note I really really loved how she portrayed Nikan's emotions when it came to the history of First Nation people and how their past suffering can still have an effect on people today.

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Another satisfying addition to the Preload series. Scarlett Cole's characters are the best part of her writing. Nikon and Jenny have interesting backgrounds and unique motivations. It is refreshing and believable how Jenny does not immediately forgive Nikon for the past. The ways that Nikon grows and can see the parallels between his relationships with Jenny and himself and the band members is makes for such good reading.

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I really like this story. I have read two other books in this series, and this one is my favorite so far. Nik screwed up with Jenny 8 years ago, but never really let go. She was his one only. Jenny left Nik after he cheated. She got her life back on track, except she couldn't stop loving Nik. This is a second chance story.

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ARC received for review

Another great Preload book. Loved Nikan and Jenny plus seeing all the other boys and their ladies again. Lots of drama and hot sex. Why is it not 5 stars you many times was he going to have to apologize for something that happened years and years ago? Loved all the interaction between the boys...but there's a story line started that was left open

Now will I be able to wait until May for Lennon's book especially after that two page teaser...

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This series is spectacular and if I wish I could give it ten stars because that is what it deserves. Each book is better than the last in this series. The writing is off the charts excellent and it draws in the reader and grabs your soul and sucks all the life from you so you are sitting on the edge of your seat as you turn each page, waiting to see how these broken characters will create something magical. My emotions are all over the place reading this book, one page I have tears then your laughing and following along with these characters who seem to come to life right on the pages of this book. Jenny and Nik belong together and the hurt, pain and tears that he caused and her messed up father have caused come to a boiling point in this story and it is so emotional. The overall analogy of remodeling the house as Nik is being stripped down to his true self is amazing. It is so creative and really brings out his inner strength while addressing the struggles of being there for everyone all the time. This book is perfection wrapped up in a glorious, heart wrenching story about second chances. Loved everything about this book and series!! Amazing!! Masterpiece!!!

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** spoiler alert **

Definitely my least favorite of the series. I expected so much more regarding the reason Nikan cheated!!! Lenon saying he helped her get away because of the things Nik had done made no sense. Lenon made it sound like Nik was doing a lot of bad things but at that point he had only cheated once.

I also felt like his drinking habit was really an after thought. I mean they kept a cabinet and refrigerator locked when all the guys were living together. That wasn't even brought up in this book.

Nikan and Jenny despite the reluctance she had, moved into a semi normal relationship too fast for me. And Jenny had Zero personality. Their story was just too dull for me.

I miss Petal and I wanted more group scenes. The best part of the story was Thomas and Harry.

Looking forward to Lenon especially after the sneak peek!!

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What a book I luvd it so much.

I have been dying for this book. I had so many question about Jenny and what happened between her and Nikan. Jenny seemed to have a strong bond with all the boys in the band. They had a lot of history together and hearbreak. Things weren't goin to be easy now that she was moving to where it all begin.

Nikan is a great guy and is now my favourite guy from this series. I didn't think that I would like him as much as I did. Nikan is the guy that keep the rest of the band together he's like there father figure. Yes the man that gets things sorted and if problem start with the guys he's the one to fix it. But Nikan is getting tried of all this and he has come to a point in is life that he needs to think of himself. It doesn't come easy cause he has done it for so long. The only person that has ever settled him is Jenny but he screwed up big time. Now she was back he needed to prove to her that he is a better man.

Jenny is a great woman. Life as been so hard for her and still is in some ways. But her job makes her feel good it's what she has worked so hard for. To help kids that have no one there for them. Was important to her, she has seen the woman that has looked after the boys Ellen and Maisy and wanted to be like them. She looked up them they did a great job look at the Preload guys now. So if she could do half of what they did she would be happy. The only thing coming back was she would have to face the man that time her heart into piece.

My heart broke for both these characters. They have been through so much together and separately. I understand why Jenny was the way she was. Things couldn't go back to the way they were after what happened. She needed to know if she could even be around Nikan again. But it didn't take long until the attraction was back and it was even stronger than before. But Nikan had to show her that no matter what he was goin to prove he was the man she still wanted. I was so surprise how much he showed his feelings on this. He's so caring and loving and would do anything for the people he was closest to. They meant so much to him they made him the guy he was now. I just luvd him throughout this book. The sexual chemistry between Jenny and Nikan was really hot. It was something that was always hot between them and it hasn't changed after all the time apart.

This book is my favourite from this series. Everything about it was so good. The way the author writes the book is brilliant. I could help but be sucked into the story. Like I said I was heart broken for these characters but I was dying for them to work things out. Every lil thing that happen in the book had me dying to know what was goin to happen it was so good. I can't wait for the next book after the lil teaser we got at the end. I m not goin to lie it killed me and it still goin around in my head now. I really need that book. Back to this book I would highly recommend it it's got everything that I want in a book It's just amazing.

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This is the third book in the Preload series centered around a group of men, who grew up in a foster home and became brothers, inseparable. Their heavy metal band is a huge success, they have fame and fortune but very little private life.

Nikan Mouture, guitarist, is a perfect example of no such thing as privacy. He admits he made a lot of mistakes when they first formed the band. One that had broken something in him, and he has regretted it ever since.
Some compromising videos he kept very private, were hacked and spread over the tabloids, now he couldn’t leave his house. The band still supports the group home they grew up in and Nikan gets a call from one of the boys in trouble. After rescuing him and bringing him home, he is face to face with his biggest regret, Jenny McKade. She was the love of his life, and he never expected to see her again.

Jenny McKade is happy being back in her home town and doing the work she loves. Working with troubled foster kids. When the temp job opportunity presented itself, she jumped at the chance. Jenny grew up in a cult like family, her father the leader, and witnessed his madness when encouraging his followers to drink poison, her mother the first victim. Her father is in jail, and she has no intention of ever seeing him again.
When Nikan shows up at the house, she immediately is thrown back into the heartbreak and betrayal she had barely survived when he had cheated on her on the bands first tour.

After their last tour, the guys are exhausted, missing their families and needing a break. Nikan is having second thoughts, he doesn’t enjoy playing metal music anymore, and his writing has hit a wall. Seeing Jenny he knows he has to get her back, music isn’t his whole world.

I’m really enjoying the Preload series, they can be read as a stand alone, but more more enjoyable read in order. Nikan Rebuilt is funny, romantic and sexy. Definitely a great addition to the series.

I received this novel from the publisher and Netgalley for an honest review.
Pat Fordyce

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Absolutely love this series. An emotional ride through out the book. Nikan had a lot of obstacles to achieve who he is now. He is the glue that kept the band together. He worked really hard at trying to prove to Jenny that he was a changed man.Looking forward to the next book.

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Nikan Rebuilt is the third book in the Preload series. It can be read as a stand-alone but I personally think it is better to read them in order. It is a second chance romance that keeps you engaged throughout. I really enjoyed it.

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Scarlett Cole has the ability combining romance with painful and informative subjects that always leave you thinking beyond books. “Nikan Rebuilt” is a story about love, family and a touch of what Indians went through during colonization.
Nikan has everything. He has fame, money and friends that feel like family. He was just a young man when he made his biggest mistake but that is something he will always regret. He hurt the love of his life for an impulse and his heart has never been the same since then.
Jenny has escaped a crazy father who murdered her mother and many more but she cannot escape her past. Nikan was the first man to show her love but suddenly he took it all away leaving her hurt and broken. After many years away from him, she is now back running a group home of boys in need. She wants to leave him behind but fate has other plans.
This is a second chance romance book and Nikan has made a huge error but the man really grovels. Although, I don’t know if I could forgive me, the author succeeds in making you feel sorry for him and wanting their having another go.
Jenny is such a strong girl. She is supportive, caring and her attitude in her work is amazing. I really understood her struggle to trust Nikan again but she is forgiving and you can see that she never got over him.
Nikan showed the biggest growth. He matured through the years and when he finds Jenny again, he shows another self. He is determined, thoughtful and sweet. He is the glue that connects the rock group he is in and he always supports everyone but in the process he lost himself. In the present though he makes the right steps to find what he truly wants and to win over Jenny. His words are really romantic and sometimes painful but real.
You can see what the characters from the previous books are up to and you will love that they are united. Preload is a group of rockers but in reality they are brothers. I cannot wait to read the last book in the series which I think will be great but raw.
This is a beautiful, heartfelt story about a broken couple who will heal through love. They might be damaged but sometimes you have to break a little so you can become stronger and whole again and this couple will do anything to find forgiveness and their happily ever after.

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