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In Joan Johnston latest title in her Bitter Creek King’s Brats series, we find ourselves fighting a whirlwind fire in “Surrender” sold by Random House and branded under Dell (February 27, 2018). It has been a while since I visited Grawhawks and the Flynn. That it was a pleasure when I got the opportunity from Random House and Netgalley to get the ARC for this title.
This novel like Joan Johnston other titles in the duel series started off with a bang and maintained that tone throughout the telling of this story. The tale begins, with Taylor Grayhawk making a daring attempt at landing a plan when both engines were snuffed out by a tornado of flames. But fortunately for Taylor that Brian Flynn a smoke jumper was still on board. With the assistance of Brian’s parachute, they both escaped the crash. But now stranded in the middle of the raging flames, they will have to put their personal difference asides to escape the flames that are looking for its first victims.
Surrender was fast-paced and loved pulling at the heartstrings. With enjoyable characters and a solid plot, old readers and new readers to this series will find it hard to put this one down.

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Surrender by Joan Johnston is a nail-biter. Ms. Johnston has delivered a book that is well-written and packed with suspense. Taylor is a pilot that takes on the job of dropping smoke jumpers when they need her. Brian is a smoke jumper. Their families have been feuding for years. Brian and Taylor escape her plane together when her engines go out. Their story is full of drama, action, humor, sizzle and did I mention suspense. This is definitely one of those books you can't put down once you start it. I loved this book from the first page to the last and look forward to my next book by Joan Johnston. Surrender is part of the Bitter Creek Series but can be read as a standalone. This is a complete book, not a cliff-hanger.

I voluntarily read an Advance Reader Copy of this book that I received from NetGalley.

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Taylor Grayhawk and Brian Flynn are trapped in a cave for a week and wander around the wilds of Yellowstone National Park for 3 more days, all while Brian has an infected wound on his calf, inflicted by an angry bear! During that time they rediscover a flame they had back in high school. Tag, as Brian calls her, manages to keep Brian alive until her sister, Leah, and his brother, Aiden, (who are secretly married) find them. Afterward, they manage to break up and get back together a couple of times. There is a lot of drama. I enjoyed it for the most part, but it seemed to end abruptly. I received an ARC from the author for my reading enjoyment and am leaving an honest review.

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This is the first book that I’ve read by this author and I really enjoyed reading it. It’s also the first book in A Bitter Creek Novel series. The Flynn’s and the Grayhawk’s have feuded for years. As we start the book, Taylor Grayhawk is flying a plane that is carrying smoke jumpers. Brian Flynn is the spotter for the smoke jumpers. Now the plane is in trouble and these two have to rely on each other to survive. There are secrets between the two families. And there is so much chemistry and exciting things happening with Brian and Taylor. You won’t be bored reading this book. This is a really interesting book with everything that happens in their fight to survive a plane crash and a fire. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series and find out what else happens with the families. I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Surrender starts with your heart in your throat as these two amazing people fight for their lives! Although the book begins with Taylor and Brian and their life altering struggle to live, the rest of the Flynn and Grayhawk families are brought into the story to continue to keep your attention.

The bitter feud between the patriarchs of these families continues to keep loving people apart. Not only do Taylor and Brian have to overcome the issues between them, they have to battle with their respective families. Each book in this series just gets better! I love that you are briefly reminded of the whys to the issues just in case you have forgotten details.

Although this could be a stand alone book, having read the previous books in the series helps you to feel like you are part of the family and want to actually mediate between them when they cannot get it straight the first time. Thank goodness each of the couples, eventually, reach their HEA. Each book brings us closer to these fictional characters. Johnston is one of my go to authors and this is a great example of how she keeps that status. You can never go wrong with one of her books.

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I have read some of Johnson's books in the past and loved them and some in the recent past that I didn't like so much. This is one that I see the old writing style of Johnson and liked it. The dynamic of the Greyhawke and Flynn family is clear as the other books seem to be muddying the water as to whom is whom and which grudge is being held at the time. This was a nice easy read for me and was able to follow the plot nicely and characters were well written and easy to feel out. Ive always like her books, but lost a little interest in the other books as the confusion of characters turned me . Fast and easy read will be on my read again list!

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Joan Johnston writes the kind of guilty pleasure romances that you can escape to. Great beach read, and I love this series of romances. It is for adults, so I probably won't put it in my high school library, but I would say that it is always fun to read. I love her books.

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I loved the first of this book. The beginning had LOTS of excitement, the kind where you race through the words to see what happens next. Five stars for the beginning.

Then I got to “know” the characters and I didn’t really like our hero at first nor some of the secondary characters.

Eventually it all turns out the way a romance should turn out, but I didn’t get my “thrill” back from the beginning.

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This is a first time for me with this author and I could not read this book fast enough. It has great characters and story line. This book has it all with contemporary hot romance, adventure, alpha male paired with intelligent, beautiful female, family issues but not to the point of being sick of hearing about the problems and some unexpected twists. This story is fast paced, well written and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I spent the day with the book and didn't get anything done except reading because I could not put it down. I would highly recommend this book.

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I received this copy from NetGalley for my feedback. I have been a fan since the beginning and have read almost every book Joan has written. I am not really a fan of second chance plot lines, but I was ready to see where Taylor Grayhawk and Brian Flynn were headed. The story was intense and suspenseful as well as romantic and poignant. I cried, I laughed and I wanted to bang their heads together sometimes. For a second chance romance, and having Leah and Aiden’s story mixed in, I was surprised to have enjoyed the book as much as I did. Great read and can’t wait for the next book to see the resolution of all the King’s brats happy endings.

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I received this copy from NetGalley for my feed back. First of all, I have read quite a few of Joan Johnson's books. As I was reading the beginning of this book I though oh, no, this is going to be the first Bitter Creek I don't care for...WRONG. I really enjoyed this. Pilot Taylor Grayhawk and smoke jumper Brian Flynn had a 'thing' when they were teens. Taylor is flying Brian when they have to jump from the plane due to a huge fire that takes out the engines. They have to rely on each other to survive. When they get home is when things heat up (not always in a good way). Oh but wait Joan fans...there is so much else going on between these my. Romance is in the air . Joan always gives more than one romance....this is two for one!! Thank you Joan Johnson.

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I enjoyed catching up with the Flynn and Grayhawk families. Taylor and Brian face almost certain death from the very first chapter and the author's descriptions take you into the fire and a taste of their fear. Loved it. I enjoyed the intermingling of the other members of the family. I didn't always enjoy Brian's reactions. Once or twice in turning away, maybe but not the last time. I felt Taylor was too forgiving and should have really reamed him a new one. But the author had a great resolution and we can all look forward to the next in the series.

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As a Joan Johnston fan I have high expectations for her books and this does not disappoint. The family dynamics when rifts have not healed add another layer of interest to the book. The wildfire devastation and firefighters who battle them are exposed in their heroic efforts. An excellent installment in this series. Do yourself a favor and read them in order, you will enjoy all of them.

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This just might have been the best contemporary romance I have ever read from Joan Johnston. From the very first page I was hooked as I anxiously read to see not only if Taylor and Brian would survive the plane crash, the forest fire, and multiple other obstacles but also whether they would find their way back to one another. Filled with nonstop action, this was a very enjoyable read. Although there were multiple occasions where I just wanted to knock some sense into Brian! All in all a great read, and a book that I didn't want to put down. Can't wait to see what happens with Taylor's sisters in the next book.

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by Joan Johnston

What a wonderful heartrending thought provoking romance! I really did not expect to relax and enjoy this book. The enjoyment was different from other reads. The characters the plot the way the writing touches the heart and all your emotions. It was almost a little too real at times. I must say this author is so very gifted in the way of putting photos in your mind while you are reading. I became completely engrossed in the book and did not like it when I had to stop reading to take care of other things. A warning for this book should be , while it is definitely a GREAT READ, it is also one that will touch your heart and even maybe make you cry a little for the realistic happenings. I can only say I cannot wait to read more from the author. I was given this arc in return for an honest review. Anna Swedenmom

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This is the third book in the series regarding the feuding Grayhawk and Flynn families.
Tag Grayhawk and Brian Flynn had dated briefly in high school, until Tag broke it off after pressure from her twin. Since then, Tag had broken 3 engagements, since she has never loved another as she did Brian and Brian had been married and divorced. Brian is a fire fighter and Tag a pilot.
The book begins with Tag piloting a a plane over a fire and Brian on board as the spotter, when both engines flared out and they had to parachute in tandem, trying to land in a tiny meadow that was still not on fire. They get trapped in a cave and must work together to survive, while both families work together to find them. They will either die together or work to build a new life as one. As always, very well developed characters, engaging plot and rewarding resolution.

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Joan Johnston never fails to delight with a good story. Excellent romance with a solid plot.

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I love joan Johnston books. I love this books. The characters and the plot are really good. This book is about Taylor Grayhawk and Brian Flynn, who use to be in love. Taylor is a corporate pilot, she has been burned in the past by men and especially Brian. Brian, who is a firefighter and is a recent divorcee. I love the chemistry between these too in the book.

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First Brian and Taylor have to survive before they can surrender. The obstacles that they have to go through were horrible. And written so well that I could feel their despair. So I gotta tell you, I wanted to shake Brian a time or two after they were rescued. Maybe he would have came to his senses sooner.

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How does love survive 15 years, a massive wildfire, personal tragedy, and an ongoing family feud? In Joan Johnson’s latest novel “Surrender” she explores just how complex love is between two imperfect humans. Taylor Grayhawk is a professional pilot who has made her living transporting business executives around the country, but when she has the opportunity to fly smokejumpers into the middle of an inferno that is consuming the countryside around her home, Taylor jumps first with both feet. Brian Flynn has spent his whole life as a firefighter and has jumped into more than his fair share of dicey situations, but when he finds himself on a plane with his high school girlfriend as a spotter he begins to feel the heat in more ways than one. Ms. Johnson is a consummate storyteller who spins a heartfelt tale of love and perseverance that leaves the readers rooting for Brian and Taylor, and a love to last a lifetime. I was given an advanced copy of this book, and all of the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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