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Murder Notes

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The crime and suspense plot is brilliantly written and utterly captivating, the mystery is solid. Lisa Renee Jones’ writing always draws me in from the first page. This book was different from the other book I’ve read of hers, so far this story is more a thriller than a romantic suspense, in my opinion. The suspense-crime plot is complex and well-thought-out. The heroine, Special Agent Lylah Love is badass, sassy and fierce, I loved her. She is a top FBI profiler investigating a series of murders with some common points. The killer seems to have a connection to her past in the Hamptons, as the daughter of a prominent family.

Kane Mendez took over his family business empire with ties to crime families, after his father was murdered. Kane and Lylah were lovers, they share a secret and made a vow of silence. Following the bloody trail of a murderer, Lylah is back in her family house and has her own demons to deal with. She tries to avoid meeting Kane, but he still affects her deeply and appears to be her knight in shining armor when she ends up being stalked and targeted by the assassin. I really liked them both, they work well together and they are loyal to each other.

The author knows how to weave a fast-paced story that will keep you captivated and guessing. There were so many suspects, my head was spinning! The book ended on a cliffhanger, and I can’t wait for the next part of Lilah and Kane’s story.

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I swear Lisa Renee Jones is the queen of inciting internal riots, paranoia, and conspiracy theories. I have never been able to read a single books of hers without being thrown into a torrent of craziness. Murder Notes is no exception.

Always thought out and clearly on a magic carpet ride of guilty and innocence, it's always questionable whether you are even close to a clue. One of my favorite things about her books is that you never see it coming. Oh sure, you can guess some things but in the never had a damn clue.

Murder Notes is a new story. It's the start of something big. It's exciting and it's sneaky. What you assume will be a slow build is actually falling into the middle of a huge mess. Lilah Love is an agent with edge. She's snarky and hell bent on getting her answers. She's driven and she has plenty to hide. It's a delicate and dangerous line she's trying to walk. I eagerly await how this will play out!!!

reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood

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DNF at 25%... just wasn't working for me at all... Didn't connect with the characters or story and it felt undeveloped ad rushed.

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I was ecstatic to receive a copy from Netgalley, this book is the beginning of something magical. Jones sets up the series with a strong minded, yet fragile, heroine who can roll with the punches and give it ten times harder. Lilah is profiling a possible serial killer/assassin while returning to the scene of her own secrets, and deciphering relationships within her family. The way clues are woven together but even more left out has me biting my nails. Heads up though, there's a slight cliffhanger. Not exactly the jaw dropping kind but the kind that will keep you eager for the sequel.

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WOW! This was so good I could not put it down and missed sleep because I couldn't stop reading! Lilah Love is an FBI profiler stationed in L.A. who is hunting a killer, is it a serial killer or an assassin? She is convinced it is an assassin. Now there is a body in New York that fits the profile and she is being sent there, home actually, and when she arrives finds another body in her backyard, the Hamptoms. From here there is so many twists and turns and flash backs it was hard to keep track at times but well worth the effort to keep up. Just when I thought I was figuring out who, what, and where, another twist is revealed and BAM we are left with a cliffhanger and I am going to have to wait for the next book in a couple months! I definitely recommend this one!!!!

**Received this ARC for review from the publisher via NetGalley**

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I am a big fan of suspense and I loved Lisa Renee Jones' "Inside Out" series, so I figured I would give this one a go.

Now, even though I love me some murder and suspense, I am also a big fan of romance and I have to say that I found this one a bit lacking in that department. That said, this is just book 1 in the series, so I still have hope.

This story is about Lilah, who works as profiler for the FBI. A murder investigation takes her back to her "hometown", where she hasn't been for ages...and there is a reason for that. Going back to her hometown also puts her back in proximity of her ex...Kane. Kane is part of her haunted past. Kane would love to rekindle the flame between the two of them, but how can they when he is on her list of suspects ......

There are plenty of twists and turns and I definitely spend some time on the edge of my seat !!

Now Lila, she is my type of heroine !! I love me some kickass heroines and Lila didn't shy away from anyone. Sure, she had her trauma's, but she didn't take any shit and I love that !!

I enjoyed this one and I am definitely gonna read the second book, but, as much as I love mystery, I am hoping for a bit more on the romance and steamy side.

AN ARC kindly provided to me in exchange for an honest review.

My reviews are posted on DirtyBooksObsession

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Lilah has a past buried in secrets that torments her nights. As an FBI profiler she is called in to some of the most gruesome crimes the agency faces. Her ability to go into her Otherworld at those times makes her the best in the business. Now, however, someone is assassinating people who seem to have a connection to the past she just wants to forget.

The case takes her from L.A. to the Hamptons and a reunion with the family she tries to ignore as well as the man that knows all of her secrets. With suspects and clues popping up at every turn and the local law enforcement seemingly content to explain away their latest murder, she races to find the truth while protecting her family as well as herself.

Lilah is one tough heroine. She doesn’t take crap from anyone and everyone knows it. As she progresses through the case she fights against the draw her former lover, Kane Mendez, has on her. All while trying to not totally destroy the current man in her bed’s life as she tries to cut him loose. It’s not going so well for her.

I truly enjoyed witnessing her journey through every twist and turn as it presented itself. Her ability to think quickly not only about what actions she should take but regarding what the next step the authorities are planning. With the help of her contact back in L.A. she processes the information in a methodical manner, the case getting closer and closer to herself.

At this point, Kane is a secondary character that appears to have more information than he’s sharing as is all the other people in her life. He’s made it clear that he still wants her and he wants her here and now. On the surface he appears to be a wealthy business man but everyone knows he has links to a drug cartel.

Additional characters add to the feeling of being pulled into something that is going to blow Lilah’s well preserved order away. I love when I’m reading a thriller and I look at each new character as the possible villain and this book made me antsy every time I time I turned the page. Both eager and nervous about what would be revealed.

This is a fast paced, well written mystery thriller with undertones of uncertainty that will pull you in. Although there is a past history with Kane, at this point the story is not about his and Lilah’s relationship except in the background. It ends on a cliffhanger and now I’m just plain anxious to get the next one. Things are definitely heating up and I need to know who, what and where!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book provided by NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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You thought that your secret was safe? Lilah left home for a good reason and she thought that her secret was safe forever only one other person knew about what had happened. She has always trusted Kane but she is scared that he is becoming his father. They are both on different sides she is the FBI and Kane is a man with many talents and most of the time they are barley above board. She is following a case and she knows that it has something to do with the night that she took a life but why now? Who wants to bring her down and can she trust Kane to honest with her? She will use whatever means necessary to find out the truth and she is scared that her father has gotten involved with the other side and she knows that she won't be able to save him. Can she find out the answers before even more bodies are found and can she put the past to bed for good? Will Kane be able to let Lilah go or will he fight to keep her? He might be many things but he still loves her and he will do whatever it takes to keep her safe. Will Lilah find out the truth or will the lies make everything so much harder? I wonder what part Rich has to play I actually feel sorry for him as he won't ever match up to Kane. I really hope that he gets back home in one piece. Lilah is always trying to be tough but leaving home hurt her and I think that Kane took a part of her and she will never be able to move on from her past until she makes her final choice. Can't wait to see what happens next. A good solid read. I was lucky enough to receive a copy via Netgalley & the publishing house in exchange for my honest review.

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Murder Notes by Lisa Renee Jones is a great Romantic Suspense. Is was easy to fall into this story and although I don’t normally read serials or cliffhangers I knew Murder Notes would be worth the risk and it didn’t disappoint. Twist, turns and murder around almost every corner I will definitely be reading the rest of this series

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Murder Notes is Book One of Lisa Renee Jones' new Lilah Love series. It started off great, waned a bit in the middle and then (of course!) when it picked up great again it ends on a cliffhanger. Aaahhhh!! I am on pins and needles waiting for Book 2. July? Say it isn't so Ms. Jones!

This book was filled with twists, turns, suspense, intrigue and just a touch of sexual tension. This book is heavy on the suspense aspect and pretty light on the romance although I am really looking forward to more between Lilah and Kane.

Murder Notes set up the series pretty well but now we wait for answers, hopefully, in Book 2.

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O.M.G. Intense and action packed full of page turning excitement and pulse, pounding, suspense and drama that keeps you on the edge of your seat, wondering what is going to happen next. What a web Lisa Renee Jones weaves, full of Love, Hate, Passion and Friendship. “ W is for Warning.” Be prepared this story will stop you from sleeping and you will be glad of it. I couldn’t quit reading it. Over and over again. Murder Notes is FANTASTIC!

Lilah Love is Murder Girl. One of the top F.B.I. Profilers in the country. Dead bodies talk to her. She can hunt a killer and catch them. But when a series of murders leads her back to her home turf, and the life, and the man she left behind, as well as the secret between them, will she catch the killer or will they catch her? Make this book your next read! Suspense never tasted so Deliciously, Addictive! Eagerly waiting for Murder Girl. #2 in this series.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Lilah Love is an amazing FBI Agent. I love the twist that the murders she is currently investigating send her back to her home town. She has to deal with the murders, a stalker, an ex-lover, an ex-best friend, and relatives that all have secrets. That is a lot for any person to deal with and somehow she manages juggle it all while still doing her job. I like that she didn’t let her life get distracted. With each twist and turn she became more focused on the job she has to do.

There were a few times while reading that I was confused on what was happening. I felt like there was a lot going on, like too much, and the story lines didn’t always seem to meld together. A couple times I had to read part of the chapter again to figure out who she was talking to, about, or around. I quickly caught up and found myself devouring each page, needing to know who was killing these people, who was stalking Lilah, and what was going to happen with her family.

Murder Notes is the first book in the Lilah Love series and ends in a cliffhanger. There is no finished ending which means I am now excited for book two to come out.

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2 stars. This book was not good for me. I have read and enjoyed most of Lisa Renee Jones's books, but this one was an exception. I knew this wasn't a romance going in, that it was more of a crime thriller, so that was outside of my usual genre. But since I have never met a LRJ book that I didn't like, I figured I would still like it. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

This book is about Lilah Love, an FBI criminal profiler, investigating a serial killer in her hometown in the Hamptons, where her dad is the mayor, her brother is a cop, and her ex is a crime lord. I didn't really like Lilah. She was hard and cold, not really a nice person. Not very much happened in the book. Most of the book was Lilah's internal thoughts and remembering past cases, which made things more confusing for me. This book was not a thrilling thriller. It was too slow moving and no crimes were solved yet. There is a cliffhanger so I guess the story is continued in later books, but I couldn't be bothered to care about the mystery so I won't be reading more. I am still a fan of this author, but I will stick to her romances.

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Holy Moley this was an incredible read!!! I almost passed this book up because I wasn't sure it would be my thing. After I started seeing some glowing reviews I decided to try it. I am so glad that I did because I would have missed out on a very compelling story.

Our main girl, Lilah gotta love that name, was a fantastic heroine. She's FBI. She's strong. She's independent and she's haunted by an event that happened two years ago to change her life forever. She's thrust back to her home town investigating what could possibly bring things to light she would rather stay hidden. She made for a riveting main character to follow along during her investigations.

Kane is Lilah's past love interest who doesn't want to stay in the past. He's also a part of the night that changed Lilah. In this first book, their relationship is referred to a lot however it wasn't a main focus to the story. The author keeps bringing us back to her and Kane, but the focus is more on the investigation into the murders.

There are quite a few side characters and each one add an extra element to the story. The way the author wrote this, I felt it was very easy to follow and keep everyone straight. Most of these side characters had me just as riveted as Lilah and Kane. I'm really looking forward to seeing who is a part of the investigations and who is innocent.

Murder Notes does end on a cliffhanger and you are going to want the second book immediately! I absolutely loved this book and will be counting down the days for the second one to be published. I highly recommend grabbing this book up. ARC provided by NetGalley.

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***ARC Provided by the Author***

Lisa Renee Jones books are tough to review. They are so good, and so well written, that I want to say so much...but, so much is a spoiler. And, the things I think are obvious might just be something that another reader doesn't see coming.

I want more Lilah. I want more of her with Kane. I want to know what is going on, I want all the answers, and I want them NOW. I am not good at waiting, and when a book is well written, and well constructed, with interesting characters and then a cliffhanger, you find yourself wanting more, and wanting the next book as soon as possible.

Lilah is an interesting character, and you want to know more about her, and what is going on, and what she doesn't yet know about the things that are clearly going on in her hometown.

I enjoyed this title, I recommend it, and i am looking forward to the next in the series.

***This and other reviews featured on our blog Booked All Night***

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Lilah Love is a FBI profiler who is investigating a series of murders which she believes are assassinations. But one of the victims has a tattoo that will bring up Lilah’s secrets that she thought were long buried. The murders will also lead her to her hometown where her old boyfriend Kane Mendez still resides. Oh yeah ... and Kane just happens to now be the head of the Mendez Cartel. She will doubt all the men in her life ... Kane, her father, her brother, her ex-partner, the list goes on.

This book is definitely a murder mystery, with a dash of sex, that will have you mesmerized with all the twists and turns that you won’t have a clue who the murderer is. I could honestly not stop reading and then it has a cliffhanger that will make your jaw drop. It’s just not fair that we have to wait till July to find out any answers ... and to be perfectly honest Ms. Jones may even make us wait for answers till a third book.

I received an ARC courtesy of Montlake Romance through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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I love suspense romance, and when I read this blub I was very excited about it. Murder Notes was interesting, it took me a little whiles to get into this one. Lilah is a FBI profiler, and one of the best in the country. Lilah actually comes from a wealthy family in the Hamptons, and has been gone for a couple of years she has secrets and her own demons to tackle. I did really like her as a character, I struggled to connect with her. She is investigating a murder cases at the moment and end up back in her own town, when she left all them years ago she also left her lover Kane. At times I would lose interest, I found we were introduced to a lot of characters and my head was spinning to keep up with them all. I thought the writing was ok, and the author can write well enough. This story is very detailed, the chemistry between the couple is lovely, but its a cliff-hanger ending... Would I recommended this book yes, of course. But maybe grab it when the next book comes out in JULY! That's a long time between now and July, with it being such a complex story, I know myself I probably will not pick the next one up, but if it was all ready out, yes I would because this story would be so fresh in my head.

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This was an interesting and very entertaining story.
That pulled me in from the start. As there is so much intrigue, thanks to a huge cast of characters. That may or may not be on the level, lots of murders, and a complex backstory between the main character FBI Agent Lilah Love and her ex Kane Mendez.
Which I really enjoyed reading and I can't wait to find out what happens next, when Murder Girl is released in July.

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I am beyond excited, intrigued, and all in with this new Lilah Love series. Murder notes was intense and fast-paced. A great start to a whodunit, with a tangled up love story as well.

Lilah is not your typical chick, she's Murder Girl. She can stay calm during an investigation, she's super clever and sneaky about figuring things out, she's awesome in all the professional ways. Emotionally, she's a bit closed off and her diet sucks, and she is kind of alone, no close friends, family she's been avoiding. Oh, her and her hottie bad boy ex have a big secret, too.

This won't be one of those series that are connected standalone, this doesn't tie up all pretty with a bow and a happy ever after. In fact, I am left with sooo many questions. Plus so much information, I know I'll have to reread this before book two. Hopefully we don't have to wait too long. Not to be repetitive, just to be clear, this book was freakin awesome!

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Murder Notes - Lisa Renee Jones

I’ve read other Lisa Renee Jones books but I absolutely loved this first book in the Lilah Love series.

Lilah Love is the opinionated, tough and mouthy FBI profiler who’s been flung into the middle of a mysterious set of murder, all with similarities and she seems to be the common denominator in all of them.

Add in some sexy men, not all of which Lilah needs in her life during her investigation, an overbearing father and brother in local law enforcement and you’ve got the makings of a great story.

Lilah is definitely ballsy for a young woman, very much in a mans world but she certainly holds her own with the men but with her profiler skills honed, she methodically plots the demise of the killer.

Mystery, intrigue and a whole slew of secrets to keep or unfold make this a fabulous escape read. Looking forward to more Lilah Love.

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