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Close to the Edge

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Close to the Edge (Unbroken Heroes #5) by Dawn Ryder ...First I would like to say that the first chapter was at the end of the book... and also I did not read the first four books in the series so I was a little lost. The was Jenna and Dare's story.... I was given this book to read by St. Martins Press and #NetGalley for an honest review...It was a okay read ...There was a lot of action and so many twists and turns with many plot directions...

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I have a lot of mixed feelings on this book. First of all, the formatting was not good and very distracting. The story started on chapter 2 because chapter 1 was somehow at the end of the book. There was not a clear transition between the different POVs and there were way too many POVs in my opinion. I enjoyed the idea of the story, but the end was a bit lackluster and not clear. There were some characters that I wouldn’t mind seeing again but I couldn’t say that I’d want to read it if it were similar to this. I also overall felt like some things in the store were a bit outdated. The potential was there but it just missed the mark for me.

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Putting chapter one at the end of the book left me wondering what was going on when I started at Chapter 2. This and the fact that the book seemed to be very uneven was a strike against the story. Not a series I would read again.

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I'd not read any books in this series when invited to read this and overall it was an OK read. It had a good premise and the characters were interesting enough. Full of mystery and suspense however it did jump about a lot which I didn't like so much and left me a bit baffled with what exactly was going on by the end.

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I didn't realize Chapter One was at the end of the book, so it made it hard to follow exactly what was going on in the story. Once I read Chapter One at the end, it made more sense. I know this is an uncorrected e-book, but I hope that the chapters will be broken up better & made easier to follow between characters when the final copy comes out. It was hard sometimes to know exactly where I was in the story. I thought the story was very suspenseful & had good twists & turns. Jenna & Dare are an interesting couple. Their relationship development is well worth the read. I look forward to the next book to see what happens with Carl Davis, Kirkland, & all of the Special Ops.

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Close to the edge started off very strong however it sorta came to a halt right towards the end. Dare for me didn't seem like the guy I wanted and Jenna was a little to much for me to eve think about liking her. I mean overall it was an ok read but it should have went a littler fast towards the end of the book.

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Agent Dare Servant can't fathom the thought of him signing up to do the happily ever afters like his fellow team members, being a family man, and going home to one woman at night just doesn't sound like his kind of thing. But... maybe it's because he just hasn't met the right woman yet, the one who makes him want those things for himself too... maybe he's about too!

Dare and his team are determined to catch Kirkland Grog, and pin him for human trafficking, their figuring he is bound to stumble at some point, and when he does they will nab him.When they learn that there is an unassuming caterer that has landed herself in hot water by witnessing something that wasn't meant for her eyes and ears, and it involves Grog, they know they need to protect her, even if she might be involved somehow. The moment Dare meets her he is taken with her, but dang if she doesn't irritate the heck out of him, the woman likes to push his buttons... and get his heart pumping!

Close to the Edge is an action packed tale that is certain to be a hit with romantic suspense readers, it has the suspense and action they crave, the steamy romance to curl their toes, and two characters that are sure to steal their hearts! I thoroughly enjoyed this newest offering in the Unbroken Heroes series, it grabbed my attention from the first page, and had me anxiously flying through the pages in search of answers, and a happily ever after... and I am happy to report I found that and a lot more! Highly recommend this one, it's sure to keep you on the edge of your seat the whole way through!

Requested an advanced copy from NetGalley, and voluntarily read and reviewed.

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I've not read all the books in this series but I didn't prevent me from finding myself at home in this world!

Jenna's life came crashing to a halt when she saw something she wasn't supposed to. She was only supposed to be a substitute Chef for a superstars party. Now she is monitored 24/7 by some super secret agents. Including the incredibly handsome but downright arrogant Dare.

Dare would do just about anything to get Kirkland Grog on the line for human trafficking. He's still not sure that Jenna is not somehow involved but that doesn't stop him lusting after her and interfering with her life!

There was a great sense of suspense throughout the book although I was a bit lost as to why Kirkland would go after Jenna as he hadn't been home when she was there. I'm assuming that maybe some henchman or other told him! Other than that wee slip up I highly enjoyed this book.

Disconnect the brain and go along for the ride! Great story and characters and even though Dare jumps to some almighty assumptions, I still kind of rooted for him! He knows his job is dangerous enough without putting another target out there that could be used to get to him. Jenna for her part just wants her life back. I'm hoping she somehow manages to set Sam and Paul back!

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So I didn't realise until I started reading that this was part of a series.. and not really one of those that you could read as a stand alone... the being thrown into the middle of the plot really not helped by the funky formatting of the book and it starting from chapter 2 (I found chapter 1 when I had finished the book... it was at the end!)

That being said, I really wasn't keen on either of the leads and as I said earlier, it was in fact number 5 of a series - and you could tell!

Not the worst book I have ever read, but by no means the best!

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Close to the Edge by Dawn Ryder was an action packed romantic suspense that intrigued me but also left me confused. Since I had not read any of the previous books in this series, I felt like I was missing something since I couldn't relate to many of the secondary characters in this story. Nor did I understand why Jenna had been chipped and was in protective custody.

Dare and Jenna were both strong characters and Jenna grew by leaps and bounds as this story progressed. Dare set my teeth on edge at first but I did warm up to him as the story unfolded. The sparks flying between Dare and Jenna were palpable; but I confess that I wasn't convinced that Dare could actually give up his life with his Ops team. The story was quickly paced but didn't flow smoothly as there were several threads concerning Kirkland and Davis that were intertwined in this story from the previous books. There was also a mini-cliffhanger at the end which I am sure sets up the next book in this series.

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ARC received for review

More action packed Shadow Ops intrigue. Along with Dare taking a fall for a beautiful Jenna. But of course Dare does act like a dick and throw her away. But with a little help from the boss, all will be well in the world of love. Why can't these bad guys all just die, already. I'm so sick of some of them. Loved seeing more of Thais. I really hope the next book is hers.

What the heck is going to happen with Greer's sister, Sorcha? And what the heck is an Unperson?

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I was given book via author via netgalley..
I was somewhat confused with this book.. it may have been that it was the 4th or 5th in the series.. There was quite a bit going on and lots of characters.. a bit more than I am used to but all in all the book had a good premise and the characters were interesting…
This was full of suspense and crime, and mystery.. and even if it left me a bit baffled it was very fast paced.
Thanks for allowing me to read this. Its always nice to find new authors to me. 

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The ARC that was sent starts on chapter 2 with the 1st chapter appearing at the end of the ARC copy. I believe that started the read off with some confusion why the main characters were at odds right from the start.

Close to the Edge is a complicated, multifaceted plot and plot directions. The base story was strong but there was so much going on that some of the strength it held was lost.

Overall, I found CLOSE TO THE EDGE fast paced, action intense and providing the required white knuckle reading that is found with those really good suspense-filled romances we all adore.

I received this ARC copy of Close to the Edge from St. Martin's Press. This is my honest and voluntary review. Close to the Edge is set for publication Feb. 27, 2018.

My Rating: 4 stars
Written by: Dawn Ryder
Series: Unbroken Heroes (Book 5)
Mass Market Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks
Publication Date: February 27, 2018
ISBN-10: 125013272X
ISBN-13: 978-1250132727
Genre: Military Romantic Suspense

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I tried to like this one, I really did, but the grammar, punctuation, and overall format of this book made it hard to enjoy this story. This one was a DNF for me.

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There was a lot going on in this story, a multitude of characters to keep track of and I felt I should have read at least some of the previous stories of this “Unbroken Heroes” series.
Still, the cast of characters is interesting, with the good guys, the bad guys and the morally grey characters, like Ricky. Dare, the agent with a tragic past, and Jenna are sweet and good together.
Dealing with serious matters – human trafficking, corruption … - “Close to the Edge” left me very curious about characters such as the stoic and lonely Kagan and fierce warrior woman Thais.

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Gifted read by Netgalley for an honest review.
Romantic suspense story. From the beginning of this book it was confusing, I even went back to the beginning to make sure I hadn't missed some chapters or an introduction to this story. I looked at the others books in this series to see if they were continued storylines because that's how confusing this book is. It just jumps right into the story like it's a continuation of something. Like your supposed to understand why she has a chip implanted in her shoulder and who her two best friends/family is. And don't even get me started on the structure of this book. Now I'm not one to complain about grammer, punctuation etc, etc, however all the sentences run together from each characters pov. Your constantly going back to figure out who is talking. That makes for a very frustrating read.
Had potential to be good with story concept but execution fell flat.

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Chapter one was missing from the beginning of the book. When I got to the end after the acknowledgements I noticed chapter one was there. A little too late to be of any use for me. There must have been a lot in that chapter because I had to play catch up with what was going on for the first quarter of the book. Another negative that I found that made it harder to read was there were no breaks between changes of story lines during chapters. It would go from a conversation or something to another part of the story that is completely separate with no extra line spacing letting us know. It was continuously annoying. The overall story was great that's the only reason why I'm giving Close to the Edge, three stars.

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CLOSE TO THE EDGE is the fifth in the Unbroken Hearts series but stood alone quite well for me even though I haven't read any of the others in the series. Jenna Henson finds herself involved with very secret agents from a covert government organization when she goes to Kirkland Grog's house as a substitute chef for her best friend who is a caterer. She walks right in on a team of agents who are bugging the house to try to get evidence that Kirkland is a criminal who specializes in human trafficking.

For some unknown reason, Kirkland decides to eliminate her which sort of baffled me since he wasn't home when she arrived, she was subdued by the good guys almost immediately, and removed from the scene. Luckily, the good guys had chipped her like a puppy which let them know when Kirkland's men kidnapped her. Dare Servant should have been able to treat her like any other witness but somehow she got to this dedicated agent.

He knows he isn't good for her since he is married to his very dangerous job. But Jenna needs protection and Dare wants to provide it. This story had hot romance and creepy villains. There was action and adventure in a twisty plot.

I read an eARC of this book and had some problems that will, hopefully, be corrected before the book is published. The book has been run through a spellchecker and the spellings are correct but there are a number of cases where the wrong word was chosen for the sentence. Sometimes this was amusing and sometimes it was confusing.

Fans of romantic suspense will enjoy this story which nicely balances the romance and the suspense.

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I cannot rate this book as I did not read it. My copy starts on chapter two (first chapter missing) and appears to end abruptly, mid chapter. I suspect the remaining chapters weren't included in my copy, either.

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I started this book right away feeling very lost as if I started the book in the middle of a chapter. I stopped picked up the first 4 books and quickly reviewed them thinking I missed something from the last book.

No I didn't miss anything.

This is the first book in the Unbroken Heroess series you will need to start with the previous books to even come close to understand what is going on. After being lost the story quickly recover with sexual tension that is steamy but is taken care of pretty fast. The story fills in the gaps as well as adds to the mystery of the series which started with book one.

I would have given it a 5 but the author wrote the story as if you already know who the woman is and why the bugged her house. Dare is from the other books but I didn't remember him until I reviewed the others in the series. This book is a mess of epic proportions from the throw away characters and the story that started in book 1. Nothing flows and many times the sex takes over the story leaving readers wondering what they are reading. Romance? Suspense? Or Erotic?

The characters are lost in a mess keeping this reader from connecting to the story. I enjoyed most books in this series but this one left me wondering what I missed?

Thank you to Netgelley and St. Martin's Paperbacks for the advance copy

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