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Airports, Exes, and Other Things I'm Over

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I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this book for a spot on the blog tour! I want to thank the author, publisher and Xpresso Book Tours for that :).

I have read My New Crush Gave to Me and loved it and this one sounded amazing as well. I wasn't disappointed! I read this in one sitting (except for some kitten cuddles in between)! Sari was a fun character, and while this book was predictable (not a bad thing), it went ways I didn't expect. This is a great book to read this summer.

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**Stop by my blog @ during the tour for a chance to win prizes**

The basis for the book is about heartbreak and stress, but the random bits of humor and lightheartedness were what really made me like the story. It's hard to get too down when your bestie turns your evil ex into Voldemort in your phone because you don't want his name mentioned. Or when said evil ex and your mom have a text relationship with inside jokes you know nothing about. I am a huge fan of humor in every life situation so this resonate with me.

"I felt like I really was in a horror movie, stuck on a trip that would never end.
I buckled up, because I had no idea what I was in store for next. "

I found Sari to be one of the most relatable girls that I have read in a book recently. Everything she said and did would be EXACTLY what I would do in that same scenario- regardless of how over the top or irrational it seemed at the time, even the pretending to be into someone just to get a reaction, I cheered her on. Her denials, her reactions, her relationships, her attitude- Sari and I, we would be friends.

​"Ok, I'm sorry, but quit pretending you're into him."
"Who said I was pretending?"
"I did. Because I know you still love me as much as I love you. That doesn't go away because you want it to."

​The cast of supporting characters in the book were so wonderful and really helped with the character development of Sari. Trina, hands down was my favorite character, besides Sari of course, ​seriously the best most loyal friend a girl can dream for. Her support was one of the reasons Sari could handle the week from Hell- a friend who would drive over an hour to save you from the most awkward car ride is a true friend indeed. And I am pretty sure my bestie has said this exact phrase in reference to me:
"Some people went to Goodreads for recommendations, I didn't need to. I had Trina."​

And Fitz with his zen and calm was 100% needed in almost each situation he came to save. He was a good friend too, especially when Sari was not expecting one. Even her overbearing, weather obsessed mom was sweet and interesting in their relationship dynamic and wisdom.

​So I have been avoiding mentioning Zev, because he was the hardest part of the book, probably for both Sari and me. I wanted to hate him and never forgive him, for her to find a new guy elsewhere, but that was not this story. This story was about trust, relationship hardships, misunderstandings, and real love... and I really did end up rooting for Zev. The heart of this book is a romance, and boy did Shani nail that message home.

​This was a feels book, and emotions that I wasn't expecting just kept sneaking up on me. There were so many feel good talks in the book from people that really cared about Sari that I could not help but get sniffly about it. I got completely lost in the story, ended up staying up way too late so I could finish it and see what choices Sari made. It did not hurt that there was so much extra going on to keep me guessing what would happen next. ​ With this read alone, Shani has now become one of my favorite YA contemporary authors. I can't wait to read more from her and I highly recommend this adventure of love!

​I am voluntarily reviewing an advance, complimentary copy of this book.

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Airports, Exes, and Other Things I’m Over is Shani Petroff’s third novel with Swoon Reads. While Romeo & What’s Her Name was a cute read, I absolutely adored My New Crush Gave To Me, which was why I was so excited to pick up Shani’s next book.

Sari Silver is ready for the best spring break ever with her boyfriend in Florida. That all changes, though, when she catches Zev kissing his ex-girlfriend the night before they are supposed to leave. Now all Sari wants to do is ignore him and try to channel her heartbreak into her songwriting. Everything starts to look like it’s going to turn around for Sari after she meets the cute college guy Fitz and then when she gets the surprise call that she can preform at a popular club. Now all Sari wants to do is get home before a huge storm hits the east coast so she can maker her performance.

Airports, Exes, and Other Things I’m Over is a fun, fast-paced read. The novel is on the younger side of YA, and I would say it leans closer to being like Romeo & What’s Her Name. The story is pretty straightforward in that there was a huge misunderstanding between Sari and Zev, but it kept growing due to Zev not giving Sari the space she needed and Sari not letting Zev explain his side of the story. It was hard to root for them as a couple because we don’t really see a whole lot of who Zev is or what they’re relationship really looks like—really it’s just him trying to make things right but being constantly being shut down by Sari.

While the romance didn’t really sweep me away, the side characters stole the show. Even though Sari’s best friend and parents were back home while she was going through the worst day imaginable, they were constantly in communication with her. Her mom was texting her (and Zev much to her dismay) to make sure she was safe and to find out what was going on. Honestly, even though her parents are technically “absent” in the story, this probably was one of the most “present” mothers I’ve read in awhile. Sari’s best friend Trina was fiercely loyal to her friend and I appreciated everything she did for her. Fitz and his friend Dylan were two side characters, who I wish we were able to see more of.

What made this novel fun was everything Sari had to go through to get home. Honestly, it would be a nightmare to be in her shoes (literally she’s in heels the entire novel), but it was definitely interesting watching everything go wrong and I was definitely curious about what would happen next.

Overall, Airports, Exes, and Other Things I’m Over would be a great beach read this summer as it’s quick and fun!

Actual Rating: 3.5 stars

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I thought this was a great book for a younger teen audience. It was shorter and a clean read (as far as romance goes). Personally I didn't really care much for either love interest (I think I didn't have much relationship background to really make me root for a character), but the book still kept my interest. If you have read and enjoyed Shani Petroff's books before, you wont be dissapointed.

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3.5 Stars

I easily read this book in a single sitting. The blurb for Airports, Exes And Other Things I'm Over says that Sari catches her boyfriend cheating, but it's just a kiss. This book is a clean romance between high schoolers, but full of drama.

Sari catches her boyfriend Zev kissing another girl at a party, and takes off alone for their plannned spring break trip to go visit their respective grandparents in Florida. Zev doesn't give up trying to get Sari to talk to him so he can explain, but she keeps shutting him out. Childish, yes. But she is a 17 year old.

At the retirement home, Sari befriends the only other youngster around -- hot, hunky Fitz. So things get really awkward when Sari, Zev and Fitz are all stranded together at the airport when a storm prevents them from flying back to New York. There are a ton of awkward moments between the three, and I thought that Sari was making things worse at times because she just wouldn't let Zev get a word in edgewise. But it all does lead to a learning moment for Sari -- and a HFN with Zev.

I wish there would have been more in this story for Fitz and his friend Dylan. I really liked them! Overall, this was a clean romance (as in, no sexual encounters), and I'd definitely recommend this for a teenager to read.

I received an advanced copy and voluntarily left a review for Sunny Shelly Reads book blog.

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3.5 stars

When Sari catches her boyfriend Ziv kissing his ex the day before their planned spring break to Florida, she knows it's over. She successfully avoids him all week. Yet when a massive storm threatens to delay her return flight home, Sari is forced to spend time with Ziv—who will stop at nothing to win her back.

This is a cute and breezy YA contemporary about trust, second chances, discovering what love is...and what it isn't—and the hell of an airport delay. Geez airports suck. And airports full of angry people suck a lot. The golden rule and common decency cease to exist, and it's every person for themselves.

There are cute boys, painfully embarrassing situations, dangerous high heels, music and revenge glow-ups galore...and a HEA. While I didn't particularly enjoy the ending, Sari did come to her choice rationally (a rarity in YA).

I received this ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.

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This was a solid 3 stars for me.

Sari is stuck at the airport with a hot stranger and her cheating ex...what could go wrong?

This was a quick read and easy read and while I liked it, it had some flaws. The characters seemed like any character for any YA novel. Nothing special at all. The drama was solid but I wish there was a little less fighting and a little more talking to each other.

NetGalley only gave me a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review, they did not throw in coffee or wine.

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First of all, can I just say that I love the title of this book? The title is what first drew me in and what first made this book show up on my most anticipated of 2018 list. Also, how awkward, imagine being stranded with your cheating boyfriend because of a non-refundable vacation and some terrible weather? Yikes! Anyway, without further ado, let's get into the review.

Airports, Exes, and Other Things I'm Over reminds me a lot of classic YA -- the kind of stuff I read when I was an actual Young Adult. It's not a groundbreakingly deep book or anything, but it's fun and dramatic and a quick read. The drama makes it easy to keep reading even when I, a certified Real Adult, wanted to take Sari and Zev by the shoulders and tell them to stop overthinking and overreacting and just listen to each other.

I really liked all of the side characters, especially Sari's grandmother and Dylan and Fitz, the two boys who help Sari in her quest to get back home. I actually wish we could've seen more of Dylan and Fitz! They seemed to be two genuinely good guys. I was never quite sure what to make of Sari, who was strong and driven but too much in her head, and Zev, who was nerdy and charming but hard to trust. 

In the end, I'd recommend this for younger YA readers. I think it will feel very relatable to teens but might be frustrating to older readers.

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This was a fun cute read. It had me laughing at multiple points. It's not really an original story, I've seen the same plot in YA many times, but it's still worth picking up. I'm glad that it was a "clean" read. Finding clean YA is getting harder and harder these days.

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I loved this wild ride of a story that Shani Petroff took me on. Such a great romance and you can't help but root for poor Zev and hoping for him to get back together with Shari. Great Book that will have you smiling from take off to landing!

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Zev and Sari were supposed to spend spring break in Florida together, that was until Sari caught Zev in a lip lock with another girl the night before. Sari heads to Florida and avoids Zev at all costs. When she meets an attractive guy at the pool all bets are off.

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This book was cute. Typical high school love drama cute. But it wasn't special. It was highly predictable for me, and the main character, Sari, was really, really, excruciatingly bull headed with Zev, who was really sweet when he wasn't being the overbearing helicopter ex-b/f. The plot line was cute, but a little too formulaic. Sari was our heroine and I just did not feel endeared to her at all, normally this type of book would get me to at least tear up at the main character's big emotional break through, and I just kind of read it with this feeling of "ugh, finally". Her stubbornness and determination to be all things negative, while very accurate for a heartbroken teen, did not make the reading process enjoyable for me.

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This was pretty dang cute. It's fast pacing kept me reading and the storyline was a unique spin on being trapped with an ex. Sari comes across as pretty self-absorbed in the first couple of chapters, but the more I read the more I understood where she was coming from. And the ending was just right.

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What I loved: This was a great clean YA book. Easy to recommend to younger YA readers. Some YA right now hits too many hot button topics and makes it hard to recommend to the younger YA readers, this one could easily be recommended.
What I liked: The characters are endearing. The story is a nice and fun read. With a nice ending.
What I hated: Can't say that I hated anything about it.

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Shani Petroff created a cute and sweet YA romance about how a high school spring break can go wrong in so many ways. Sari Silver, senior in high school and musical genius, has her idea of the perfect spring break planned in Florida with her boyfriend, Zev… that is until they break up. How bad can staying in a Florida retirement community really be? Readers will love going through the ups and downs of Sari’s vacation and experiencing multiple other lively and loveable characters that become involved. Gram’s down to earth comments like, “You had your mourning time, now it’s time to rise up,” and the many Harry Potter references will have readers smiling line after line. Fun and clean storyline. Great banter. Loveable characters.
Krystle Shepherd
School Librarian

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Let me start by saying I really love all of Shani Petroff's books and this didn't disappoint. Sari was planning on spending spring break in Florida with her boyfriend. Until, she walks in on him kissing his ex-girlfriend! I really liked Sari. She handled the situation as well as can be expected. The heartbreak Sari feels is very realistic. Even though Sari is devastated by the events, she manages to find some good throughout her trip. On her way back home, it was the flight from Hades!! Anything that could go wrong does go wrong. The whole trip home had me cringing for Sari. It was an emotional roller coaster. At first, I was not really sure of how things were going to go for Sari with Zev and Fitz. It definitely kept me guessing for more than half of the book. Even though a lot of the book was filled with heartache, there were plenty of funny moments thrown in there, especially with Sari's mom. Her friendship with Trina is awesome! Exactly the kind of best friend you want when you heart is broken. Those light moments kept the book from feeling to depressing! This book has a break up, strong family ties, great friends new and old, miss understandings, and finally figuring out how to follow your heart.

I received an Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for an honest review from Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group via NetGalley.

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Super quick read! Romance, break ups, music and second chances are all topics covered by Shani Petroff. While a little bit cheesy and predictable, a solid read.

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I am adding this author to my instant buy list. Her books are so good. They're super quick to read (they're hard to put down). They're cute and cheesy but in a good way. I have to admit though after reading this I think I'll avoid the airport for awhile (I haven't flown for probably 4 years so I think I'm safe).

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