Member Reviews

I hate to give 2 stars but honestly it just wasn’t for me. I was hoping with each turning page that I’d be surprised and begin to enjoy it but nah.

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The blurb had me really excited to read this book and overall it was an ok easy read - but it has the potential to be a real page turner. I really didnt connect with the characters and the whole story felt like it lacked depth. The core story and setting are great ideas so I firmly believe with a good editor this could be an amazing read. As is, it is just ok and I dont really have an interest in reading book 2

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if you're looking for a fun series to dive into on the beach that isn't peppers then get into this. it's easy to read and you will laugh.

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Teddy Cannon is a gambler. She lives on the thriller and her intuition that she KNOWS what her opponent's cards hold. But this has gotten her into trouble with every casino in Vegas and now with the FBI.

Teddy is recruited to attend Whitfield Institute for Psychics, with the promise that they would take care of her gambling debt and protect her parents from the mafia. Teddy meets a misfit crew, all trying to lock into their different psychic abilities.

School for Psychics is a wonderful mess of young people who are a mess themselves. While trying to hone their abilities in the environment of Whitfield, the psychics discover that the school is not what it seems. That their very existence might be dangerous for them.

I can't believe it took me so long to read this book. I already can't wait for the next one. The characters feel real and raw and I loved every minute with them. My heart aches with the tough decisions each one has to make.

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This one was an okay for me. Readable, but not truly my style. Would try the author again, though.

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I was excited to read a book about psychics. It started out very dry and there were a lot of characters to keep track of. I kept reading hoping that once the set-up was done, it would be a more interesting read. After 30% of the book, I was still struggling to keep interested. It was slow and extremely detailed. I promised to read 60% before I gave it up. And that is exactly what I did. I did not finish the book. The author kept giving more and more detail and never resolving any of the issues the characters were having. I'm sure if I could have stayed awake and finished the book, the author would have tied up who, what and why everything was happening but I couldn't. If you like a lot of detail, are interested in what the mind might be capable of and how those abilities might manifest in life, then this book might be something you are interested in reading.

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A book about gifted youngsters count me in. I enjoyed the read. Time for me to read the next books.

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An unexpectedly good read. I'm not normally a fantasy reader, but this is a YA fantasy book that I've recommended to several readers!

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Teddy Cannon is a young woman living in Las Vegas who has found herself in a bit of trouble. Kicked out of Stanford for participating in a betting ring, banned from every casino on the strip, and now owing a lot of money to a Russian bookie. She tries to sneak into a casino to use her ability to read people to win at the poker tables to repay her debt and keep her parents from the trouble she’s caused. It doesn’t go well, but Teddy is saved by a man who recruits her to a special school where they train psychics to work with law enforcement and military to protect the country. Teddy begins to hone her abilities and befriends other students who have also felt different because of their skills, but she also begins to learn more about her birth parents and suspects there is more going on at the school than she’s been told. A mysterious theft, students disappearing, and then she and her friends have to try to break into FBI headquarters to retrieve a file that may hold answers to many questions.

I really, really enjoyed this book! You really connect with Teddy from the first page even though she’s doing something pretty dishonest. You can tell immediately that beneath her sass and grit she’s a good person who has made some bad choices, but she’s trying to make it right. That’s actually a theme throughout the book (and probably the series): when do the means justify the ends, bad choices justified by the good they produce, and when does it go too far? As I said, Teddy is an extremely likable main character, and I really enjoyed a lot of the other characters as well. It was entertaining both for Teddy’s comedic snark as well as a lot of fast-paced action. You do have to suspend belief a bit since everyone at the school has extraordinary powers, but they’re not completely out there, so it wasn’t a huge stretch of the imagination.

I’d rate this book PG-13 for a medium amount of moderate swearing and a couple of mild sex scenes (vague descriptions of what’s happening and then the scene ends before the actual occurrence of anything). If not for that, I might have rounded my 4 1/2 stars up to a 5! But I thoroughly enjoyed it and will definitely be reading more in the series. Thanks to NetGalley for the free ebook.

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This was an entertaining start to a new series where Teddy is taken to a school for psychics. She meets others that possess similar skills, and those characters were certainly fun to learn about. The book itself is definitely very YA (so much teenage angst!), so it lacked a certain polish, but all in all, I enjoyed this inventive novel.

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Meet Teddy, a woman who is a bit troubled, but can read people with surprising precision.. She is invited to attend a school of Psychics. If she survives, she will be emp0loyed by high levels of the government and can help save the country and maybe the world.

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School for Psychics is a fun, enjoyable read about a young 20-something Theodora Delaney Cannon (Teddy) who after a life of gambling and living on the edge in Vegas, discovers she can escape her old life and its consequences, by enrolling in a secret School for Psychics--Whitfield Institute for Law Enforcement Training and Development. While there, she trains to develop her skills for reading people while meeting other students who are developing their gifts, such as reading animals' minds, fire starting, reading emotions. The book includes mystery (who/where are her biological parents? ), romance, and humor which helped me continue reading through some slower parts, to the great twists and turns to the last part of the book, which I couldn't put down until I finished it! I heard that this might be developed into a series for CW network? And if it is, I can't wait to watch it! Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC ebook.

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I think it’s finally time for me to admit DNF on this book.

I received a copy of it through NetGalley, and I have *tried* for months to get through it. It’s not badly written, and the general idea is interesting. However, the main character kills it. She’s so lackluster that it’s hard to bond with her on any level. Really, I just don’t like her very much. The main boy, her love interest, is equally as annoying.

I hate DNF-ing books, but I also know when I’m just not going to get back to it.

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School for Psychics by K.C. Archer in ARC form was given to me in return for an honest review thru NetGalley. For me, this the first time reading a book by K.C. Archer.
What happens when you find out about your true background, and that “reading” people is just one of your gifts? This happens to Teddy Cannon. Yes, she knows that she is adopted, has no clue to who are real birth parents. Imagine yourself being approached by a total stranger who knows more about her than herself, and what she could be capable of. What would you do? A stranger who wants to help hone your skills, meet similar people like yourself, and only at an unique school?
School for Psychics is a different read for me. I truly enjoyed this ARC, and I am looking towards the installment by this talented, story weaver author. Thank you, K.C Archer for sharing this world with us and looking for so much more. Once again, thank you NetGalley for a chance to read and review this fantastic read

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Teddy is a young adult who can read people and she uses it to gamble. She owes a loan shark a lot of money when she is recruited to attend the Whitmore Institute for Psychics and she discovers that she is actually psychic. While attending the school she meets others like her as well as learning how to use her powers. She also finds out the truth about her birth parents.

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Teddy Cannon has made it to her twenties without realizing that her uncanny ability to read people, especially while playing poker, is psychic in nature. Lacking direction in her life, and in trouble, will Teddy take the invitation to apply to a School for Psychics? Will being in a remote area off the coast of San Francisco with others with varying abilities help Teddy to realize her true potential?

The biggest problem I had with School for Psychics was the lack of character development. From the beginning, Teddy was portrayed as a rebel. Her abilities helped her in a big way, but her losses outweighed the wins. This description was more like the standard gambler, trying to parlay a win streak into a big purse. I did not really like how the teachers of the school pitted the students against each other, especially in light of the fact that they were all in different stages of their psychic development. The ending was predictable and the obvious set-up for a subsequent book cheapened School of Psychics for me. Although it was a quick read, I would be hesitant to recommend it to other readers for the above mentioned reasons.

Disclaimer: I was given an Advanced Reader's Copy of School for Psychics by NetGalley and the publisher, Simon & Schuster. The decision to review this novel was entirely my own.

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A fantasy about someone with special abilities... sign me up! A 20 something year old arrives at a school.... okay I can do this, but I really couldn't. I was so bored I almost didn't finish.

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While this book has an interesting premise, I could not find myself going further than the first few chapters. I'm not sure if it was the pacing or if the character development was not as expected.

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The book starts off with Teddy Cannon who's in disguise gambling in Las Vegas since she was banned from most casinos. Teddy is a "psychic" who knows exactly what the other players are going to do and responds in turn. She's in a whole lotta debt and needs to pay it back so that's why she's there. In this casino, however, she's approached and is offered a chance to work on her skills. She then goes to a school for psychics where she must pass a test to study there.

I was pretty excited to read this book because it sounded interesting. I mean, a school for psychics? What could be better (or worse)? But honestly, there were parts of the book that were moving really slow and it made me feel like I didn't want to keep reading. Near the end, however, things did pick up which made me more invested.

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Teddy is a bumbling twenty-something looking for ways to fix her mess-ups. She's dropped out of college, has a gambling problem, and epilepsy that seems unchecked to boot. She doesn't know what to do with herself, and trying to win big one last time at a casino she's already been kicked out of seems (to her) like the right thing to do to set herself on a good path, or at least one where she doesn't get her butt kicked by the Russian mobsters trying to get their money back.
My biggest complaint about School for Psychics is that the writing style didn't feel conducive to the story line. Archer continued to stop throughout the book to give updates on Teddy's feelings that didn't keep the story moving and felt often misplaced. Some of Teddy's thoughts were mere jokes, and sometimes repetitive jokes that made me want to roll my eyes. I was not a fan of her personality, and having further insights into the way she thought did not help me enjoy the experience further.
None of the side characters were very developed either, and they constantly seemed shifty and untrustworthy throughout the story. That made it a very one-sided, Teddy-heavy read, which you may guess, was not the most enjoyable for me.
The redeeming factor of the book was the overall premise and big mystery. Psychics being trained for military purposes, but also a government cover-up about what happened to some of the early psychics being trained for the military was an interesting premise indeed. Unfortunately, as this is the first of the series, the big mystery was barely revealed, and I don't think I'll have the energy to continue down the road with Teddy to uncover what's truly going on.

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