Member Reviews

➳Filthy, sweet, romantic, enticing... All words that describe the kind of writing Alexa Riley write and never seem to get old...
➳After reading Miles' story with Mallory in Everything for Her, and getting the chance to meet the Ozbourne men, it was no surprise to me that Henry would follow his father's steps both in the real world and also in the romanticized, possessive, alpha side. Though the story has flashbacks of Henry meeting Kory back in highschool and being attracted to her there, and the flashbacks gives us an insight of the cousins that we meet from Stay Close and Hold Tight, some of the scenes went outside the writing zone Alexa Riley usually takes upon. I'm not saying I didn't like it, since it's always refreshing to read new ideas and unique styles of writing from my favorite authors. However, the story seemed to lack a lot of the drama that I would expect coming from AR in any book by Carina Press. Yes, the dilemma of Kory's "ex" is present and the whole white-knight-in-shining-armor vibes coming from Henry is swoon worthy he stumbles upon her problems, but I guess I just got used to the idea of reading a tad bit more of the drama side in this series.

➳Overall, I loved and devoured the book in one reading. I will never get tired of Alexa Riley type of writing because filthy, smuty, and right down possessive alpha males will always be welcomed in my reading "room"/ world. Thank you to Carina Press for providing an advance copy of this novel. I sure am looking forward to more novels like this one coming from AR in the near future...

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This was a very short story with insta love. It starts as a cute story of young love and jumps to a story of second chance love. Henry and Kory meet in high school and have one day together. They are separated for 10 years due to a misunderstanding. The story is too short to actually give give a the reader a chance to connect with the characters. I like the adult Henry with his possessiveness and alpha tendencies. This was a great teaser that makes me want to read more by this author.

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This was the final novella in the For You series, which is a spin-off of the author's full length, For Her series. These novellas with the kids, all grown up, have been fun, though short. My favorite was the first book, Stay Close, but I liked this one too.

Henry Osbourne is the son of the main couple, Miles and Mallory, from book 1 of the For Her series, Everything For Her. He is a rich and powerful man, now that he's taken over the running of his father's company. When he was in high school, he fell for a girl, and they had 1 date, at his senior prom. But right afterward, they had a giant misunderstanding, and she left town to go to college. He's never seen her again, in 10 years. But, she's always been on his mind, and in his heart, and because of that, he's never been interested in other women.

Kory Summers was a scholarship kid at the elite private school where she first met Henry. He never dated or paid attention to any other girls, from what she had heard, so when he asked her to the prom, she was flattered and thrilled. They had a magical night, until it ended horribly, and she ran off to Boston to attend college at Harvard. She's only been back to NYC sporadically since then, and only to visit her mom for holidays. She's been avoiding the city like the plague for a decade, but when she has a BIG problem at her current job, and an amazing job in NYC opens up at the perfect time, she has no choice but to take it, and move back to New York. She just hopes not to run into Henry. Good luck with that!

Henry & Kory's chemistry was just as strong as ever and I loved their connection. They finally talked and cleared up their supposed issues, and I liked that they were open and honest with each other. I liked the way Henry's cousins Penelope and Pandora helped him out as well, both in the past, and in the present. I liked Henry and Kory's connection, and how they both held on to it, even when they didn't really want to sometimes. It made their bond that much stronger once they were back together.

My only issues here were that I would have liked a little more resolution with Kory's ex-boss. Also, I really would have liked to see Henry and Kory's mom's conversation as well. I'm sure that would have been quite entertaining. I know some things have to be sacrificed in such a short story, but I feel like it would have been a more well rounded story with those 2 elements added.

I loved how both of the characters were equally affected long-term, by their prior connection. I hate it when the heroine "stays true" to a lost love, but the hero goes around sleeping with everyone, even though he's "still in love" with the heroine. Thankfully, I never have to worry about that in an Alexa Riley book! I've enjoyed these novellas, and I'm looking forward to the final full length book in the series!

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Don't Go..... I don't know. It's a tough call on this one. I hate it when I read something that reminds me of a magazine article short story. This is a very short story and that was ok, that was all I could probably handle.
The story starts well, giving you the history between Kory and Henry and then skips ahead 10 years. Ok, got that. Then the insta-love ensues, considering how things ended with these two 10 years ago insta nothing would have been on my list and a whole nut load of groveling. Don't these guys grovel anymore?? I will say that I can't recall a dual virgin story, ever. Ok, I digress. More substance would have been great and a few less epilogues. Heavy on the steam factor and damn if it wasn't boring.

*I voluntarily read this book, this is my review. My thoughts and opinions are my own*

*Arc form NetGalley and Carina**

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I am a huge Alexa fan and have been anticipating Henry's book for months and it was SO good. Kory and Henry fall in love in high school. He is the rich kid and her the scholarship kid. He asks her to prom and then things fall apart. Now 10 years later Kory is back in town and thats how Henry sees her again.

This book I LOVED. They have both waited 10 years for the other and I loved every second of this story. My only complaint is that I wanted a full length book and this is novella length.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book..

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‘Don’t Go’ is in fact, part of the ‘For You’ series, though it’s now Miles/Mallory’s son’s story, which can be a little jarring since it wasn’t too long ago that I read his parents’ HEA, though in Riley’s fictional world of the Osbournes, over 2 decades have gone by. The biggest issue I have with this series is the lack of chronological order in which the books come about and the time-gap that these stories span—which is at least a generation, but that might just be splitting hairs here.

Alexa Riley’s commitment to short and safe might cause some raised brows when it comes to instalove (or lust) and the all-in stance of the male protagonist and I do sometimes count myself among these brow-raisers. But in rare cases, Riley’s short and safe novellas can and do make an impact. In ‘Don’t Go,’ Riley writes about 2 people so devoted to each other as well as the the memories of that single Cinderella-esque night that there wouldn’t be space to ask the messy and difficult questions that typically appear as part of a second-chance romance. In fact, questions about the contentious separation period and the believability of the pairing’s second-chance romance don’t really factor into the equation here, simply because there have been no one else for Henry and Kory.

From there onwards, it’s pure Alexa Riley that takes over: the instalove (this is sufficiently warned by the authors to be fair), the possessive hero and the iron-clad HEA that probably spans a quarter of the entire short book. It’s not for everyone, clearly, because of how implausible and admittedly unrealistic the pairing and story might come across, but if devotion that sometimes seems out of the real world is what you’re looking at, then Alexa Riley is the kind of read to go for.

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A quick read. Mostly sweet with a little dirty thrown in. Not a huge fan of. Irvin heroes though. Still a good story. I like how she has several epilogues in her stories so we see where their lives end up in 10 years or so.

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This is the next generation from the couple in the first book of the series, their son Henry.
It's a second chance romance so there is a brief prologue of Henry meeting his girl when he is 18 the they break up.
It has all the Insta. Love Alexa Riley is famous for but a bit more meat to the story.
The couple are adorable. Neither sleep around and there is a HEA.

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This is exactly what I want when I read Alexa Riley. It was sweet, swoon worthy, and had me smiling most of the time I was reading it.

Alexa Riley always makes the best over the top possessive hero. Its like it’s their specialty, and I loved every single minute of seeing Henry win back Kory. There was insta love (they warned you in the blurb) but I think it was done pretty good. I couldn’t wait until they met again.

Overall it was another Alexa Riley book that was a win for me. If you like over the top heroes and quick sexy reads then pick this up when it comes out!

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This is book is everything! Those who have read Alexa Riley's Everything For Her and know about Miles and Mallory will cry because this is HENRY'S TIME AND AHHHH HE IS JUST PERFECT AND ABOVE AND BEYOND LIKE MILES.

this story was sweet and sugary perfection!!

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"The day she disappeared was the day I lost my soul."

"I found my soul mate when I was eighteen years old and had to let her go."

"We had one day together and it changed everything I knew to be true."

Don't Go is a quick, easy and 100% sexy read. This book might be short, but it will captivate you and having you devouring all the the words.

Don't Go is a story of insta and unforgettable love. It is told from past and present tense. The characters are interesting and their story kept me begging for more. I loved the intense connection that Kory and Henry had. Their chemistry was great and you could tell that they fell in love at first sight.

Overall, I thought this book was a cute read. It was written well and had just the right amount of drama and sexiness. Definitely a great read if you're looking for something short and sexy. This is my first book by this author and I'm excited to check out more from her in the future.

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Don't Go, should be labeled as a YA romance novel. A lot of the book is spent ten years in the past when Henry and Kory were 18. Even during present day, they are thinking about or discussing when they were 18.

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