Member Reviews

Let me just say this was already my most anticipated book of the year. I had been dying to read it ever since Caraval, which was amazing by the way. Legendary had the same elements that I loved from Caraval. However, I was very impressed that she was able to still make it different enough to not feel redundant to the first book.

Basically, this story follows a spunky girl who is just trying to do right by her family and find her mom while still watching out for her sister, but keeps getting thrown into impossible situations that are holding her up. As an added difficulty, she can never tell what is real and what is all for show.

LOVE this author, and will be following her wherever her literary worlds take me.

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This book picked right where Caraval left off except it was told from Tella's perspective. It dives even deeper into the world of Caraval and takes the reader on an amazing adventure. I couldn't put this book down! Can't wait for Stephanie Garber's next book <3

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I want to be a part of Caraval! Stephanie Garber has a way of drawing you in and making you feel like you're a part of the story. Even when I thought I knew what was going to happen, there was some small twist or turn that made me second guess what I originally thought was going to happen. Tella's story was definitely a bit darker than Scarlett's story but still all the more intriguing and magical. I can't wait to see what to next chapter brings.

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I absolutely DEVOURED <i>Caraval</i>, and loved every minute of it, so had very high expectations for <i>Legendary<i/>. I was not disappointed. The story that started with Scarlett and Julian continues with Tella and Dante, and becomes progressively more dark and twisty. And I'm all about dark and twisty stories.

The action picks right up at the end of <i>Caraval</i> and moves from the island to a kingdom, where the Caraval troupe has been asked to perform at the sovereign's wish. The world building is equally dazzling, and the few new characters who are introduced are a fantastic addition.

Tella takes over as the main character in this book, and we learn there is a whole story going on behind the scenes of <i>Caraval</i> that we aren't privy to. It's this story that moves to the forefront in <i>Legendary</i>. We learn about Tella's secrets she's been keeping - even from Scarlett - and the motivations driving her decisions. There is still the mystery of Legend and his identity, and it is magnified many times here.

The narration has multiple story lines, twisting and weaving in and out of connection with one another, and it creates a complicated tapestry of adventure, intrigue, and magic. None of the characters are who they seem to be. I <3 stories like this - where no one is trustworthy, and everyone is suspect, and even when you reach the resolution, you HAVE TO question whether or not it's really the resolution, and what secrets these characters are still hiding.

This was a great adventure, and I would recommend it to anyone who liked Erin Morgenstern's <i>The Night Circus</i>, Amanda Hocking's <i>Freeks</i>, and even Erica Swyler's <i>The Book of Speculation</i>.

NetGalley and Flatiron Books provided me an advance copy of the book in exchange for an unbiased review. Thank you!

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I think I loved this book more that I loved Caraval! Legendary is told from Tella's perspective and her time competing in Caraval.

Stephanie Garber did an amazing job telling Tella's perspective. It was very obvious that the way Tella sees the world is drastically different from Scarlet. I missed reading about Scarlet's descriptions of colors, but Tella doesn't see the world the same way so it made sense. Even though Tella is the younger sister, her thoughts and actions seem more mature. During this Caraval game, I had a harder time figuring out what was "real" and what was part of the game until the end.

I really hope Stephanie Garber writes a 3rd book! There are some loose ends that I would love to understand more about.

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The second book after Caraval, picks up right where the first book left off, only from Donatella's point of view. Tellas decides to play Legend's game, but begins to think it is NOT a game this time.
Prepare yourself for another round of game play, only this time playing for your life.

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I have so much love for this world and these characters. I was worried that this one would be too similar to Caraval and I wouldn’t enjoy it as much but I enjoyed it more, this book was just as brilliant as the first, maybe even more so. Tella’s story shows her weaknesses and her strengths and I loved following her journey. I appreciated a chance to get to know characters from the first book better and I loved how the adventure unfolded always surprising me with what was next it was spectacular I loved every minute.

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In the first visit to Caraval, we met the two fearless sisters, Tessa and Donatello, as they escaped their nasty father and won the golden ticket to play the game of Caraval, a magical romp put on by the mysterious magician called Legend. This second trip is mind-blowing, wickedly delicious, and contains an unstoppable train of events. Tella is the player now, and a dark, foreboding pall hangs over this game as the elderly empress has demanded a special playing for her birthday celebration. Unbeknownst to Tella, the Fates (a super creepy batch of creatures) have been trapped in a deck of cards for quite some time and want out. Her 'pretend' fiance for the game happens to be the Prince of Hearts who is looking to free his buddies from their flattening confinement, as well as dangling the possibility of saving Tella's long-lost mother as part of a deadly bargain. The sisters have some impossible choices in front of them, which forced me to stay up waaay too late to voraciously read to the very end, where of course I got a bit of a cliffhanger as I wait impatiently for Book Three. She does, however, wrap up this storyline which is much appreciated:) Stephanie Garber is a magician herself as she is able to create a gorgeous yet forbidding fantasy world, write complex characters that act in oh so human ways, and design a twisty turning plot that demands to be read. While I loved Caraval, I do believe Legendary is even better.

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Though not quite as good as the first book, I enjoyed reading about Tella, the plucky heroine of this novel. It was fun returning to the world created by Legend and fun to watch the high-stakes game between the players.

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UGH. I wan't to love this book but I don't think I can give it my full support after the ending. I felt like the tension was exquisitely built throughout the novel but the pay-out didn't exactly work for me. Loved exploring new sides of old characters and meeting new characters. Definitely a good read!.

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JEEEEZ this book was good! Caraval was one of my favorites from last year so I was really excited to read Legendary, and it absolutely lived up to my expectations. This book was so creative and unique, really well-written, and just yanked me all over the place with emotions. We saw little of Scarlett in this sequel, as it focused on Tella, and the game of Caraval was very different this time around, so Legendary felt fresh and new. I loved the characters of Tella and Dante, and I loved their funny and fiery relationship (although the ending left me wanting to pull my hair out). I really hope there's a third book in the works because I can't wait to see where things go from here.

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So, I was really excited for this book as it focuses on Tella this time around. I like Caraval, but man, I thought Scarlett, as a character, was very annoying. But that is neither here nor there.

I have to admit that there were points where I felt the writing was really redundant. I understand this is a YA book, but you don't have to repeat things over and over just to have something to fill the pages. I think teens are able to pick things up the first time around. I don't want to gives spesifics as it would be spoiling things....but once you read the book, you'll know what I mean.

Now, while the writing wasn't the greatest, the plot of this was very good. I actually enjoyed this story more than the first, and that usually isn't the case. I love stories that rely on myths and legends and this story does that. Of course these are myths and legends linked to this story and world, but they are there nonetheless. There are talks of gods (who are now the stars) and The Fate like those in a deck of tarot cards. (That's a hint for you there.)

This is an e-arc copy that I am reviewing and I am hoping that the actual release format is better than the one I read. Paragraphs and sentences were spaced all funny and chapter titles popped up in the middle of the page.

Overall I enjoyed the story and give it a 4 star rating. Like I said, some of the writing wasn't impressive and the formatting of the ebook was wonky for me, but it was still an enjoyable read.

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I'm a huge, huge fan of book one, Caraval . The twists and turns, the unpredictable nature and magical adventure was like nothing I had read before. I never would have thought it was possible to top that reading experience, and I must admit I was a little nervous for disappointment in the second book. After all, I'm no novice. I know what to expect from this deceptive game now. Right?



Check your confidence at the door before stepping foot in the Meridian Empire's enchanted city of Valenda. Once again, Stephanie Garber had me questioning everything I thought I knew, and turning the world on its head. In Valenda you'll discover a city of flying carriages, and crumbling columns. Imprisoned immortal fates whose cruelty must never be unleashed on the world again. A city blanketed by lavender skies, stardust, and more danger than your imagination could conjure.

It all started with a Deck of Destiny and a curious little girl who couldn't resist tempting fate. Tella Dragna has always been bold, courageous, and maybe a little too impulsive for her own good. With one innocent choice, she set a chain of events in motion that she may never be able to break.

In Caraval, Tella was a wild card with questionable motivations. Scarlett's younger sister seemed flighty and whimsical, and I had no idea what to think of her. Then she looked death square in the eye, and risked everything for the sake of her sister. With a cruel father, and a mother who didn't care enough to stay, Scarlett was the one person she could depend upon. That forged a solid bond, and fierce loyalty between the sisters that couldn't be broken. But their mother's disappearance seven years before left a gaping hole that needed to be filled. She would have answers, even if she had to bargain with the devil to seek them out.

Not only is she up against Legend's wit and magic, a new sinister player is revealed that may have the power to be her undoing.

Even with an unexpected ally, (Or are they really?) she's working with a physical handicap that's like a ticking timebomb preparing to detonate. You can try to guess her friends and foes, what's real, and what's a trick of the mind. I dare you. Even with the unveiling of Legend, will Tella find the answers and the future she seeks? Or is she doomed to fulfill the destiny that's been foretold that she refuses to accept?

Tella won me over completely with her determination and bravery. She was nothing like I expected, and much more than she believed herself to be. Along the way she faced countless challenges, crushing disappointments, and heartache. Underneath that fiery stubbornness was a vulnerable side that she tries to hide, but comes peeking out at the most inopportune times. You could see that this entire adventure was her desperate attempt to recapture control of her life after being powerless for so long. Flitting from boy to boy was self-protection from the belief that she wasn't meant to find true love. That love was alluring, but destroyed everything it touched.

These characters have a depth and dimension to them that make the story so vivid you can't tell where the pages end and you begin. The plot is layered with mystery, desperation, and when everything comes together it will leave you gasping. I'm not exaggerating, my heart was actually pounding from excitement as she raced towards the final confrontation. I could not read fast enough for my spinning mind.
The story told from a fresh point of view, a glittering, sprawling backdrop, and filled with a new ensemble of completely fleshed out characters. I can tell you without hesitation that this is one of the best crafted fantasy books you'll ever read.

The number one rule of Caraval is to Remember, it's only a game. I kept chanting this most basic rule. It's a game! These are actors playing a part on the grandest of stages! I STILL DOUBTED. I theorized, guessed, second get the picture. Just don't expect things to be wrapped up in a cozy, tidy bow. Hold your breath, take the leap, and experience the wonder that awaits you.

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Oh my book ever. I love this series so much.
The characters, the environment, it's all so well written and built and truely gives off a magical sense.

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Last year, Caraval was one of my most anticipated reads of 2017. And I enjoyed diving into the mystical world, which was filled with twists and romance, but Legendary was the book I expected to read last year. It is extremely rare for me to enjoy a sequel more than the original, bu Legendary was everything I wanted Caraval to be. With a fierce heroine, high stakes, and a killer romance (literally lol), Legend will be sure to impress readers of all ages.

I don't want to spoil the first book, so I'll summarize Legendary in vague terms. Tella is still trying to move on from the events of Caraval. And although she's happy about the ending, she now has a price to pay. A price that may cost her her life. Tella has only option to get what she wants- play the game.

I'm not going to lie, Scarlett wasn't my favorite protagonist. She seemed weak and unmemorable, but Tella is the exact opposite. She fights with fiery and wit, but still holds a certain vulnerability that most readers will relate to. Tella has a goal and nothing will stop her from achieving it, not even Legend.

Legendary still consists of the magical awe of the first book while throwing a few twists to keep the pace fast and the story interesting. The biggest difference between this sequel and the first book was the stakes. While trying to save her sister in the first book was a fine and dandy goal, the sequel deals with higher stakes that could change the world.

The mystery of Legend is also a constant question that appears throughout the game. I'm sure readers will have their suspicions (some correct and some incorrect) but overall, the guessing game was just as fun as the story.

We're also introduced to some new characters, some good and some bad. Once again, it became a guessing game of who was good and who was bad. Who can Tella trust? And, what it will it cost her if she's wrong?

Overall, I enjoyed Legendary more than Caraval, which was a shocker. My only complaint would be that ending. You can't end a book that way. Just please, no, I beg of you.

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Ok, so my thoughts on this book are sort of stuck in a place of limbo right now. It really comes down to whether this book will truly be the stories conclusion as it was initially planned or if it is now intended to be a middle installment to a trilogy/series. On it's own this book is every bit as magical and enchanting as Caraval. Ms Garber truly has a gift for taking her readers to her world where adventure, romance, and magic radiate of the pages...BUT...! As fun and exciting as this book was it would still be nothing short of infuriating if it truly is meant to be any kind of conclusion. As of right now I'm going to base my review on the assumption that there is more to come, I haven't been able to find any mention or suggestion that a third installment but who knows. That being said, if it turns out this truly was meant to be the conclusion to the overall story started in Caraval, I'd be forced to drop my rating considerably. There's just too much left by the time the reader comes to Legendry's final page. A quick rundown of this book. There's another edition of Caraval going down although it's not as vital to the plot as the first game was, there's a maternal scavenger hunt, much like her sister Scarlett, Tella finds herself playing Legend's game, creating serious romantic tension with one of the games actors, as well as picking up her own 3rd party fiancé. There's also a seriously problematic Tarot(ish) deck made up by demigod like characters who are all appear to be created by combining unhealthy levels of narcissism and sociopathy. Other stuff happens. Honestly, so much of how I feel about all the various storylines is dependent on the need for a third book (assuming an additional book would come with the gift of resolution.) Too much of what happens ends up feeling pointless without the satisfaction of some kind of cohesive resolution to pretty much any or better yet all the main plots, subplots, mysterious backstories that just stayed mysterious, &the character relationships that went down through out these books. As it stands right now we are left with … nothing. Scarlet-Julian=??? Tella-Dante=??? Julian-Dante=??? Scarlet-Nicolas=??? Why are you even back, Nicolas?=??? Comatose prodigal bandit mother=I can't even Legend/Fates/Return of the heir-??? I assume you all are seeing the problem here. All the beautiful writing a world building in the world can't erase the pointlessness of a story that's feels so unfinished it wouldn't even qualify as anti-climactic. The idea of that makes me pretty grumpy. Then again a third book might be announced tomorrow and *poof* all my discontent would vanish. I was able to enjoy Caraval so much more for that exact reason. It was pretty vague in its ending but I knew there was more story on the way so I didn't worry on that but now it's like quadruple levels of vague and I'm just over here in my 5-star/angry book review limbo.

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Legendary was a book that I was really looking forward to reading - I enjoyed the first book, Caraval, for its magical setting and fast-paced adventure. The one thing I did not care for in Caraval was the main character, Scarlett, who I thought was weak and underdeveloped. I thought that the book would be much better if it focused on a more interesting character, like Scarlett's sister, Donatella. So for that reason I eagerly began reading Legendary. Unfortunately, many of the same problems that plagued Scarlett in Caraval were present for Tella in Legendary. No longer the thrill-seeking sister who flouts the rules, Tella is channeling her inner Scarlett throughout the entire book. Every time she finds herself in trouble, she is immediately rescued by a male character, exactly how her sister was rescued in Caraval. This was frustrating, because it seems like Stephanie Garber can really only write about one type of character, a damsel in distress who is constantly in need of rescue.

The game this time around was seemingly much higher stakes, although the plot relied less on the game and more on possible love triangles and a plot to rescue Donatella and Scarlett's mother. The plots involving the Fates and the Deck of Destiny came out of nowhere, having been completely absent from the first book. I didn't realize Fates were even a part of this world, which seems like a fantasy world developed just for the sake of being a fantasy world. There is no world building, only throwaway mentions of the Fates used mainly as setting for the game that Tella is playing, and introducing the Prince of Hearts.

One small-ish issue that I just could not get past, however, was the constant use of smell to describe the world. Tella is constantly using her apparently superhuman sense of smell to describe the world around her, and it never smells like...actual scents. It's always smelling like "despair and broken dreams" and the character of Dante is forever smelling like ink. I almost wanted to smell ink while reading this just so I could know how this supposedly swoon-worthy character smells. It was irritating and took me out of the book every time it happened, which was just about every third paragraph.

All in all, if you enjoyed Caraval, you might like this book. Maybe give it a shot. The game elements are fun at times, and it is still a fast-paced read. Just don't go in expecting much improvement from the first book, or any answers to some of the larger questions about Legend and magic that remain annoyingly unanswered.

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Legendary delivered everything I was expecting after Caraval and then some! If you think you know what will happen since you read Caraval think again! This book follows Tella on her journey in Caraval. This book had me on the edge of my seat. I could not get enough of it and can not wait to read the next installment!

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Wonderful sequel to Caraval! Now I'm left wondering if there will be a part 3! Once again, Stephanie Garber's writing lives up to my expectations and beyond!

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This will be posted on my blog, Keep Reading Forward, on 5/19/2018

In Legendary, the story now shifts into Tella's perspective as she hunts down some answers about the game and Legend himself. As part of a bargain, Tella now needs to find out who Legend really is and deliver his name to some mysterious criminal. As it appears, the only way to find the answers she needs, Tella must participate in the next Caraval games, right after the previous game concluded.

I was not on the best of terms with Caraval, so I was really unsure if I was going to like Legendary. There were bits and pieces in Caraval that I enjoyed and some I thought were lacking. I did enjoy the story enough where I wanted to continue to Legendary. Legendary has succeeded my expectations big time.

In this book, there's a certain mythology behind everything and serves as the basis of the game and the story itself. It is completely different from the first book and I have loved every single second of it. I'm not sure if mythology was an original idea created by the author, or if the mythology was the author's take based on the history of tarot cards. I don't know a lot about tarot cards, but I'm sure there's more to it than just cards. This whole part of the story was really enjoyable.

All of the characters were interesting to read and learn about. Obviously the characters were introduced the first book, but different characters are now in the spotlight, like Tella for example. The switch of characters were interesting and a good way to learn more about the other characters. I really loved how some of the characters became who they are in this story, or was it apart of the game?

There were shocking twists in the story that was not unexpected. The ending was completely unpredictable. Garber has said that series is a duology so far, but is always willing to return to the world. I can definitely see her hopes for the series to continue because that ending gave me some questions that I want to see answered. There must be a third book. If you enjoyed reading Caraval, then you will definitely love reading Legendary. (It answers the many questions from Caraval left us, if that helps!)

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