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Bad Business

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Football has always been the main focus of Jason Stones life. In fact, it is his life. As a veteran quarterback, he is ready to hang up his pads but only after winning his fourth Super Bowl for his new team the Dallas Wranglers. When Stone meets Savannah Andrews the last thing he expects is to like her so much. Never has he entertained the idea of settling down but with her, things are different. With so many things pulling them apart, most notably their careers, will Stone and Savannah be able to cultivate a real relationship or will their spark burn out?

Sports romance is one of my favorite genres of all time and this book was a perfect example of why that is!

I had the great opportunity to review an ARC of Bad Business. Before going into this book, I hadn't ever read anything by Nicole Edwards but I was hopeful that I'd love this book based on the synopsis alone. After having read the book, I can honestly say it was pretty damn good. I liked the characters, the romance, the writing, the storyline and everything in between! I would've only liked for it to have captured my attention a tad more and for the emotional side of the romance to have been more developed. Aside from that, it was a great read.

There were times while reading this book that I didn't feel 100% engrossed in the story...

Like I said, I think I would've enjoyed this book more had I been more captivated by it. Sure, I did like it but I was able to put it down and there were times where I wasn't really in the mood to read it. When I'm reading a five-star read, I am unable to put it down so that was a sign in and of itself. Also, the romance was very well developed on a physical/sexual level but not very much on an emotional level. I didn't necessarily feel the love connection per se between Stone and Savannah as much as it was described so that was a small issue for me. I understood that they loved each other by the end but I couldn't fully grasp how they went from against relationships to falling in love in a very short period of time.

Nicole Edwards stole the show with this great sports romance with a forbidden twist. It was very entertaining!

For starters, Bad Business was a really fun read. Stone and Savannah were a major highlight of this novel because I was able to connect with them on a deep level right off the bat. I felt like I knew them personally and really appreciated that. Together they were smoking hot! Their romance was off the charts sexy but also had an underlying sweetness which was nice to see. Though the emotional side of their relationship wasn't greatly developed, having that contrast still was interesting. The storyline was amazing. The sports element was developed to a tee and I really got the sense that I was reading about a real-life football player. Nicole Edwards' writing also shocked me quite a bit. I hadn't ever read anything by her so when I read this and realized how well written it was I just felt regret over not having discovered her sooner. I loved how she worked in some banter between Stone and Savannah and how she made them so fun and funny. I also really liked the sort of forbidden aspect of their relationship. It added an extra something to their romance which was great. And of course, it was so easy to get through. Though I wasn't always 100% into the book, I did find that it flowed and read really easily and very nicely.

I'm so glad I got the opportunity to read this book because it was very good!

Bad Business was a damn good read not only for its amazing characters but also because of the great romance, the wonderful storyline, and the good writing. I wasn't always totally into the story and I didn't feel like the emotional side of Stone and Savannah's relationship was developed enough but despite that, it still was a pretty good read. I'm giving Bad Business 4 stars and would recommend it to fans of sports romance and contemporary romance!

"This is love. No, this is more than that. This is . . . everything."

*ARC kindly provided by the author through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Another great book from Nicole. I loved this one and I loved Jason, he was sweet, sexy and all alpha male. Savannah was amazing as well, she was sweet and didn't let anyone get in her way of what she wanted, This one had little drama and was very well. I love a book every now and again that really has no drama and ends with a happily ever after. I can't wait for the next one.

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When star quarterback Jason Stone meets Savannah Andrews in a bar she knows who he is, but she is a mystery to him. After a fun romp in bed, she sneaks out and Jason is left wondering. Soon Savannah makes herself known and she and Jason tiptoe around a relationship while Savannah is pressured by her dad and brothers to convince Jason to sign on for another contract instead of retiring. You are rooting for them to get together and the story doesn't disappoint. Like the first book, each chapter begins with an excerpt from a magazine story on the Bad Boys of Sports. You soon realize that being a "Bad Boy" is just an act and Jason is a nice guy who was waiting to meet his match in Savannah.

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This is the second book in The Bad Boy of Sports series and I enjoyed this one just as much as I did the first book in this series. It is fun, sexy and flirty and it has great dialogue and dynamics between the characters. I loved all of the funny banter and quips between the characters. This is a refreshing story with an engaging storyline about a sexy football player at the end of his career.

Jason Stone is a thirty five year old quarterback brought in to help the Dallas Wranglers win the Super Bowl. Jason knows most of the women he meets are only interested in him for his money and status. So he sticks to one night stands. His life consists of women, booze and parties. He doesn’t take himself too seriously and is witty, charming and confident.

Savannah Andrews father owns the Dallas Wranglers. She is the
Executive Vice President and Chief Public Relations Officer. Savannah is not impressed with Jason when she meets him because she has been around football players all her life. Savanna takes Jason by surprise when she treats him like a regular guy and he he likes it.

When Jason and Savanna meet they immediately connect but they are both careful with their hearts. Savannah and Jason have explosive sexual chemistry and they are good for each other and great together. Jason likes Savannah because she is genuine and likes him for himself. Jason is a good guy. He likes Savannah and always treats her well. I loved this story and the characters.

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This is book 2 in the series but is for sure a standalone. You dont notice at all that you missed something.
Savannah and Stone are so sweet and cute. I love that it wasnt INSTA love but it was a connection that kept them interested.
The surrounding story was great and kept you wanting more.
The sexy times DONT disapoint. (Duh its Nicole Edwards and she can WRITE a sex scene)
The light drama is perfect for this sexy sports romance.

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Sports romances are a hot commodity lately. I have seen (and read) a bit of them. I enjoy reading about hot athletic men and the women that they are pursuing. I enjoy the sexual hijinks that happen between the pages. I enjoy reading them. There are some that have bored me. Bad Business is not one of those books. I was captured by Bad Business from the beginning.

Bad Business is set in Dallas, Texas. I have noticed that a lot of the football-related romances are being set in Texas. While I like Texas, that another state could be used. I mean, there are 50 other states to pick from. I am getting Texas overkill….lol.

Being a football romance, Bad Business’s plot is basic. Guy meets girl, has a one night and then is surprised that girl works on the team he will be QB‘ing for. Very basic and guess what, basic is good. I like basic. Sometimes I need a book where I don’t have to guess where the plot is going. The only guessing I did here was where Jason and Savannah would have sex.

I liked Savannah. But I couldn’t wrap my head around was why she didn’t come out and say who she was at the club. I did think that it was a bit unfair that she sprang her identity on Jason the way she did. I did feel bad for her. I also felt that she should have been more upfront with him about why she started to spend more time with him. When she did reveal it to him, I was waiting for the explosion. Which didn’t happen. It made that part of the plot feel almost anticlimactic to me. Other than that, I did like her.

Jason was the total package. He didn’t beat around the bush at what he wanted in a relationship (serious or sexual). He let Savannah know up front what she was in for and expected the same in return. Which is why I was surprised when he didn’t blow up when she revealed the reason she started hanging out with him, to begin with. I would have flipped my lid. I also loved how he handled the football troll. He handled him with class the entire book.

I loved the secondary characters in the book. They made the book more believable and fleshed out. The author did a great job with giving those secondary characters enough space to shine but not so much that they take over the storyline.

The sex between Savannah and Jason was hot. The author did surprise me with the light bondage scenes. I was expecting vanilla sex. Not complaining because I loved it. Nothing like having a book throw you a curveball. Having those scenes thrown at me makes me want to read more of Nicole Edwards books.

The end of Bad Business was your typical romance novel ending. All sunshine and roses. I loved the epilogue too. I had a huge smile on my face when I read that.

Pros of Bad Business:

A) Awesome, hot sex.

B) Was an easy read. I didn’t have to make a syllabus to follow the plotline

C) Main characters were relatable and likable.

Cons of Bad Business:

A) I wished that it was set in a different state. Don’t get me wrong, I love Texas but it is being overused.

B) Savannah not being honest with Jason from the get-go.

C) The sex scenes. While hot and I enjoyed them, I felt that it channeled 50 Shades of Grey a bit.

I would give Bad Business a rating of Adult. There are graphic sex scenes, mild violence, and language. This book would not be suitable for anyone under the age of 21. There are no triggers in this book either.

I would recommend Bad Business to family and friends. I would include a warning of the content. I would also recommend that people read book 1 before book 2. While this can be read as a stand-alone, reading book 1 would bring more understanding to book 2 (if that makes sense).

I would like to thank Loveswept, Random House Publishing Group and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review Bad Business.

All opinions stated in this review of Bad Business are mine.

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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5 stars

I completely loved this book. I had the biggest crush on Stone, that’s Jason Stone, the quarterback for the Dallas Wranglers.

Jason Stone is the hottest quarterback and exactly what the Dallas Wranglers need to win the season and a spot at Super Bowl. Stone knows the game and can get them the wins. As to women, he can have any pick of who he wants any night of the week. But a chance encounter with this mystery girl and a night of passion cause his mind to be consumed with her when he should be thinking about plays and moves on the field. He can not let 1 girl distract his chance at getting another Super Bowl ring.

Savannah Andrews knows her way around a football field better than most guys. It is in her blood. Her father is the owner of the Dallas Wranglers. So she stays clear of any football player; she has learn they tried to use her to get to her father. But she is on to their game. She has worked hard to get her position with the team and it has nothing to do with her last name being “Andrews”. But when Savannah meets Stone out at the club one night and realizes he has no idea who she is; can she give in to a night of pleasure? She knows the chances of them running into each other will happen but she can not seem to stop the pull to give in for just one night.

Stone and Savannah have to learn to work together but after seeing each other naked, can they just be friends at best? Or will the one night they spent together want them to relive more nights?

I am a major fan of Nicole Edwards. Her way of writing will draw you into the story until the very last page then you will be craving more pages; only to have to wait for the next release date. Can not wait to see what she has in store for my future reads.

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Great book. Fun and sexy. The story is passionate. The end could be a little bit longer.

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Fun sexy sports romance

This is the first book I've read by Nichole Edwards and I'm so pleased I did.
Savannah and Stone had a spark that ignited at their first meet that just grew over the course of the story. I thought the romantic parts were sexy and the portrayal of some of the demands of the game and being in the public eye very realistic.
I received an advance reader copy from Netgalley.

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Wow! Nicole does it again with book 2 in this new series. It was simply amazing! Great story line!
It didn't take me long to fall in love with Jason Stone, or just Stone as he likes to be called. This hot, sexy, gorgeous, charming veteran QB definitely ticked off all of my boxes. And the fact that he calls his Momma all the time, especially before and after games, well that's just a bonus. I love the sibling rivalry he has going, even at his age, with his brother Jeremy. It's pretty funny!! I love Savannah too! She is gorgeous, career driven and her sassy take no nonsense attitude is just awesome. When these two collide though, their chemistry is positively incendiary! I love their witty banter, flirting and all in all how they seem to be at such ease with each other that they are able to talk about anything and they do. They are also so seriously crazy hot and sexy together, it's blush worthy!
Can't wait for more Bad Boys! (who really aren't so bad!)

I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Sports romance that gets you all hot and sweaty and a love that will stand the test of time!

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Bad Business is a hot, sizzling love story that will knock your panties off!

Jason Stone is a three time Super bowl champion, and quarterback to the Wranglers. He is good looking, has a family and a career he loves.... but something is missing in his life. And that is love. While celebrating a woman catches his eye across the room. And end up having the time of their lives. But when he wakes the next morning, his mystery girl is long gone. Unknowing to him that she is his coaches daughter....

Savannah is a young woman who always goes after the bad boys, rich men...... you name it. When she catches Jason's eye.... she knows she was in for one hell of a night.

These two spark up a relationship of sorts, that becomes so much more.

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Sometimes you just need to read light, fun & drama free book, and Nicole Edwards definitely delivered with this one! Bad Business is the second book in the Bad Boys of Sports series, but is a complete standalone.

Jason Stone is the star quarterback for the Texas Wranglers, leading them on a winning streak they have only dreamed of. Having just joined the team, after 13 years of playing, he is just focusing on one day at a time, while avoiding the never ending questions regarding his future.

Savannah Andrews has spent years proving her worth. As the daughter of the Texas Wranglers owner, she is determined to show everyone she worked to get where she is, and nothing was handed to her. Focused solely on her career, Savannah rarely dates, and avoids football players at all costs.

Neither of these two has time, or any desire, for a relationship. But when Savannah's father throws them together for the good of the team, they can't ignore the chemistry between them.

Bad Business is full of flirty fun & steamy moments. The chemistry between the characters is completely palpable, and I couldn't put it down! I loved the dual point of views, and the drama is basically non existent. I definitely enjoyed this book, and can't wait for the next in the series!

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I loved that Stone saw an opportunity and he grabbed it! I really like his easy going attitude and commitment. He is a real team player and a family man with a lot of sense of responsibility and respect. Also a great sense of humor. Savannah is an independent woman that hasn't given herself the chance to have fun and be cherished, but all that changes when she decides to throw caution to the wind regarding Stone. I really liked their conversations in the story and how they keep bouncing off each others teasing comments. They just flow together. Another thing I really liked is that they both have a supportive family full of good communication specially when things get hectic and blown out of proportion. This is a entertaining read with some intense moments as well as fun ones, and a man grabbing on to what he wants and not taking no for an answer.

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I volunteered to read this story for an honest review and enjoyed it alot

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Alpha male, great chemistry, sports what’s not to love?? I loved the hero and heroine in this story, both are strong characters willing to find there way albeit reluctantly at first into one another’s lives. I particularly love that Savannah is a strong female lead who is not in need of rescuing either physically or financially.

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I have read a TON of football romances and was expecting this one to be like all the others, which are good. Nicole Edwards has done an outstanding job with Bad Business! I loved it! Savannah and Jason Stone are HOT! I have not read the first book in the series but will definitely be adding it to my TBR list! Highly enjoyable read!

ARC kindly provided by Netgalley

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Totally loved this story. I would of like some tension to make the story more dramatic. Excited for more of this series.

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If you’re looking for little to no drama, low angst, nothing over the top and some serious hot sexy times with a football player. I’d say this book is for you. Savannah and Stone are all kinds of sexy together. There were quite a few fun times between them. Yeah, those were written pretty well. I thought it was super sweet that he really loves his momma. Calls her before and after ever game. Aww! Overall it was a pretty good sportsball book.

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Bad Business
Bad Boys of Sports #2
Nicole Edwards
4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Another great story by Nicole Edwards. I have been reading a bunch of her books lately. I really enjoy her writing style. She makes it so easy to love her characters and their families.

If you like this book, you should also read the first in the series Bad Reputation. That one was really good also.
Thanks NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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