Member Reviews

I always look forward to these Buzz Books. They provide an invaluable preview of the best books coming up soon. Such a great idea to be able to read an extended excerpt.

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Buzz Books Monthlies are your first and best place to turn for a real insider's taste of what to read next, and what the book world will be talking about next month. As always, you can check out our extensive preview of new books of interest coming to market in the months ahead.

Super helpful!!

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Fantastic as always! Sorry I forgot to rate this earlier, but I am still working off the list and enjoying may of the titles!. Keep them coming! Thanks!

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This has been one of the best Buzz Books editions I've read yet! I wish there was room to fit in more excerpts, but it's still a highly informative catalog of upcoming releases.

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A bit late to send in a review of the February 2018 books but I wanted to add that it was overall a great month for books, some of which I have since purchased thanks to this catalog.

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Some interesting books here. I enjoyed the previews. It might be helpful to actual have the books on offer at NetGalley.

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A fantastic resource to have has a blogger who likes to know the newest and exciting upcoming reads . A great way to discover hidden little gems that I might not otherwise hear about.

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The February book buzz was very helpful. Not all the book previews in the book were to my liking, but I did find some that I look forward to and will be putting on my purchase list when they come out. It was very well put together and featured some great authors.

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I really think that every Buzz Books Monthly is a must-read, because it includes several interesting excerpts and a wonderful list of new released books that help you to choose which one to read. Really satisfied!!

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The preview helps me be informed about new books for my library customers; I appreciate being able to have a first look at these titles.

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Love Buzz Books monthly samplers. Always find something new to be excited about.

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I always enjoy these books to see what ya being published in the upcoming months. Thank you for providing them.

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Thanks so much for the forward planner! I am finding these guides incredibly helpful.

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Book Review
Title: February 2018: Buzz Books Monthly
Author: Publishers Lunch
Genre: Collection
Rating: *
Review: As I did with my other review for these books I will be giving my thoughts on each excerpt individually. The only excerpt I have read before is Your One & Only.
The Kings of Big Spring by Bryan Mealer
The Kings of Big Spring is a nonfiction book which isn’t something I read much of really. However, after reading the excerpt I would classify this as non-fiction but more as an autobiography as it follows 26-year-old Bobby and his family before, during and after the Texas oil boom. Apart from that there isn’t much I can say only that I won’t be reading it as it really isn’t my kind of book.
Rosie Coloured Glasses by Brianna Wolfson
Rosie Coloured Glasses is an autobiography another genre I really stay away from. In this book we meet Willow Thorpe who is navigating the new world of her parent’s divorce, but we are also treated to a small section where we see Rosie meet Rex (Willow’s parents) for the first time. While I don’t like autobiographical books, this might be one I would consider reading.
The Sea Beast Takes a Lover by Michael Andreasen
The final book in this collection of excerpts is from a collection of supernatural stories. While being one of the only fictional excerpts in the collection I didn’t like it. The reason I didn’t like was excerpt are meant to grab a reader’s attention and make them want to read the book and this one was boring, just plain boring.

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A great monthly book that informs on the upcoming books. It's interesting and worth getting for the excerpts.

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I always look forward to Buzz Books. Keeps me on my toes for what to wish for/look for. Keep it up!

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Another interestingly curated selection of new titles

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I love Buzz Books! Thanks for reminding me that February is finally the month for the publication of The Kings of Big Springs. I've been waiting since 2017, so it's great to get a notice that now is the time and the wait is over. Thank you!

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I always enjoy the Buzz Books Monthly! It never ceases to help me find books I may have otherwise missed. This was no exception!

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This was an accidental download in search of a specific title but I’m so glad to see books like this available to get a taste of upcoming titles. Thanks and sorry if my download negativity impacts your system.

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