Member Reviews

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Rating: 2.5 Stars
A SEAL's Honor was an okay read for me. It's not a book that would encourage me to read more books from this author.

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I don't usually read the brother's best friend romance trope. But...HELLO?! Hot SEAL as an MC?! Count me in!

Although this read a bit cliched, it was still an enjoyable read. I loved Marcus. His story was interesting and I loved watching him struggle over his feelings towards Mandy. Bro-code mandated that he stay away from her, but try as he might he couldn't. It was a treat to read for sure. and the highlight of the story for me. Another plus was that Marcus and Mandy's chemistry was off-the-charts HAWT! Goodness! Sadly, this is also where my problem with the story lies. Marcus and Mandy had chemistry and I enjoyed the heck out of it, but I would have appreciated a bit more connection, candid moments and just plain less steamy scenes. Yes, I said it. I think their connection got lost along the way, which is why I'm only rating it 3 stars.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read and review A SEAL"s Honor. Unfortunately, I was unable to finish this book and won't be rating or reviewing at this time. Should I decide to give it another chance down the road, I will rate and review on my blog, Goodreads and retailers at that time.

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When it comes to dating, ex-Navy SEAL Marcus Denali has a few simple rules. Never date a coworker. Never date a friend's sister. And never ever date a girl whose brother is a coworker, a friend, and a fellow SEAL. When Marcus gives in to his grandmother’s nagging and goes on a military dating site, he finds himself at a masquerade ball waiting for his mystery date. When Mandy sees the silhouette of her date, she knows exactly who it is, Marcus. She's been crushing on Marcus for years, and she's not giving up now that she has proof he wants her too. She has a plan to show this military man some moves he never learned in basic training. And Marcus is going to learn that some rules-the rules of attraction---are just too strong to fight
This was a decent read. It was more sex scenes than meaty plot was for a quick read it worked. I really liked Marcus’s character and backstory.The author did a good job in putting him together. My problem (and the decision to make this a 3 star instead of 4) is with Mandy. Her initial and overall personality I liked. What I didn’t like was her conflict with femininity. The author had her dealing with this by referenced numerous one-night stands which IMO didn’t fit her personality to begin with. Overall not a bad book though. I’ll probably read more from this author.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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A SEAL's Honor is a fantastic romance that brings two tender hearted people together through an unlikely source. Mandy has been interested in Marcus Denali for a really long time, and when they're matched through Military Match, she tries to take advantage of the opportunity to make a move on the man she's been crushing on.. JM Stewart dives into the story quickly as Mandy goes after a man who is determined to not be tempted! I loved how the characters connected. The reasons why Marcus hesitated to date his best friend's sister were sound, but the pull of love was too much to resist. It's always interesting to read a hero who's not overly confident or arrogant about his ability to get the girl. Marcus was humble and completely human! This military romance does not disappoint.
*ARC provided in consideration for review*

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This was so great! After it ended, I pretty much sat there with a smile on my face totally immersed in the happiness that was Marcus and Mandy's story. Loved it!

I loved both Mandy and Marcus. They had seriously great chemistry and sexual tension happening. I liked the forbidden element involved (though I didn’t think it was that big of a deal) but enjoyed the conflict that went with it and how it played into the story. Mandy was so sweet and open and I loved how she put herself out there with Marcus. And Marcus, oh my! Sweet and a bit gruff, struggling with a few things and trying to keep himself closed off but he can't help his attraction to Mandy. I enjoyed their push and pull, the emotion, the playfulness between them, the passion and sexy times (because this baby brought the heat!).

The writing was great with really good descriptions and development. Loved the pace and build and I thought it flowed nicely between the POVs. It moved along well, keeping me excited for what was going to come next. I just really liked Marcus and Mandy’s dynamic, Marcus working out his struggles and how Mandy was there for him and made such a big impact on him. There was a nice bit of emotion and mild drama but it wasn't super heavy. It balanced well with their playfulness making it all well rounded story.

This was a feel-good story that left me feeling a bit sappy and a whole lot happy at the end. A wonderful read for sure!

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and I am voluntarily reviewing it.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I did take one star off as there were times when I thought Mandy was a little to pushy. As I am older and from another generation, I was a little put off by it. I did love Marcus though. He put everything up front and was completely honest with Mandy and just seemed like a perfect hero.

I would recommend this book because as I said before, it is probably just the generational gap. What bothered me probably wouldn't give anyone else a second thought.

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4 1/2 STARS!

Sweet and sassy! A blind date and a masquerade ball mixed into one can make for an exciting meet-up, but when he discovers the woman he's feeling such an attraction to is his best friend's little sister, Marcus realizes he's in big trouble! I really enjoyed the connection between them and both the characters and the plot were well developed. This entire series has been great!

Former Navy SEAL Marcus Denali isn't so sure about this whole dating scene idea, but he's fallen to peer pressure and has agreed to get set up through Military Match dating site. When his perfect match winds up being trouble, what's a man to do?

Mandy Lawson simply needs Marcus to forget about the fact that she's younger than him and that she's Trent's little sister and she'll be set! She wants everything he has to offer her ... if only she can get him to let his guard down and stop using all of these excuses to push her away!

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I love this one WAY more than the first book, and it's too short I finished it in an hour. I skipped book 2 by the way, as I was excited to read Mandy's story.

Mandy and Marcus' love story is too cliche. Honestly. But that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy every bit of this story. I actually think this is perfect and I'm so glad I picked this one up to read during my break from writing. Despite the plot being cliche, the characters made up for it and more. You see Mandy is Marcus' friend's little sister and so when he found out she was his blind date, he couldn't hide his surprise. And that was after flirting with her while their faces were hidden because they're in a masquerade party.

I liked it that Mandy is not the typical kind of girl of whines and sulk when she doesn't get what she wants. She's the kind who does what she can to finally get it. LOL. She's one strong character. not to mention, she has such a good heart. Truly, kind-hearted. Marcus, on the other hand can be a bit obnoxious but not to the point he's annoying. He's actually so sweet and so romantic though he says he's not really good with words and action.. :) :) The ending proves him wrong. That was one sweet ending, I wanna cuddle now. :)

This book is highly recommended from me. It doesn't matter if you read the first 2 books, it's okay, since each book can be read as standalone. :)

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Can I just say that I love how Mandy and Marcus "met" at the event? They don't exchange names, instead decide to just spend time dancing together. They were set up by a military dating website but little did Marcus know this wasn't really a blind date. They immediately hit it off and the sexual tension quickly rises between them. It's only when Marcus insists they exchange names that he realizes why they get along so well - they've known each other for years, since Mandy is his best friend's little sister.

I thought the story was fairly predictable but I enjoyed reading the back and forth of the characters and the struggles that Marcus was going through given his childhood.

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If you like the pairing of two great characters and lots and lots of sex, this is the book for you. I mean, lots. Like chapter after chapter.

Marcus and Mandy (Mardy? Mancus?) are perfect together. He’s isolated, she’s not. She has a way of calming him and setting his world alight. He has a way to setting hers afire. And they’re just perfect together...except they agreed it would last only one month.

This books hooks the reader and makes them care about the characters, the fun times and the teary times, when the world is rocked. I can recommend this book without reservation.

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A SEAL’s Honor
Military Match #3
JM Stewart
4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

It’s Marcus’ turn for romance. Who would have guessed his masquerade date would be his friends lil sister?
Can Marcus see Mandy as more than just one of the guys or as his friends lil sister?
This was a great story with a sexy alpha male who finds love.
Thanks NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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It was a decent book. The story was consistent and the characters were believable..

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3.5 Stars

A SEAL's Honor is the third title in the Military Match series, but can easily be read as a stand alone. Marcus is older, mature, hardened by his past and the last thing he expects when he signs up to a dating service is to be matched with his friends younger sister Mandy.

What starts as a relationship of convenience ends up being much more as feelings become involved.

A SEAL's Honor is a passionate, sensual, steamy forbidden romance that is fast paced, enjoyable story with like-able characters.

Although this was my first time reading anything by J.M. Stewart, I'm sure it will not be my last.

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Seals, best friend's sister, good story. All describe this tale with Marcus and Mandy as explore their feelings and relationship. Good storyline and enjoyed the characters. Part of the Military Match series but can be read alone.

Ebook from Netgalley and publishers with thanks. Opinions are my own.

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Marcus has decided to sign up for a match making service, but he isn't looking for someone to settle down with. Mandy is Marcus' blind date for the evening. The two meet at a masquerade ball, but it turns out they both know each other. Mandy has had a crush on Marcus for quite sometime, but Marcus has vowed never to touch her since she is his buddy's little sister. The two decide to have fun for a month and then go their separate ways. Their feelings for each other grow during that time, and Mandy falls in love with Marcus.

This was a quick read, but it was full of lots of steamy scenes.

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This is a great book. I have never any of this author's books before but I really enjoyed. It is the typical younger sister of a friend story but there is so much more to it than that. Great story.

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A solid well-written romance with a simple plot, Boy meets girl and instant attraction. But boy is leery of dating his best friend's sister. But love will not be denied. Your pretty basic military romance.

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3.5 stars

Mandy grew up with 2 older brothers, and if she wanted to spend some quality time with her dad, she learned that she needed to be OK with doing everything the boys did in order to keep up. That tomboy childhood didn't do her any favors when she got older and the men she wanted to date saw her more as one of the guys than a beautiful woman. She has had her eye on her brother's SEAL teammate and fellow bike builder Marcus for some time, but once again she has been placed in the friend zone thanks to the bro code. After more than a few failed dates, she decides to give Military Match one more try.

Marcus definitely noticed Mandy from the first moment she walked into her brother's shop, but as soon as he realized she was related to Trent, he put her straight into the "do not touch" category. He has no interest in long term commitment or getting married, but when his beloved grandmother starts dropping hints about wanting to see him happy and settled, he decides to try Military Match in the hopes of finding something between a one night stand and the white picket fence. Of course you know who gets matched up, right? After a few misfires, they finally come to an agreement: one month of dating to appease his gram, as much hot fun between the sheets as they want during that time, and at the end of the month it is back to being friends with no benefits.

Mandy is an adventurous heroine who isn't afraid to get down and dirty both in and out of the bedroom, and Marcus is clearly her match despite his initial certainty that he is not cut out for long term relationships based on his past experience. He has the alpha protector mode down to a science too. If you enjoy stories where the characters agree to no strings attached sex for a predetermined amount of time but then fall in love, then you should definitely grab a copy of this book! There is no new ground covered here, but the author did provide an entertaining and quick read.

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3.75 stars--A SEAL’S HONOR is the third (and final) instalment in JM Stewart’s contemporary, adult MILITARY MATCH erotic, romance series focusing on three former military friends who search for love using Military Match dot com. This is forty-year old former Navy SEAL and mechanic Marcus Denali, and thirty-year old wedding planner Mandy Lawson’s story line. A SEAL’S HONOR can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Mandy is Trent Lawson’s sister (A Seal’s Courage #1).

NOTE: There may be some triggers for more sensitive readers including suicide, PTDS and bi-polar disorder.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Mandy and Marcus) A SEAL’S HONOR follows the friends to lovers/fake relationship trope between former Navy SEAL and mechanic Marcus Denali, and wedding planner Mandy Lawson. For years, Mandy Lawson has had a crush on her brother’s friend Marcus Denali, and with the upcoming Fourth of July masquerade ball, finding a date through Military Match dot com would place our hero in the direct line of fire. Enter Marcus Denali, former Navy SEAL, and the man with whom Mandy would fall in love. What ensues is the building relationship between Marcus and Mandy, a relationship with rules and an end date, but a relationship that becomes all too real, too soon.

Marcus has lost too many people in his life with the exception of the grandmother he has always adored. Hoping to keep his grandmother happy, Marcus approaches Mandy with a tentative offer to become his ‘fake girlfriend’ for the next few weeks to appease the woman who raised him like her own. But Marcus has demons including PTSD and the death of his sister that continue to haunt him both day and night. Mandy Lawson is willing to abide by the rules Marcus lays down but behind the scenes our heroine suspects that heartbreak and pain will follow in its’ wake. Marcus doesn’t do relationships, and in this he has placed an end date on the ‘fake’ romance, a romance that doesn’t feel fake, at all.

The relationship between Marcus and Mandy begins as acquaintances and friends, that grows into something more when Marcus makes Mandy an offer she cannot refuse. Mandy, in return, wants all of the benefits of a ‘real’ girlfriend including nights and weekends with the man with whom she is falling in love The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense, without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are reintroduced to Trent Lawson and Lauren Hayes (A Seal’s Courage #1), and Gabriel Donovan and Stephanie Mason (A Seal’s Strength #2), as well as the introduction of Marcus’s grandmother-a woman who sees more than she is letting on.

A SEAL’S HONOR is a quick and sexy read; a spicy and spirited romance between two people caught up in a game that will end with heartbreak and anticipated rejection. A SEAL’S HONOR has moments of playful romance and growing love; passion and seduction; pain and sorrow. JM Stewart writes a satisfying series of military men who have found love when they least expected.

I will add, that the similarities between all three instalments cannot be overlooked from the basic story line premise, to the relationship phobias and time line end dates, as well as the use of similar phrases, expressions and language.

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B&N (Sandy_thereadingcafe) posted

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