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The Good Twin

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Over the past couple of years twins have been a big theme in thrillers of popularity yet i've personally never read any twin thrillers before, so I felt like this might be something quite new for me. This book begins when Mallory, a waitress and aspiring artist, discovers that she has a twin sister. Mallory was brought up by her mother, a single parent who had just enough money to scrape by. She finds out that her sister Charly is the owner of an art gallery and an heiress to billions. Charly has lived a life that Mallory was only ever able to dream of, so when Charly's husband Ben approaches her with a plan that could benefit her and him both she finds herself going for it despite reservations.

This is definitely a page turning thriller, it absolutely flew by whilst I was reading so it didn't take long to get through at all. I was invested in the story throughout and loved seeing all the different twists unfold, despite a lot of the them being rather predictable. The main problem I had though was that I didn't particularly care for any of the characters, I felt that they were all rather flat and I never really got to know them enough to warm to them. I also felt like because I didn't know the characters that well, I never really understood why they made certain decisions. If the characters had had more depth to them I feel like this book could've easily gone up a full star.

This one's ended up as a rather middle of the road thriller for me, as I feel like the actual book didn't quite live up to the gripping premise. However, I was definitely intrigued throughout so I'd be more than willing to give another Marti Green book a go.

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This is by far one of the best mystery books I've ever read. The plot was amazing, the writing never left me bored, and holy moly I did not see that coming.

Mallory Holcomb is a struggling waitress and aspiring artist living in a Queens boardinghouse when she discovers that she has an identical twin sister. Charlotte Jensen is a Princeton graduate who grew up wealthy, runs a thriving art gallery, and is married to her college sweetheart Ben. Charlotte (Charly) has everything she's ever wanted while Mallory has worked hard for everything she has. When Ben offers Mallory an unexpected proposal that would give her everything she's ever wanted in life, she must choose between family and wealth.

I promise you, you will not see the ending coming. This book is amazing and I'm so thankful to Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for providing me with a copy for my review.

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In regards to a psychological thriller; this book was "fine". There were no big shockers or moments that left me with goose bumps. However, this was still an good read. Who knew that "two minutes" could make such a difference.

What I lacked and craved was some mystery or at least intensity. There wasn't build up to Mallory and Ben's plans. Additionally, when it came to Ben, he was a slimly man, who had whatever was coming to him. As far as Mallory was concerned; I felt a little sorry for her as she was a good person but just caught up in a world that she could only dream of. There was not much know about Charly, other than what Ben spoke of her. So it was hard to tell if she actually deserved what Ben and Mallory were planning against her.

When it came to the ending, it was predictable. Overall, though a easy and quick read. I would read another book by this author.

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3/5: Identical twins, a murder plot and a few twists. A good story about sisters growing up apart, one to wealth and privilege, the other to poverty, neither knowing about the other’s existence until adulthood. The chance to step into her twin’s designer life seems like too good an opportunity to miss. Being a twin myself and having played the swap identities game a time or two this intrigued me.

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Mallory Holcolm is a down on her luck waitress and aspiring artist living in a Queens boardinghouse when she learns something Shocking about her past: she has an identical twin sister

Charly is a Princeton graduate a respected part of the community, she is also a gallery owner, and an heiress to billions married to her handsome college sweetheart, Ben. Charly got everything she ever wanted in life. Everything Mallory wanted, too. And now she just might get that chance to have everything her Twin Sister has but there is a price to pay a risk to take lives will be put at risk because Ben has his own reasons for wanting to help Mallory and wanting his Wife gone!

It begins with his shocking and deadly proposal. All Mallory has to do is say yes. as she thinks everything over what her life could be like if she say's yes to his plan after all Ben told her that her sister does not want to know her and she thinks shes after her money but is Ben telling the truth or does Charly Still have know idea that she has a twin sister!!

but as the deadly plan falls in to place Ben finds the Hitman who will Kill his wife and piece by piece, Mallory start's to find out more things about her sister things that Ben kept from her things that he didn't want her to know even discovery that comes with a shocking and unexpected twist. that will change everything sides will be taken lies will be told truth or dare dead or alive money or family! a deception is about to become a dangerous double cross but who will win and will die?

okay let me start buy saying that i thought this book would be really gripping and would keep me on edge but i was disappointed with the start of the book i thought everything was moving way to fast like by page two she was told that there was a women who looked just like her a double by page 4 she found out she had a sister by page 7 she was plotting to kill her sister i think it would of been better if the story didn't move so fast at the start if we got the chance to know each of the characters there background.. but as the story went on i really liked it i enjoyed the story there was lots of twist and turns some i did see coming but i did really love the book i think i will read it again i will tell my friends about it as i think they will like it i think the book will be a big hit as the story is very good .... thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for my copy

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The Good Twin
By Marti Green
3 stars
What starts out slowly and builds to a good drama, fails to deliver the climax the story deserves. I felt the ending was weak and deserved more.
The story told twice, once from each twins perspective, follows a strong plot idea of a husband plotting to murder his wife using the twin as a replacement.
Character development was good, with tne husband being protrayed as shallow, and it really was tbe plot ending that failed the book.

Mallory Holcolm is an unfulfilled waitress and aspiring artist living in a Queens boardinghouse when she learns something astonishing about her past: she has an identical twin sister named Charly she never knew existed.
Charly is a Princeton graduate, a respected gallery owner, and an heiress married to her handsome college sweetheart, Ben. Charly got everything she ever wanted. Everything Mallory wanted, too. And now it might be easier than Mallory ever imagined. Because Ben has reasons of his own for wanting to help her.
It begins with his startling proposal. All Mallory has to do is say yes.
#TheGoodTwin #NetGalley

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The Good Twin follows two women living drastically different lives. Mallory has grown up poor with just her and her single mother to get by. Charly grew up with unthinkable riches, never needing to look at a price tag let alone worry where her next meal will come from. Although they may seem to come from completely different worlds, there is one thing connecting them. They are identical twins. Separated at birth and no idea that the other exists.

The first thing that drew me to this book was the cover. So sinister, yet also pretty simple. A split screen of a face with one half painted red. The title brings even more questions. Who is the good twin? What makes the bad twin bad? I needed to know more.

I really liked the premise of this book. It asks questions about nature vs. nurture which I always find fascinating. How similar actually are identical twins? Would they make the same choices given different upbringings? All the right questions were there in this book. I just didn't enjoy the answers.

I'm not sure that I would categorize this book as a dark thriller with any kind of surprising twist. Maybe it's just because I've read plenty of thrillers in the past, but I could see most of the twists a mile away. Certain parts of how this book was written just didn't make sense with how the book played out. The ending specifically was so unbelievable. It seemed rushed and not fully fleshed out.

The characters were all pretty unlikeable. The husband, Ben, especially was deplorable. Even the twins Mallory and Charly were more unbelievable than unlikeable. Certain decisions they made along the way just didn't make sense. It felt like the character's decisions were made solely to further the plot rather than decisions a real person would make. There is a specific part that doesn't make any sense when you're reading, but when the twist is revealed it finally fits together.

I really think this book could have been great. The overall premise is so intriguing, but when the story is broken down into the characters and the plotline, it just doesn't hold up. I'm disappointed, but the beginning had so much promise, but the ending just really fell flat.

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Oh, I liked this book!

I have to admit that until we got halfway through, I was a little conflicted. I liked our main character and didn’t like her – all at once. But the author kind of plays with your head here and she does it very well, indeed.

The book is extremely suspenseful.

I think the main problem that people will have is that there’s no one you can completely like. Every time you think you’ve found someone to root for, they do something that just destroys any good feeling you have for them.

But the twisty plot is well done and the author did a really good job of not only keep you guessing, but keeping your own morals teetering back and forth.

Well written and enjoyable!

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3.5 stars

Since thrillers are so hard to review without spoilers, I will try my best to make this as informative as possible!

I am a sucker for thrillers where the characters conspire up something crazy. I am all about lies, deception, and plot twists. I definitely got that out of The Good Twin, and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

As the synopsis says, The Good Twin follows a set of twins who were separated at birth. While Mallory grew up poor, Charly grew up surrounded by wealth and everything she could ever want. But once Charly’s husband, Ben, learns Charly has a twin, he approaches Mallory with a clever proposal that may benefit them both.

The Good Twin is a page-turner, and I flew through it. I will admit the writing is a bit basic, though. I don’t mean that in a bad way at all. Just don’t expect the writing to be elaborate or lyrical. Which, for a thriller, is just fine with me. Another thing that stood out to me was that the characters were a bit one-dimensional. From the get-go, Ben is made out to be the villain — a role he most certainly fits, and quite frankly, I found zero sympathy for him. Mallory is grey area, whom I’m sure will end up being a 50/50 split between whether or not you love or hate her. There were also a few times when a character would give their reasoning for their “bad” decision, and I’d be like, “REALLY!?” So, while that may be a bit unrealistic, you have to remember that some of these people are morally grey, which makes for a great thriller.

The schemes, deception, and the different layers to the plot completely make up for the one-dimensional characters. I mean, I genuinely loved how much was unfolding in front of my eyes with each turn of the page. I thought the beginning started out a little shaky, but once things picked up, I was 100% invested. I would definitely pick up another Marti Green book. I think The Good Twin would be perfect for fans of Ruth Ware, Paula Hawkins, and Gillian Flynn.

Thank you to Thomas & Mercer for sending me a copy in exchange for my honest review! I enjoyed The Good Twin so much!

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First, I want to thank Marti Green, Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

Once again NetGalley has turned me on to an amazing author!! I just got finished reading Good Twin by Marti Green and boy can she tell a story with out of this world twists and turns!! One book I could not put down until I had finished. This book was such a unique yet intriguing storyline that nobody has ever tackled before. This book would be perfect for the big screen that would be a smash hit.

Marti Green immediately caught my full undivided attention with this exciting, fast paced, emotional prologue in the Good Twin and was hooked since. Even though the title says Good Twin-I was just as in shock as Sasha a young 17 year old girl she found out she was having a twin girls!! She was giving up I felt the love she had for her two newborns and how desperately she wanted to keep both of them. My heart broke in pieces for her. Even though I’m not a Mom I could not bear to give either of them up.

Two identical twins, one that was older was given up for adoption by a wealthy family, the other daughter lived a totally separate poor life. Neither of them knew about eachother until one day out of the blue Mallory’s life changed. With everything that goes on in this book all Mallory wants is a sister and a family! Nothing else mattered to her.

My favorite characters in this book were Mallory and Jake. I really loved the friendship they were building. The character I liked least was Charly’s husband Ben. He was a bad egg from day one!!

The Epilogue in this book put great closure on the characters with the book. This is one of the few Epilogues that made me smile ear to ear.

I highly suggest this book to anyone. Plus, I would read anything by this author again.

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The Good Twin was Marti Green's first psychological thriller, and I sincerely hope not her last. 4.5/5 stars!

"Two minutes. That was the difference between a childhood spent in poverty or one lavished with wealth."

I will say as a person who is new to writing reviews, it's hard to write one that won't have spoliers in it. I can say that the writing style is quick to draw you in. The characters are well fleshed out and easy to distinguish, even though they're identical twins. The twists are pretty good. Maybe a little predictable, but all in all really not bad at all. I can tell you with certainty that I will be going back to read Ms. Green's legal thrillers (arguably my favorite genre). Brava! And enjoy.

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I am really not sure about this book. It was enjoyable for what it was, but it really fell flat overall. The book has similarities to "A Kind Worth Killing" but that book was done much better. In this book, there were a lot of scenes/dialogue which were just so unbelievable and unlikely, it really took away from the overall story.

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A rather twisted storyline with some ups and downs in the writing style. It drags on occasion and then picks up and moves quickly then drags a little more. Overall a good story.

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Good book for a summer break, disparate blend of personalities on display

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3.5 Stars

Full disclosure: I’m a former scientist. Former science instructor too. So, I snap up contemporary genres with a science premise greedily. It’s not always a good thing—finding fault with the science, catching mistakes...that sort of thing. There’s little to worry about here: it’s a straight nature v. nurture concept—are twins alike because of genetics or are they alike because of raising? While this trope has been explored before, I like how The Good Twin unraveled it, rather straight your face, so-to-speak.

Right off the bat, one twin is instantly unlikable. That’s a problem, because she is so instantly unlikable one may find themselves unwilling (or unable) to care. It’s always good to have a clear villain. But, the reader has to care about the characters to engage.

The story is written well enough that the reader can engage despite Mallory’s put-off personality. There are appropriate twists and surprises and characters that are superficially interesting (higher stars had they been deeper).

I think this is a book people will want to read and will divide opinions. I’m guessing the division will lay on a Mallory fault line.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The Good Twin by Marti Green is good to read through. But somehow the story doesn't have much of emotion peak. To me, a crime-thriller should be able to make you feel like rolling a roller-coaster, but this didn't happen much through the plot.

Only deserves a barely 2 stars for me.

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I was a little hesitant in reading this book because of some of the reviews but I'm glad I took a chance because it was very good. Just when I thought I figured out the ending, I was pleasantly surprised. Highly recommend.

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Separated at birth, identical twins are raised in totally different environments - one rich, one poor. When the husband of the rich one tires of her and the anchor she's become in his life, he fortuitously finds himself face toffee with her doppelgänger and a murder plot is put in motion. Plots and twists abound as half of the story is told from each twin's perspective. Genetics, environment, riches, or family: which will win out?

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Loved the story, and a fabulous read. Excellent plot, writing, and character development. Highly recommend!

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I am fascinated with a matter of fact, I considered pursuing a career in the field after taking a few college genetics courses. Alas, my love of the written word won out. However, now when I see a book about twins--I have to read it! Marti Green's THE GOOD TWIN (May 15, 2018 from Thomas & Mercer #partner) kept me on my toes and is perfect for lovers of THE WIFE BETWEEN US and DEAD LETTERS.

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