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Bones Don't Lie

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Bones Don’t Lie is about Lance and Morgan Dane fighting to find out what happened to Lance’s father who has been missing for over 20 years.
As they investigate people start dying and their lives are in jeopardy as well.

I gave this book three stars because I felt it wasn’t up to par as the previous books. Still a good read though.

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I was unable to download the book before it was archived. The Morgan Dane series is a really good series. I'm sure I would have loved this story as well.

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First, I love the title. Bones. Don't. Lie. Lovely isn't it? The circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Lance's Father literally resurfaces when his car is found in the bottom of Grey Lake. Did his father leave him and his mother many years ago? Or was he murdered? The mystery unravels bit by bit involving almost every person in the series. Great book! The best one yet.

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This was my first time reading Melinda Leigh, and I believe it’s quite safe to say it won’t be my last. As the third installment in her Morgan Dane series, BONES DON’T LIE opens up old and personal wounds for the crime solving duo, attorney Morgan Dane and PI Lance Kruger.

I think as my first read for the series, this was spot on. I wasn’t familiar with the characters but the case Morgan and Lance had to solve was an old one involving Lance’s father, a case that comes to light twenty three years later. So my first ever read of Morgan and Lance didn’t make me feel like a total stranger. I was at an arm’s length away from the characters but not from the case, since everything was discovered in this book. This gave me opportunity to get to know the series regulars a little better. More room for me to focus on them all the while enjoying the murder investigation without feeling like I was missing anything for not having read the previous books.

As for the case itself, it was very engaging. I don’t know if this was mentioned in any detail in the previous books, but Lance’s father went missing when he was ten years old. For twenty three years everyone wondered what happened. Until the day a car is pulled up from Grey Lake, Lance’s father’s car, and there is a body inside. From that point on, we follow Lance and Morgan as they try to shed some light into Kruger Sr’s disappearance, keep themselves safe, and settle their emotions once and for all. It was a good blend of action and romance, and I think I could very well go for this genre in the future. As someone who loves police investigations, murder and mayhem and romance, I’d definitely be happy to read more of Morgan and Lance’s cases.

If you’re a fan of romantic suspense this book is for you. Even if you’ve never read Morgan Dane series before like me, this book would be a good enough start to give it a try without being too lost in first-time-reading land. And I’m sure-again, like me- you’ll want to go back and start from book number one if you haven’t already.

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I was surprised at the turn of events in Bones Don’t Lie, but a reawakened cold case can be one of the most unpredictable storylines! Melinda Leigh once again pulls readers into a heart-stopping, chill inducing romantic suspense that keeps you reading long into the night.

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BONES DON'T LIE by Melinda Leigh. This is a great one! I loved that Lance's story was told and we learned so much about him and his mother's story. Of course, Ms. Leigh has included danger and mystery, keeping us guessing throughout. There are many suspects and every time I think "I know who it is", Ms. Leigh throws a wrench in the works and I need to start again. I feel the frustrations of Morgan, Lance and Sharp since I, too, feel these frustrations! Please don't take that to mean the book/story is frustrating. Just the opposite! Ms. Leigh keeps the reader involved and questioning everyone and everything, all the while biting our nails, waiting for the next bad/crazy thing to happen. And then, there is the brewing love story between Lance and Morgan. It's a slow burn, building with each book, I really like these two together and want to see more of where there journey goes. I loved seeing Morgan be there for Lance as he struggles through some tough situations, just as he has been there for her previously. If you enjoy suspenseful tales with a touch of romance, I highly recommend this series. (received ARC for honest review)

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Bones Don’t Lie by Melinda Leigh is the third installment of the Morgan Dane series and the best so far. This series touches so many genres from crime, romance, suspense and even family relationships/dynamics thrown in. Each book in the series has featured a new case for lawyer, Morgan and P.I.s Lance Kreuger and his boss to investigate. This book is Lance's story. I would suggest that the reader start at the beginning of this series as there is a lot of character development and information about their back stories that are important to fully enjoying this book.

The book opens with a car has being pulled from a lake The car belongs to Lance's father, a man who has been missing for over 20 years. In the trunk is a body, a woman's body. Who is it and where is Lance's father? Morgan knows that this case is a tough one for Lance to get involved in, but she knows he will not step aside. He wants to finally get closure regarding his father's disappearance for both himself and his homebound (agoraphobic) mother, Jenny. As they start asking questions, it becomes apparent that Morgan has a stalker. She finds out that someone they put in jail in a previous story, has been set free, so now she has another thing to worry about.

I am really enjoying this series. Morgan and Lance are a great team, a lawyer and a retired police officer. I enjoyed the storyline that has Morgan and Lance developing a relationship and his acceptance by her girls. He is becoming the strong male figure in their lives and not only is this benefiting the girls but Morgan and Lance as well. The case/crime they are investigating is interesting. How do you find out what happened over twenty years ago? There are a few deaths that follow in their wake and several scary moments, that had me on the edge of my seat. There were just enough twists to make it interesting and the culprit was hidden in the open, as is often the case. I definitely recommend this series to lovers or Romantic Suspense, Crime and Private Investigator stories.

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WOW!!!! I didn’t see that coming!!! What you ask? Like I am going to tell you that you sillys. You will have to go get a copy of Bones Don’t Lie to find out!!!

I have loved all of the installments in the Morgan Dane series. But Bones Don’t Lie made me love Lance even more than I did before. It was both refreshing and heartbreaking to go on this journey with him.

Bones Don’t Lie is filled with twists and turns that will leave you guessing until the end!!!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley & Montlake Romance in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.

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I was actually really surprised by this story! We finally got some closure on Logan's background, and there was such a twist at the end of the book! I loved how Morgan seemed to be thriving as a defense attorney, and holding her own against the seemingly corrupt DA and ADA. The case was hitting home for all the characters in this series, and I loved how emotionally stirring it was! I can't wait to see where the series goes from here!

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Great book! I really enjoy reading the Lance and Morgan series. Stand alone or in order all great. We are finally going to find out what happened to Lance's father Victor who disappeared over 20 years ago when Lance was only ten. Leaving Lance to wonder why would he do that to him and his mother. Forming a life for Lance of taking care of his unstable mother and work, That's it no social life at all. That is until he met Morgan, a former Assistant DA and widow with three small children. She is coming out of her two year depression over the death of her husband. She joins a PI firm Lincoln Sharp formed with Lance. Together the three forge a new partnership each bringing their own set of skills. Lance as former cop who after being shot cannot pass the physical to go back to police work, Morgan an attorney and Sharp retired former detective. They use their varied skills to try and solve the mystery of what happened twenty three years ago. The investigation keeps getting derailed as it looks like those who could be involved are committing suicide even Lance's unstable Mom is at risk.. This book can be read as a stand alone or if you want background and great reads and more in-depth information get the others and read them!. Highly recommend this book if you like romance and mystery without foul language and descriptive sex scenes you found a winner.. A story of loss but also personal strength of character.
I obtained an ARC from NetGalley for my unbiased review. Easy to do. Melinda Leigh is great in all she writes and Bones Don't Lie is no exception there is no way to lose interest beware it will keep you up reading you won't want to put it down!!

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Once I started reading, I had a hard time putting this book down. I was not prepared for how it ended and totally didn't see it coming. I have read everything from Melinda Leigh and this is one of her best yet!

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Finally, Lance gets his story. A car is found at the bottom of a lake. In the trunk are the bones of a missing woman from long ago. The car belonged to Lance's father who went missing when he was a child. Was Lance's father responsible for the missing woman's death? Suspicions suggest maybe Lance's father wasn't who he was thought to be - a good man and even better father. Lance, with Morgan's help, begin to dig into his father's disappearance. Some of the discoveries don't match up with what Lance, his mother, and others remember. As they continue to investigate, getting closer to the truth, danger lurks around the corner.

Again Melinda Leigh has done an exceptional job. This is a fantastic read. Usually, I can figure out the "whodunit" in a lot of the suspense books I read, but this one caught me completely off guard. It was awesome!!

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Wow! This book was not what I was expecting! It surpassed my expectations. Melinda Leigh is a very skilled author. She brings so much excitement to the book. With each page she built up the anticipation with each page turn. She brings to life the characters, she brings her readers into her story as if they were a part of the story all along. There was more than enough under lying sexual tension between Lance and Morgan to keep a reader interested in waiting to find out what if anything will actually happen between the two of them. There is adventure, romance, action, and a sense of mystery to help make it interested in the book for the readers.
Lance Kruger was ten years old when his father suddenly disappeared for what seemed like no reason and no one could figure out what happened to his father. Lance grew up to be a private investigator who works with Lincoln Sharp, another Private investigator, as well as Morgan Dane who is an attorney. When news about Lance’s father’s car Lance is determined to figure out what happened to his father with more invested interest than ever before.
Morgan Dane used to be a “tough-as-nails prosecutor, but her husband’s death in Iraq two years before and the experience of being a single mom to three little girls had peeled away her tough veer.” There were things that she seen in her time as a prosecutor and now that she worked for herself and got to choose her clients, so she had time to see her three girls and be there for them. Lance and Morgan are a hoot together and they have such a great chemistry that you can’t help but root for them till the very end of the book.
Lincoln Sharp is partners with Lance and the two of them have such a great working relationship that even though they have some different characteristics they work very well together. They find themselves in some very interesting positions with the Sheriff’s office, but they always seem to get out of the bind that they are in.
There is such a mystery surrounding the disappearance of Lance’s father from the first chapter right until the very end when they catch the person responsible for the disappearance.

I was given this book in exchange for my honest review. I give this book a five-star rating. I can’t wait to read more from Melinda Leigh.

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Great quality reading. A go to author if you feel like something decent and if you've had a bad run of other books! I couldn't put this down. Looking forward to the next book

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This is book #3 in the Morgan Dane series which has quickly become a favorite of mine. I love the characters of Morgan and Lance, their families and their friends. And the added plus is in each book there is a well developed suspense plot.

In this one, when Lance's father's car is pulled from a lake, the mystery of his father's disappearance gets new clues and a renewed effort by Morgan and Lance to discover what happened to his father. As they follow up on new clues as well as question old investigation trails, they get closer to the real truth. And as they get closer, witnesses get murdered.

The suspense was real and I had a hard time putting this one down. I definitely look forward to more books in this series.

Thanks to NetGalley and Montlake Romance for an ARC of this book.

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An old car dredged from a lake digs up an old case and fresh pain for private investigator Lance Kruger. It’s his father’s car and it has bones in the boot. Lance always knew that when his dad went out to the grocery store when he was a child but never came back that something terrible happened to him; he would never have abandoned his family. However, that all seems to come into doubt when the bones in the back of the car turn out to be female. Could his father have murdered some one and than run away? Lance and Morgan dig out the case file and do what they do best; find the truth, no matter how painful it is.

I adore this series, it has a little bit everything; great characters, a little romance and a thriller/mystery plot line that keeps it all interesting. Bones Don’t Lie is no different, only this time the case was something a lot more personal and something we have heard spoken about a lot in the previous two books; Lance’s father disappearing. Finally we get to the bottom of the mystery in this book.

As I am at heart a romance fan, what I loved about this book was the relationship development between Lance and Morgan. Although they are already a couple this book really helped solidify this as the tables are turned and Lance is the one who needs Morgan’s help and support as they investigate his dad’s case. I loved seeing the murder and mayhem broken up by glimpses of their family lives and slowly seeing theirs meld together.

But, it is the thriller story line and the mystery of the body in the boot that intrigued me. I loved seeing this all unfold as multiple suspects are offered up for us readers to consider, as witnesses reveal their lies and skeletons start rattling in closets. I enjoyed trying to figure out the whole story and I even got some of it right.

I really enjoyed this book, Leigh is a fantastic writer who manages to combine her thrillers with a little romance and family life without compromising on either. I highly recommend you go to book one and give this series a try.

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Thanks Netgalley, Publisher and the Author, this is the first book I have read by Melinda Leigh and wished I had read the first 2 in the series. I thought that this was a fast paced thriller with many twists and turns

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Bones Don’t Lie is an exciting, twisty, and deceitful read, and it is everything I’ve ever wanted in a thriller!

If you haven’t started Morgan or Lance before this, please do so! Melinda has such a way with her characters, that you fall in love! And you’ll fall hard for these two.

This is the third book In the Morgan’s Dane series, and the book where some of our biggest questions are answered.

It’s a rough ride at times, being thrown down the road of half truths, and more questions than you started with. The suspense, suspicion, and second guessing takes its toll. But at the end of the day, when everything is resolved, you’re left with the biggest smile.

Melinda Leigh is one of the most thorough authors I’ve encountered. Her knowledge of law enforcement and their inner workings is brilliant. Every aspect of the crimes, and how they were handled felt 100% authentic, (to my average intelligence) and that is such a rarity. I loved it!

At the end of the day, Bones Don’t Lie receives 5 stars, and a place on my “must read” shelf!

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Melinda Leigh has become one of my auto-buy authors with her outstanding Morgan Dane series. When I received an invitation from the publisher, via Net-Galley, to read and review Bones Don’t Lie, book 3 in this amazing series, I eagerly accepted.
I quickly became enthralled with this book. The characters are compelling, the plot is stirring, and her writing is superb as usual. The action-packed thriller kept me glued to my Kindle from the first page to the last.

Morgan is a great character with plenty of heart and determination. She’s a wonderful mother to her children and looks after her grandfather with tender care. I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing her relationship with Lance Kruger develop. In each book, it only grows stronger.

Lane is my kind of hero. An all-around good guy who seeks justice with honor. He watches over his mentally-ill mother without hovering. He wants to solve his father’s disappearance and at last, find out what caused him to disappear. That is at last resolved in Bones Don’t Lie, great title by the way!

If you enjoy fast-paced novels with thrilling crime scenes and intriguing characters, then you will love Bones Don’t Lie and the entire Morgan Dane series as much as I. I highly recommend Melinda Leigh’s books. Happy reading!

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Once again, I am jumping into the middle of a series hoping I’m not lost or can catch up. Lucky for me I only had a few moments in Bones Don't Lie where I felt I was missing something and that mainly happened around Morgan and Lance - specifically, their romance. Obviously there is something going on here. Both have pass life experiences that influence them. Hers the loss of her husband and his, at first, it wasn’t obvious but the further I got into the story the more I was able to puzzle it out. No matter, I was able to piece together what I had missed out on. Now for the story.

WOW! Just Wow! This. This is the reason that murder mysteries have been calling me to read them. Lance’s father disappeared when he was a child. The loss caused an impact that he still feels until this day. Then his father’s car is finally found at the bottom of Grey Lake with a body in the trunk. Only it isn’t dear dad! And so it begins the who/what/how of the body in the trunk and how it ties to his dad.

There is a lot going on and bodies are piling up while Morgan and Lance try to solve the mystery. Add to the chaos Lance’s issues and Morgan’s stalker to keep things going at a fast and hard to put down pace. I love how we get a perspective from the killer’s POV without knowing who it is. It had me guessing who it was and as much as I suspected and tossed the idea away, I was shocked when the killer was finally revealed more so, the why.

I’m new to both the series and the author, Melinda Leigh, but by just one book, I can already tell both are ones to follow. Intrigue, great character dynamics and one heck of a whodunit, it’s stories like Bones Don't Lie that have been slowly luring me to the read murder mysteries. Please give me more of these!

reviewed by Jac

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