Member Reviews

It was a well written and detailed book. I was able to get cleared understandings about the oils, how to use them and what they are for. More so, I appreciated the author including which were safe and toxic to animals. I have two dogs and a cat, I definitely didn’t want to risk their health and well-being. It’s a great entry point for people interested in learning about the different oils and their properties.

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Prior to reading Essential Oils: A Begginer's Guide, I had a vague understanding about the health benefits of essential oils. Lavender was my go to, but I rarely used it. I thought lavender sented sprays/items were enough. Essential Oils aren't hard to find. Finding what works best for you can be overwhelming. Stephanie Tourles's guide book helped me push past popular oils at my own pace.

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What a gorgeous book! The pictures were so beautiful and I liked how the information was layed out. Truly a book for beginners and as someone who dabbled with essential oils purely for smell of them diffusing, it was really nice to learn about all their other uses without the marketing gimmicks you often find online. It sparked an interest in furthering my understanding of how these little gifts from nature work and I appreciate the opportunity to have had a look at this book. I ended up buying it to keep on my shelf. Thank you!

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Thank you Netgalley for this review copy of the book.

This book is a really handy guide to essential oils - clear illustrations, lots of properties for each oil etc. I have seen a lot of guides to essential oils but this was an easy one to use.

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Informative and basic, a good reference point for a beginner. It still assumed a certain level of knowledge and access, so I would recommend this as part of a balanced collection.

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Great beginner's guide. It is visually appealing and provided the right level of information to readers.

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Since I am a beginner, this guide to essential oils was extremely helpful! Everything I tried smelled wonderful. Now I think I mostly know what I'm doing and it is really fun!

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Such an great I nformation guide to oils. Will continue to refer to this guide! Highly recommend.

Easy to use and great for beginners getting into using essential oils.

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Thank you Storey Publishing and Netgalley for an ARC of this book.

I really enjoyed reading through this book and it’s beautiful pictures, learning more about essential oils and how I can begin to incorporate them into our families life. Highly recommended.

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I really liked this book. I am just starting to explore essential oils and I would love to have a hard copy for reference.

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I received a ARC advance copy for review from the publisher and Net Galley. My opinion is my own.
I have used essential oils to make my own cleaners and for personal use for decades. Yet I learned so much from this very informative book !
This is the definitive book to get started with using essential oils to improve your well being into a more healing healthy lifestyle. The author gives very detailed descriptions of the positive effects of oils, the plant sourced and uses. She also has many great essential oil recipes and instructions on how to use them properly. The recipes and instruction use common sense. The information is well presented and can be easily understood by anyone new to essential oiling.
This is a great volume for anyone just getting started with essential oils and also for anyone like me who needs to learn more to incorporate into their daily oil practice. I highly recommend this book .

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Stephanie L Tourles is the author of Stephanie Tourles's Essential Oils: A Beginner's Guide. The book covers a variety of essential oils and includes recipes using them. The recipes are easy to follow and very useful. I appreciated that the recipes make use of common essential oils. Being able to purchase 11 or so to mix and match in the recipes is wonderful for anyone who wants natural remedies without breaking the bank. I also like the safety information included for each essential oil profiled. With recipes for everything from sore muscle bath salts to a foot gel for colds and flu, the book is well worth the price. I will be adding it to my library of natural remedy books.

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I have recently begun learning about essential oils - what they are, how they work, etc. In an effort to not overwhelm myself with all the possibilities, I wanted to learn about some core eo's and some recipes in which they are used. For this purpose - as well as for general purposes once I'm more familiar - I definitely recommend this book. The full-color images are gorgeous, the explanations are clear and easy to understand, and I like that each oil is accompanied by just a few recipes. Tourles talks about which oils she insists on *always* having on hand and why, the features of each oil, and much more. I am so impressed with this book based on the advance reader's copy, that I am going to purchase a copy to actually have on hand, as well as to recommend to others who are looking for good books that won't be overwhelming. There are a lot of oils out there, and it's easy to get caught up in the beginning. This book helps to narrow the focus, at least initially, giving a newbie a place to start that makes sense. I definitely recommend!

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So disappointing. After a few chapters of walkthrough for beginners, it’s basically all recipes and the like. Certainly not motivated to test them out either. Should have been titled Essential Oil Recipes for Beginners instead!

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What an amazing book for anyone interested in essential oils! Stephanie Tourles tells you all about each oil, where it's from, how it grows and what it's good for. She then continues on with tons of recipes for all different symptoms! A wonderful guide for beginners and seasoned users!

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Beautiful images and very detailed explaination of how essential oils work from the plant, extraction, safety and usage of them in our homes and daily life. This is a how-to book, full of step by step guides and information, that would be great to have in any home that uses or is interested in safely using essential oils. The receipes covered a great variety of purposes and usages of oils, so I am excited to continue trying them out; especially since I have enjoyed the ones that I have used thus far. I would recommend this to any one who is interested or uses essential oils because it had information that would be great to know as you enter the world of essential oils, but also because the abundance of suggestions, tips and recipes would be great refreshers or ideas for those who routinely use, enjoy or rely on essential oils.

Thank you to NetGalley and Storey Publishing for giving me the chance to read this book and to share my opinions and experience!

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Best-selling author and herbalist Stephanie L. Tourles offers reliable guidance on using essential oils effectively and safely. This friendly, accessible introduction to the 25 most versatile oils for health and wellness highlights the key characteristics of lavender, chamomile, eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, rosemary, tea tree, and other popular oils.

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A super informative book about essential oils. When I got this book! 8 was expecting it to focus ostomy on the different essential oils and how they can benefit your body with some information on how to use the essential oils. This book went above and beyond! It also discusses the history of essential oils in general as well as individually. There is a chart telling your own many drops of oil are needed for a variety of applications. The majority of the guide revolves around the 11 most commonly used oils. It includes a brief history, the benefits and then recipes on different things you can make with the oil such as insect repellent, bruise be gone, and mentally stimulating scents. Towards the end, the book discusses carrier oils as well. Overall, a very informative read for essential oil beginners like me!

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This is a very in depth “Beginner’s Guide.” Stephanie Tourles really knows her stuff and the format of the book flows smoothly. The information and recipes contained in this book are not your run-of-the-mill Pinterest fare. As someone who owns nearly every book on essential oils, I can say that what you’ll find in these pages is unique and comprehensive and this book is an excellent introduction to essential oils. It’s the book I wish I would have had when I started out on my essential oil journey! It has profiles of 25 popular essential oils with sound safety advise and dilution instructions. The DIY recipes have clever names and plenty of unique blends I haven’t tried before.
Some of the blends I am off to mix after writing this review:
Pure Hands Sanitizing Spray
Skeeter Guard Insect Repellent Spray
Let’s Focus Roll-On Concentration Aid
Stress Less Sniffy Stick
Awake and Alert Sniffy Stick
Thank you so much for the opportunity to review this book! I will post my review to as soon as that option is available.

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Was unable to read the pdf file despite multiple tries. Would be happy to read and review this book if someone can assist me with finding a way to access the information.

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