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Dirty Exes

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I try so hard to get into this author's books. I've read probably half a dozen and I just keep hoping for one to knock it out of the park but so far that has yet to happen. This was another story that was just okay. I didn't love it or hate it, it was just meh.

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This is a hilariously funny book. It started a little slow for me, but picked up quickly and was a hoot start to finish. Blaire and her BFF Isla, are both victims of past dirty cheating lovers, thus the name of their private investigation service named Dirty Exes, which specializes in finding partners in the act of cheating and broadcasting it on Facebook Live. Business is booming and is a huge hit on FB Live. When they are hired to find out if Blaire's old love interest Jessie, is cheating on his wife, things get complicated. The wife is the most rude, condescending person on the planet and her brother and Jessie's best friend is always in the way and a real distraction. The pace is fast and funny and leaves you wondering who Blaire will end up with in the end. I thought this was a wonderful, sweet, funny, lighthearted romance that I thoroughly enjoy and highly recommend.

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Another awesome RVD story. It was sexy and did I mention sexy and wicked hot! But at the same time it was fun and sweet and funny too! I loved the way it didn’t do exactly how I thought it would. That is rare nowadays. The characters were likable, at least those you were supposed to like and the story itself was great. I really enjoyed it and look forward to more in this series.

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC of this book.

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This book easily goes up on my favorites list! There are several times it takes all I can do not to burst out with laughter. Blaire manages to get herself into some very hilarious situations. I'm not sure where to get started with Jessie and Colin as to not give anything away. I can say that the chemistry with one of them is off the charts! He easily made me love him with his quirky and fun personality. I hated when life got in the way and made me put this book down. I mean who needs food and sleep anyway? This is a must read for those who love to laugh and have some sexy times as well. *Reviewed for Net Galley*

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I’ve fallen for a new series!!! I giggled more times than I care to admit and knew I’d love this book from the first scene in the sewage! 💖

This was another masterpiece by Rachel VanDyken! This author can string words together like no other & im anxiously awaiting whatever she has for us next!

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I LOVED IT! This book was great, I laughed so much that I actually had tears in my eyes. The characters were hilarious and very relatable, the storyline was great and kept me intrigued throughout the whole book. Absolutely loved it - this was a solid FIVE STAR read for me and has been added to my list of Best Reads of 2018 - I highly recommend this to ANYONE!

Dirty Exes is a spin-off of The Matchmaker's Playbook, as Blaire is the sister of Ian from the previous series. Although you DO NOT need to read that series in order to fully enjoy this series.

Dirty Exes is a private investigation company that offers their services to clients, who are looking for proof that their spouse is cheating. The company is founded by Blaire and Isla, who formed a kinship through the shared heartbreak of cheating spouses. Dirty Exes starts off with Blaire and her best friend/business partner, Isla, being hired to investigate a socialites' husband to see if he's been cheating. Turns out, the husband is also an old flame of Blaires, the-one-who-got-away kind. Considering they have never been wrong about any of their cases in the past - Things start to get very interesting, very fast!
Jesse Beckett is a retired quarterback who years ago played with Blaire's brother, Ian. (prior to Ian's knee injury) They spent three incredible weeks together before Jesse was traded to another team.
He's the man who Blaire compares all men too, the one who got away. He is also the husband of the client that hired Dirty Exes to find out if he is cheating on her.
Jesse comes across as a people pleaser, and as someone who worries way too much about other peoples feelings. I sympathized with him a lot throughout the book. He seemed to be always trying to do the right thing, which always turned out to be the wrong thing.

While Blaire is trying to gather intel and - for a lack of better word - stalking Jesse, she literally stumbles into a hot bartender. Who also happens to be Jesse's best friend - Collin.

Billionaire playboy Collin. The sexy bartender with the snake tattoo, that immediately captures Blaire's attention. The dialogue between him and Blaire had me laughing so hard it hurt! I absolutely LOVED him.

I honestly would recommend this book to anyone, I really enjoyed this romantic comedy, and I truly believe anyone else would as well. The story has so much to offer a reader - angst, a storyline that keeps you guessing, comedy, swoon-worthy moments, hot steamy sex scenes, and such relatable characters. Add this baby to your TBR shelves, and pre-order for one of your summer reads. I'm looking forward to the rest of the books in this series.

* Something that totally bugged me though was that the blurb for book two is already up on Goodreads. In that blurb, you read that the next book is about Jesse and Isla. Considering this book was a love triangle I feel CHEATED out of the whole who is she going to choose? aspect because I already know by reading the blurb for book two that the next book is about Jesse and Blaire's best friend. *

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Okay, okay, okay. So, I was totally rooting for one of the guys while being so scared she was going to pick the other. To me, there was no choice! Love triangles totally make me cringe, but this one just made me anxious. And then happy. Very happy. An emotional roller coaster for sure, but one you'll love to jump on--just remember to hold on tight!

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Blair and Isla own a PI firm that helps out cheaters. Their newest case has her trying to catch her ex, Jessie Beckett. Being helped by the least likely person, Colin, Jessie’s best friend. The attraction that she feels to both men is dangerous but hilarious at the same time.

This book had me laughing at all of the intriguing situations that Blair found herself in time and time again. As her attraction to Colin grows, she becomes more and more introspective about why she does what she does.

Her interactions with Isla, her best friend, are so hilarious. The two women are impossibly funny and Blair’s inner monologues are equally hilarious.

Rachel has written an amazing book that pulls you in and holds you tight. I’m eagerly waiting to see what will happen next in the world of Liars, Inc.

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What do you do when you get cheated on? Well how about you start you own PI firm that helps women get they proof they need that their partners are cheating on them. Blaire and Isla start the company and I enjoy the things they do in order to get the proof they need. There are so many funny moments in this book but the hurt Blaire experiences in her life reminds me of my life, I know, sad. I do recommend this book I feel everyone will enjoy it.

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This book took me a little while to get into. It was well written and I liked the plot line but it was hard to get into. At least for me. I may give it another chance someday.

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I am a big fan of Rachel Van Dyken but I don’t know how to feel about this story. From the beginning I was not sure who I wanted Blaire to be with. My heart wanted one person and my head wanted the other. The power of this story is that it is not black and white. It’s very murky and grey. There’s no right way to feel about who she ends up with, FYI the person she ends up with is the guy my heart wanted for her so I’m glad. I don’t know if this will divide people, if it’ll make people be Team Ex or Team Best Friend. I am curious to know what other people think.

The story itself is well written and definitely made me laugh at the beginning with the antics they got up to in order to expose the truth. I like reading about the background as to how they got together to create their own PI duo. It’s a book that is best off devoured when you have a spare few distraction free hours because you’ll be so drawn into that you won’t want to interact with people.

I love this story, and I definitely wholeheartedly recommend to all readers who want something that is funny, romantic and downright swoonworthy.

4 stars

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I wasn't able to finish the book. It didn't engage me.

Usually I love this authors book.

Hopefully the next book will work out

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According to Goodreads, Rachel van Dyken is my fourth most read author. Considering her writing speed, it's only a matter of time until she's in the top spot. And she deserves that, because I adore her so, so much. Her books always put me in a good mood and I'm always looking forward to her latest releases, though they only ever land on my to-read list, because there isn't enough time for me to even try catching up. But I will. I promise, I will. Soon.

Having recently read Cheater by the author, I couldn't help but point of the similarities to Dirty Exes. A lot of it reminded me of that series. And then I was shocked... Because reading about the couples, the love story is almost exactly like in Fraternize, another book that's been published last year by Rachel. Oh, why do you like to tortue me that much?! I didn't like who the main character in Fraternize ended up and I felt like being taken back in time while reading Dirty Exes. I was just as disappointed, I was just as sad. I didn't understand the motives at all. The love story is so similar, I wanted it to be different.

But you know what?! Despite that, I can't be mad at Rachel van Dyken. Because in the end, I think I got it. Alright, that's a flat lie, but I've got to believe there's a reason she did what she did, paired up the couple she paired up. And if a book makes you feel kind of angry, it's still an emotion, and any book causing you emotions is one you most likely won't forget. And then that's a good thing. I just have to have faith in that.

Anyway... The storyline itself is genius! And as always, there's just the right amount of humor in it that can't be mistaken. The author is famous for that and us fans, we love it. The guys are always so alpha-like, but still so super cute in what nerdy comments they're able to shoot. Gah! You always fall in love with them. Always! And then the women might appear shy sometimes, but they're really those confident human beings, admirable, strong and they use their mouths like weapons when they have to.

The idea of spying on your ex-boyfriend because his current girlfriend (or wife) thinks he's cheating is a bit much of a drama, right?! Ha! But you haven't even met Jessie's wife yet. And then Colin, Jessie's best friend, gets in the way, flirting with Blaire like hell. But she's got to focus on her job, right? And now having Jessie back in her life, she starts feelings things again, so yes, you see, it gets really messy, but it's never too much for the reader to handle. Because the reader will have to choose between the two men as well. And let me tell you, it's not an easy choice.

I liked the idea of Blaire and her friend having that company - spying on women's boyfriends in order to help them. It's even more emotional, because you get to find out that Blaire's been cheated on as well. And while I know I would most likely never enjoy this topic in a movie, I couldn't help but love what Rachel van Dyken made of the situation. God, I adore that woman. I really do.

So, yes, of course I'll read the second book in the Liars, Inc. series when it comes out, though it can never be as good as Dirty Exes and I won't agree with the couple. But I think that's the thing here - I can't wait for the author to prove me wrong. To make me fall in love with the next story, make me fall for the next couple, though I would have never seen it coming. Bring it on, Mrs. van Dyken!

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WOW, can Rachel write a horrible book? Absolutely NOT! She has an amazing talent that grabs the reader and sucks them into her work. Dirty Exes is a book that makes you laugh, cheer for the characters, understand tht sometimes you have to forgive yourself for things you can not change, and believe in true love all over again. Additionally, I was thrilled to learn who Blaire's brother was! Thank you Rachel for never letting me down with books!

P.S. Read this book as soon as possible !

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I really enjoyed this book. Blaire and Isla run PI business to catch cheaters. Jessie, an ex-NFL Star, who dated Blaire for three week before getting traded, is the new clients husband they are investigating. Throw his best friend in the mix and this gets very interesting. In typical Rachel Van Dyken style, this one had me laughing out loud. I received this book from Net Galley and this is my fair and honest review.

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Blaire is one of the owners of Dirty Exes, a company that helps people to find out if they are being cheated on.
Her husband cheated on her, too. That's why she and Isla started this business.
When Blaire is shopping at the mall, she meets Jessie Becket, a former boyfriend. I don't know if boyfriend is the best word because they weren't together much time. But she cared about him. Deeply. The problem? He played in NFL. And he had to move to another state. End of story.
But now Jessie is her new target. His wife has hired her to check if he is a cheater or not.
And his best friend, Colin, sees her trying to spy on Jessie. And here come more complications. Because Colin is attracted to Blaire. And the more she knows about him, the more she likes him.
I loved that Blaire is 35. It has been a long time since I have read a book whose main character is older tan 25.
At the beginning I was a little disappointed about how the plot was developing. But it convinced me. And I liked the book.

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This book perfectly captures the awkward moments that come with life starting right from the beginning of the book where Blaire is knee deep in sh*t (quite literally). It's funny, sweet, sexy and filled with loveable characters.

It follows Blaire and her best friend Isla, both PI's, that have made it their life mission to uncover a cheaters dirty little secrets. This is filled with scenes that will have you laughing out loud. More so when their next client is Blaire's ex boyfriends wife — confusing I know. They now work hard to find Jessie's mystery mistress which is made easier when Colin, Jessie's best friend is more than willing to expose his best friend for a date with Blaire.

Colin is carefree, funny, sexy and incredibly sweet, the total opposite of Jessie - wound tight and a constant worrier. Now while Isla works hard to uncover the truth Blaire is caught between present and past. What will she choose, past or present, wound tight or care free, Jessie or Colin?

RVD definitely did not disappoint with this book so regardless of whether you're a hard core fan or RVD virgin I would highly recommend picking up this book. It's fun, quick and easy to read and will leave you wanting more.

This ARC was kindly given to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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This was such a fun book! It was my first from Rachel Van Dyken but won't be the last for sure. It was probably the first time a romance book managed to surprise me (without giving away any spoilers, it went in a direction I totally wasn't expecting)!

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Ive read all of Rachel's books and i love them all so I knew this would not be any different . This book had me laughing out loud so many times which was very unexpected. When Blaire gets hurt in the worse possible she doesn't become sad and heartbroken she decides to get even and with the help of her new bff Isla they create a Dirty Exes PI firm fully commiting to exposing and humiliating cheating jerks. Blaire has been unlucky in love but she often thinks of the one that got away Jesse Beckett. So when a socialite comes in asking for help to expose her cheating husband she jumps at the chance of a high paying client but that's where this story gets very interesting . But this story has a little twist to it as I know I was expecting one thing but another thing happened. I'm not going to go into details but all you need to know is Blair has to make a choice will she make the right one ? well you have to read it to find out . The banter between the characters was so funny but I must admit Colin was my favourite the things that came out of this mouth sometimes. I cant wait to read the next one I'm hoping its Isla and ????? I'm not going to write a name because that will give it all away so go read it you wont regret it

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I enjoyed Dirty Exes way more than I thought I would. I get leery when love triangles appear, but this was a good one. It wasn't the "omg I'm in love with two people" kind, but rather the "I used to have a thing for this guy and think it would be good, but this guy also interests me" kind. I couldn't have been happier with the love triangle plot, and who Blaire chose. I also appreciated that Van Dyken didn't ruin the other guy by making him a jerk. Both Colin and Jessie are likeable guys, though both did have their issues, but who doesn't.

Blaire and Isla own Dirty Exes and are PI's that focus on catching cheaters. I loved this aspect of the story. I thought it was fun and different and given what happened to them both it totally made sense that they would want to help others out. I can't wait to read Isla's story.

Blaire and the guy she chose are good for each other and I'm glad that everything worked out and that there wasn't some big reason why they needed to be apart before they could legit be together (that is not to say that they didn't have obstacles, because boy did they, just that they were adult about it (mostly)).

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