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Dirty Exes

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This was a fun, flirty read that will keep you guessing who she picks til the end!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I received an ARC in exchange for honest review via Netgalley.

I love Rachel Van Dyken’s books and Dirty Exes was no different.

Dirty Exes is the first book in the Liars, Inc. series and follows the story of Blaire, Jessie and Colin. I really enjoyed that the story was told from the main characters point of view. At first I was having heart palpitations as I honestly kept guessing that this book was a love triangle kind of story. I mean, I always say that I hate love triangles but deep deep down in my heart I can’t seem to stay away from them and may even secretly love them.

Dirty Exes was funny at times and the situations that the characters found themselves in felt so real and relateable.
Blaire even though she was a little confusing at at times, I grew to like her. Jessie is still a mystery to me and I wanted him to man the hell up and just open up about everything.
Isla, Blaire’s best friend is my soul mate and I loved her character.

A very good read overall. I did feel that the story started off a little too slow for my liking but around 40% I couldn’t put the book down. Rachel will have you doubting everything and hoping for the best between the characters.

I look forward to the next book in this series.

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Dirty Exes was a light hearted romance that got down and dirty in all senses of the word! While I was expecting a more action based story, I was happy to find Blaire’s personal life was more entertaining than I initially imagined.

3 Don’t mess with the Exes Stars!

Links to my review will be posted on release day.

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This is not the first book I've read from Rachel and so far there isn't one I haven't liked.

I'm not gonna write spoilers but what I liked the most about the book is that you don't know the ending from the very beginning. I liked Blaire too, we got to know her and laugh with her.

I hope Rachel releases more books soon!

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I really loved the idea behind "Dirty Exes" :)
2 charming, chaotic and funny girls against dirtbag- cheaters *swingspompoms*

I am very fond of Dyken's person characterizations and the vivid 'grey scale' she uses (not these typical black-white-paintings you sometimes come across). Also i am a big fan of her "not doing the standard lovetriangle" - thing ^^ (like in "Fraternize", too).

Can't wait for Isla's story (but why do i have to wait sooooooo long -.-).

Was this review helpful? anyone who's ever been cheated on and imagined your own special kind of revenge....

This story, whew....this story was just everything.

There are a few characters that play a major part of this book, so to just narrow it down to two ("This is the story of ... and ...") would do this story injustice.

This is a story about trust, vulnerability, strength, preconceived notions and learning your self-worth. But before you think this is a downer of a story, think again! Rachel brings the funny, she brings the witty and she brings the smexy that we all know and love with her books!

I enjoyed how the story would take you by the hand and make you think "Oh this couple would be just lovely!" and then the story would say "Ah, ah, ah....think again my friend!" and pull you into a entirely different direction! Well done Rachel, well done! She takes you by the hand and leads you on a merry chase! Like I said above, I had some preconceived notions on who should be with who and this story brought my thinking around to a new and fresh idea! 

This story is original and that's a real testament to Rachel's writing.  Every time you open any of her books you get a original, fresh, smart, funny story!

I hope she comes out with more books about this cast of characters! I would love to see some more in depth with a few of them!

Thank you Rachel! I bow down to your greatness!!  

Get your hands on this book, you won't regret it!

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This is my first book by Rachel Van Dyken and I love it
The story line between Conlin and Blaire was hot . I didn't want to put the book down Loved the ending I will look forward to reading my books from Rachel Van Dyken

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THIS BOOK. For those of you who follow me and read my review of Co-Ed, I'm sure you were expecting this review to be somewhat the same. But you guys. THIS BOOK is what I expected when I heard Wingmen Inc (even though the only connection in this story is between Blaire and her brother Ian). This had all of the makings of a Rachel van Dyken book. It had humor, it had angst, but most importantly it had its moments of humanity. In fact some of my favorite moments were these characters dealing with that pesky detail of who defines what is right and wrong?

These characters had depth. They had a past and a present. A reason for acting (and reacting) the way that they did. And they did it all while showcasing the kind of real human emotion that makes a reader invested in the story. Would anyone find their happily ever after? How will everyone react when the truth comes to light?

This was a very satisfying story on all accounts, and I cannot wait to see what happens in the next book! Did the women of Dirty Exes Inc finally cross a line they can't come back from? I definitely think this will appeal to those who enjoy a good romantic comedy.

DISCLAIMER: I received a complimentary copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. This has not affected my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.

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This was an interesting love story. It was very comical; it had me laughing from the beginning to the end. Blaire is fantastic, and Collin is another thing entirely. Honestly, you could write a whole book just on Collin. I love RVD and her Matchmaker's series, but this was just WOW! 10/10 highly recommend!

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I was provided an E-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This book had me laughing out loud at some of the situations that Blaire found herself in, from crawling through sewers, tripping in heels, getting trapped in a pantry and the banter with Colin just made it that much better. I also appreciated the growth of Blaire throughout the story. She went a wrecked shell of woman thrilled to catch every cheater, to a woman who was willing to take a chance and the realization there are two sides to every story, not everything is black and white. I definitely recommend this book! #DirtyExes #NetGalley

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Wow that was really good and so much fun to read, I love how Rachel puts humor in her stories as they make them so much more, Rachel has written this with 3 POV'S which for me added even more to the story. Over all it's a great read with a lot of funny parts. I loved reading this.

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It was a nice book. I liked the plot and the pace, but I felt like it was missing something.
The Dirty Exes idea was hilarious, I laughed a lot with their shenanigans.
But, what I liked most was Colin, he´s perfect, I loved how he never hided his feelings or thoughts from Blaire, and chased her because she was what he want it.
I love who owns your own feelings and goes for it, without power games, or misunderstandings because you don´t say what you want it.

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Thank you to #netgalley #skyscapes and #rachelva for my advanced copy of #dirtyexes the first in the #liarsinc series.

Blaire got cheated on by her good for nothing husband so what does she do? She co-founds Dirty Exes a PI form that exposes cheating exes. Knowing all relationships can’t be bad Blaire reminisces on Jessie an NFL player, the one that got away. What’s a girl to do when she’s hired to spy on Jessie. She takes the job and finds herself between the one that got away and his best friend Colin who is willing to help Blaire get the info she needs....

This was a fun read. I feel Blaire cause I hate cheaters too. Remember that show cheaters?? Like that but the girl duo version. I enjoyed it! It was fun and had me laughing. I like light reads that have me with a smile from cover to cover. I can’t wait to read the next one!

Check out Dirty Exes on it’s June 5th release date!

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This story was sweet, sexy, funny and above all entertaining!!!  It was just what the librarian ordered. 

Blaire, completely loved her character spunky, strong and funny.  Isla was a great side lick for her just what she needed.  Left heart broken and shattered these two find the perfect friendship and begin to take on all the arseholes in the world.  Thier PI work is a little dirty at times, however, they always get thier man.

Jesse and Colin these two men were perfect.  I could totally be happy with either one in the end.  I thought I knew which way this was going then I was pleasantly surpised. 

I cannot count how many times I laughed throughout this book.  It really was just what I needed. 

If what you seek is a funny, sexy, make you siigghhh story, you need to read this one.

That epilogue never saw it coming and I loved it.  I had to read it twice to make sure I read it right. 

Another great story from Rachel.


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Luvd it

Dirty Exes is a spin off to the Wingmen Inc series. I had to read this book when I found out it was. I really enjoyed that series and this book was just had good. Blaine and get best friend Isla run Dirty Exes Private Investigators. Both women have been hurt by there last partners. She they put there energy into helping other woman and men find out if there partners were cheating. Blaine liked her jobs if it stop people feeling like she does after finding her ex husband cheat then she know she is doin something right. She doesnt trust easy anymore and doubt herself her confidence took a big hit. She had let a male get best her in a long time until her ex NFL boyfriend came back into her life. They may of only been with each a short amount of time but he was the one that got away. She alway wondered what life would be if he never got drafted to another team.

Jessie is a great guy he is dealing with a lot of crap in his relationship and is finding things really hard to deal with. But he promised to keep up the happy face to show things were good even though it was killing him inside. He thought things would never get better until he bumped into Blaine. She has alway been in his thought the one that got away. Like Blaine he also thought what life would be like if he stayed with her. Jessie knew he hurt and he could still some of that hurt in her face the day he met her. After seeing her again he started to feel like his life could get better but he couldn't start anything with Blaine while things were still crazy with Vanessa.

Colin has been best friends with Jessie for years. They knew everything about each other. He knew Jessie wasn't in a good place at the min but he was alway there for him. His own life was crazy he owned his own chain of hotels and bars and he luvd women. So let's just say his life was pretty good. He wasn't looking for a relationship he had been there done that and didn't come out great from it. So he was happy jumping from bed to bed. Until he met this gorgeous woman Blaine creeping around his bar. There was something about her that him feeling something that he hadn't felt in a long time. After talking for hours he knew he had to get Blaine's attention he just knew it wasn't goin to be easy.

Love triangles alway make me nervous. I always scared that heroine isn't goin to get with the guy that I luv. But I was so happy with the way this book end it was just brilliant I m really hoping that there is more to this series. Isla needs to find her HEA. I really enjoyed thus story it flowed well I did find that it slow in parts. I was just dying to know what was going to happened with Blaine. I would highly recommend the book. The men are super sexy the woman are gorgeous and sassy. I 've not read many books from this author but the books I have read have been so good. I looking forward to more of her work and hoping there is more to this series.

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Dirty Exes is the first book in the Liars, Inc. series by Rachel Van Dyken. What drew me towards this book was that it’s based on the sister of Ian from The Matchmaker’s Playbook, which I really enjoyed reading.

Blaire and Jessie dated years ago for a very short amount of time, however just enough for Blaire to fall head over heels for him. Everything was going perfect for her, she had met the perfect man and everything was right in her world…until Jessie decided to choose his job over her.

Years later, divorced from her cheating husband and running her own PI business that she co-founded with her best friend, she runs into Jessie–except it’s Jessie’s wife who has hired Blaire because she suspects Jessie is cheating. Blaire can’t believe after all this time, she’s going to be seeing Jessie again, but under such unfortunate circumstances. Along with seeing Jessie, she meets his best friend Colin as well…and things begin to get twisted.

This book was a lot of fun to read and there was such great chemistry between the characters. I thought I had the story line all figured out but then certain things began to change and the more I read, the more I realized it wasn’t going the way I thought it would.

To my surprise, I actually really like the way everything all worked out! I won’t go into detail because that would basically be giving everything away, but the twist was well worth all the going back and forth that kept happening.

If you’re looking for a light, fun read, I would say to give this one a shot 🙂

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I LOVED THIS BOOK! It was such an alluring and funny read. This story was such a breathe of fresh air. So thankful I was given an ARC of it!

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Dirty Exes was kind of ridiculous and quite unrealistic, but it was a lot of fun. I was hooked from the moment I found out Colin had a POV. I didn't care for Jessie's POV and Blaire wasn't the strongest protagonist, so Colin was the star character for me. He was well developed and he also brought out the best in Blaire. The Dirty Exes business was unique and funny, so there was a good amount of shenanigans amidst the romance. The book was paced really well and I easily read this in one sitting. I really wanted to know what happened between the three characters and the ending was satisfying enough. I'm not too pleased with the epilogue, but I hope that will get addressed in the final draft.

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3.5 stars! I really enjoyed this book. Blaire and her friend Isla start a PI company busting cheating spouses. The book starts off hilariously detailing an evening out catching their client's spouses in the act. Rachel Van Dyken's humor quickly draws you in and the funny moments continue throughout the story. The main character Blaire lands a major celebrity client whom, unbeknownst to Blaire, is married to Blaire's ex, Jessie. Jessie was "the one who got away" and as a reader it was interesting to follow Blaire's journey of learning different sides of Jessie through her PI lense. I loved Colin and his evolution through the book. I wish there was more about Isla but I have a feeling there will be a book for her at some point. I felt the end was a little rushed. The main conflict happened and then it was neatly tied up quickly. I also felt the epilogue was sweet but a little predictable. There were also some loose ends that I wasn't sure about. At one point Blaire mentioned being upset about a baby with her ex and her best friend but then the kid wasn't mentioned again. Maybe I misread or misunderstood but I kept waiting for that storyline to appear in the book. This was a great, quick, and entertaining read that had unexpected twists. I really enjoyed It!

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**I received a copy of this e-book free of charge in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley.***

Dirty Exes, by Rachel Van Dyken, is book 1 in the Liars, Inc. series. Blaire fell for Jessie hard and fast, only to be left behind when the NFL star was traded. Thinking she was protecting her heart, she fell for someone safe, only to have her heart broken a second time on several different levels. A chance meeting at a bar brought her and Isla together. They bonded over their shared pain and turned it into a career, starting a private investigation firm specializing in catching cheaters. Unexpectedly, Jessie is back front and center in her life when his wife hires the firm to catch him cheating. Jessie wants to reconnect with Blaire, but Blaire’s torn between the job she’s supposed to do and what could have been. And then there’s his distractingly charming best friend who’s perfectly content manipulating Blaire’s need for intel on Jessie to get what he wants. Blaire has to decide what she wants most, and which guy she wants it from.

Blaire seemed so sad when the book opened, trying to be content with her present and refusing to dwell on the past because it made her feel as though she wasn’t good enough. Crossing paths with Jessie reawakened her and all the what-ifs, and she comes to realize that she still wants love, even if she’s scared of being hurt again. I liked Blaire, but I didn’t love her. I wish she hadn’t been written as a klutz. A little of that goes a long, long, long way for me. I know it was done to add some humour to the plot, but it made me see her as a bit of a ditz instead of a strong, intelligent woman. She was also kind of flip floppy. I understood her struggle between her attraction to Jessie—and everything she thought he represented—and the job she had to do, but it always felt a little bit skeevy to try to entrap him when she had actual feelings for him. I admit I was pulling for Colin almost immediately. He was alarmingly charming, and that’s saying something because there were times he and Jessie were so full of themselves that I could barely stomach it. I liked that he played it straight with Blaire for the most part. I wish we’d gotten to know Isla a little bit better. For being Blaire’s business partner, she was much more on the sidelines than I expected. I hated Vanessa, though you’re supposed to, right? I hated everything she represented. Though her background and connection to Jessie and Colin were explained, it wasn’t done so in a satisfactory way that gave me any sort of compassion or empathy towards her. Surprisingly, I don’t feel like I got to know Jessie that well either. There was so much subterfuge surrounding him that I’m still not sure whether he’s a good guy or if he simply puts on a good game face. In other words, he has yet to prove himself in my books.

Overall this was a fast, fun read. There is some good character growth, laughs and some real genuine connection. I think the klutz trope was taken a bit too far, and some moral and emotional lines were crossed that could have been handled better by the characters. I am planning to read the second book in the series, which comes out in the fall.

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