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Dirty Exes

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I was surprised that this was about Ian Hunter's sister. Remember him from A Matchmaker's Playbook book? He mentioned that his sister was the reason he started Wingman Inc.

I really enjoyed the story and that it really didn't go as I suspected it would. I do think it was better and exactly how I wanted it to end. This wasn't overly angsty but it was sizzling with chemistry and full of swoon. I loved these two together and I couldn't imagine it going any other way.

I never expected this story but I'm so glad she wrote this book. I loved meeting these characters and I can't wait for the next book.

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Dirty Exes is filled with hotness and giggle moments. I love a good romcom and this one is one of them. Blair is co owner of Dirty Exes and she makes you laugh out loud with her spy girl ways. You feel for her when you find out why the dirty exes business and the ex in her life. Colin is hilarious. I love the chemistry between him and Blair so much more then with Jessie and Blair. He may be Jessie's best friend and Blair may be off limits but you can't deny the pull between Colin Blair. Add in Blair's partner and best friend Isla and you can't help but love Dirty Exes. I can't wait to see where Rachel Van Dyken takes this series if this is only the first book. A perfect read on a rainy day.

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What a riot! This book was the perfect blend of humour and drama. I loved all of the characters, and I don’t want to give away too much of the story, so I’ll just say that it kept me hooked and I didn’t have a clear idea of who I wanted for Blair until halfway through the book because both Jesse and Colin are dreamy in their own ways. Can’t wait for more of this series!

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I loved this book from the first chapter! This is Rachel Van Dyken at her best! Loved the storyline, it hooked me from the start. Colin and Blaire were an amazing couple. I loved how they played off of each other. I would buy this book in real book for form for my library! Highly recommend reading this one!

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Dirty exes had me conflicted. I didn't know who to root for. I love that the characters were human and made mistakes. I loved that the story kept me guessing. I loved it.

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This was such an enjoyable book from RVD. Colin and Blaire were a fun couple. Their banter was spot on. Neither could outdo the other.

Isla and Blaire loves their job and they did their best to being those down. They’d do anything to get the end result they needed too.

Jessie you fall in love with. I found myself hoping he wasn’t a cheater. And as the book develops I hope he ends up getting his happy ever after!

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I really liked this book. I have a long review for it and I can't wait to post closer to release date! So so many feels! Ugh I can't wait. You will love and hate these characters. Thanks to netgalley for opportunity.

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***ARC received in exchange of an honest opinion***

I confess that until now I’ve only loved/really liked 2 of the Rachel Van Dyken’s books I’ve read.

But Dirty Exes surpassed my expectations! I was so into the story!

The sense of humor was very natural and the story progressed very organically. The characters were relatable and it was easy to connect with them.

The plotline waa good too and Rachel had some surprises in store for us. Initally the reader will think the story will follow a certain path, but Rachel changes things up and the result is a story that is not predictable and it’s very refreshing!

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Rachel Van Dyken has yet to disappoint! Colin and Jessie have hot chemistry and sexy banter as they are pulled into each other's orbit. Can't wait for the next book in the Dirty Exes Series.

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This is by far my favorite Rachel Van Dyken book!!!! god I loved Colin and Blaire they were perfect for each other!!! I could have live without Jesie's chapters honestly because I wanted to strangle him since he appeared, but otherwise the perfect book!!!

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Dirty Exes was an engaging and intersting read. Blaire and Isla are women scorned who go on to run a PI business where they catch cheating spouses in the act. The concept of the book was interesting, though not entirely original. Things get complicated with the business when Blaire's ex, Jessie ends up on her radar in both a personal and professional capacity. Things get even more complicated when you enter in Jessie's best friend Colin, who has eyes for Blaire from the start.

The book was intriguing in that it wasn't really clear which direction all the drama would go in; Who was into who, who was cheating, and who would ultimately end up with each other. I read this book in one sitting and found it to be an easy read. I really enjoyed Colin's character from the start and enjoyed reading his interactions with Blaire the most. Overall an enjoyable read!

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I was excited about the concept, but unfortunately I couldn't connect with the storyline or characters.

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I’ve got to say, I loved the synopsis for this book, it sounded great, that, and the fact that I love everything Rachel Van Dyken made the choice to read this book a no brainier. That said, it did take me a few chapters to get into the story and the characters, it took me a while to warm up to the vengeful ‘ex’ scenario (maybe it was the Facebook live which I found a little bit cruel). Once Jessie came into the picture however, things really started to take pace for me, add in Colin and I was in book boyfriend heaven. I’ve got to say though, I was rooting for the wrong guy early on, I loved the slight curveball in the story there Ms Dyken. Fantastic characters, lots of humour, and of course lots of sexy time. Told in multiple POV, which totally worked, making the story even more intriguing. Even though I didn’t always agree with the way Blaire went about business, and how she extracted information, I could totally relate to her. I loved it, I can’t wait to see what book 2 brings to the table. I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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I have loved most of Rachel Van Dyken's books, but I will admit that some of them didn't work for me. However, I was excited for Dirty Exes, especially with its ties to the Matchmaker Playbook series.

I had wondered about Ian's sister (after reading Matchmaker Playbook) and had hoped she would get her happily ever after- so I was excited to read this book and see that she was finally getting that

This is a great light, sexy book that flowed good and I enjoyed it!

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Dirty Exes follows Blaire, Ian's sister from The Matchmaker's Playbook, as she makes it her life goal to expose the cheaters out there. Her PI firm dedicates itself to only one type of case, cheaters, and she'll do just about anything to catch them in the act. But her new assignment brings her face to face with Jessie, her ex who left her to chase his dream. It's not going to be easy to treat him like just another job, but luckily his best friend, Colin is more than willing to help her spy. One impossible job, two men she's attracted to, and someone is about to get exposed.

I absolutely adored this book. It had me cracking up at some of the situations Blaire found herself in and I just loved how fun it was. The book never lost that lightness it had and it kept a smile on my face the entire time I was reading.

For me, it wasn't really a surprise how the ending turned out but there were moments that had me second guessing myself. It was captivating and my need to know for sure how things would end up had me on the edge of my seat. And I was ridiculously happy with the ending, but that wasn't much of a shock since this is an RVD and she never disappoints.

If you're looking for a fun, cute book then this is the one you want. I can't wait to see what else will happen in this series, though I have some very strong suspicions about that.

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Rachel Van Dyken did a great job of keeping me interested throughout this book. It had quite a few twists and turns that kept it quite entertaining. There were quite a few funny moments and I found myself quite satisfied with the whole book.

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First up I was really excited about this book, but I am noping out on 25%. I just feel that the whole business from Blaire and her friend is just nothing if she can't be professional about it. I mean really, your ex is the one you need to stalk/spy on/get evidence on, and instead of backing out as you SHOULD, you go for it. I would have rather seen her back out and just pick up another case.

Then there is the whole Colin > Blaire >< Jessie. I am SO NOT IN THE MOOD for a love triangle.

Plus I really can't handle a guy who is married, I don't give a damned fig that it is a sham, a fake one. You ARE STILL MARRIED. YOU DON"T CHEAT. You don't flirt with other girls. You don't. Sorry, but this just pisses me off. Oh, I find Blaire, my love .*immediately goes to flirt and doesn't care about his wife*. :|

So yeah, fun idea, and I was quite curious, but I am not happy.

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This is the first book on the new series by RVD.
As the blurb explains this is about catching cheaters.
Jessie, Blaire and Collin are the three POV in this story.
Jessie and Blaire has a relationship before he left her behind to pursue his career, Collin is Jessie's friend who is very interested in Blaire.
This book is very funny and I really laughed through lots of it.
I did find Jessie a bit annoying, I wanted them to have a showdown about the original breakup and the effect his moving on had inherited but that never really happened. He was also such a smuck with his wife/ex-wife I found him annoying but I this book is his journey into realising that about himself.
Ilsa was a secondary characters, business partner to Blaire and she was really funny.

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Good story! I receive a ARC from Netgalley for a honest review.
I love Mrs. Van Dyken writing and this one is not an exeption. I'm not fan of the love triangles but understand why Blaire make the choices she make. I'm team Jessie, Colin is too inmatured, like a college boy at 29. I enjoy reading this story and recommended it.
Waiting for the next chapter. WINTER IS COMING...., Hilarious!

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Blaire has compared all men in her life, including her now ex-husband to her first love, Jessie Beckett. Jessie left Blaire behind to pursue his NFL career and she has never really gotten over that. Jessie, for his part, is stunned to see Blaire again and also finds himself playing the "what if" game. Blaire is part of a company that are PI's who expose cheating spouses, etc. and plays their final confrontations on Facebook Live so that the cheater lives with the fallout of having been caught.

Jessie's life isn't all that it is cracked up to be. From the outside it looks perfect, but it is all a rouse that is put on by his wife. He is separated from his wife and it takes a while to find out why they are on out outs.

Jessie's wife contracts Dirty Exes saying she wants to catch Jessie cheating. Blaire is torn between wanting Jessie to live up to her unrealistic expectations of him being as perfect as he was in her fantasies all of these years, and doing her job. Jessie seems to be torn about his guilt in texting her. His wife was so interested in public appearances that she came across as shallow and self-absorbed throughout this book.

An unexpected wrench was thrown into Blaire's plans when Jessie's best friend, Colin, throws himself into her path and doesn't take no for an answer. He was quite the character and I loved how he brought Blaire out of her shell. He was an unexpected breath of fresh air and I loved how the story played out.

Rachel Van Dyken did a great job of keeping me interested throughout this book. It had quite a few twists and turns that kept it quite entertaining. There were quite a few funny moments and I found myself quite satisfied with the whole book. If you have liked her other works, this one was just as good. I liked the start to this series and can't wait to read the next installment.

I received an ARC from NetGalley for my honest review.

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