Cover Image: Beware the Monster

Beware the Monster

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There's a very scary monster inside the book, eating everything in sight. You better hide before he notices you and tries to eat you, too! This book is very colorful, with fun illustrations and lots of hidden funny details to notice (my favorite part is the cows, and you'll know what I mean when you read the book yourself!). It reminds of me of The Monster at the End of this Book and similar tales. It is perfect for a "Hallowread" list and children who need interaction and laughter to get interested in reading.

NOTE: I received an ARC copy of this book on NetGalley. I received no incentive to read or review this book other than said copy of work. The review below contains my own thoughts and opinions. Special thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the free copy.

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This book will make the kids laugh. Interactive books are very popular right now. This is has interactive components but without overdoing it.

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BEWARE THE MONSTER is one of the funniest books I have ever read and is sure to delight kids as much as me. Utterly charming illustrations add to the fun, as does the comic text about a monster that eats more and more until he cannot eat any more!

Grateful to Annick Press Ltd. and NetGalley for the ARC; opinions are mine alone.


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Cute interactive picture book. Kids that like "There's a Monster at The End of the Book" will like this book..

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Gosh I adore interactive silly books like this! My kids just squealed with delight every time the monster threatened to get them. It is a simple book but the illustrations give the character depth and allow for different interpretations for a bit of fun before bedtime..

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I'm fond of interactive picture books. THis is more of a one on one read than a group setting. Its a good way to get a little one to engage with a book, tying the text with the frankly quite appealing illustrations.

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Oh, the preschool crowd is going to love this! It's an interactive picture book about this monster who wakes up in the forest and he's starving! First he eats the apples, then the leaves, then the trees, then the animals and, uh-oh, he's looking at you, reader! Very funny and engaging.

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Beware the Monster! will be an instant favorite! A very hungry monster starts eating everything in sight: apples, leaves, trees, and where did those cows go? The reader is warned to hide, but the monster sees you and the monster walks closer and closer to you on the page with a hungry look in his eyes. How can you, the reader, stay safe from this hungry monster?

On his first read, my toddler was a little nervous about this hungry monster, especially when the monster started coming after him, but the ending got a BIG belly laugh. He's now requested to read eight more times today. Kids will love it!

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A cute story. Love the funny looking monster. Short enough that younger children would love it. Plus the bright colors make it very appealing.

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This fun book will delight little ones as they discover a not-too-scary monster who loves to devour everything in sight. He gobbles up apples, leaves, trees, and even the poor cows that are innocently standing by... oh my!!! What a ravenous appetite he has!!!

After his tummy is full from all his binging he turns his attention to the reader and decides there may still be room in his tummy for dessert... you!!! His most favourite delicacy of all is a yummy, scrumptious, to-die-for kid!!! Will he carry through with his plan and gulp you down too? Should you run?

The fun book will not have your child scared in the least but will have him giggling and entertained to the max. The author has created an ongoing dialogue with the reader using such lines as, "I think you'd better hide" and "Here he comes! Close the book!" engaging your child on every page.

The illustrations are full of detail, action, excitement and playfulness. Young kids will love it for sure. I highly recommend this book.

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One day in the apple grove a hungry monster napped. The narrator warns that you had better get away because the creature has a voracious appetite and he hasn’t noticed you yet. The terrible beast eats his way through the entire book before he spots you and hilarious consequences ensue. Piu creates laugh out loud facial expressions on the menacing monster as he gets closer and closer to the reader. He looks determined, curious, calculating, and then terrifying. The use of white space makes the monster appear far away and as he approaches his bright colors fill the pages. “Beware the Monster” is in the same vein as popular interactive children’s book such as: “Press Here” by Herve Tullet and “Do Not Open This Book” by Michaela Muntean. It is a fun read.--Recommended.

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From the funny illustrations to the monster who is equal parts scary and sleepy, this children's book is sure to make you and your little ones laugh.

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Younger readers or story listeners will enjoy this visual story. The pictures are colorful and the story is cute. This fun book will catch the imagination of the young ones without worry of being eaten.

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Beware the Monster by Michaël Escoffier
Illustrations by: Amandine Piu
Publisher: Annick Press Ltd.
ISBN: 9781773210223
Publish Date: April 10,2018

Thanks to NetGalley and publisher Annick Press Ltd. for the ebook ARC of Beware the Monster by Michaël Escoffier and illustrated by Amandine Piu.

Who will be the monster’s next victim? Can a monster ever eat too much? Apples, leaves, trees and even cows don’t stand a chance as he goes through the woods satisfying his enormous appetite.

I give this book a rating of 3 stars. I thought the book was cute, suspenseful and very colourful illustrations. I read it to my youngest daughter, who is 4 years old and she didn’t like the book. She said it was scary. So if its being meant for younger kids, I don’t really recommend it.

#BewareTheMonster #NetGalley

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The illustrations in this book were great and the overall idea of the story was fun and engaging. However, the story felt like it was over before it had even gotten started. Very little substance to the book, so I can't imagine paying full-price for this.

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This book was really funny! I can't wait to find a hard copy of the book! I'm betting the illustrations are wonderful larger and in color! Still, the story was hilarious! Little kids are going to squeal!

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"Beware the Monster!" is a cute picture book that will have young readers intrigued to discover there is a Monster within the pages of the book. The author warns readers not to wake him up, but that is no easy feat! The Monster wakes and has a snack, wiping the pages clean of illustrations. As the Monster works his way closer to the readers, the author warns to close the book. If readers are curious and continue the story they will be discovered by the Monster! The illustrations are bright and fun, but the Monster is a tad bit on the scary side, especially the full page views of the Monster. The premise of the story is cute and the writing style is sure to have young readers engaged throughout the story.
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this story before publication!

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I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Watch out! The monster is coming-and be is hungry! I love reading interactive books like this one in my storytimes. The kids love playing along and it is a great way to make story time a bit more engaging. The illustrations in Beware , the Monster are bright and colorful, but the Monster is a bit intense for little ones. It has a happy ending, but the cows being eaten might be going a bit far for it's target audience.

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If you're the type of parent who loves to threaten to "gobble up" your young ones, then this is the book for you! Monster slowly gobbles up everything in the book before turning his attention to the reader! Funny illustrations will keep children engaged.

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An enjoyable monster book with eye-catching illustrations.

I really enjoyed the illustrations as did my daughter. She is the sort that likes Captain Underpants and any books which joke about gross bodily functions. This book opens on a nice forest scene with cows and apple trees and then you purportedly wake up the monster because you weren't quiet enough. A couple pages in, all the apples disappear and then all the trees disappear and so on until there is nothing left but you and the monster. However, the monster is quite full so when he attempts to eat you he makes himself sick and vomits up all the other stuff. This is handled well, it's not all gross and slimy. The trees and little animals are all back on the page, just in the wrong places.

Please note, this was originally published in France and then later translated to the English version. Whenever you come across a beautiful picture book with somewhat strange text, you can pretty much bet that it is a translated book. The text isn't bad, but, if you read a lot of picture books you can tell that it is a translated book. Unfortunately that may hold some back from enjoying this as much as I'm sure it is enjoyed in the original language.

I thought the book was a lot of fun and I don't think my daughter would have ever been frightened of it, but, she did enjoy monster books from a very young age. I really, really liked the illustrations. They are just charming; I adore the little cows, particularly on the page where they are all that is left and the little fellows range in emotion from apathetic to terrified.

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